[Occam's Razor] [Occam's Razor] Occam's Razor: The Colorado Incident

"Sorry for the informal treatment, Emerson, But you seemed a bit... Dazed when you came out of there. Go ahead and change there, I kept mine on honestly. The Cryo suit is like a second skin....If you want to take it off, you can, just make sure you stow it in your locker again."

"Oh, um, yeah...," he looked down at the floor and then back at the other man. "I'm still not completely here actually. Everything is moving really fast..." The feel of cotton and leather made him forget what was going on for a moment. With a sigh, he began to change while Malcolm's back was turned. "I'm getting undressed," he announced.
Jace's wandering around in the controls eventually lead him to a part that made him giggle with excitement. "Oh boy!" He'd hold his button down. "You know, I'm not really familiar with all of this technological mumbo jumbo... But I do know one thing-" he'd say reading out loud the tags that were on pull-switches in one of the boxes he opened up. "To empty all hydrolic fluid, pull downwards.... Huh. Might want to go ahead and do that before some smart-ass military guy tries to pull some shenanigans, wouldn't you say?" He'd pause, not quite doing it yet. "Oh, this is interesting... Twist handle to release air pressure... I'm no genius, but don't piston locked doors need that to drive the fluid? Never did very well in shop class." He'd scratch his head, tilting his head. "Hey military man... Can we talk yet, or do I have to use some other keys? Don't really know what they do, but I'm sure I'll find out."
Len waited for the blood sample. He still had nausea, and then, he began to wonder, "What's taking her so long?" Then, he decided to tell Nidelia how old he was. 17. Then, he began to bounce a ball against a wall as he waited for her to reply.
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Malcom frowned, and pulled out the remote pad he had. With the updated firmware it had, it alerted him to the locking of the control room. He sighed and tapped the comm, "Jace, I see you have access to the engineers quarters. Bravo, You've managed to get a ledge to stand on. But your systems aren't updated." He tapped his remote, and his personnel file came up, he tapped a few sequences into it and within a moment, his remote had enough overrides in it to shut down, reboot, and revamp the entire facility remotely. Malcom said, "And... Let there be light." The entire facility suddenly lit up as the Malcom activated his remote. When Len spoke he frowned, "Give me a moment Greenie." He tapped another control and a moment later, Jace's entire control room switched to Auxiliary power, which, Jace would have to figure out how to operate. It was the crank generators at the base of the control panel, similar to the one in the main control room. But until he figured that out, it would be lights out. Malcom sighed and shook his head, "Always has to be the hard way." Malcom flipped through his controls, he had already opened all the doors from one end of the facility to the other that were needed, he had sealed all the unneeded areas, all that was left was the main control room. But he knew how to get back in there, he could climb up the vent. He sighed and tapped another control, sealing the bulkhead doors around the engineering room, He triggered the comm unit in the engineering, the small ear piece, "Let's talk Jace, You and me. What do you want?" he'd glance to Emerson, roll his eyes and point at the comm, "Just some drama with the missus, We'll sort things out in just a few." Jace would of course, be able to hear it, as would everyone else within range of a comm.
