Special Effects by Birdsie

Writing by Birdsie

Animation by Birdsie

Story Drafts by Birdsie

Dialogue by Birdsie

Director Birdsie

This text: by Birdsie

You get the idea pal...

Hello, hello, hello! Let's get roooooight into the neeews! This is yo' host, Birdsie, in our newest show: Birdsie's Shippings!

Call me a [CENSORED], or a [CENSORED]. I don't care what hate you post about me on the internet! I already have my list of shippings for the RP. Here they are!

OTP (One True Pairing): Zane X Helene (Also, Helene would make a good protagonist for the RP.)

Anastasiya X Elsa (As proposed by our gracious founder: @IamNotLoki. I agree on this one!)

David X Elsa (Because she broke this devil's heart! Or well, Anastasiya will BREAK all of him for sure.)

Clyde X Bonnie (Obviously cute.)

Morgan Freeman X David

The Mangler X-- (SCRATCH THAT!) (Damn... we're having some terrible ideas on the show today.)

That would be all for today, folks. This was Birdsie speaking... Alright, we're done here... *The music stops and the show is over*
True, but people again, do tend to use them interchangeably.

As for the second one, well let's not go trying on purpose to fulfill any ships we gotta leave them in suspense lol

When I think of Satan I tend to see this:

View attachment 212470

the name means "enemy of man"

When I think of Lucifer I see this:

View attachment 212471

the name means "Bringer of Light" or "Morning Star"... angel of music and light.

It can still happen with hard work and dedication.

Its like one of those RPGs where the most unlikely relationships can happen if you say the right things.

To be fair.

In the first abrahamic texts, Satan and Lucifer are seen as two, different, completely separate spirits. Lucifer seen as a fallen angel (Archangel, Cherubim or Seraphim in different cases) and Satan as an evil spirit that embodies everything God isn't. Evil, malevolence, darkness and sheer hatred towards existence itself. It was in later texts that the two were associated together more and more, until today we have what we have: People think the two of them are the same.

Although of course this is wrong, I actually like the concept of Lucifer and Satan being one entity. I always had this weird thing for storywriting where Lucifer used to be an angel in Heaven, and then after Michael defeated him he gave him the name Satan. (Satan means Adversary, or Opposer. Later it also gained the meanings: "Enemy of Man," "Father of Lies," "Master of Deceit," and many other titles.)
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Special Effects by Birdsie

Writing by Birdsie

Animation by Birdsie

Story Drafts by Birdsie

Dialogue by Birdsie

Director Birdsie

This text: by Birdsie

You get the idea pal...

Hello, hello, hello! Let's get roooooight into the neeews! This is yo' host, Birdsie, in our newest show: Birdsie's Shippings!

Call me a [CENSORED], or a [CENSORED]. I don't care what hate you post about me on the internet! I already have my list of shippings for the RP. Here they are!

OTP (One True Pairing): Zane X Helene (Also, Helene would make a good protagonist for the RP.)

Anastasiya X Elsa (As proposed by our gracious founder: @IamNotLoki. I agree on this one!)

David X Elsa (Because she broke this devil's heart! Or well, Anastasiya will BREAK all of him for sure.)

Clyde X Bonnie (Obviously cute.)

Morgan Freeman X David

The Mangler X-- (SCRATCH THAT!) (Damn... we're having some terrible ideas on the show today.)

That would be all for today, folks. This was Birdsie speaking... Alright, we're done here... *The music stops and the show is over*

Welp all we need now are the Yuri fanfics of Elsa x Anastasiya to make that complete! And then the rest are boring normal ships that get normal fanfics lol. People tend to find Yuri/Yaoi ships more fun overall lol
Welp all we need now are the Yuri fanfics of Elsa x Anastasiya to make that complete! And then the rest are boring normal ships that get normal fanfics lol. People tend to find Yuri/Yaoi ships more fun overall lol

DavidxElsa isn't bad either.  

To be fair.

In the first abrahamic texts, Satan and Lucifer are seen as two, different, completely separate spirits. Lucifer seen as a fallen angel (Archangel, Cherubim or Seraphim in different cases) and Satan as an evil spirit that embodies everything God isn't. Evil, malevolence, darkness and sheer hatred towards existence itself. It was in later texts that the two were associated together more and more, until today we have what we have: People think the two of them are the same.

