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Fantasy Nyxfield School for the Darkened Souls (FallingFire & Calisto)

What are the best glasses style?

  • Nerd Glasses 4 The Win! XD

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Reading Glasses. . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Normal Glasses!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fake Glasses /\/\(fake nerd glasses)/\/\

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All Of Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't Like Glasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jasmine waited. There was three minutes until 12:00pm. Lynx hadn't come, which was only half surprising. She leaned back against a tree, paying no heed to the sound of wind through the leaves. It was autumn, so the leaves were falling, dying on the ground. The cold breeze grazed Jazz's face, making her feel cold yet warm. A slight shudder from the tree made Jazz feel relaxed. The cold, damp ground and the cool, slight breeze felt exhilarating. "Hey, over here!" she called to J'zar.
Selina wandered around the school until she grew tired. In her bedroom, she shed her clothes and put on her pajamas. She leaned back on her bed and closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep for one night before living hell started. Before school started. I just hope there will be that teacher who's afraid of germs, and that kid who sneezes every class! Opening her eyes again, she saw darkness shrouding her vision. Almost. Almost asleep. Finally. Asleep. . .
Trinity picked up her acoustic guitar and began playing a song she had learned awhile back. She had also brought her electric guitar, bass and her ukelele with her to the school, but couldn't fit her drums. Bummer, but she'd find some way to get it back.
"You know about the competition in the third semester, right?" she asked. "Nevermind, of course you do. But anyway, if we begin eliminating, kidnapping, the heroes before the competition, we'd win for sure! I know a few people who'd be up for this. . ." she trailed off, naming countless people who would've helped out. "Are you gonna help, or not?" she asked finally.
"Alright," Jasmine said, smirking. "First, we're gonna kidnap that girl; Selina. Then we'll go after the others. . ." she explained. We'll definitely win! Taking the Heroes out one by one would make the Villains stronger, so they had to go through with that plan and not get caught. If they got caught, the Heroes would attack.
"Alright then, we have a deal." J'zar would say, standing up. "Good night." He'd run off to the school building, when he reached the entrance, he grab a paper and write on it: Hey Trinity... can we talk tomorrow? -J'z .

He'd run upstairs, when he reached her dorm room, he'd leave the note under the door, as he run to his dorm, unkocking the door and stepping in and locking it again.

J'zar would take off his shoes, then laying in the bed, closing his eyes.
Trinity heard footsteps outside her door.

'Wierd, no one comes up this way...?' She thought to herself.

She set her acoustic down and went to go open the door to see who was there, but the footsteps were gone before she could open the door.

Beneath her foot, she heard something crinkle slightly.

It was a note. "Hey Trinity... can we talk tomorrow? -J'z."

'Wonder what he needs to talk to me about?' She thought as she put the reminder in her phone and pinned the note neatly to her wall.
On the other side of the note, would be written: The dorm room is number 13.

"Ciao...." J'zar would mumble to himself, before falling asleep.

(GTG... Ciao....)
Lynx just stayed in the room. She walked to the window and looked out. Run away now? It'd be so easy. She was already an expert killer and a stealthy little brat. It would be like nothing would be easier. She slowly unlocked the window and pried it open. She walked back, grabbed her weapons, and was soon at the window again. She slowly climbed out and guessed it was about a 10 foot jump. 12-15 if she wanted to avoid the rose bushes. She took the gamble and leaped. She landed softly with a roll to reduce the force. No snaps, no pops, no pain, were good. Too easy. She began to run. That's when she felt light hit her and many guns get pointed at the ready. "FREEZE!" She stopped, but had a plan.
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(Morning 'yall )

J'zar would wake up, looking around his room.

"Morning already?" He'd mumble to himself, going to the window and opening it, a cold breeze going into the dorm room.

'Meh... still night...' He'd think, as he close the window again.
Trinity couldn't sleep. She had to know why J'zar wanted to talk to her.

She flipped the note over and found his dorm room number.

13, got it, Trinity thought to herself as she silently stole her way to his dorm.

She made it there and knocked quietly on his door.

"J'zar?" She asked.
Trinity heard the door unlock and found J'zar smiling at her.

"Oh... Hi Trinity." He said.

"Hi J'zar. You left a note in my dorm saying you wanted to talk to me? What's this about?" She asked politely.
"Oh... it's about...the competition of the heros versus the villains..." J'zar would rub his neck, as he back off from the door, letting her get inside
"The competition between us and heroes, eh?" Trinity said with a small chuckle as she stepped into his room.

"So what I'm I going to do to help the villains and hinder the heroes?" She asked with a mischievous grin and a wicked glint in her eyes.
"The villains are going to kidnapp the heroes before it starts... and we already have our first victim....a girl named Selina, Jasmine and Lynx are with us to help...." J'zar would say, as he sat down on his bed.
Trinity snickered as she sat down next to J'zar.

"I like it. Do we know the next hero we're kidnapping?" She said, playing with her hair a little.
Trinity placed a quick kiss on J'zar's cheek.

"Just leave me a note when ever you need me."

She winked at him and left his room, her feet making only tiny noises.

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