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Fandom Of Monsters and Hunters (IC THREAD)

Path of Courage

Raylyn rolled her eyes at Theryx’s comment towards her. Men really were clueless.
Still, she silently watched the meeting with Pyre. Sure, she wasn’t really included all of this, she didn’t count, she wasn’t even a hunter but…
Theryx’s speech was equally shit. Even she could see that.
Sure, he had a point but he didn’t even pretend to care. She knew better, of course. The whole “caring” thing was fake, a comfortable lie that everyone took because it made them feel better.
She guessed that maybe she shouldn’t be as harsh as she was. She was doing it too, after all.
Well…she also should figure out how to get a read on the newbies.
In the canteen she drew Theryx another withering glare before she slinked over to Asha and Tiziani.
She greeted, voice falsely warm and friendly,
"You’re the newbies, right?"

She placed down a plate and pulled up a seat that she sat down in backwards, her palamute coming to sit beside her.
"’m Raylyn."

Asha, now more interested in her food than she was in bickering and complaining, regarded the girl with a glance as she sat down with her and Tizi. Passively, she wondered if she either just looked young and was a part of their unit, or if she was just sort of unofficially here.

Actively however, she wondered why she had come over to sit amongst the two rookies at the canteen.

Newbie - she couldn't wait to lose that title. Preferably soon.

"Yup. That's us."

She confirmed, noting the palamute companion that also came to join them.

"Asha, and that's Tizi. I think. We haven't really spoken much ourselves. Probably need to get around to that. Good a time as any I suppose?"
Tiziani glanced over at Asha, who had come to sit by next to her. She simply nodded, idly messing with her cutlery on a half-empty plate as her fellow rookie frustratedly complained to her about Theryx's behavior. Which surprisingly seemed to pick up her spirits, remembering that.. really only he seemed to feel that way and he was an outlier for it. At least she hoped he was the only one who felt that way.

"He was... a little bit off the wall there. I've heard better speeches be given to youths after getting scolded and forced to clean Popo dung for an entire day." She replied, finally continuing to dig into her food. Skewering some meat on her two-pronged fork, while having some cheese clumsily wrap itself around the meat until she felt it was good enough to be eaten. At least the canteen food was good, delightfully good, even.

Though the arrival of a new person next to them caught her attention. It was the young one she saw earlier! The one that was staring at Theryx.. last she remembered at least.. Maybe they're related? That would explain why she's here.

She'd give a nod to her name, noting the nickname already assigned to her. It wasn't particularly unusual for people to assign her that nickname, and thankfully she thought it was a cute nickname. "Right, It's nice to meet you Raylyn." She greeted, figuring now a good a time as any to break the question. "You don't happen to be related to Theryx are you? It's just a bit strange to be seeing someone so young out here.. Unless there's others that I missed."
Path of Courage

Raylyn’s lips quirked up into something of a smile, though the warmth didn’t quite reach her dusty pink eyes.
"Honestly I’d glad not to be the freshest face around here,"
she admitted with a sigh, looking down to idly scratch between Pyre’s ears, making the canyne’s tongue loll out of his mouth.
At the question, her hand paused in the middle of mussing with Pyre’s face.
Tiziani thought that Theryx was…
It caught her off guard.
The head hunter was…fine. He had grown on her slightly….like a mold if anything.
Raylyn still didn’t trust him.
And she never would, not really.
Instead, Raylyn feigned a loud, wet retch.
"Oh Gog no,"
she waved a free hand and laughed, keeping the other on Pyre’s head.
"No, I’m pretty much one of the youngest people here. But no, I’m nobody here’s kid. I chose to see the world with my big guy here."

Raylyn gave Pyre a hearty clap on the shoulders with something of another laugh bubbling from her lips.

Asha felt much the same about Theryx as Raylyn did, so at least they had that common ground. It was also just plain interesting to her, the girl had just decided to join up with a bunch of hunters and researchers, tagging along on their little expedition..frankly it made her wish she had joined at a younger age. She probably could have gotten a lot done in those years leading up to her becoming a hunter, but there were...other difficulties with that process that prevented her from doing so.

Also, Pyre was adorable.

"World seeing is definitely something I could get behind."
The Beauty of Nature

Theryx winced at Asha's verbal dig at his scars. If only she knew what had really caused them. Or rather, the worse looking one across his nose.

It wasn't pride or lack thereof that caused his scars. It was because he had tried and failed to fight something out of his league. He knew it at the time too.

