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Realistic or Modern Not If You Were the Last

Yep, someone had asked earlier. I wanted to post it at the beginning of the OOC, not in the middle where we'd never find it later. I probably should have added it after the Overview. Hindsight is 20/20.

And ... @aergie I do have a plan regarding your drone. Duncan has a security program running - not a very effective one. And not so sure he'd still be using it. He has the means to detect cell phone use (and jam them). Just not sure he'd be using his resources like that after all this time. But then with the construction solar panels, he does have the electrical power.

Basically every cell phone is a radio transmitter - albeit a weak one. And they operate in a specific frequency range. He originally had his system set to detect such frequency use. He wouldn't get content, just a spike on an oscilloscope - and a DF. (He has a mobile command post from the base.)

I can hear it now. Babette: "Duncan, what does the beeping alarm on your laptop mean?"
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Hey, I am in the midst of writing up a character I feel would fit in pretty well with the concept you have going on. Mind if I claim the last female spot and post my CS for approval in the next half hour or so?
@Keyana Veronica By all means. If I don't get a chance to respond, it is because I had to head out for work. And I work up to 14 hours a day. Today will likely not be that long though - unless Dispatch changes things up on me.
aergie said:
Okay, so do I need to get her a bit closer, or should I leave it up to you?
We are working our way to you. Depending on how things go, Duncan may send up his own drones. It sort of depends on Babette's reaction to his sudden paranoia. LOL, Duncan is having sudden visions of amazon hordes or Bonnie and Clyde gangs. I mean, think about it. What are the odds of two people showing up from completely unrelated directions within an hour of each other - in a world with an almost non-existent population?

Vasilisa Royel Arnason


The Basics

Vasilisa is freshly sixteen years old. This bisexual, cis-female was born in Iceland to a loving set of parents. She shares the birthday of July 17th with her twin sister,Rosemarie, who passed away when the girls turned fourteen. Her ethnicity is unique, as one parent was born and bred in Icelandic cluture, while the other one hails from South Africa. Her accent is unique because though mainly the freyed Icelandic, a soft twinge of African comes in. Naturally, her hair is a light brown, but since the age of 14 she has bleached it out to dress it in different colors-her most recent being lavender. Her eyes are large, and sit perfectly on her face framing her nose. A dark chocolate tone, complents her fair skin well. Being barley five feet and four inches tall, Vasilisa's weight doesn't show. Scalling in at one hundred and fifteen pounds, Vasilisa has a petite frame in general. On her back, just above her waist, Vasilisa has two dimples, and a scar. The scar runs right below her spine, curving on to the right side of her bottom. If you get to know her well, she will share the story. Otherwise, it is top secret information.

Her Background

Born three months premature, Vasilisa and her sister Rosemarie where not exspected to make it too the age of three. They say twins are inseperable, and in this case it was seriously true. Vasilisa and Rosemarie where conjoined at the hip. Each had their own set of limbs and organs, but it was still to risky to operate at this time. The girls where so small when born; they had to live the first five months of their lives conjoined.

When the girls where seven years of age, their father joined the Icelandic Navy. He was gone for many months at a time, protecting his country and helping in other lands. Eventually, their mother grew lonley and had an afair on their father. Ending in divorce, neither of the girls saw their father for a very long time. Vasilisa and Rosemarie's mother maried a rough, crule man. He drank heavily and beat them even harder. It was then, at fourteen years old when Rosemarie could no longer take the abuse. Vasilisa found Rosemarie's body in the bath tub, bled out and overdosed on pills.

After the passing of her sister, Vasilisa left home; never returning to her family again. She continued on to live in a group home that a lovely social worker found for her. When she turned sixteen, everything changed for her. She had to grow up very quickly.

Her Personality

+Outgoing & Flirty+

Vasilisa is a vey outgoing, bubbly girl. She is always talking to stranges, forming bonds and helping others acheive their goals in life. Constantly open to new things, Vasilisa will try anything once. Being naturaly flirty is a blessing and a curse for Lisa. Even in a commited relationship, she cannot help but flirt with anyone she feels the slightest attraction too.

=Loud & Indesisive=

Being the youngest of all their siblings forced Vasilisa and Rosemarie to be loud and rebellious at a young age. Always having to make her presence known, caused for raised voices and the occasional trantrum. Her indesisive nature came from the rare opprotunities to pick activities and food options growing up.

-Stubborn & Sarcastic-

This is the downfall to what seems like a well rounded girl. Vasilisa is very stubborn when she does not get her way or something does not go just right. In addition to her stubbornness, she is sarcastic. Filled with eyerolls and crude quips, Lisa does not let anyone have the last word.

