Oddballs & Problem Children ♥ A Highschool Based Roleplay

-being dragged away- Yay! Tsu-senpai saved me!~ ;v;

Now help me get out of these bandages .n.)/

Tsu-senpai is a caring senpai who loves his kouhais very much ._. and like cats and loli mermaid girls xD
Hai, Tsu-senpai big circus of animals and loli mermaids that he had made to be Ai-chan's since he surrender it to her. ._.

-doesn't know what to post because writer block-
My entertainment crew bows only to his Royal Meowjesty.

We are never around in the kingdom anyways o.e

Gotta get our travel on and deliver wondrous experiences for the world!

Join the writer's block club!
[ DeijiiChan had joined the Writer's Block Club ]

Of course~ but my panda shall stay with my other territory till then ._.
Exerpt from a website called "Find your soul"

1. Look inside your mirror until you can see your image within the pupil of your eye.

2. Acknowledge that this is your REFLECTION.

3. Step back. Close your eyes. Look in the mirror again. However, this time you will recognize this image as ANOTHER PERSON quietly residing within your head.

4. Acknowledge that this PERSON is looking back at you. We will call this person, -Soul-

5. Look at this person called -Soul -. See yourself looking at -Soul-.

6. Now mentally turn this perspective around 180 degrees and see your -Soul- look at you. Become the -Soul- quietly residing within your head. You now have an inside perspective looking OUT while you are looking in.

7. Slowly turn away from the mirror to observe your surroundings with this new perspective. Look OUT through -Soul-'s eyes.

8. At this time, things should appear distant to you. This is your new vision, your 3rd eye. This is your soul. Remember this feeling so that you may recall it when you wish to view things from your soul's perspective. If this has not happened, repeat the exercise until it does.
Oh actually, I am a soul but I'm missing a piece of me .w. I need it back...

I can already do that Tsu-senpai even without a mirror ._. Strangely....
I'm gone for an hour, and this is what I come back to.

Bandages, circuses, writers block galore.


You guys crack me up~
When it comes to me and OCC threads, I go crazy insane with posts to keep the conversation going xD

Welcome back Crystal-chan!~
Sadly, I'm using school internet so my craziness can't come out ;-;

You're very welcome Crystal-chan~
Ignore the limitations of the school internet!

Bypass them with proxies and let who you really are flow into the OOC! 
Oh and my WCO post is almost done Crystal xP
Aww~ You won't be able to see my crazy true OCC person I am xD

I wish but with a teacher watching your every move that's unlikely :(

I'm also busy with work at the moment so I can't do it :P

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