[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]Well i have no idea what to do here. Like i cant attack the president.

You don't have to, but Obama's convinced that she's some radical that's out for his head, and isn't really a fan of her accusations. Also, you're about to witness the glory of the OBD-S.
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Lotusy said:
You don't have to, but Obama's convinced that she's some radical that's out for his head, and isn't really a fan of her accusations. Also, you're about to witness the glory of the OBD-S.
What i just did was left before anything shady happened. I really dislike doing that.
Lotusy said:
You don't have to, but Obama's convinced that she's some radical that's out for his head, and isn't really a fan of her accusations. Also, you're about to witness the glory of the OBD-S.
But i have to admit, this is the funniest thing i have ever seen in an rp.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]What i just did was left before anything shady happened. I really dislike doing that.

Sorry, but I hope you won't mind if Obama suddenly pulls Rue into his army.

The warning's just for a knockout, don't worry. On the bright side, you don't need to leave.
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Lotusy said:
Sorry, but I hope you won't mind if Obama suddenly pulls Rue into his army.
The warning's just for a knockout, don't worry. On the bright side, you don't need to leave.
Meh, She needs to learn to follow orders anyway, she also has a slight crush on the president. xD
Lotusy said:
As Rue walked out of the Oval Office, she must have felt the aforementioned oil seeping through the door, on her shoes. By opening the door, the origin of the oil became very clear, as was the reason Obama had snapped his fingers earlier. There, right before her, stood an oiled-up Joe Biden, with a suit still on and everything. Suddenly, from behind Rue, the door to the Oval Office burst open, revealing an also oiled-up Obama. "Oh, Joe! Just in time!" The vice president only winked, shooting a finger gun at Barack, which he gladly returned. The two suddenly ran towards each other, jumping over Rue in a feat of extreme acrobatics and bumping fists. "OILED BIDEN DOUBLE-SUPLEX ACTIVATE!" The two middle-aged men interlocked arms and hollered as they hurtled down towards Rue at breakneck speeds, hitting her and knocking her out. As Obama stood up and brushed some of the oil off himself, he nodded at Joe, who winked at him before running away. Meanwhile, Obama stood with his hands on his hips, looking down at Rue. "Well, miss, welcome to Obama's army. Enjoy your stay."
@The Imperial Flame @Light (What do I do with the unconscious army member now?)
No tom foolery,
Light said:
( I don't know... )
Grimm nods his head. "Wow....that was amazing. So...about this army. There are several things I have to talk about. There's a war coming...are you willing to listen?"
I will get another char, and have her go into coma, Have the army bionically enhance her or something like that. Idc as long as she is still alive.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]We were having a nice Role play of what Obama body slamming someone would be like.

I know, but I saw Light reply and he didn't have Luna say anything to Vance. I cri =P
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at her Draco snorted then changed into a human. He twirled and spoke some words. Suddenly the rubble lifted and all the broken dishes came back together and the beam went back into the ceiling. The house had been exactly like it was before the earth quake. Silently Draco went outside and stopped he called, "Um Angelica you might want to see this. I think I know what caused the earthquake and it wasn't me." He was staring at an army of black soldiers marching towards them. They seemed unaffected by the earthquake although a few of their ranks were on the ground. Most were moving towards the city. Draco changed into a dragon then. He cracked his neck and looked at Angelica and stated, "You need to stop being so stubborn and listen to me. Earthquakes are caused by chance! Not by me you...never mind. You really need to stop be so reclusive like me and be kind for once. And sorry if the truth hurts!" He then took off into the sky.
No. Just no.

1. How did the house fix itself? The only powers Draco has is his dragon form, claws, and fire breathing.

2. Who and what are these black soldiers? I don't go into a deep explanation because I honestly don't care about them in terms of their bible like backstory, I'm killing them all.