Although of course this is wrong, I actually like the concept of Lucifer and Satan being one entity. I always had this weird thing for storywriting where Lucifer used to be an angel in Heaven, and then after Michael defeated him he gave him the name Satan. (Satan means Adversary, or Opposer. Later it also gained the meanings: "Enemy of Man," "Father of Lies," "Master of Deceit," and many other titles.)

Dat demonology degree, hard at work lol
DavidxElsa isn't bad either.  

Dat demonology degree, hard at work lol

True, I would ship it, but again I think people find on average the yuri/yaoi ships more interesting. Which is why I referred to it as boring, in my opinion, I have no preference as long as it works

and lol Ikr the one person with demonology 
DavidxElsa isn't bad either.  

Dat demonology degree, hard at work lol

I ain't got no degrees in Demonology, Theology, Angelology or anything else, bruh.

It's pure knowledge. I'm the smart kid. De facto: I'd call myself a walking encyclopedia. I remember the good ol' gymnasium (what we call middle school in Poland.) If someone didn't know something they nearly always asked me (if a teacher wasn't around,) and when my close friends were sick, or way too lazy to do anything they would ask me for homework. Then again, my knowledge about demons, angels and all that shit is so expansive that I guess I cooouuuld make a degree in it if I wanted to. I've been reading on old abrahamic mythos since I was a kid. Always interested me. There's a lot of stuff people don't know about the Bible and all of the abrahamic-christian-judaistic religions.

Here's a few examples: (If you're a nerd like me you can have a read.)

  • Angels are split into 3 spheres, and there are 3 "types," of angels for each sphere: Angels, Archangels and Principalities (also called Rulers,) for the first sphere. Powers (or Authorities,); Virtues (or Strongholds) and Dominions (or Lordships,) for the second sphere. Then there was the third sphere, and here things get really interesting. There's the Ophanim (AKA Thrones,) whom are angels that appear as several rings connected to each other and they had eyes on them. The Ophanim were responsible for carrying God's throne on them. Then there's Cherubim who have several wings and several faces. They guarded the way to the Tree of Life, Garden of Eden and God's Throne (funfact: Lucifer/Satan was often imagined as a Cherubim-Archangel mix before he fell, thus explaining why he could access the Garden of Eden and turn into a serpent.) And then there's the Seraphim, beings made out of pure light with 6 wings that cover their bodies except for the head (which is the only human-looking part of their body.) The Seraphim were caretakers of God's throne and they constantly chanted holy songs.
  • Demons, according to christianity; could not procreate (To all of you plebians out there: Procreate means breed,) so they instead did it with witches. In exchange, they would grant a witch unholy powers called magic, or sorcery. Demons didn't care for gender, as they could shapeshift, but they preferred women. Also, it was believed that hair was the source of a witch's power. (Bayonetta got it right!)
  • During the War In Heaven (When Lucifer declared independence and gathered 1/3 of the angels to his side to wage war against God himself.) Lucifer turned into a huge dragon with 7 heads, 7 crowns and 10 horns. Then he was beaten by Michael and cast from grace. Many people (including me,) like the theory that Michael called Lucifer: Satan (Adversary/Opposer) somewhere at this time.
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True, I would ship it, but again I think people find on average the yuri/yaoi ships more interesting. Which is why I referred to it as boring, in my opinion, I have no preference as long as it works

and lol Ikr the one person with demonology 

I am not a demonolog! *Blush + Harsh frown*
Meh maybe you are

You leave me no choice but to go on an epic quest. At the very end of my journey I will enter the dungeon and kill Overlord Satan, a great dragon with 7 heads, 7 crowns and 10 horns. I'll die 15 times along the way like a mook playing Dark Souls for the first time, but in the end I will slay Satan and receive my degree in demonology! *Heroically points a golden sword towards the sky* *Cue Epic Music*...

Or maybe I'll just pass my exam...
You leave me no choice but to go on an epic quest. At the very end of my journey I will enter the dungeon and kill Overlord Satan, a great dragon with 7 heads, 7 crowns and 10 horns. I'll die 15 times along the way like a mook playing Dark Souls for the first time, but in the end I will slay Satan and receive my degree in demonology! *Heroically points a golden sword towards the sky* *Cue Epic Music*...

