Inheritance said:
No real football. Like American football. Tackle football. In 8th grade. I still play it today (High School) but I ain't a QB anymore. I play Defensive end-the guy who tackles the QB.
But that's not real football.....
GingerBread said:
But that's not real football.....
Do you mean real being soccer? The one where you kick a ball around for 2 hours then tie 0-0?

JUST kiddin I played Soccer/anywhereButAmericanFootball as well. I tend to like American better.
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Inheritance said:
Do you mean real being soccer? The one where you kick a ball around for 2 hours then tie 0-0?
It's called football.

And how dare you m8 I swear on me mum I'll rekt ye

But yes, that is the real football.

We also have rugby if you are craving some handegg, it's roughly the same thing as HandEgg
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GingerBread said:
It's called football.
And how dare you m8 I swear on me mum I'll rekt yee

But yes, that is the real football.

We also have rugby if you are craving some handegg
Handegg- You knew exactly what I was talkin about thanks for makin me go through that! You from England? Or Brittan? Whatever I'm an American as you can tell. Rugby? That's cool too-although it's essentially Smear the Queer...
Inheritance said:
Handegg- You knew exactly what I was talkin about thanks for makin me go through that! You from England? Or Brittan? Whatever I'm an American as you can tell. Rugby? That's cool too-although it's essentially Smear the Queer...
Well you referred to it as Football and I can't have that, you don't even use your feet on the ball in HandEgg!

Yeah, I'm an englishman and i have no idea what Smear the Queer is, but it sounds like a slur. I'm sure it isn't though. If I had to guess I'd say it was something similar to British bulldog
GingerBread said:
Well you referred to it as Football and I can't have that, you don't even use your feet on the ball in HandEgg!
Yeah, I'm an englishman and i have no idea what Smear the Queer is, but it sounds like a slur. I'm sure it isn't though. If I had to guess I'd say it was something similar to British bulldog
Not sure. It kinda is a slur. Basically you have a ball...and whoever has the ball gets the crap kicked outta him...then whoever can get the ball out of his grip meets the same fate. Winner holds on to it the longest.


By the by, tell all your British chaps that NOT ALL AMERICANS SUPPORT TRUMP! I hate him! So while he insults Europe, know about 70% of Americans hate him...God forbid he gets elected.

What's Bulldog?
Daimao said:
Nope. I would've gotten lynched over here in Russia if I did.
That's awesome he just used Lynch. I thought that was strictly an American term. Russia? Oh dayum I'll see you on the battlefield if Trump gets elected.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Lol I play tennis, The only thing i can actually play for some reason...

Tenis? How long did it take you to master the grunt? Ya know when you swing the...thingyouswing...oh damn I'm blanking here. Racket? That's right. Sorry
Inheritance said:
That's awesome he just used Lynch. I thought that was strictly an American term. Russia? Oh dayum I'll see you on the battlefield if Trump gets elected.
Look for the guy jumping out of a plane and wearing a blue beret. That might be me.
Inheritance said:
Not sure. It kinda is a slur. Basically you have a ball...and whoever has the ball gets the crap kicked outta him...then whoever can get the ball out of his grip meets the same fate. Winner holds on to it the longest.

By the by, tell all your British chaps that NOT ALL AMERICANS SUPPORT TRUMP! I hate him! So while he insults Europe, know about 70% of Americans hate him...God forbid he gets elected.

What's Bulldog?
Sounds like fun, so who ever is holding balls gets kicked to shit xD

That doesn't count, it's not the main focus of the game. In football the goalie can touch the ball with his hands and so can players when they're doing a throw in. But the main focus is kicking in football. In handegg the main focus is holding the egg.

I don't think that anyone here thinks that all americans support trump. I think everyone agrees that he's smart though, He's still an arsehole, but he knows how to get people on his side.

British bulldog is a playground game that is banned is schools. There can be as many people playing as you can get, so we'll just say 101 for this example. It's normally played on a football pitch as well, or a rugby pitch or any large pitch.

One person (Who is either a complete nutter or was forced into it.) stands in the middle pitch while everyone else stands at one side, he is referred to as the bulldog. Then all one hundred people (Or however many you have) Run towards the opposite end of the pitch. The Bulldog then has to take down everyone in any way he can, Punching, kicking, tackling, tripping them up or whatever other way to can. The people who got taken down then become bulldogs as well, until no one is left. So eventually you'll end up with one person who has one hundred people who are all trying to take him down in the most violent way possible.
Inheritance said:
Tenis? How long did it take you to master the grunt? Ya know when you swing the...thingyouswing...oh damn I'm blanking here. Racket? That's right. Sorry
Hell yes i have mastered the grunt, It is like 90% of the fun... Plus when you don't wanna talk to people, you can grunt at them... Problem solved... Right?
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Come play Volleyball in a bikini in America, we have crippling debt!

Oh boy. Nah, I don't like American beer.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Well i have heard our beer sucks compared to other places.

Germany has the best, in my opinion
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Okay wait sidenote, What is a stereotypical american teenager to you non Americans?

Don't know. I stopped stereotyping people back when I was in middle school
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Okay wait sidenote, What is a stereotypical american teenager to you non Americans?

Well according to T.V, they're little shits who always get into trouble and then find a way out of it while causing as much chaos as possible, but it's good in the end because they learnt the meaning of friendship or something.

In my actual opinion, I think they're teenagers, who think it's cool to get drunk because you guys can't legally drink until 21. But apart from that, I don't think much is different and even then, that's probably not a lot of them. But the idiots shout the loudest.
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