But when there's no time to call for more skilled hunters because the threat was on your doorstep, and you lived in a tiny village out in the middle of nowhere, you didn't exactly get a choice. It was do or die, and even though he had tried so, so hard, he was simply not skilled enough at the time to take on a Kushala. And everyone paid for that mistake. They all were killed.

Except Theryx.

He didn't know why he was spared, in the grand scheme of things, but he wished he hadn't been.

He noted Raylyn approach, sending him another glare his way. He tensed for a moment, prepared to quickly dump his drink into the dirt behind him to hide the alcohol from her. But it wasn't needed. Ray didn't try to sit with him. She was sitting with the rookies.

Well, she did need some friends, aside from himself, the blacksmith, and his handler. But he could tell they were talking about him, even without trying to listen in.

Great. Fantastic. He didn't care. It was better this way, keep everyone away so no one would get hurt. He didn't deserve to be close with anybody, not when he had failed five years ago and cost him everything. He didn't deserve happiness.

Theryx returned to staring down into his drink. He kind of wished it was stronger.

Tiziani suppressed the urge to laugh loudly, instead only letting a giggle come through at Raylyn's response to her question. It was nice finally letting a smile peek through after the stress she'd been going through. Raylyn also seemed rather nice, and with a cute little companion too.

She'd poke at her food some more, listening to the two talk about traveling the world. Something she hadn't thought of for too long, but already came to an answer.

"I never really thought about it too much. I think it'd be a fun time! Feel like I'd eventually get homesick though, you know? Or just get a little sick of always being on the move, never fully sticking to one place and growing familiar with it."

She recalled her time spent back in Pokke Village. While she wasn't very experienced with fighting the monsters much at all, she became very familiar with the different locations surrounding the village. She felt like she knew all the secrets the environments held for her. It was a comforting experience.




Base Camp (Canteen)


DovahBeat DovahBeat (Theryx)

References Raylyn, Tizi, and Asha

Doe listened intently as each leader gave their speech. He frowned as Theryx began his, blatantly disregarding the motivational atmosphere that they tried to create. Doe's lips tightened into a fine line as he watched Theryx storm off. His attention returned to Olivia as she tried to dismiss the discomfort with the announcement of the welcoming party, as everyone filed out of the tent, he shot her an apologetic look, as if he was somehow the one responsible for Theryx's outburst. Doe lingered behind the group, watching as everyone found their place to mingle among the crowd. He stood off to the sidelines, unsure where to fit himself in, not really wanting to fit himself in, if he was honest. His eye kept wandering back to Theryx, the tenderfoot who had been speaking to him stormed off, clearly irritated, he couldn't blame her either.
Perhaps he should say something as well.
Doe made his way over to the canteen, sliding into a seat at the bar next to him. He raised a hand to wave down Tom.
"One Scarlet Star for me please, dear, and a Fortune Highball for him." He said, sliding some zenny over the counter for the palico. Once the drinks were done, he slid one of them to Theryx. The wyverian took a sip from his cocktail and sighed before finally speaking.
"That was a bit harsh, don't you think?" He stated. Doe didn't make eye contact, instead choosing to stare off in the distance. He watched as the tenderfoots conversed with Raylyn. It was nice to see her making friends, she wasn't the most... social person (not that he could blame her, he wasnt the most social either). She needed to find her people.

© reveriee
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Silvia listened to the welcome speech with boredom as she had hers similar speeches before but she knew she need to listen in case there was vital information that she was not aware of in the new lands. She glanced around at the other hunters there before back to the person in charge.

Once his speech came to an end he dismissed them to the canteen she took a glance at the other hunter as well as researchers before ordering her self some food from the palicoe cooks. She watched the palicoes move with ease as the prepared the meals.

Once her plate was handed to her, she walking over to an empty table and taking a seat. She felt a bit awkward at the moment so she thought it best to be observe the rest of squad while she ate.
The Beauty of Nature

Theryx glanced at Doe surprised by him ordering drinks for the both of them. It wasn't unusual for them to sit and drink together, in amicable silence most of the time. But it wasn't that often that Doe ordered drinks for him.

He threw back his glass and finished off his first drink, accepting Doe's offered as his second. He didn't usually go for whiskey, not when he was feeling the way he was now. He usually preferred tequila del locos, with it being stronger than most whiskies. But Theryx wasn't about to complain about a free drink, and whiskey was already pretty strong anyways.

Theryx was sipping his Fortune Highball, savoring the rich, caramel taste with hints of fruitiness, when Doe spoke up again.

There's the catch. Nothing was ever as simple as it seemed.

Theryx huffed, setting the drink down on the bar top.

"Look, I appreciate you buying me a drink n' all, but that won't make me regret saying what I said. They needed to hear that. Being a Hunter isn't all fun n' games and you of all people know that. Better to make them realize that now, might save their lives."