Or maybe I'll just pass my exam...

Wish me luck on my interview.
@Shmivian I swear to god I laughed more at the comment about Anastasiya looking pretty more than I should have, especially since I do know that women do at times see each other as pretty without thinking of it in lesbian way... And you know, she technically is right... She was designed to be pretty nice looking and beautiful... Sort of based in truth considering the fact that Slavic/Russian women are considered by many to be some of the most beautiful looking women in the world. Partly in fact because they also tend to put on make up, even for more casual events which I took a slight nod at. Which on average also makes them look more beautiful. I am gonna expect many more posts with men drooling over her on average lol

The laughter police is gonna get to you










Special Effects by Birdsie

Writing by Birdsie

Animation by Birdsie

Story Drafts by Birdsie

Dialogue by Birdsie

Director Birdsie

This text: by Birdsie

You get the idea pal...

Hello, hello, hello! Let's get roooooight into the neeews! This is yo' host, Birdsie, in our newest show: Birdsie's Shippings!

Call me a [CENSORED], or a [CENSORED]. I don't care what hate you post about me on the internet! I already have my list of shippings for the RP. Here they are!

OTP (One True Pairing): Zane X Helene (Also, Helene would make a good protagonist for the RP.)

Anastasiya X Elsa (As proposed by our gracious founder: @IamNotLoki. I agree on this one!)

David X Elsa (Because she broke this devil's heart! Or well, Anastasiya will BREAK all of him for sure.)

Clyde X Bonnie (Obviously cute.)

Morgan Freeman X David

The Mangler X-- (SCRATCH THAT!) (Damn... we're having some terrible ideas on the show today.)

That would be all for today, folks. This was Birdsie speaking... Alright, we're done here... *The music stops and the show is over*

I don't know what to say about this
2 hours ago, Birdsie said:

Oh, yus indeed.

Them ships gotta sail and sink each otha until the best one remains.


Or just not get all violent about ships and just enjoy them and let your imagination run wild with them?
Or just not get all violent about ships and just enjoy them and let your imagination run wild with them?

Only the Emperor's finest may survive the great war of the ships.

And all of their glorious blood shall be put to our forges to create more servants for the emperor! Hallelujah! Let us rejoice in the coming oblivion! (I don't have any idea what type of nonsense I'm spitting out...)

Just now, Birdsie said:

Only the Emperor's finest may survive the great war of the ships.

And all of their glorious blood shall be put to our forges to create more servants for the emperor! Hallelujah! Let us rejoice in the coming oblivion! (I don't have any idea what type of nonsense I'm spitting out...)



NO SCREW THE GOD EMPEROR, WRONG GENRE GET OUT, NO ONE CARES, NO ONE LIKES IT... [SIZE= 10.5px]I don't know what I am saying either..[/SIZE]
NO SCREW THE GOD EMPEROR, WRONG GENRE GET OUT, NO ONE CARES, NO ONE LIKES IT... [SIZE= 10.5px]I don't know what I am saying either..[/SIZE]


*Builds a pillow fort to keep you out*

16 minutes ago, Birdsie said:


*Builds a pillow fort to keep you out*





RENEGADE FOR LIFE BITCHES! *pokes pillow fort at a weak point causing it to fall down* HA HA I WIN BYEEEE!!!!111!!

@IamNotLoki Loving the Full Metal Alchemist reference there instead of RL. #RoyMustangFuhrerOfArmesteis (Or so I think that's the name of the nation)
RENEGADE FOR LIFE BITCHES! *pokes pillow fort at a weak point causing it to fall down* HA HA I WIN BYEEEE!!!!111!!

@IamNotLoki Loving the Full Metal Alchemist reference there instead of RL. #RoyMustangFuhrerOfArmesteis (Or so I think that's the name of the nation)

How dare you touch the Emperor's holy monastery-fortress!?


*Phones the number: 112-999-INQUISITION*

Hello! I'd like you to connect me with Fyodor Karamazov...

*After 10 seconds the conversation resumes*


*After like 10 days. Meanwhile all loyal troops are evacuated to monastery-ships*



*Huge beams and lazers rain down from the sky obliterating the life on the whole planet*
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