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Fantasy Nyxfield School for the Darkened Souls (FallingFire & Calisto)

What are the best glasses style?

  • Nerd Glasses 4 The Win! XD

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Reading Glasses. . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Normal Glasses!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fake Glasses /\/\(fake nerd glasses)/\/\

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All Of Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't Like Glasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jasmine grabbed a pad of paper and a pen. She quickly wrote a note to place at dorm 12;

Dear, you,

I am a Villain, and so is my roommate. What do you want? We'll meet up at the school entrance. Midnight, tonight.

Lynx arrived back at her dorm to see a girl sitting on her roommates bed. Italy not be her. As far as she knows, the girl is jasmine. If she introduces herself, great! If not, who cares. She looked at her bed and instantly noticed the butt print. Instantly she turned on her heel and was facing the girl. "Did you sit on my bed?" Her glare was dark.
((I caught my brothers cold. . . I can't breathe very well. . . Haha(:'()))

Jasmine smirked. Anger issues. . . she hummed in her mind. "Yep, sure did!" she told Lynx. Looking behind her, Jasmine saw Selina on her bed. She nudged Lynx's shoulder and gestured to the hallway. "I need to tell you something," she whispered to Lynx. "Lynx and I will be right back. . . Stay here!" she said to Selina. Jasmine walked out to the hallway, waiting for Lynx to come as well.

Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
Lynx followed. "What." Clearly she wasnt in the mood for any shinanigans.
"You know about the competition between heroes and villains, right?" asked Jasmine. "If we villains take down the heroes beforehand, then we'll definitely win," a smirk grew on her face. "Starting with this one. . ." She walked back into the dorm, and patted Selina's head. "This is the first," her eyes glinted with mischief.
J'Zarr would write another note in a table nearby, as he make a small paper plane, throwing it towards Jasmine & Lynx apartment.

(On the note: Dear Jasmine, i didn't asked for a date.. i just asked if there was any Villain ones out here.... (; -J'z)

(Yep... my char can be sarcastic....)
Trinity ran down the hallway to her dorm.

"Shit, shit, shit! I'm late!" She muttered, throwing open her door.

On her way to her dorm, she noticed a few villains.

'Great,' she thought to herself, 'at least I'm not the only one...'

She flopped onto her bed, exhausted from running so far.

'Damn you to hell, Jessica!' Trinity cursed her friend who was driving her here.

She started to unpack her stuff, putting up her band posters first.

Trinity unpacked rather quickly and decided to go get something to eat.

"Maybe it'll be a good time to practice a little thievery..." She said to herself with a smirk, heading down to the cafeteria.
Picking up the note, Jasmine read it. She growled. Date? What the hell? Her hands grabbed a pen and paper, whilst her legs stayed straight. Selina, the hero, was still in the room, making it easier for her and Lynx to keep her there. Before the middle of the school year, in the second semester, most of the heroes would be tied up some place distant, until the end of the competition. Scribbling a note on the paper, Jasmine sighed and threw herself onto her bed, behind Selina.

The Note;

Dear J'z,

I don't know who you are, but I'm not asking for a date. Just meet Lynx and I by where the gates
should be. Don't be late, Lynx and I will punish you severely. I think that's it. . . If you do come, I have a plan I would like to discuss with you.


J'Zarr would think. 'Well... theres nothing to do... i should probably wait at the gates....' He'd go downstairs, leaving the school building and going towards the gates.

Time Change:


Selina left when 'Josslynn' and the other girl reentered the dorm room. They didn't look mad at each other anymore, which Selina took as a good sign. She got up and left swiftly and silently, not caring if they were watching. If they were, they didn't care. Walking back to her room, Selina continued to unpack. Taking her clothes from piles in her suitcase to piles in her dresser. The dorm room had two beds, two closets, two dressers, and two vanities. Half of the room was being used. Selina decided that she'd only use the extra stuff when her current storage areas were full. It had been a long day of packing, and those two girls kind of scared Selina. Books and pencils fell from her backpack, which she'd flipped upside-down. An iPhone fell out as well as three pencil cases. School supplies, clothes, and extra stuff were thrown into her closet. Her iPhone, makeup, and a few pencils were stuffed in the drawer of the vanity. After messing the bed up, Selina took a step back to admire her work. She wasn't OCD, so she could live with a mess. In fact, she couldn't live without a mess. With her messy bed, a few pairs of pj's and shoes sprawled across the floor, and her closet filled so much it wouldn't close properly, Selina sighed with relief. Now she could relax. Almost.
His ADHD would "take over", as he look around, impatient. 'Two hours left....' J'Zarr would think while humming a small part of the song 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons.

"When the days are cold..And the cards all fold...And the saints we see...Are all made of gold....When your dreams all fail...And the ones we hail....Are the worst of all...And the blood's run stale..."
Trinity got bored, so she walked out to go stroll around. While in the cafeteria, she had stolen an extra soda and a candy bar, so she munched on that to curb her awful hunger.

As she roamed, she didn't pay much attention, and she accidentally bumped into a boy who was looking rather distraught.

"Oh! Hello! I'm Trinity! You're J'zar, right?" Trinity asked, re-adjusting her beanie hat.
"Lynx, c'mon!" Jasmine called to her room mate. "We're gonna go meet someone someplace, you coming?" She left the room, shouldering a small bag filled with paper and pens. Walking down to the school exit, she saw no guards, no professors, no living creatures. "Hope that J'zar kid is gonna be there. . ." she muttered under her breath. Making it to the exit, Jasmine silently pushed the doors open, revealing a long, wide pathway. She trudged to the end, near the thicket of trees that surrounded the school from prying eyes. "Where is that kid?" Jasmine mumbled, sitting down on the grass.

@Sh3w0lfSp1r1t & @AtlasTheShapeless
Trinity grinned.

"I know a lot of people, but it doesn't mean they know me... You look like you need to be somewhere. Am I correct?"
He seems fairly cute... Trinity thought as she walked back to her neat, organized dorm (she has OCD) And he's a villain... Even cuter!

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