Oddballs & Problem Children ♥ A Highschool Based Roleplay

If we do go with the party idea, it would give us all an excuse to introduce our characters to everyone. We could also have an intiation cermony for new members to the club which consists of the member pledging their oath of loyalty to the club and promising to look out for other members of the club then get tapped gently on each shoulder with a sword that belongs to the president and/or vice president. A prop one used for cosplaying and prehaps the newbie is required to dress up in an outfit of their choosing that reflects them. Such as cosplayers have to dress up as a character, artists wear something to reflect themselves etc...
Himiko with an unsheathed sword tapping peoples shoulders... I think I have found the source of some of these rumors >.>'
After the cermony and at the end of the club opening time, there could be a tradition where everyone jumps into a pool fully clothed whilst holding the nearest person's hand to show that they are all in it together then spend an hour or more doing stuff in the pool before returning back to our dorms. The next day, we could have a feast to mark the day where everyone has been accepted into the club and family. I suddenly have a lot of ideas today. :o
Oooh~? Party idea? ♥

Well, of course! So many new people in Akemiasu. Every time someone new comes along, there must be a party~

I also love that Himiko tapping people on the shoulder with her katana idea. c'x Ohmergerd, that'd be priceless to read. First, it could start with a small feast in the club room, and then they could sneak into the pool like you said. ^^ Haha, the kids from Akemiasu could probably be known for that. Sneaking into the pool, that is. x)
It could go like this. The newbie cermony(apologises for the bad spelling), the introductions followed by a feast and party games and or other party related things then the VP tells everyone that the traditional swim will start soon. She explains it and everyone is required to go fully clothed then jump in whilst holding hands for the reason i stated in my last post, we have fun in the pool for an hour or two then return to our dorms. I know this isn't detailed but hopefully, it'll be excellent if we do agree to this. Homework could be forbidden during this and anyone caught doing any work gets a bucket of goo or paint or water or something else thrown over them as a punishment but it's more of a joke and it tries to encourage people to mingle with everyone else.
I honestly don't see why they have to be fully clothed. Whether they have swimsuits or not, it doesn't matter. x) I honestly want them to wear swimsuits. They have to have clothes to change back into, don't they? It'd be easier to put it all over a swimsuit in case they have to run instead of getting held up by wet, heavy clothes. :b Though, I like the idea of them all holding hands and jumping in together, showing that they're all in it together, and all family. c: ♥

So, pretty much, introductions, feast, games and other party stuffs, and then night swimming. ^^ Fine by me~ ♥

& Oh, hell no. Manami will drag Akio in for the celebration. >;3 & Himiko will help!

Fun times are great times~
True and i can't think of a decent reason other then it being generally a surprise to the newbies and other members if they forgot about it. The pool we use could belong to the school and is only open between 9am and 5pm. The VP could have aquired the keys to the school building and we sneak into it. It could be a heated pool complete with a hot tub or a normal pool. The school pool could be 50-100 metres and contain diving boards but we can work out the pool itself nearer the time but if you already have a pool in mind, let's use that regarding the school one. :-)
TheRoleplayingDovah said:
True and i can't think of a decent reason other then it being generally a surprise to the newbies and other members if they forgot about it. The pool we use could belong to the school and is only open between 9am and 5pm. The VP could have aquired the keys to the school building and we sneak into it. It could be a heated pool complete with a hot tub or a normal pool. The school pool could be 50-100 metres and contain diving boards but we can work out the pool itself nearer the time but if you already have a pool in mind, let's use that regarding the school one. :-)
Okay, okay, slow down a bit. xD This is a school swimming pool. Usually they're pretty deep, and they are equipped with diving boards for those who are on the swim team. However, hot tubs? Not so much. xD The pool could be an indoor one, for all-year-round fun. And, it could be warmed. As for the rest, though, eh.. Calm down. x) ♥ 

Tsukaiza said:
That's the problem of it all...
<----hates water....Akio does too xP

*laughs demonically*
It'll be interesting see how he'll react upon learning of the traditional swim and could result in a few people talking to him.
TheRoleplayingDovah said:
It'll be interesting see how he'll react upon learning of the traditional swim and could result in a few people talking to him.
Given Manami probably has made him do it already, he'll just be bummed. Let's remember Akio doesnt have problems conversing with others.
Floating devices are a must in case people can't swim. Going to stop posting my ideas for now as i've posted more then enough today. :) Stacy would be up for talking to people and i think i'll have her cosplay as something.
I know. O.o

It sucks that some of the people I accepted aren't posting.
:/ That saddens me.

But, it's alright~ Slow and steady wins the race. c:
To sum up the idea, we have a new members intiation cermony where the VP tells them about an oath of loyalty and taps them on each shoulder with a sword after the member has repeated it back to the VP. We introduce each other and do party stuff whilst having a small feast then we all sneak into the school pool. We all hold hands after the VP tells us it's toshow that we all in it together and spend an hour or two having fun in the pool then we return to our dorms and do our own things.

Who is up for it? I'm up for it and it would be interesting to see what would happen.
Well, I'm up for it, and I'm the GM. Therefore, everyone gets to be involved. :3

I'll post what I approve of in the updates section once I can sum it up in my own words. ^^ ♥

Thank you for the proposal! It's a wonderful idea. c:

Oh, and the VP is Manami. I'm assuming you're abbreviating Vice President.

The president will be the one doing the initiation, while the VP could be the one telling everyone about it.

And, of course, the Secretary and Treasurer can get their words in, should they so desire.

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