[Occam's Razor] [Occam's Razor] Occam's Razor: The Colorado Incident

Nidelia frowned and sighed. "Mr. Devontess, I need to take him to the medical area and give him a look over. Any more can wait," she says placing a gentle hand on the mans arm. "Hello, I'm Dr. Nidelia Sponze," she says with a smile and a very kind demeanor. She understood his shock. She doubted if he had realized his body was still preserved at his age of when he entered Cryo.
Malcom snorted and shook his head, "Nidelia, Please, Call me Malcom, after what we just went through..." He looked down at the man piteously and then knelt down, sighing as he did, "Sorry for the rude wake up pal. Thing's seem to have gotten a bit messed up. I'm trying to get things on track again, but it's going to take a while. In the mean time, why don't we try this, You know our names, Whats yours?" He asked with a warm smile. He gave Nidelia a glance of, "Chill, I've got this." he knew that trauma, he had been the first to wake up of their group, he had been alone, had come to many realizations none of the others had yet. The shock of this new, fucked up world could kill someone, so he wanted this young man to feel welcome, even if everything was wrong.
She was trying to follow the procedures that were going to be in place before everything went to sh**. She sighs softly and walks over to Malcolm and whispers in his ear. "If you want to make this seem as normal as possible then let's follow the procedures they had lined up.for us before everything hit the fan Malcolm," she says looking in his eyes.

Even then she knew that Malcolm would have wanted as much normalcy as he could have gotten when he woke up.
Len woke up. His head swimming with nausea, he couldn't think over the pure torture going through him. It took an entire day to get in a state of calm? It sure felt like. He stepped out, and saw nothing but an empty hall. Damn it. Time to wander. Len roamed the hallways for days, and just then did he see a human being. Len said, "Hey," before crumpling against the wall in exhaustion.
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"Sorry for the rude wake up pal. Thing's seem to have gotten a bit messed up. I'm trying to get things on track again, but it's going to take a while. In the mean time, why don't we try this, You know our names, Whats yours?"

The uneasy man stumbled around before getting his bearings enough to answer. "M-My name. My name-," he stopped to recall such a simple answer. "My name is Emerson," he said weakly. The look of fear settled in his young face; he looked like he'd seen a ghost. "We're all two hundred years old..." He carefully moved his hand, analyzing it's mechanics as if it was a foreign object.
Malcom nodded, "Yeah, It was a real kick in the head when I found out as well." He had ignored Nidelia for the moment, knowing he would need to speak with her later about the psychological ramifications and the time someone needed to recover from mental shock compared to the dangers of waking up from cryo stasis. He put his hand on Emerson's shoulder and said, "Now, Emerson, Do you have any personal effects you came in with? They should probably be in your locker right there." He motioned to the locker that sat beside Emerson's cryo-stasis pod. Malcom knew that it would be advantageous to get the man some of his familiar belongings, kick-start his brain into remembering who he was.
"Now, Emerson, Do you have any personal effects you came in with? They should probably be in your locker right there."

"Personal effects...," he asked. "What are those again?"
(One Liners, I could slap you Wreck)

Malcom paused and thought for a moment. The man had seriously just asked such a question. Malcom heard the familiar Hiss, and thud of flesh, even a voice greeting them. It took him a moment to register it all. "Well, this is... totally disorganized..." Malcom looked to the next new cryo release and sighed, "Nidelia, can you look after that poor fellow over there while I help Emerson here wake up?" He turned his attention back to Emerson, saying, "It's your stuff, whatever clothes, or stuff you brought with you when you came here. Your placed in a pliable garment for stasis. It protects your skin and helps with the revival process." He didn't know how he knew that, but for some reason it sounded right.
Nidelia blinked and walked over to the newly awakened man and bent down placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, you're safe. Can you stand?" She asks watching out for any puking.
Len looked up. The woman was in front of him. "What the hell is this place?" The woman looked friendly. Couldn't hurt him to befriend her. "Hey, do you have a mainframe anywhere? I used to hack into the software at the orphanages I stayed at."
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She blinked. "You won't be doing any hacking for a bit yet. First we need to get you cleaned up, checked over, and briefed," she says.

"Follow me please," she says as she pulls her remote with the map.on it and starts heading for the medical bay.
Len had no idea what was going on. The nausea, the other people, and especially the ordeal he was in. There wasn't anything like this at the orphanage. He decided to follow the woman, and set off.
She led him to the medbay where she had him go to a room. She sorted through the supplies really quick, managed to find herself a stethoscope. And a BP Meter. Good.

She went back to the room taking everything with her, hooked up the BP meter, put the strap around his arms, and held his wrist keeping her eyes closed.
Jace had indeed made his way into the *little apartment* that would house him. He spun back around as he watched from the thick glass tube-like doors as the metal bulkheads crushed a few of those beasts as they tried to get at him. His movements now a backwards retreat as his shoulders rose and fell in synch with his exacerbated breathing. This backwards walk would not last, however, as he slipped over one of the plastic-packed books that was laying on the floor, he fell backwards, slamming his shoulders into the book shelf and falling over onto his chest in front of it. He lay there for what he hoped was several seconds as he felt the exhaustion set in on him. His mind blanked out several times before clearing back up, But as he remembered why he was running, he forced himself up with a grunt, slamming his hand into the floor. "What the hell?! What is this? I thought you were going to use me as bait!" He'd growl as he stood upright, albeit on shaky footing. He'd flip over the matress to the bed having thrown it off its frame, threw the book he tripped on and had thrown his hands out to the sides. "What is this crap? I am not going to be your fuckin' pet, living off of the soft graces of some dick-bag! Are you listening to me?!" He'd let out a growl, not really knowing how long he had actually laid there for on his stomach. For how he was actually laying, it did seem quite comfortable. Although the lack of energy is probably the reason at play for that as well. "Where the hell do they keep these speakers?!" He'd dart his own eyes along the wall, looking for any means of communicating. And as he finally found that blue light, he'd press the button giving a few pants before he started to rant again. "Tell me! Where am I and how do I get out of here? I'll kill those things myself if I need to. I -REFUSE- to be caged up again." He swiftly went to the other door, pressing the button that would lead away from those beasts and into the maintenance hall. But much to his disappointment, the door did not open. His hand went back to the same button as before, pressing it and giving a deep exhale."And if you think I can't get out of here, you're sadly mistaken..." To which he'd let go of the button and started to take out all of the things he had gathered. Screw drivers (Phillips and flat-head) and a small carbon-steel Allen wrench out of his boot with the different attachments that fit on the end.. He'd lay the shard of glass off on the side of himself as he looked to the 'back door' with a callous frown, pressing the button again. "And whatever reason you're keeping me here for, either you let me out of here and speak to me face to face... Or I'll have no part of it, PARTNER." He'd roll his shoulder, looking to the bed then back down to his 'utensils'.

