
ShadowEntity said:
@Light I'm sorry, if I'm asking this but. What is a wish factory?
Grimm is going to grant wishes in a factory. He made tickets appear and when you focus on them they teleport you to him. You ask for a wish and he'll grant it.
Embaga Elder]So let's say Crimson and Ent cross paths. Will they know each other or no?? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Actual moments from an rp? No. Though you can say they have a history.

Age: Doesn't age because undead, but about 400 years old




Appearance: In an impeccable black suit with a full head gas mask. he also wears black leather gloves to hide his skin. he never takes the mask off unless he is trying to scare his enemy. His unvieled face is a skull with some flesh still attached, and part of the gums on the left side are still there.

Personality: He is highly secretive, but highly out going if he is talking to those he knows. he is extremely stubborn and hates people who dont listen to or dont understand logic. But to almost anything else, he is completely tolerent.

Physiology ( Optional ):has flashbacks to when he died

Powers ( Weakness or Limits are required in some shape or form ):

Carrion: he was killed on a battlefield and his body was picked apart by carrion, so now in his second life he can control them or even turn into them. His power lessens considerable under a bright light, but when there is plenty of darkness, he can summon, command, and turn into/morph parts of his body into crows/ravens.

Undead: He has heightened reflexes, senses and strength due to being undead. His voice also sounds like many voices at once.

Ill put his weapons here: he has a briefcase, and inside are a set of playing cards, (the aces are razor sharp) a 6 shot revolver with enough recoil to stop an elephant and enough stopping power to halt the progress of donald trump's ego growing (if only for a second) and razor blade, used for more than shaving.

Theme ( Optional ):I will probably add these in at a later time

History ( Optional ):I will probably add these in at a later time


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( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Daimao @djinnamon @OceanBunny @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @metalcity @Juju @CitrineGalaxite @Lotusy @Dreamtique @Fluffykitty9000 @Nova King @ShadowEntity @Austria @Yaoke Saint )

If you're in a relationship between charactershe there's something coming that has an impact on that. Though if your character isn't it's alright there's nothing wrong with that you're just fine. Just a warning that something is happening in the future. Also, there are upcoming trials so you should all prepare yourselves.
oh my, this is gonna hurt. But I'm okay with throwing my two creations to the wolves and lions now > :)
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