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Realistic or Modern Of Crows and Omens

Noah smiled a bit and nodded "Mmm yeah that sounds real nice." He said softly as he pulled out his card to pay once they were done eating. He frowned though when she tried to stop him "Uh uh, I am properly yours now, so I pay for the dates." He said with a small smile.

Max talked with the paramedics while Hvitserk got him moved. Once she was off the phone she called down the security to let them know to let the paramedics through immediately.
She watched him with a smile. “But … I pay you.” She giggled, shaking her head at him some while she sat back and watched him ask for the card machine, just smiling at him, feeling all smug about being able to say he was hers.

Hvitserk was making his own calls and just shook his head. “And you want to add a child into the mix?!” He spat. It just further proved his point that it wasn’t the right decision.
Noah rolled his eyes and shook his head "Just let me pay." He said before asking for the machine and smiling at her. Once they had paid he stood up and took her hand to go towards the car "Alright so pick up Leif then straight home right? Don't need to stop anywhere else?"

Max glared over at Hvitserk and shook her head "Right now is not the time Hvitserk!" She spat as she went to be by Ivar's side.
She smiled up at him and bit her lip. “We could be really naughty…. Not pick up Leif.” She told him. “Have the house to ourselves.” She winked at him.

He picked up the phone on the desk and listened to the reception tell them that the medics were coming up now, hearing max start yelling though and turned to see he’d stopped breathing. “Shit. Hurry up.” He muttered,
Noah's lips curled into a devious smile "Ooooh you are so bad, and I like it." He said as he opened the car door for her once they got to it.

Max went wide eyed when he stopped breathing yelling it to Hvitserk before starting CPR. She moved away when the medics finally got there and took deep breaths trying to stay calm.
she smiled up at him a little but sat quiet on the drive home, “you go light a fire, I’ll feed the dog and I’ll meet you in the lounge.” She told him, kissing him gently once they’d got the door unlocked.

Hvitserk sighed heavily, turning to leave and going up to their fathers office, stepping inside and not caring what he was interrupting right now, hanging up the call he was on. “You need to come down to ivars office. Immediately.” He told him
Noah nodded and went to do as told while she got the dog settled. Once it was lit he went to do a perimeter and inside check to make sure everything was doing alright.

Max frowned a bit as Ragnar came in with Hvitserk taking a deep breath "They're still trying to get him breathing..." she said quietly as she stood beside them.
She went to find him after a quick freshen up, seeing him sat on the couch whike she walked over to him in her favorite lingerie.

He sighed heavily and watched, worried sick about Ivar until they finally let them know they had enough to move him and he agreed to take max there as no one could ride in the back, expecting his father to leave and go back to his office again. “Max. Quickly.” Hw muttered, grabbing his keys and heading for the stairs.
Noah let out a very audible groan when he saw her come into the room "Fucking hell Carmen..." he growled reaching out and immediately pulling her to sit on his lap "You sure do know how to rev me up."

Max quickly followed him down and took a deep breath doing her best to stay calm. She was quiet the entire ride over amd once at the hospital she was at the nurses station asking where he was.
She smiled and nodded. “I do… now shut up and strip.” She told him… she lay next to him on the living room floor after and groaned quietly. “The fires almost out.” She mumbled, laying under a blanket with him near the fireplace and enjoying the quiet afterglow. “How many kids do you want?”

“Mr. Ragnarsson was taken into emergency surgery, someone will come speak to you.” She explained to her and watched another man guide her towards the waiting area
Noah stared at the ceiling and thought long and hard "I'm not sure, maybe two? Definitely not seven, no offense to your dad." He said with a small chuckle "How many do you want?"

Max moved to sit in the waiting area as Hvitserk guided her. She held her head in her hands as she tried to process everything.
She smiked a little. “Two. Maybe three. Depends how it goes.” She told him quietly, getting up slowly after a little while. “I’m gonna run a bath… you should go pick up Leif.” She suggested, helping to pull him up and kissed his cheek, sighing when he refused. “I hope you realise that no one is coming after me… like anytime soon… it’s pretty obvious by this point.”

Hvitserk went to ask what was happening, flashing his card and getting what answers he could before going to sit with her again. “Double collapsed lung. Surgery is because his ribs are now smashed up.” He explained to her.
Noah shook his head and frowned deeply "And it would be just my luck that the one time I left you alone something happened." He said as he followed her up to the bathroom.

Max sighed heavily as she gave a small nod "Shit....okay." she said quietly running a hand over her face as she sat back.
They were colected a few hours later to come see him and told that he should recover but that this time would take a long while. They hadn't been exaggerating either as three months later Ivar was still on strict bed rest that Max was forcing him into and more miserable than he had been in years, starting to tae it out on even her.

Carmen grumbled a little as she felt the bed shift at six in the morning, sighing quietly "You need to hurry up and close this deal with Ubbe... I want you home a bit more." She grumbled, relaxing a little as she felt his hand on her cheek "Don't forget we got Lucy's party tonight, need you home by eight." She mumbled. He'd found her a replacement for him after just a couple weeks, gotten freshened up with a new hair cut and she was working at upgrading his wardrobe whenever he would let her as well. She was happier than ever but starting to miss him as he'd spent the past six days working with Ubbe almost 24/7.
Max was walking up to their room hoping for him to be in a better mood today. She was now 4 months pregnant and starting to show a bit. She was happy to have the baby, but Ivar was making this harder on her than needed. She had no problem taking care of him during this time, but now his anger was starting to be directed towards her, which had never been the case before. It was wearing her thin and she was about to hit her breaking point.

