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Also if anyone wants to interact with Malaika I would add it into my post she doesn’t have much going for her so I’d like some more plots with her and Sebastian!

Would it also be ok if Mal approached Sigurd? TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi
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Also if anyone wants to interact with Malaika I would add it into my post she doesn’t have much going for her so I’d like some more plots with her and Sebastian!

Would it also be ok if Mal approached Sigurd? TobiornotTobi TobiornotTobi
Currently, Sigurd is slated to be knocked down like a bowling pin by Kiara, but if you wanna watch the aftermath, please come! If not, you could come say hi to Darweshi and maybe help him get his foot outta his mouth!
Currently, Sigurd is slated to be knocked down like a bowling pin by Kiara, but if you wanna watch the aftermath, please come! If not, you could come say hi to Darweshi and maybe help him get his foot outta his mouth!

Perfect! Oh I think I’ll have her help her poor Professor and then as she’s heading to class ends up seeing the aftermath of what happened to poor Sigurd as well 🤣
Currently, Sigurd is slated to be knocked down like a bowling pin by Kiara, but if you wanna watch the aftermath, please come! If not, you could come say hi to Darweshi and maybe help him get his foot outta his mouth!
Please help the poor man out hahaha! Azura has had a long night, just found out one of her colleagues is likely being fired, was just informed she is taking over as chaperone for her school at the tournament, one of her students is dead (not public knowledge yet by any means), can’t find her other student, and just got smacked in the face several papers. Gosh darn it Darweshi! Give the woman a break! 🤣🤣🤣
You know what that’s fair lol

Also I have a question regarding the rp since we are getting ready to get into the thick of things. What all spells are the students actually allowed to know or have? Like regarding dark magic and such.
All right all right, everyone, thank you for your patience! As promised, now that we are getting down to brass tacks, I shall reveal the four skills that will be tested in the opening challenge of the tournament. In no particular order (as they will all be weighed the same), the first challenge will test competitors on openness, transfiguration, endurance, and strength. The list below shows how the champions will rank in this particular challenge, calculated by simply adding up their scores in the four relevant categories. Congratulations to Theo for being our first victor! WanderLust. WanderLust. 🎉🥳 And a happy belated birthday to you!

1) Theo (60 points - gold)
2) Lisandro (59 points - silver)
3) Gavy (56 points - bronze)
4) Sigurd (54 points)
5) Malaika (53 points)
6) Vasu (46 points)
7) Chitrita (44 points)
8) Naomi (43 points)

Please feel free to correct me if my math is off in any instance, though I took care to be thorough. As you guys can see, since we do not have a Beauxbatons champion at this time, Naomi will be stepping up to fill Raphael's place as he either sleeps through the first task or is busying himself in the dining hall. It's possible that I may admit a newcomer to the RP as a more long-term Beauxbatons champion later, but at least for the first challenge, Naomi will be competing since the relevant categories have already been announced.

As for the challenge's format, since the skills are openness, transfiguration, endurance, and strength, I was thinking that it could be an obstacle course? There's primarily two strategies for getting to the end: just pushing through on raw physical prowess alone, or transfiguring oneself to adapt to the various conditions. Like if there's a moat to swim across, students can either just dive in as they are, or those who aren't such strong swimmers can transfigure themselves to have gills. The openness can come in because, in several instances, the obstacles require various adaptations, such as turning one's skin into a harder substance while also giving themselves night vision, which would be difficult for one wizard to manage on their own. Thus, those who are open to alliances tend to advance farther and faster within the obstacle course. Of course, it's up to individual characters how well they honor these alliances and how long they keep them, which could very well be part of their strategy. Anyway though... that's my idea. What do you guys think? And please feel free to suggest some alternatives to the group if you guys have a totally different idea for the first challenge! So long as a case is made for how it tests the relevant skills, I am all ears!!!
How soon will the first challenge be? Are we just YEETING Naomi out of a hospital bed and into the pit because if we are I am gonna laugh SO HARD! Yeet her! Yeet her! Yeet her!

Also if anyone notices (as I plan to update her form with it) I have decided to hurt Azura further by adding a daughter to her family. She and Akihito had this child several centuries ago and due to their immortality they both outlived her and Azura swore to never have children again because it TORE HER APART to outlive her daughter. Thank you for attending my TEDtalk.


Okay so…a gun is held to your characters head and they have to sing a song without messing up. What song are they singing?
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 First challenge will happen tomorrow in the RP. The clue will be dropped today after class! Do you think that's enough time for darling Naomi to yeet herself from the hospital wing? :P

Wolfiee Wolfiee In regards to your questions, I don't think knowing Dark magic is a crime so much as performing it. At Durmstrang Dark Arts is a core subject and the performance of it tends to be more loosely disciplined than other schools. However at Mahoutokoro even a simple jinx or hex can be enough to turn the color of a student's robes and expel them (like Aadesh), so different rules for different schools. I guess just don't get caught if you use it lol? Given the high concentration of former Aurors among the professors, it may be foolish to do an illegal/taboo spell publicly. Did you have some specific Dark Art in mind? And would it be used to assist in a tournament challenge?
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 First challenge will happen tomorrow in the RP. The clue will be dropped today after class! Do you think that's enough time for darling Naomi to yeet herself from the hospital wing? :P
I think we established somewhere in the RP that yesterday was Tuesday (cuz Lis’s first essay is due Friday), so tomorrow should technically be Thursday. Only one day till the weekend, Naomi can hang tight lmao
I think we established somewhere in the RP that yesterday was Tuesday (cuz Lis’s first essay is due Friday), so tomorrow should technically be Thursday. Only one day till the weekend, Naomi can hang tight lmao
I am just picturing that being the pep talk she gets. “One day till Friday kid! Now go on out there and don’t die!”
At least Naomi gets a pep talk. If Lis were hospitalized, Cha-Cha would be like, "Kid, wtf are you doing? Stop playing dead and instill fear in your opponents!"
At least Naomi gets a pep talk. If Lis were hospitalized, Cha-Cha would be like, "Kid, wtf are you doing? Stop playing dead and instill fear in your opponents!"
Cha-Cha out here dragging an unconscious Lis into the game like “I DONT CARE IF YOU ARE IN A COMA! I REFUSE TO LOSE TO THE OLD MAN!”
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 First challenge will happen tomorrow in the RP. The clue will be dropped today after class! Do you think that's enough time for darling Naomi to yeet herself from the hospital wing? :P

Wolfiee Wolfiee In regards to your questions, I don't think knowing Dark magic is a crime so much as performing it. At Durmstrang Dark Arts is a core subject and the performance of it tends to be more loosely disciplined than other schools. However at Mahoutokoro even a simple jinx or hex can be enough to turn the color of a student's robes and expel them (like Aadesh), so different rules for different schools. I guess just don't get caught if you use it lol? Given the high concentration of former Aurors among the professors, it may be foolish to do an illegal/taboo spell publicly. Did you have some specific Dark Art in mind? And would it be used to assist in a tournament challenge?
Gotcha! I don’t currently have anything specific in mind but that’s mainly because we don’t know the challenges ahead of time. So it wouldn’t be surprising if perhaps someone like Sebastian who knows plenty of dark arts spells would try something later.

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