
Mark Hamilton, huh? Let's have him turn into a Joker-ish character later on. Or into a knock-off Luke Skywalker.


a. so there's this magical world where this thing called Flow sorta governs things. The Flow has a conscience because why not? It then made the world with these trees that help keep magic in earth, a bunch of dragons came representing different aspects of the earth, humans became annoying so the Flow decided "hey let's turn the dragons into humans" and so the dragons became humans and the full dragon's power (which was only given to one person within this dragon-powered ppl clan) was reincarnated over and over again. The Flow got bored and made this 200 year swap where two humans from another world that seemed interesting (Earth) and had them switch places with two creatures from this place, this often takes place whn the people are little kids. So that happened, woooo. The world itself is almost like Earth except it's filled with magic and almost everyone has at least one thing that makes them not human. So on to actual story. Two kids find a mirror, realize it's a magical world, go through and are treated like heroes coming home, evil kid wants to take over the world because he's bored and wants to control the Flow because he's stupid, the evil kid's committing genocide on all the dragon people and all the elves (responsible for protecting these magical tree thingies), the two humans from Earth are expected to fix this, big boss fight yadda yadda ya


b. so there's this magical world with people who do magic, and when you have a magical world you ought to have magical academies. Before we get to that i have to say that A LONG time ago there was this one kid who kinda maintained peace with the help of three others, but they all died. There's only one civilization in this world and it's this walled country. The country is walled just in case monsters attack which happens pretty often but it's never a bother. People without magic are kicked out of the country btw. So this girl who's the worst at magic in her high-expectations family (think of it as an intense asian family, but it's extended and they all live in one neighborhood). She, to her parent's delight, is accepted into one of the best magic schools. After a while of settling in and doing duels with magic, there's sort of this problem that rises. The people with magic are 1. living and 2. using monsters to try to take down the walls. So the girl realizes she's being targeted, and eventually a group of main characters figure out that there's some evil group trying to rid the world of magic which is ironically lead by someone who had powers. Big boss fight yadda yadda ya

i need to decide on one and improve it so pls help meeeeeee

mirror story it is

i mean both of them are rlly cliche

Nearly-Professional Word of Advice: (I'm not a professional script-writer or anything, but I'm even better at these things than I am with demons.)

You don't see people that like cliches.

There are Tropes. Tropes are good. Tropes are uuuuseful, and good. They are employed as a useful story-writing tool that writers use, however never make them too relevant in a story-telling way. Tropes can be used to further character development, or as puzzle-pieces to complete something that feels like it could use "something more". (backstory.)

Then there's Cliches. Cliches are bad. Cliches are bad and have a bad influence on people. They are overused, unoriginal ideas that lost meaning to a consumer base simply due to how often they are used. 

Naming something a cliche itself is a way of marking something as an unoriginal idea, so if you said these ideas are overly cliche you just basically said "These are overly unoriginal ideas." And lack of originality is bad.

Let me help you on writing in 4 steps:

  1. Decide on the thing that will be the main aspect of the story. What emotions do you want to invoke in the reader? What events do you already have planned? How do you intend for the RP to end? (Unless that's up to the players.)
  2. Make the setting. Make sure it is as grimdark, or as light-hearted as it should be for the main aspect of the story.
  3. Decide on a premise. Something that would interest the players and drive them to participate in the RP. (For example. Godmode's premise is the Godcards, and The Guild of Heroes' (My old RP) is the titular Guild of Heroes.)
  4. Decide on a backstory that explains how everything came to be. (For Godmode it would be a mysterious Olympus Group wanting to reconcile with the old gods and thus giving everyone a card of a god, and for the Guild of Heroes it would be a regular guy called William deciding "I don't like evil stuff," and fighting evil for a few years, then making a Guild of Heroes that helps people and fights evil stuff with him.)
Like rlly cliche. How come no one makes a story where people get the power of online Memes and GIFs.

I've seen a RP like that once.

I've participated in it.

I've felt the glory of it.

I've become part of it.

Part of me died with it.
Last edited by a moderator:

Mark Hamilton, huh? Let's have him turn into a Joker-ish character later on. Or into a knock-off Luke Skywalker.