3. No. Just no. What the hell is Draco talking about? "You need to stop being so stubborn and listen to me. Earthquakes are caused by chance!" - Draco. If anything he needed to be quiet and pay attention in class. Earthquakes aren't caused by chance. They happen for a reason, whether it's a fault, volcano, and or whatever. They don't occur at random by chance for no reason. You decided to destroy the house this character lived in, taking care of for her brother, a backstory I wanted to develop her with. Using an earthquake because you wanted Draco to seem impressive to her because he was hurt saving her. Which is crap that you did that which is why Angelica said he must leave because there's no fault near them and they still experienced and earthquake. I know that there's still the P and S wave effect but that still doesn't even apply here. So in a world of good balance between science and magic the only reason why this occurred is because he arrived. Which was proven by you even though you kept trying to tell her she's wrong because suddenly black soldiers arrive. You seriously expect me to believe that suddenly out of random an earthquake occurs and soldiers invade when he arrives and nothing like this has happened before and it's not his fault? You've done nothing but prove Angelica's point. You've literally ruined her life, ruined my plans for her character development, and pulled so much bullshit just to make your character seem correct in an argument you contradicted and still lost and to make him look impressive to her. Which still had the opposite effect as well.

"And sorry if the truth hurts!" - Draco.

Yeah, I'm sorry too.
I know. Draco messes things up no matter what he does and the whole putting the house back together forget I said that I was thinking of a different roleplay. I should have waited to reply I was really tired last night and wasn't thinking clearly. So can I just restart? Ignore my last post. About the Earthquakes being chance they are! After all the things happening in the earth that causes earthquakes no one can predict so can I just restart?

No. Just no.

1. How did the house fix itself? The only powers Draco has is his dragon form, claws, and fire breathing.

2. Who and what are these black soldiers? I don't go into a deep explanation because I honestly don't care about them in terms of their bible like backstory, I'm killing them all.

3. No. Just no. What the hell is Draco talking about? "You need to stop being so stubborn and listen to me. Earthquakes are caused by chance!" - Draco. If anything he needed to be quiet and pay attention in class. Earthquakes aren't caused by chance. They happen for a reason, whether it's a fault, volcano, and or whatever. They don't occur at random by chance for no reason. You decided to destroy the house this character lived in, taking care of for her brother, a backstory I wanted to develop her with. Using an earthquake because you wanted Draco to seem impressive to her because he was hurt saving her. Which is crap that you did that which is why Angelica said he must leave because there's no fault near them and they still experienced and earthquake. I know that there's still the P and S wave effect but that still doesn't even apply here. So in a world of good balance between science and magic the only reason why this occurred is because he arrived. Which was proven by you even though you kept trying to tell her she's wrong because suddenly black soldiers arrive. You seriously expect me to believe that suddenly out of random an earthquake occurs and soldiers invade when he arrives and nothing like this has happened before and it's not his fault? You've done nothing but prove Angelica's point. You've literally ruined her life, ruined my plans for her character development, and pulled so much bullshit just to make your character seem correct in an argument you contradicted and still lost and to make him look impressive to her. Which still had the opposite effect as well.

"And sorry if the truth hurts!" - Draco.

Yeah, I'm sorry too.
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Lighthouse8477 said:
I know. Draco messes things up no matter what he does and the whole putting the house back together forget I said that I was thinking of a different roleplay. I should have waited to reply I was really tired last night and wasn't thinking clearly. So can I just restart? Ignore my last post. About the Earthquakes being chance they are! After all the things happening in the earth that causes earthquakes no one can predict so can I just restart?
Last night? Too tired to reply? You say that like it happened 12 hours ago. It hasn't even been two hours yet.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-31-12-13-32-1.png.96ad8f5b1756b39027bb724db88b1919.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-31-12-13-32-1.png.96ad8f5b1756b39027bb724db88b1919.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

No. They don't. Do you need me to educate you? Earthquakes happen for a reason. Not by chance. There's a difference between being unable to predict something and something happening by chance for no reason at all. I just explained to you. They happen because of fault lines not because the Earth decides, oops I wanna release seismic energy for no reason.



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What I mean is that the Earthquake happens because it happens of the tectonic plates and the pressure building up in the falts it being connected to my character is making me angry and annoyed. It's to confusing. How was I supposed to know their wasn't an fault near them? Can we just restart from before the earth quake please? I just never think things through. I need to work on it. Can you Pm me and then I can ask you about what I might reply so you can coach me? And I can't find my posts even thought it was whenever you say. Sorry I am not thinking straight. And the 10:19 am was yesterday I didn't wake until noon today so it was yesterday and I still wasn't thinking straight I was tired and sick so please can I just restart?

