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Fantasy Not Made For Earth-OOC-

I have several theories:
1. Prince Augustus
2. Body Snatched Augustus
3. Good Twin Augustus
Maybe I don’t think they’re twin though, seeing as this kids doesn’t look to be older than fourteen. And if he’s older than 14 my guess would be that he’s centuries old
how old is the king? is he immortal? (I'mma wait for everyone to post before I post again)
Is it just me or does the king kinda looks like Agustus squints
Maybe I don’t think they’re twin though, seeing as this kids doesn’t look to be older than fourteen. And if he’s older than 14 my guess would be that he’s centuries old
Ahhh I love all these, but Tasia is kinda the closest. It's a little secret but not really as the characters can figure it out at any time he is very old, probably the actual oldest ruler in Lagoon (the world) though his personality, and mental state do tend to make him much more childish- but don't let this fool anyone! His magic goes very deep and is well developed even as far as NPC's go, his magic is hidden for now as it is something I want yall to figure out :D

Why he looks like Augustus is probably because both their digital artists are the same! Len Yan is his name and he does some beautiful, darker aesthetic art I love. I am actually using a few of his creations as NPC's in this, I highly recommend checking him out!
Ahhh I love all these, but Tasia is kinda the closest. It's a little secret but not really as the characters can figure it out at any time he is very old, probably the actual oldest ruler in Lagoon (the world) though his personality, and mental state do tend to make him much more childish- but don't let this fool anyone! His magic goes very deep and is well developed even as far as NPC's go, his magic is hidden for now as it is something I want yall to figure out :D

Why he looks like Augustus is probably because both their digital artists are the same! Len Yan is his name and he does some beautiful, darker aesthetic art I love. I am actually using a few of his creations as NPC's in this, I highly recommend checking him out!
Taking a moment to appreciate how gorgeous Augustus’ art is. I immediately understood the vibe of his character after seeing it, you choose art that really fit him 👍
Taking a moment to appreciate how gorgeous Augustus’ art is. I immediately understood the vibe of his character after seeing it, you choose art that really fit him 👍
Awh I'm glad you said that! It took me a hot second to find something I liked but when I saw that image I just knew it vibed with what part I wanted him to play and who he was personality wise. <3
I am bacc with more
*Koshi and Nina sitting in jail together*
Nina: So who should we call?
Koshi: I’d call the king guy, but I feel safer in jail
Koshi: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Lucius: The car takes a screenshot.
Lyra: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Lyra: Lucius...
Lucius: Oh no, 'Lucius' in b-flat.
Lucius: You're disappointed.
Lyra: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Augustus: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Lucius: I personally was created in a lab.
Koshi: I just straight up spawned lol.
Nina: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut...
Fan: You would eat yourself?
Nina: I wouldn’t even question it.
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Sorry my posts are taking a little time, I'm not feeling the best ATM and am working very slowly on things :c I'm hoping to have another post up for Nina and Koshi and then a post up for Lyra tomorrow; currently Damafud and I are working on what is happening to Lucius as well so things are in the works!
Sorry my posts are taking a little time, I'm not feeling the best ATM and am working very slowly on things :c I'm hoping to have another post up for Nina and Koshi and then a post up for Lyra tomorrow; currently Damafud and I are working on what is happening to Lucius as well so things are in the works!

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