He refused to mention how this might also be self sabotage to some extent, another way to punish himself.

"You were there when Arkveld... had to be put down. There's gonna be more instances like that, there always will be, and if those rookies can't handle doing the right thing when it feels wrong, they won't be able to survive. If they can't handle the responsibilities of a Hunter, they won't. It's not about who can kill the most or take on the toughest monster, it's about keeping people safe and protecting the balance of our ecosystem."

With his rant over, for the moment, Theryx went back to his drink. He glanced over to the rookies and Raylyn. He hoped, despite his unmotivational speech, that they were having a good time. He... didn't exactly mean to take all the wind from the girls' sails

Path of Courage

Raylyn paused to chew her food thoughtfully. Take a polite amount of time to think through her words.
This wasn’t where she thought she’d end up either honestly. But anywhere was better than staying there.
"Sure, it was a little lonely at first. It’s hard to be a girl on your own."

More than that, so much more than that. Being a girl on her own meant she was prey. At least Pyre had been there to keep her safe.
She paused again, this time to pick up a bit of meat from off her plate and toss it to Pyre. Despite the barely awake look on his face, his eyes grew focused the minute she held the meat out and his jaws snapped open to try catching the treat she offered him.
"But sticking around in my village just wasn’t an option, I was going mad being stuck there."

She laughed like she wasn’t talking about hell on earth.
Like something in her, something pure, hadn’t died there.
Raylyn drank a sip of her drink, an earthy tea that reminded her of home and pretended not to wince at the thought.
"What about you two though? I mean, this isn’t exactly the place I’d think people would be lining up to come to."

Asha quite literally lined up to come here. It was all she wanted, the perfect opportunity to see and do great things, just as she always wanted. So far, she had only seen sad people giving bad speeches and subpar conversation with strangers.

At least Tiziani's concerns made a bit of sense, homesickness was a slight worry of hers as well and from what she had seen, moving around constantly would cause some stress as well, especially if she never figured out how to properly set up a tent.

"I wanted to come here."

Asha informed Raylyn, shrugging.

"Where else am I supposed to do great things? Certainly not back home for me. The worst we get back home is a handful of ornery bullfango. Kind of hard to be a hero when that's your opposition."

She didn't understand why everyone she met seemed so dejected about being where they were. Did nobody else carry her same sense of purpose? What about a brand new world teeming with life and opportunity didn't excite them like it did her?

"I'm looking forward to working with everyone. Even the grumpy gajau of a boss we have."
Tiziani ran a hand along the back of her neck as the question was brought up to her and Asha. To be fully honest, she didn't want to come here. At least, not initially. But saying that might come across as odd. Besides she's quite.. content with her circumstances, at least in this very moment sharing food with people who she's going to be working with for the foreseeable future.

"Well.. I was encouraged to by a mentor I had back at home." She explained, lightly dancing around the specifications of that situation. "My village always had its fair share of Bird Wyverns and other beasts. Even a few Carapaceons further south by the beaches." She grimaced remembering some of her experiences dealing with those damn crabs.. none of them ended great for her.

"I... am excited to be a part of this though!" She added, placing her cutlery down on her plate before leaning closer towards the two. "I've never been a part of a large team, but knowing everyone here has each others backs makes me feel comforted." As she continued rambling, she could feel herself getting swept up in her own words, seemingly 180ing from how she was acting right after Theryx's speech in the tent.




Base Camp (Canteen)


DovahBeat DovahBeat (Theryx)

References Raylyn, Tizi, and Asha

"I didn't say that you shouldn't have said it." He replied, Doe took another sip from his glass. Despite what the rest of the units might think, Theryx was well within his right to say what he said. It wasn't wrong. This job ISN'T fun and games, there is no glory or honor to be found here. This job isn't about fame and power. Its not the fairytale story that the village people feed their children about the powerful shining knights slaying an evil dragon. Its about protecting the ecosystem, about keeping the place safe for both monsters and the people who are forced to co-exist with them. Its about fighting on the front lines in a war between two hungry animals, both of which are simply just trying to survive in the world.
Doe didnt once turn to look at Theryx, rather he continued to watch the girls talking in the distance. The blood spilled was hidden by their rose tinted glasses. If they didnt realize that soon, it wouldn't be long before the blood being spilt was their own, not the monster's.
"I think it was good you said it--the quiet part of this job needs to be heard--I just believe you could have said a bit differently."
Its never easy to hear the truth, especially when its about something you care deeply about. It was easy to get so defensive about something so true and dear to your heart. Though, the ego is easy to damage, and hard to repair, attacking people's passion so directly was a good way to ruin trust and cause infighting.
"Its one thing to warn them about the reality of this job, its another to try and crush their spirits."