If Malcom had any means of hearing him through his communicator, he would hear quite the earful. Of course his shouts would be quite loud, and all but deafening if caught off guard. However as he finished his rant, Jace heard a familiar, yet softly muffled, noise. 'Turbines?' he thought. And with another press of the button he let out a soft laugh. "Heh... You know what, World's Finest? I just got an idea..." And let go of the button, emptying his other foot as he flipped the keycard out of his other boot, reading on the back of it. "Oh boy, you're in for a surprise...." To his right he layed eyes on the management panel for the door-locks. And wouldn't you know it, a sliding port was in it. "Lucky day, lucky day...." This of course was not said where Malcom could hear it as he did not have the button pressed. But if he could hear it anyways, he would probably be filled with some of the worst dread. The mere tone of Jace's voice almost rang of evil intentions. He'd press the button to talk again. "I want to be pals. I really do. So please let's come face to face. I don't want nothing bad to happen~." In an almost sing song way, he said this, loving every thought that entered his mind. Oh yes... He was locked into a mechanical engineer's room all right. But it was the HEAD mechanical engineer's room. And the keycard read 'mechanical over-ride'. Of course as soon as he saw this he stowed the card in his belt, walked over to his bed, grabbing his sheet, and threw it over the camera. He was pretty sure it had some sort of extra heat tracking function and the such, but he made sure if they did use it, he would give them an 'unclear' fuzzy picture to keep them guessing as to what he was up to.
The BP meter slowly tightened. Len took this time to look around. However, this was frequently interrupted by waves of nausea, and it took all Len had to avoid puking in this... Sickbay? He felt a pressure on his arm... Just the BP meter.
She then released his wrist and put the stethoscope in her ears and placed it against his back and he'll his should with her extra hand. "Take a deep breath for me please," she says looking at him with a soft and gentle smile.

What was this boy doing in with the adults? It didn't make sense. There was no way he could be eighteen or older.
Len remembered. He was 17. Why wasn't he seeing anybody his age? He took a deep breath. Then, he turned to the woman. He decided to ask her name, and hope that he could get some answers about this hellhole. Then, he would ask if he could head back to his cryogenic pod. Maybe he put some stuff in there.
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"It's your stuff, whatever clothes, or stuff you brought with you when you came here. Your placed in a pliable garment for stasis. It protects your skin and helps with the revival process."

Emerson's face relaxed when he remembered his locker. He shot over to where he remembered it was, and opened it. A thin layer of dust rested on a musty but clean t-shirt, jacket, a pair of jeans, and some boots. His hands took the bundle of familiarity and held it close to his body in an attempt to recover his past. "Where should I change?," he naively asked Malcolm.
"Doctor Nidelia Sponze," she answered his first question. "And where you go will be up to Major Devontess when I'm done with you," she says sighing softly. Again, she wondered what a boy was doing in an adult cryo... it didn't make sense.
"I'll just draw some blood to do some blood tests, other than that though then I'll take you to Major Devontess," she says walking over to a drawer and pulled out some vials and needles.
Len saw Nidelia take out a needle. Len watched her. She looked to be around 21, but hey, who knows how long they had been in there. "What year... Is it?" Len said. "Also, who is Major Devontess?"
Malcom had heard the comm blaring in his ear, and was ignoring it for the time being. He heard every word, and he would remember them all. Without responding to Jace he replied to Emerson instead, simply by turning around, saying, "Sorry for the informal treatment, Emerson, But you seemed a bit... Dazed when you came out of there. Go ahead and change there, I kept mine on honestly. The Cryo suit is like a second skin." He tugged his pant line down slightly, revealing the cryogenic cover suit that was still on his skin. "If you want to take it off, you can, just make sure you stow it in your locker again."
With a huff and a grunt, Jace rose to his feet, moseying over to the mechanical engineer's control panel. He'd slide his card into it and typed in the code on the back. And with the last key entered, which was literally an enter key, an unfamiliar voice echoed over all of the base. **Lead Engineer has accessed the control panel. All personnel stand by for further orders.** Of course Jace was beside himself with glee. His eyes scanned over to the button with a loud-speaker symbol on it as he used the touch-pad to move his view throughout the three dimensional map before seeing a few words labeled 'central control' and clicked the area that indicated were access doors. And with a KER-KLANK, that sounded in the base, the pistons drove themselves firmly in place of all three entrances as well as closing a shutter in the emergency exit. Almost on queue the mechanical womanly voice rang out again. **Central Control Room has been locked**

Jace pressed the button that had the loud-speaker on it and merely sounded out one word "Neat..." before letting go of it and looking throughout the rest of the map.

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