No. They don't. Do you need me to educate you? Earthquakes happen for a reason. Not by chance. There's a difference between being unable to predict something and something happening by chance for no reason at all. I just explained to you. They happen because of fault lines not because the Earth decides, oops I wanna release seismic energy for no reason.
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Lighthouse8477 said:
What I mean is that the Earthquake happens because it happens it being connected to my character is making me angry and annoyed. It's to confusing. And I can't find my posts even thought it was whenever you say. Sorry I am not thinking straight. And the 10:19 am was yesterday I didn't wake until noon today so it was yesterday and I still wasn't thinking straight I was tired and sick so please can I just restart?
That's the only explanation as to why since you were the one who wanted to pull that crap in the first place to seem impressive. So deal with it. You caused it. You suffer for it. There's literally no reason why that town suffers from earthquakes. That area doesn't have that type of catastrophe. There's also no reason as to why soldiers would invade. Unless I don't know...you made them appear to seem like you're correct and impressive. Don't get annoyed about the stuff you did. It's the most recent post on the in character thread. If you're seriously saying you can find it, that's bullshit. I hope you do now. Each post that's made, labels the day it was made and exactly what time.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-31-12-35-18-1.png.90eba032901831dddb96ba0b980ea6e0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-31-12-35-18-1.png.90eba032901831dddb96ba0b980ea6e0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Do you see the words Today there at 10:19 AM? I hope you really do. For my time. That post was made two hours ago in the morning. Now its 56 minutes into noon. You seriously expect me to believe that you were asleep as you say when you posted and woke up only after a couple posts into our argument? If so I'd like to learn how you post and argue while you're asleep. Doesn't matter of you live in a different area and run off of a different time. Your excuse still means you were asleep during all of this. Which is fucking impossible unless like I said before you can type in your sleep. By my math you responded at 12:09, 12:08, or 12:10 PM my time to the argument. Your last post was 10:19 AM. There isn't even a two hour gap between the two times yet so why are you talking like an entire 24 hours passed? No you can't restart. I'm simply going to reply.

( Some times may be weirdly off because I had to stop typing since my teacher said stop. )



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I don't care if it's over due, it's illogical. As you can see if you look above I just had to deal with someone and their shit. I'm going to ask you now. Will you edit the Inaro post without an argument or will we have to talk about it first? You didn't even put up a death threat either. Make your choice.

Edit. I you know what? Forget it. I stopped caring about the explanation. I'm just going to reply and whatever happens is on you.
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Okay Fine. I did find my post and changed it. It was yesterday according to my notices. Well I guess I have to fix it. I Changed my last post but we will go with the one I did. *Breaths in deeply* Okay let's face the music.
Lighthouse8477 said:
Okay Fine. I did find my post and changed it. It was yesterday according to my notices. Well I guess I have to fix it. I Changed my last post but we will go with the one I did. *Breaths in deeply* Okay let's face the music.
Oh I know you did so I edited it back to what it originally was. :)
Go ahead and post your reply. I don't know how I am going to fix this. I could just go with the proving I am Right you made them appear to seem like you're correct and impressive thing. However I don't know. I just relized something though. By doing this I am making this a lot longer road. haha. Wow your right I must be out of it or something because the post was today at one o:clock. Sorry about that I must really be phasing out or something. Sorry can you forgive me? Also can I add Illusions to Draco's powers list?
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The Imperial Flame] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
@Light[/URL] your posts with grimm never fail to make me giggle. Also, I want Hannah to Assist Grimm in this War that Obama is helping in xD
Ok. I honestly think you're going to kill Grimm. It's seriously easy to kill him. You can shank him with a fork and he'll die. I've got my eye on you....
Light said:
Ok. I honestly think you're going to kill Grimm. It's seriously easy to kill him. You can shank him with a fork and he'll die. I've got my eye on you....
No, I would never. *Giggles Like a crazy person* Grimm is like Chocolate, always there when you need him.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]No, I would never. *Giggles Like a crazy person* Grimm is like Chocolate, always there when you need him.

You're going to eat him! I knew it!

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