© reveriee
Hit Me with Your Worst (Instrumental) - LeGrand

Theryx sighed, knowing Doe was right. He didn't mean to crush any spirits, just. Really emphasize his point.

"... You know why i said it the way I did."
He admitted, pulling his eyes away from the girls chatting to his drink.
"I'm not... good at this being nice to myself thing."

He paused again, taking another sip of the whiskey/soda mixture. He should... probably order something to eat, before he gets shitfaced drunk.

"Hey, Tom. Is stew on the menu tonight? Or just the chef's choice feast?"

"Sorry, Mewster Montaero, just the feast. I can have a plate out for you in just a few seconds, though!"

Theryx sighed and nodded, damn. It was gonna be hard eating tonight. His crooked jaw made most solid foods difficult to chew on, which is why he usually requested a stew instead. Liquids, while he sometimes couldn't get his jaw to align enough not to spill, were a lot easier to eat, and had the added bonus of softening whatever solids were in the stew.

Looked like he was not lucky tonight. Painful jaw ache for the night it is.

Path of Courage

Raylyn blinked a little, these two actually wanted to be here? Here? Out of everywhere they could have gone?
Still...it was strange to think about, even stranger for her to imagine a mentor that willingly sent Tizi along elsewhere. That he hadn't gotten his claws into her and refused to let go. Unless there was some...other reason?
She didn't know.
Realizing that she had yet to respond, Raylyn gave a thoughtful sounding hum, like she had been considering what she had been told, picking it apart carefully in her mind.
"I didn't think anyone came here 'cause they chose to. I mean, you've both seen how the higher ups are."

She waved a hand around ineffectually, like it demonstrated something important. Really though, she didn't think it went without saying how shit the higher ups were. They didn't care what happened, they just faked it like everyone else.
"But hey, I don't mind being wrong if it means I'm not completely surrounded by men."

It was safety in a way, safety in numbers. She could use that to her advantage.
She laughed as if it was a joke.





Base Camp (Canteen)


DovahBeat DovahBeat (Theryx)

References Raylyn, Tizi, and Asha

Doe finally turned to look at Theryx, the look in his eyes was soft and sad. He knew that. He had a feeling it had something to do with that, at least a little bit. But no matter Theryx's opinion was of himself, poisoning the well was not a good option in the wrong run. "I don't think its too late to try and fix things, perhaps you could go apologize?" He said, gesturing back to the girls. Even if they were still upset, an attempt to release the tension would surely help. It doesn't hurt to try.
"Mewster Doe, would you like a serving as well?" Tom asked, Doe looked over at the furry chef, he couldn't help but grimace at the offer. He was hungry, so so hungry, his mouth watered from the smell of Theryx's plate. His stomach growled and cramped in anticipation of such a big, delicious filling meal. Even so, even with his stomach feeling so empty and hollow, the idea made Doe feel sick.
He shook his head.
"I'm okay sweetheart, thank you for the offer though." The corners of his mouth turned upward into a small, empty smile.

He didn't need to eat right now.

© reveriee
Hit Me with Your Worst (Instrumental) - LeGrand

Theryx slowly started to dig into his own meal, taking Doe's words into consideration.

"Get me an extra plate, would you Tom? This fool needs to eat even if its not a full serving."

Theryx turned back to Doe as the little cat chef gladly set down an extra empty plate between them. Theryx began putting a few things on the plate for Doe, stuff that was harder for him to eat such as a leg of some sort of small bird wyvern a skewer of roasted dalthydon meat, and a hunk of freshly baked sild garlic bread.

"You're eating this, it's wasted on me anyways. As for the girls... they've probably had enough of me for one night. I'll see them tomorrow, apologize then."

It was moments like these that reminded him they had to all look out for each other, because they definitely were too broken to look out for themselves.

----- The Next Morning -----

The night before had felt like it had dragged on for forever, considering many of the other units took it as opportunity to party and start singing for the latter half of the night.

Some of the songs were still stuck in Theryx's head, even though he retired to his tent somewhat early on to potentially avoid a hangover.

He finished lacing up his boots and mentally went over his checklist before deciding he had everything and stepped out of his tent. Time to round up the rookies, apologize, and take them on their first hunt here. He was sure it was going to be... quite the event. One of them seemed skilled enough, and the other seemed to struggle, but still had a good attitude about it all. Though Theryx couldn't remember which name belonged to which girl at the moment.


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