He blinked a few times, muttering out the words "Son of a B.I.T.C.H" before he pawed his hands around the controls, finding a crank. He pulled, pushed, and finally started to whirl it around a few times. The first few minutes, he didn't see what it did as it really didn't get enough power out of him (AKA he didn't crank it enough and half-gave up on it). Of course after finding nothing else available, he cranked on it enough to where the lights started flickering and finally came back on with a fluorescent buzz. "Huh... Like an old ford." He'd press the blue button again next to the back door and gave a light chuckle. "I want out of here.. And to be in front of you. I'd like your company right about now." He'd let go of the button with an angry shake of his head, going back over and continued cranking to keep the lights on. He could still turn all of the metal dials and flip all of the hand-operated switches, even pop a few of the fuses if need be, but he would hear the other man out for what it was worth. "Get me to you. Now." To which he would let go of the button and rush over to pick up all of his tools that he had taken out of his boots and placed them either back into it or secured his other 'valueables' in his belt. Namely that glass shiv he had fashioned out of the shard of glass. Lord knows he wanted to use it right about now.
Malcom sighed and tapped the engineering room, restoring a bit of power, he brought the three dimensional map up in the center of the room, where Jace would be able to see it, "See the grey dot there Jace? That's you. See those red blips. Those are your friends. See where the only door into that section leads? Right to your friends. So run it by me, one more time, How do you expect me to do that?" His voice would echo over the comm, "And pick up the micro unit, I swear I can barely hear you half the time, it's like your in a tunnel or something." He shook his head, frustrated.
RandomBomb said:
Len waited for the blood sample. He still had nausea, and then, he began to wonder, "What's taking her so long?" Then, he decided to tell Nidelia how old he was. 17. Then, he began to bounce a ball against a wall as he waited for her to reply.
Nidelia quickly turned and tied a rubber strip around his arm. "Please hold your are out for me," she says attaching the vial to the tube the needle was attached to.
Jace looked between the two doors he had seen. "Okay so... Tell me-" He'd ask, going over to the other door, sliding his keycard through the 'SECOND' door, and opened it up to see down into a 'boiler' room. "Do you see me-... now?" He'd ask, letting go of the button, and moving his way down into the central-controlled door locked room. If that map had not been updated for all of the 'skeleton' work of the base, then his dot would completely disappear from view. Leaving Malcom in a complete loss as to where he had actually went. And he would enter back into the room with a slight bit of suspense. "So you don't see the second door?" He'd ask, making sure to press the button as he swiftly locked the door back behind him. It was a thick door with a kind of 'personnel' only metal plate on where the handle would be with a bolt-type locking mechanism. The black box he slid his keycard through was self contained, and only had itself hooked to the electricity. Not the actual system itself. Almost as if it were some kind of 'older than dirt' form of entrance.
Len stuck his arm out. About time. Nidelia was, so far, friendly. Probably going to be hard to get on her bad side. Len felt the blood pump out of him. He saw the blood flow into the tube. Strangely, he didn't feel hungry. Maybe it was a side effect of the cryo pods.