Since The Plague

Vasilisa never had many material objects growing up, so when the plague hit it was easy for her to take her little belongings and run. The good part about being estranged from your family for so long, was not caring what happened to them. She made her way from the vast lands of her home country, on a boat with a few other surviors. When they reached the remains of the USA, most of them died on their journey. Vasilisa took what she could use from them, respectfully burrried their bodies and carried on. She is now somewhere in a forested area.


Vasilisa carries a small pistol on her at all times. She is self taught in shooting, and has fantasitc aim. However, she feels great amounts of guilt after pulling the trigger. Since the plague, she has adopted a vegan diet because she can not bring herself to kill an animal. Vasilisa is also excellent in first aid.


@Keyana Veronica

A. Posted CS in the wrong section. The frilly stuff isn't too bad, but it is a lot of reading to get the facts as simple as height / weight. Yeah, I prefer those boring resume styled CS's.

B. Your character would have been 15 when the plague hit if she is 16 now. Or she would be 17 now. I need your current age.

C. The Overview specifies a North American continental origin at the outbreak of the Plague - being able to get to New Mexico by foot or wheels. I am thinking on this one. I might allow ONE member to have an odd origin like that.

Anyways .. back to writing my post.
Mitheral said:
@Keyana Veronica
A. Posted CS in the wrong section. The frilly stuff isn't too bad, but it is a lot of reading to get the facts as simple as height / weight. Yeah, I prefer those boring resume styled CS's.

B. Your character would have been 15 when the plague hit if she is 16 now. Or she would be 17 now. I need your current age.

C. The Overview specifies a North American continental origin at the outbreak of the Plague - being able to get to New Mexico by foot or wheels. I am thinking on this one. I might allow ONE member to have an odd origin like that.

Anyways .. back to writing my post.
1) Sorry, just wrote it in my standard layout so it's not to hard to post in another one should I recycle her. I can break it down if you want.

2) She'd be 17.

3) I can change to an American character if you'd like. I have them on stock like Walmart has towels.
Give me a little time to mull it over. I think I'd be sold on the boat if:

A. She speaks good English. (I figure she does.)

B. You elaborate a little. Needs to be a bit realistic. Look at the 1st OOC post in this section. I have a chronology of the Plague. The boat trip should make sense time wise. Think about food and fuel, whether the boat could even cross an ocean. And could she even navigate? Odds are she would be alone by the end of the trip.
Mitheral said:
Give me a little time to mull it over. I think I'd be sold on the boat if:
A. She speaks good English. (I figure she does.)

B. You elaborate a little. Needs to be a bit realistic. Look at the 1st OOC post in this section. I have a chronology of the Plague. The boat trip should make sense time wise. Think about food and fuel, whether the boat could even cross an ocean. And could she even navigate? Odds are she would be alone by the end of the trip.
A) English is her first language, her accent is just funny. Her mother raised her more South African than Icelandic.

B) I could work in some more details, or explain them to you in a PM if you like. Either or. I have a pretty solid ideaof how it all came to be.
Actually, so long as it is realistic with the points I made above, I am good.
Mitheral said:
Actually, so long as it is realistic with the points I made above, I am good.
Should I post an introduction, give you more information or be a lurker? Completly up to you! I want this to be as close to your vision as possible.
And time for work. If you two like, you can assume things go well, with them getting back to the base. And Duncan is clearly the sharing sort.
@aergie and @sodeviousxo if you two like, you can pick things back up at Duncan's base. We don't have to run every waking moment.

@Keyana Veronica You need to xfer your CS to the Sign Ups so people can find it. I am going to assume you are starting on the East coast of the USA (or Canada). Coming from Iceland that makes the most sense. May as well get started. I tend to think those not posting have quit.
i have like...a lot of homework so i'm going to get some done so if you guys want to just take control over Mara just enough to get to the base that's fine. I'll be back in a couple hours

Edit: why is Latin so difficult :'(
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@Mitheral re:

"Tamara, I did see you with a gun."

I never gave her a gun or any weapons--she hasn't had to deal with anything like that yet. But I can go back and change it if you'd like?
@aergie Due to Babette constantly revisiting her teenage state of mind, I can already see her being super excited and wanting to be BFFs with Tamara once everything gets settled. :P Like, "There has to be a mall somewhere. Let's go get some clothes and makeup." Hahaha.
@sodeviousxo hahah, i'm down! Mara has a decent stash of nail polish--she likes to keep her nails painted. They could have a lil girls night + Duncan :')
also, i'm pretty new to this, so I don't know any rules that may be unwritten. should I wait for @Mitheral to post before posting again, or can I go ahead?

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