In the name of Hades
Path of Courage
Raylyn rolled her eyes at Theryx’s comment towards her. Men really were clueless.
Still, she silently watched the meeting with Pyre. Sure, she wasn’t really included all of this, she didn’t count, she wasn’t even a hunter but…
Theryx’s speech was equally shit. Even she could see that.
Sure, he had a point but he didn’t even pretend to care. She knew better, of course. The whole “caring” thing was fake, a comfortable lie that everyone took because it made them feel better.
Well…she also should figure out how to get a read on the newbies.
In the canteen she drew Theryx another withering glare before she slinked over to Asha and Tiziani.
She greeted, voice falsely warm and friendly, "You’re the newbies, right?"
She placed down a plate and pulled up a seat that she sat down in backwards, her palamute coming to sit beside her.
"’m Raylyn."