Noah gave a small chuckle and kissed her forehead gently "Yes ma'am, I'll make sure to be here on time. Just pick out my outfit for me alright?" He murmured before going to the restroom to get ready for the day. He was happier than ever with her right now, and thankfully working with Ubbe wasn't terrible either. They got along pretty well, which he was beyond thankful for, and the business they were conducting was right up his alley. He said goodbye to her one last time before heading down and getting in Ubbe's car as he arrived "Alright, I got to be back by eight, your sister's orders."
He nodded slowly, watching out the window. “Torvi said the same so we’re gonna try and make this a short day.” He muttered. “We got another job right after this one finishes though so don’t get too comfortable going home early.” He told him.

Ivar was sitting up on the side of the bed and panting some, looking over as the door opened and frowned. “Painkillers… fell down.” He grunted, reaching for them but barely able to move still. It had taken him twenty minutes to get into the position he was in
Noah chuckled and buckled up "I know, don't worry." He said before falling silent for the rest of the ride. Once they were at the job he got out looking around "Alright, do I need to stay back or you want me taking front this time?"

Max frowned deeply and went over to him, grabbing the pain killers from the floor. She sighed heavily and got him to lay down "Here love." She murmured as she gave him the pain killers and some water, thankful that he didn't take them dry this time.
Carmen headed down later that morning and nodded to Leif while he made some coffee. “Where’s Ben?” She asked him, yawning a little and going to feed Iskald, “I need one of you to take him to the groomers for one o’clock.” She told him, smiling when the new guy walked in from outside. “Ben, could I trust you with taking Iskald to the groomers? He just needs his usual so you might be able to just wait there with him. Then me and Noah are going out tonight for a friends birthday, it’s gonna be a late night but I’ve organised for you both to have the weekend off.” She told them. She’d been so much nicer to her guards since having Noah around, happier in every way.

Ivar took them without fuss but lay back frowning. “I need to go out tomorrow…. Don’t fucking argue with me, I will go insane if I have to stare at these walls any longer.” He snapped at her when she went to argue it with him. “If I have to drag myself out I’ll do it but I need out of this prison of a house.” He muttered
Ben gave her a nod and leant down the pet behind the dog's ears "Not a problem. Need anything else?" He asked as he stood again and went to grab a water bottle for himself. He'd met Noah for the interview and they had immediately hit it off. He wasn't new to this kind of life, and the Lothbroks were definitely a bit more tame than a few of the families he had worked for in the past.

Max shut her mouth when he snapped at her and gave a small nod "Alright, I'll arrange something." She said quietly before standing "Would you like something to eat?" She asked but immediately winced when he snapped back with a 'Does it look like I'm fucking hungry?!'
She nodded, slipping him some cash. “Monster. Lots of it. And if you tell Noah I’ll gut you.” She told him smiling. He hadn’t stopped pestering her about cutting it out ever since he’d been helpful and emptied her office trash can, finding just how much she drank of it. She thanked them both and headed off to go get some bits done in her office, calling her father. “Hey, I was wondering if you were busy today or if you had time to come down to the house?”

He sighed heavily and waved her off. “Go, enjoy being able to leave this room.” He muttered, partially jealous and partially worried about her being stuck with him when she had her whole life ahead of her, groaning when he heard the doorbell go, “probably hvitserk.” He muttered, shaking his head.
Ragnar gave a small smile when he heard his daughter's voice "Well I'm sure I can squeeze you in." He teased with a small chuckle. He was pleased to see her so happy these days, it made his life a lot easier. "When do you want me by?"

Max sighed heavily and nodded "Probably, I'll go talk to him." She muttered before going downstairs. She opened the door and gave his brother a small smile "Good morning Hvitserk, how are you?"
“Before 4pm, after that I need to get ready cause we’re going out tonight.” She told him, agreeing when he suggested he come over for lunch and she carried on with her morning. She just wanted to finally say thank you to him.

He stepped inside and hugged her gently. “I brought you breakfast. Go, eat it somewhere he won’t find out.” He smiled. “I’m going to go talk to him but I will catch up with you after.” He promised, handing her the bag of food before heading up to go see Ivar.
Max thanked him quietly giving him a hug before he made his way up to Ivar.

Hvitserk gave a heavy sigh as he entered the room "Mornin, how are you feeling?" He asked as he watched his youngest sibling.

Ragnar arrived around lunch time with food in hand. He gave Carmen a kiss on the cheek as she opened the door and smiled "Brought you some food from our favorite spot." He said sweetly.
Ivar frowned a little and glanced up at him as he walked through the door, the feeling of hopelessness fully settled in for the day. “Wishing you hadn’t found me. I’m convinced death would hurt less.” He muttered.

She thanked him and took him through to her kitchen to eat in there, setting plates out before turning and hugging her father tightly. “Thank you… I just wanted to say thank you… for not killing moah when he asked for your blessing. And for letting us be happy together.” She told hjm.
Hvitserk rolled his eyes at his brother's dramatics sometimes wondering if he was worse than their sister. He sighed a bit and sat on the opposite edge of the bed from him "Well that may be the case, but the gods had other things in store for you." He said giving a shrug "How is Maxine?"

Ragnar was taken aback at first by the hug but soon wrapped his arms tightly around her "He makes quite a compelling arguement....but I am happy that you are happy." He said softly before pulling away from her "So should I be hopeful for a wedding?"

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