Nearly-Professional Word of Advice: (I'm not a professional script-writer or anything, but I'm even better at these things than I am with demons.)

You don't see people that like cliches.

There are Tropes. Tropes are good. Tropes are uuuuseful, and good. They are employed as a useful story-writing tool that writers use, however never make them too relevant in a story-telling way. Tropes can be used to further character development, or as puzzle-pieces to complete something that feels like it could use "something more". (backstory.)

Then there's Cliches. Cliches are bad. Cliches are bad and have a bad influence on people. They are overused, unoriginal ideas that lost meaning to a consumer base simply due to how often they are used. 

Naming something a cliche itself is a way of marking something as an unoriginal idea, so if you said these ideas are overly cliche you just basically said "These are overly unoriginal ideas." And lack of originality is bad.

Let me help you on writing in 4 steps:

  1. Decide on the thing that will be the main aspect of the story. What emotions do you want to invoke in the reader? What events do you already have planned? How do you intend for the RP to end? (Unless that's up to the players.)
  2. Make the setting. Make sure it is as grimdark, or as light-hearted as it should be for the main aspect of the story.
  3. Decide on a premise. Something that would interest the players and drive them to participate in the RP. (For example. Godmode's premise is the Godcards, and The Guild of Heroes' (My old RP) is the titular Guild of Heroes.)
  4. Decide on a backstory that explains how everything came to be. (For Godmode it would be a mysterious Olympus Group wanting to reconcile with the old gods and thus giving everyone a card of a god, and for the Guild of Heroes it would be a regular guy called William deciding "I don't like evil stuff," and fighting evil for a few years, then making a Guild of Heroes that helps people and fights evil stuff with him.)

I've seen a RP like that once.

I've participated in it.

I've felt the glory of it.

I've become part of it.

Part of me died with it.

WHAT!? How did I miss such a glorious rp!?
WHAT!? How did I miss such a glorious rp!?

I do not know.

There is no greater glory than that of memes... oh, actually. The God-Emperor is way more glorious than memes, but you know... he's like... a glorious golden god walking around. His armor has so much bling on it that when he walks into a country the economy collapses.


Mark Hamilton, huh? Let's have him turn into a Joker-ish character later on. Or into a knock-off Luke Skywalker.

Nearly-Professional Word of Advice: (I'm not a professional script-writer or anything, but I'm even better at these things than I am with demons.)

You don't see people that like cliches.

There are Tropes. Tropes are good. Tropes are uuuuseful, and good. They are employed as a useful story-writing tool that writers use, however never make them too relevant in a story-telling way. Tropes can be used to further character development, or as puzzle-pieces to complete something that feels like it could use "something more". (backstory.)

Then there's Cliches. Cliches are bad. Cliches are bad and have a bad influence on people. They are overused, unoriginal ideas that lost meaning to a consumer base simply due to how often they are used. 

Naming something a cliche itself is a way of marking something as an unoriginal idea, so if you said these ideas are overly cliche you just basically said "These are overly unoriginal ideas." And lack of originality is bad.

Let me help you on writing in 4 steps:

  1. Decide on the thing that will be the main aspect of the story. What emotions do you want to invoke in the reader? What events do you already have planned? How do you intend for the RP to end? (Unless that's up to the players.)
  2. Make the setting. Make sure it is as grimdark, or as light-hearted as it should be for the main aspect of the story.
  3. Decide on a premise. Something that would interest the players and drive them to participate in the RP. (For example. Godmode's premise is the Godcards, and The Guild of Heroes' (My old RP) is the titular Guild of Heroes.)
  4. Decide on a backstory that explains how everything came to be. (For Godmode it would be a mysterious Olympus Group wanting to reconcile with the old gods and thus giving everyone a card of a god, and for the Guild of Heroes it would be a regular guy called William deciding "I don't like evil stuff," and fighting evil for a few years, then making a Guild of Heroes that helps people and fights evil stuff with him.)

I've seen a RP like that once.

I've participated in it.

I've felt the glory of it.

I've become part of it.

Part of me died with it.