So I guess I'm the naive person in this? Great. Just great. Note the sarcasm.

Also, I'm 17 and I haven't done anything bad.... Yet...

Wait... I'm the only one she doesn't hate? Yeah! Also go to her profile. She has her char there.
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Nidelia had gotten the needle in and found the vain, then attached the vial and let it drain into it until she had enough in it, then took off that vial and attached another. Once she had that all done she pulled it out and quickly swabbed over it with an alcohol wipe and put a cotton ball over it with a rubber wrap around.

Once it was all done she patted his leg. "Alright kid, let's get you out to him. Also make sure to drink this," she says holding a bottle of water out to him.
Len took the water bottle. It was a simple 16.9 oz bottle. Len drank it on the way to Major, again following Nidelia, if she went to him. Len looked at Nidelia. "Lead the way." Len followed behind Nidelia. He saw her figure.... Nice. No. Bad Len. Must focus on staying alive.
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Nidelia didn't notice him checking her out as she lead him to where Malcolm was. She smiled brightly at Malcolm and walked over. "He's healthy so far. May know more once I finish his labs," she says happily and pats Len on the head.
Len gritted his teeth. "I may be a minor, but I'm not a damn kid, Nidelia." Then, he turned to the major. "So you're the leader in this place." He looked at the main console. "You do know that can take you anywhere in the cryo lab, right? It's not even password protected."
Morridan said:
Jace looked between the two doors he had seen. "Okay so... Tell me-" He'd ask, going over to the other door, sliding his keycard through the 'SECOND' door, and opened it up to see down into a 'boiler' room. "Do you see me-... now?" He'd ask, letting go of the button, and moving his way down into the central-controlled door locked room. If that map had not been updated for all of the 'skeleton' work of the base, then his dot would completely disappear from view. Leaving Malcom in a complete loss as to where he had actually went. And he would enter back into the room with a slight bit of suspense. "So you don't see the second door?" He'd ask, making sure to press the button as he swiftly locked the door back behind him. It was a thick door with a kind of 'personnel' only metal plate on where the handle would be with a bolt-type locking mechanism. The black box he slid his keycard through was self contained, and only had itself hooked to the electricity. Not the actual system itself. Almost as if it were some kind of 'older than dirt' form of entrance.
Malcom frowned and said, "I see the boiler room, but nothing beyond that. Let's talk for a moment before you go out of range somewhere. I want to make sure were on the same page before we decide to go to war over a few badly minced words Jace." Malcom knew he couldn't do this all alone, and so far, he had a couple of untrained women that had no combat survival rate, and a pair of shaky kids. "What do we need to see eye to eye here Jace. I dont give a..." Malcom put in a few choice foul words here, "... about anything you did in the past. What I want to know, before we go any further though... Why did you put all your money away like that. You had enough to sate your vices for a lifetime." He turned to Nidelia and Len, nodding slightly, tapping his temple on the side the mic was on. He reached back and turned his end off, "Yes, I am, What can I do for you?" He supposed at this point he might as well be in charge, inwardly he sighed, he never wanted this much of a command, but if anyone was going to do it, might as well be someone with the training.
Jace hesitantly walked away from that door and then went over to the comm speaker once more. His eyes unfocused as his 'expenses' were brought up to him by this un-known man. He didn't necessarily find that it was any of the guy's business, but he had all but come to terms with the fact that the two of them would have to spend more 'quality time' together than what Jace really wants. "Normally I would have something snarky to say to you by now... But if you really couldn't tell by my actions earlier, I have a soft spot for kids. Not that you didn't already know that by how you used me as a scampering mouse prior..." He'd cycle the button off and then back on before grinding his teeth together. "It's probably unheard of for someone like you to think that a guy like me could wish better for kids, isn't it? To want them to not turn out like I did. But with how you talk to everyone, you'd be just fine if they turned out like you, I bet." He'd let go of the button, turning and making sure the boiler room door was indeed locked, pressing on it to make sure it was indeed held firmly shut. Pressing the button again, he then allowed the bitter words to exit his mouth. "SO what is it to you? Why would someone like you even give a rat's ass what I do with my money? Not that it matters now."
"I'm a hacker. Anything you got for me?" Len asked. Damn, this guy was intimidating. And Len being shorter than the rest, this was not a situation Len wanted to be in.
Malcom was silent for a moment, then he hit the comm,"I had an idea... that the case was that, when I told you about the kids before... I was here you know, when they were brought in..." He snorted at the last comment, "Because I want to know who I'm dealing with, Who I'm about to get in bed with as my CO used to say." He sighed and said, "I'm going to be honest here Jace. I cant do this on my own... I sure as hell could use your help. Everyone else here is doing all they can just to survive, I'm doing all I can to follow an order I was given two hundred years ago, and you... Well.. I'm still trying to figure you out... So how about it, True, Or some stupid shit diplomats say?" He paused, then said, "Come on Jace, Were both men of violence, You just got paid more to do it then I did." He clicked his mic off and shook his head at Len, "Not really, Not yet, Soon though, I'm going to need someone to do a broad spectrum update on the entire station." It would be weeks, if not months of work, going terminal to terminal, updating every single piece until the whole system was updated.
"Alright. Just one more question. Why am I here with you guys instead of in the minors section?" Len thought it had something to do with the rapid entry. He didn't have time to categorize. They just pushed him in a pod. Gotta be someone to do the dirty work.
Nidelia took a hold of Malcolm's hand gently and squeezed it. This guy was running on fumes, getting pissed off and raising his blood pressure was not good. "Malcolm, calm down," she says and presses her comm on.

"Listen Jace, please just do as he asks, it's not like he's asking much. If you want to turn over a new leaf," she says to Have in a kind tone, then turns her comm back off and rests her forward against Malcolm's shoulder and held his hand with both hands.

