Oddballs & Problem Children ♥ A Highschool Based Roleplay

I shall wait for Crystal to post as there is nothing i can do without it coming off as forced. I suppose i could have Stacy have an accident but i don't want to do that just yet as it may cause unneccessary drama and it wouldn't give me much to work with. :-/ But hopefully, after the homeroom, i'll be able to do a lot more. :)


Now... Shall we start brainstorming?

Your character could smell Stacy's foul stench and notice that she seems to be upset then try to get her to the bathroom whilst attempting to prevent the others from noticing that she has had an accident due to the sheer amount of embarrasment that would happen if everyone noticed it. prehaps pretend to introduce her to the club then guide her to the bathroom?
Hm, it won't be Himiko-ish if that happens. Well, since an NPC is next to your character, I'll control one to have her smell that foul stench then have everyone tease her. Then maybe Himiko can step in and have everyone silence and threaten them that if this get out she will one by one hunt them all and their families down. :D then she'll take Stacy to the Marevick bathroom.
TheRoleplayingDovah said:
Could someone speak to Stacy? I feel that i won't be able to post anything worth posting and can cover some of the things that happened between the last post and my next one in the next post. If that makes sense. But only do it if it's natural for your character. :-)
I know! Stacy should totally try waking the hell out of Fuyuki when homeroom ends. (He only wakes up when food is shoved in his mouth, by the way.)

Plus, it might start something interesting when she does. *laughs evilly*
When everyone finds out about Stacy soiling herself, the chances of her sobbing loudly is very high so she'll most likely wake him up.
Stacy has yet to join the club due to it being her first day. The queen could offer an invitation to join it if she helps Stacy to get her dorm. It's going to be interesting to see what the other PCs think of the new girl that had just soiled herself and if they'll tease her or not.
@Livingbetweenstars , @DeijiiChan , @Deverd ~

You guys are pushing my posting rule. ^^'' If you guys don't respond soon, I'm going to have to remove you from this RP.

If you're going to be absent for a while, all you have to do is let me know and give me a time when you'll be back.

I'd appreciate it if you'd contact me soon. I'll give you all until tomorrow night.
I'll wait for Vertigo to post and will reply to your character, Crystal. It gives me more to work with and should get a good 3 paragraphs out of it depending on what happens next. We could use this as a chance to have Stacy become a new member and get introduced to the others in the club without the risk of someone reminding her of her accident in class due to it just being me,you and Vertigo being there. And someone else is there but the name escapes me atm. :S
Ah! Sorry ;-; I'll get to it soon!

Right now I'm still in school and I have clubs later so... later in the day ^^;
If they were in the home room, they could react to Stacy having an accident and prehaps gossip about the new girl then go for an early break or if Crystal allows it, the teacher tells everyone to go for early reccess.
Nah he's not like that .3. He's more of "I don't care, leave me alone and let me study in peace" kind of guy :)

Hmm... I may just make him just ignore it and go to club :P
Hmm... I'll think about it~ Lucas not the type to comfort but I'll make him feel some sympathy to her~
I'll probably not respond to it untill tomorrow evening or wedneday evening due to life being busy but if vertigo hasn't posted by then, i'll include you in my next post depending on what happens. :)
It's fine~ Take as long as you want I can wait since I'm busy too ;-;

Heh... I'm not sure that Lucas will be willing to go up to her but maybe I'll make him get dragged by Shima but who knows ._.
Do what you feel is natural for your character. :) Also we should have a new members welcoming party at some point for the club and everyone is invited regardless of their status.
Holy crap! I can't keep up with all this reading! x) ♥

I'm glad to see you guys brainstorming so much, though. c: It's refreshing~

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