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Fandom Of Monsters and Hunters (IC THREAD)

Path of Courage

Raylyn rolled her eyes at Theryx’s comment towards her. Men really were clueless.
Still, she silently watched the meeting with Pyre. Sure, she wasn’t really included all of this, she didn’t count, she wasn’t even a hunter but…
Theryx’s speech was equally shit. Even she could see that.
Sure, he had a point but he didn’t even pretend to care. She knew better, of course. The whole “caring” thing was fake, a comfortable lie that everyone took because it made them feel better.
She guessed that maybe she shouldn’t be as harsh as she was. She was doing it too, after all.
Well…she also should figure out how to get a read on the newbies.
In the canteen she drew Theryx another withering glare before she slinked over to Asha and Tiziani.
She greeted, voice falsely warm and friendly,
"You’re the newbies, right?"

She placed down a plate and pulled up a seat that she sat down in backwards, her palamute coming to sit beside her.
"’m Raylyn."

Asha, now more interested in her food than she was in bickering and complaining, regarded the girl with a glance as she sat down with her and Tizi. Passively, she wondered if she either just looked young and was a part of their unit, or if she was just sort of unofficially here.

Actively however, she wondered why she had come over to sit amongst the two rookies at the canteen.

Newbie - she couldn't wait to lose that title. Preferably soon.

"Yup. That's us."

She confirmed, noting the palamute companion that also came to join them.

"Asha, and that's Tizi. I think. We haven't really spoken much ourselves. Probably need to get around to that. Good a time as any I suppose?"
Tiziani glanced over at Asha, who had come to sit by next to her. She simply nodded, idly messing with her cutlery on a half-empty plate as her fellow rookie frustratedly complained to her about Theryx's behavior. Which surprisingly seemed to pick up her spirits, remembering that.. really only he seemed to feel that way and he was an outlier for it. At least she hoped he was the only one who felt that way.

"He was... a little bit off the wall there. I've heard better speeches be given to youths after getting scolded and forced to clean Popo dung for an entire day." She replied, finally continuing to dig into her food. Skewering some meat on her two-pronged fork, while having some cheese clumsily wrap itself around the meat until she felt it was good enough to be eaten. At least the canteen food was good, delightfully good, even.

Though the arrival of a new person next to them caught her attention. It was the young one she saw earlier! The one that was staring at Theryx.. last she remembered at least.. Maybe they're related? That would explain why she's here.

She'd give a nod to her name, noting the nickname already assigned to her. It wasn't particularly unusual for people to assign her that nickname, and thankfully she thought it was a cute nickname. "Right, It's nice to meet you Raylyn." She greeted, figuring now a good a time as any to break the question. "You don't happen to be related to Theryx are you? It's just a bit strange to be seeing someone so young out here.. Unless there's others that I missed."
Path of Courage

Raylyn’s lips quirked up into something of a smile, though the warmth didn’t quite reach her dusty pink eyes.
"Honestly I’d glad not to be the freshest face around here,"
she admitted with a sigh, looking down to idly scratch between Pyre’s ears, making the canyne’s tongue loll out of his mouth.
At the question, her hand paused in the middle of mussing with Pyre’s face.
Tiziani thought that Theryx was…
It caught her off guard.
The head hunter was…fine. He had grown on her slightly….like a mold if anything.
Raylyn still didn’t trust him.
And she never would, not really.
Instead, Raylyn feigned a loud, wet retch.
"Oh Gog no,"
she waved a free hand and laughed, keeping the other on Pyre’s head.
"No, I’m pretty much one of the youngest people here. But no, I’m nobody here’s kid. I chose to see the world with my big guy here."

Raylyn gave Pyre a hearty clap on the shoulders with something of another laugh bubbling from her lips.

Asha felt much the same about Theryx as Raylyn did, so at least they had that common ground. It was also just plain interesting to her, the girl had just decided to join up with a bunch of hunters and researchers, tagging along on their little expedition..frankly it made her wish she had joined at a younger age. She probably could have gotten a lot done in those years leading up to her becoming a hunter, but there were...other difficulties with that process that prevented her from doing so.

Also, Pyre was adorable.

"World seeing is definitely something I could get behind."

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