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Realistic or Modern Northville High School

Karia sighed and ran her hand through her long pale hair

She had walked to school early that morning only to realize it was late at night and she had unintentionally missed the whole school day. When she had arrived she saw a small flyer posted in the girls' bathroom which had written on it the date and address to a party.

and now she was here. She looked at the huge crowd of teens around the house and wondered how the police hadn't been called yet or how there were these many people in the school anyways!  All well, Karia grabbed her phone and pulled up  Ebook on it as she headed into the house. maybe they had some drinks around here.
Noah arrived to the party fashionably late as usual, the music was so loud it almost threatened to burst through the walls. He could already see the mass of bodies inside jumping around, dancing, and getting drunk. "This is going to be so fun", he thought to himself as an excited grin plastered his face. Noah had always enjoyed going to parties and getting wild, his confidence and outgoing nature made him a constant invitee to any parties that occurred no matter who threw them; this often resulted in him getting more than slightly drunk and doing a stupid thing or two.

Noah ran a hand through his hair as he strolled into the house and felt like he almost toppled over at the sudden direct impact of the music in his ears. First things first, he needed a drink. He walked to what appeared to be the kitchen and glanced over the selection of drinks, he didn't want to start off light since he already turned up late and wasted time so went straight over to the group of people doing shots of Jack Daniel's whiskey and joined in.

(Open for interaction, I saved it thank baby Jesus and all that other holy stuff)

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( @Bowa my laptop does that too sometimes when I hit the enter bar to make a new paragraph, I was five paragraphs in on post and it deleted the entire thing. I almost cried until I realized I could hit the undo button. @SophisticatedTruffle it's the eye button)

'Hey!" Jade greeted Winnie, offering the older girl a wide smile as she attempted to stand up and hug her. She leaned against the rail for a moment as Winnie walked into the house, deciding to go inside and grab a drink. She slowly made her way through the crowd to the kitchen, browsing through the bottles other people had brought. She grabbed a bottle of Fireball, pouring a shot and downing it, making a face as it burned her throat.

"Oh no, what did she do?" Ryder asked, chugging another sip of beer as Scarlett walked up to him. He could only imagine the trouble his sister was getting into already. He spotted a familiar flash of red hair, waving Winnie over with an overeager grin. "Hey, so you did show up!" He called loudly over the music.

Tags: @Iskolde @SophisticatedTruffle
Scarlett laughed and pointed over to the spot where she'd seen Jade last. "A keg stand." Her eyebrows narrowed and she looked to Ryder for a moment before beginning to walk back of into the crowd,"Actually, I'm gonna go make sure she doesn't kill herself. Have fun." She winked at him suggestively and disappeared into the crowd. Scar wasn't much of a drinker, since the last time she'd gotten slammed drunk it hadn't ended up so well. Naturally, she was worried about Jade.

Scar sighed when she spotted the girl downing a shot of Fireball and pushed some douche that tried to step in her way as she made her way over to Ryder's twin. "Hey, Jade, don't kill yourself, girl." She leaned against the counter and offered Jade a somewhat concerned smile. "That keg stand you did was pretty sick, though."

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(( so much is going on 0-0 ))


Jayden rides from school on his bike, strolling through the neighborhood, when he hears blaring music and sees flashing lights coming out of the open window of a house, and being the curious fool he was, Jayden decided to check it out. 

He walks into the open door to the party, and pushes up his glasses as he walks in, "Jeez, this music is hurting my ears..." 

Jayden looks around for someone he knows, but no one at this party looks familiar to him. He then proceeds to sit down on the couch, next to a couple drunk teens and a couple making out. It made Jayden feel very uncomfortable, but it also made him want to join in and be wild. 

He smells cigarette smoke and starts to gag, so he pulls his shirt up to cover his nose. The smell of alcohol and other putrid smells reeked the air. Jayden slouches on the couch with his legs crossed until someone he knows walks in.

(( lololol can someone interact w/ me please ;D  
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Kaira walked into the kitchen of the house, her head hurt already from the loud music and all the smells. She looked at the table full of refreshments and with aa slightly disappointed look on her face grabbed a cup of Mikes hard Lemonade before walking out into the living room of the house. She saw a couple people in the room and an empty seat in the corner close to the entrance of the living room. She pulled out her phone with one hand and plugged in some headphones she had brought with her. Turning up her music, Kaira sighed and began reading her book while sipping on her drink.
Winnie spotted Ryder waving her over. She gave him a wild yet lazy smile. This was probably because of the blunt she had smoked before hand. "Of course I did. I couldn't miss this" she glanced around the crowded house then back to Ryder. "What? You expected me not to show? What do you take me for?" She gave him a smirk, looking over his shoulder and waving at someone before focusing back on him. She was still feeling the thrill of giving him a rejection earlier this week and how much it seemed to bother him. She slowly swayed her body to the fast music, somehow finding a slower beat within it. Her body moved fluidly compared to the drunk people around her

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Jayden walked into the kitchen, smelling the thousands of empty/semi-empty alcohol bottles along the kitchen counter. He looked around for anyone else in the kitchen besides the drunken fools around him, it was not too long before Jayden poured out his own drink. 