"Malcolm, healthy or not, you're running on fumes. If you raise your blood pressure too high you're not going to be doing anyone any good," she says looking up into his eyes, her eyes showing worry.
"A truce?" He'd ask with a bit of skepticism as well as sarcasm in his voice. "Let me tell you where I stand here, MISTER DEVONTESS... If I recall how that bimbo addressed you is correct..." He'd pause shaking his head in utter disbelief of the conversation that just started, recalling the man's name as he heard the two speaking from inside of the ceiling above them. "I have keys to the entire living quarters AND the entirety of the lower half of the facility if my guess is correct. To which are mechanical locks, not electronic. You need my help. And until you abused your own power, and locked me here, I've been doing just fine on my own. In fact, the only plans I have right now are to eat, sleep, screw, and take long craps in a good majority of bliss. But for me to do that, I know that I need other people too. So what I'm going to offer you is pretty simple. Get me out of here, tell me the locations of all of the woman's pods OR the location of every woman that is awake, and give me free reign over my own travels in this whole base. And obviously keeping any kids from harm. Then, and ONLY then will I help you out with whatever it is you need my help for. And by free reign, I do mean... everywhere." The microphone went silent again as he let go of the button, waiting for the other male's response.

Of course when Nidelia came over the 'airways' he rolled his eyes at the comment that was made. He didn't bother to hold down the button. He just spoke out loud to himself, though if she could still hear him, all the better. "Like hell I'm turning over a new leaf. I liked my old gig of killing people. Easy. Pay was good." He'd smirk, looking back to the speaker, only now pressing the button down. "Nah, I like my old ways. Think I'll keep 'em toots."
Malcom couldn't hold back, he tapped the comm open and began laughing, as long and loud as he could, This man was pure gold. Malcom had thought all comedians had died, but Jace had just proven him wrong. "Ah, I'm sorry Jace, Oh, That's rich. But no, That isn't even a fair trade. How about this instead. We call truce, you join us. You work on your morals a bit, and see if you can..." He bit back the urge to laugh again, "Win yourself one of the fine ladies that's awake. Because here's the thing Jace... They're all packing now. Every one of them has a gun, and I know that all of them can use them at least well enough to make you wish they couldn't." He chuckled, "Besides Jace, As it stands, its even odds, You have the keys to the services, I have the control switch that opens the door to your cage, the switch that lets your friends in. We both have something over the other, so lets just do what our leaders always did, put our assets together, and get shit done."
Nidelia was staring at Malcolm.as the man spoke. When he mentioned screwing all the girls her face became a look of horror and her grip on Malcolm's hand became subconsciously tighter.

Then she quickly pushed on her comms. "Listen to me you pig. You even come near me I will shoot you. No questions asked I. Will. Shoot. You," she snarls angrily. "And that goes for every woman on this station," she says. Her voice had changed completely and it was obvious this was a bad subject for her.
Malcom fought back tears, he couldn't belive the situation, a sex crazed convict verses a pissed off miniature doctor with a temper the con probably envied. He tapped his comm and said to Jace, "You heard it my man, I think my conditions were pretty fair, but the doc here doesnt seem to like you too much." He chuckled, "So how about it Jace." His tone went serious again, "If you dont, we have no future... Our conflicts stakes are petty in comparison..."
Jace's mouth twitched wider and wider as he heard her mouth start running. "I think you may be mistaken, toots... Not you. I don't want you. That boat sailed. You've already missed your chance. Anyways, Mister Devontess-" He paused. "I think I'll take you up on your offer. But since you gave me a sweet new piece of info. One more requirement. You give me a gun. After all, you can't expect me to do all of what you want without my own means of 'protection'. Right? Do that, and you've got a deal. And I'll be MOST helpful. In debt, actually. And trust me, I always pay my debts." He let go of the button, re-adjusting the shiv he had in his belt, pressing it again. "I want that cherry on top, Devontess. And I'll let you know a little secret."
Malcom shrugged at Nidelia, turning off his own comm, he reached over and shut off hers as well, "I need all the men I can get, I know what he's done, but I can't throw away someone with his skill set when we need people capable of killing monsters. Please, Please forgive me for what I'm about to do." He keyed his mic on before she could reply, and said, "Done, You'll have access to the armory once everything is in place, Partner." He shrugged at Nidelia again, keying off his comm, "Sometimes... the evil from our past, looks worse then the evil about to consume us Nidelia... I can't lose an asset just because it's dangerous. I'm sorry." He apologized again.

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