Reminds me of the process of havinng made the interest check for the idea I had for Ragnarok happening in the 21st century. Though unfortunately not enough interest was expressed unfortunately 
Reminds me of the process of havinng made the interest check for the idea I had for Ragnarok happening in the 21st century. Though unfortunately not enough interest was expressed unfortunately 


That was a good idea.

I wanted to make a character from Polish history as one of Odin's chosen warriors: Zawisza Czarny (Zawisa the Black.)

Shame it didn't get the interest really, could've been really interesting.

That was a good idea.

I wanted to make a character from Polish history as one of Odin's chosen warriors: Zawisza Czarny (Zawisa the Black.)

Shame it didn't get the interest really, could've been really interesting.

Yeah, I was gonna make a WWII Gurkha character. I may try again at another moment in time. Maybe if some of you were interested I may just make it.
I do not know.

There is no greater glory than that of memes... oh, actually. The God-Emperor is way more glorious than memes, but you know... he's like... a glorious golden god walking around. His armor has so much bling on it that when he walks into a country the economy collapses.

I do not know.

There is no greater glory than that of memes... oh, actually. The God-Emperor is way more glorious than memes, but you know... he's like... a glorious golden god walking around. His armor has so much bling on it that when he walks into a country the economy collapses.

He has faces with mutton chops on his kneecaps

Check out his enemies:


We have Khorne, the blood god, the master of skulls, the god of war.

Tzeentch, the changer of ways, master of intrigue and deceiver of many.

Nurgle, the plague spreader, the great unclean one and the lord of death.

Slaanesh, the mistress of pleasure, pain and all things fucked up.

And then you have the God-Emperor (The guy in golden armor I showed you,) who just wants the best for humanity and keeps the 4 chaos gods (above picture) at bay using these guys:



The Emperor had 20 sons. (22 if you count in the two that we don't talk about.)

The best part is that he's still a virgin. His sons were imperfect clones, because no woman would survive "doing it," with a 6-meter tall, physical god that has so much musucule he could lift an office building, and so much magical power that he can cut a planet in half.

Mark Hamilton, huh? Let's have him turn into a Joker-ish character later on. Or into a knock-off Luke Skywalker.

Nearly-Professional Word of Advice: (I'm not a professional script-writer or anything, but I'm even better at these things than I am with demons.)

You don't see people that like cliches.

There are Tropes. Tropes are good. Tropes are uuuuseful, and good. They are employed as a useful story-writing tool that writers use, however never make them too relevant in a story-telling way. Tropes can be used to further character development, or as puzzle-pieces to complete something that feels like it could use "something more". (backstory.)

Then there's Cliches. Cliches are bad. Cliches are bad and have a bad influence on people. They are overused, unoriginal ideas that lost meaning to a consumer base simply due to how often they are used. 

Naming something a cliche itself is a way of marking something as an unoriginal idea, so if you said these ideas are overly cliche you just basically said "These are overly unoriginal ideas." And lack of originality is bad.

Let me help you on writing in 4 steps:

  1. Decide on the thing that will be the main aspect of the story. What emotions do you want to invoke in the reader? What events do you already have planned? How do you intend for the RP to end? (Unless that's up to the players.)
  2. Make the setting. Make sure it is as grimdark, or as light-hearted as it should be for the main aspect of the story.
  3. Decide on a premise. Something that would interest the players and drive them to participate in the RP. (For example. Godmode's premise is the Godcards, and The Guild of Heroes' (My old RP) is the titular Guild of Heroes.)
  4. Decide on a backstory that explains how everything came to be. (For Godmode it would be a mysterious Olympus Group wanting to reconcile with the old gods and thus giving everyone a card of a god, and for the Guild of Heroes it would be a regular guy called William deciding "I don't like evil stuff," and fighting evil for a few years, then making a Guild of Heroes that helps people and fights evil stuff with him.)

I've seen a RP like that once.

I've participated in it.

I've felt the glory of it.

I've become part of it.

Part of me died with it.

i actually planned for this to be a small story on google docs or something, not an rp XD it's useful info tho ty ty
it's such an unexpected response that I think it will take  me a while to think of something to adequately respond to this attempt at suicide XD

it's not even a suicide attempt

maybe she just really like roller coasters

(i swear i tried not to make it sound like a suicide attempt)

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