Jayden drinks two shots of Ciroc and gags, he was not used to the taste of alcohol. He runs into the bathroom and tries to wash the taste off of his tongue with sink water, he then proceeds to sit down on the bathroom floor and put his hands on his forehead in distress. Jayden then takes out his phone and texts his step-sister:

Jayden: Mariah, are you home?

Mariah: Yeah, im sick at home

Mariah: Why u ask?

Jayden: Do you know about the party tonight?

Mariah: yes?

Jayden: well i came here all alone with no one so I went to the kitchen bc I was curious, and being the fool that I am, I took 2 shots of Ciroc... AND PLEASE DO NOT TELL MOM


Mariah: youre too young for alcohol, do you realize how this party could get u expelled?

jayden: Jeez, it was just two shots


Jayden slams his phone on the floor, cracking the screen. He gets up and walks to the kitchen to drink some more.
"Thanks!" Jade laughed, smiling at the brunette beside her. "I'll be fine, I just need to eat something" She waved off Scarlett's concern. She had worked off most of her calories at practice today and hadn't had time to eat between getting herself ready for the party and setting up the house. She turned to the cupboard behind her, grabbing the necessities for a peanut butter and banana sandwich. 

"Are you having fun yet?" Jade asked, biting into the sandwich eagerly.

Ryder chuckled as he realized just how high Winnie was, glad that she was enjoying the party as well. "Well, you did quite literally reject my invitation" He pointed out, glad his sister seemed to have filled Winnie in on the details. Sometimes, Jade was quite useful. 

"DO you want something to drink? Or are you good?" He asked, starting to bob along with the music as he watched the redhead dance. The party was now in full throttle, his living room packed with his classmates.



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After he had gotten out of school earlier that day, he did hear some students talk about a party that was happening. He didn't know if he should go to it to not. He was never invited anyways. But since when did he ever care about that. Its not like it would be the first time he ever crashed the party. Plus he didn't think that any of the girls would mind it considering the fact that one girl at the school was actually trying her best to look hot in front of him. Andy never understood why girls liked to do that when he was around. He was just like every other male teenager. Nothing new. As he laid in bed, he thought about it for a few minutes and decided that he was going to go. And it wasn't hard for him to find the house party since he had come across a house, basically vomiting up teenagers and blaring extremely loud music. 

"Looks like its time to have some fun." he said to himself as he got out of the car and walked inside. Once he got in, he was practically grinded and smashed against multiple people, mostly girls of course. Andy did manage to get out of that humongous crowd and go to where the drinks were. It wasn't completely packed with people. Just a couple making out and some girls talking.

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Winnie smirked at him. "I rejected your phone number, not your party invite," she pointed out, by poking his broad chest with her finger.  She laughed lightly then shook her head, "Nah, I try not to mix all that junk," She continued to sway to the music and made her way to the kitchen, suddenly feeling hungry. She saw Jade holding a sandwich and grinned "Hey can I have one? I'm starving!" She turned and leaned against the kitchen counter and looked up at Ryder with her big eyes. "Can I have some food?" 

She watched as a guy slammed his phone onto the kitchen island and take another shot. She made eye contact with the guy and gave him a silly grin. "Woah there, you gotta chill. You need a good sandwich too" She nodded matter-o-factly. She was feeling incredibly silly, a mixture of the atmosphere and her high feeling. 

@queenofeverything @Moonellic
Noah had thrown back a good few rounds of shots by now, he wasn't anywhere near wasted but he was slightly wobbly. He looked around, glancing at each new person that had came into the room and began to realise that the house was struggling to contain the plethora of bodies in it. Noah noticed a guy who, in his mildly drunk opinion, looked like he needed to have a drink in his hand, so he picked up a beer in one hand and a vodka and coke in the other then strolled over to the stranger. "Hey man, it looks like you're missing a drink in your hand", Noah grinned and raised the drinks in his hands a bit, "Take your pick".

Andy turned around and seen a guy. He hadn't heard what he had said, only caught a few words. But when he looked down slightly to see him holding out a few drinks towards him he looked up at him. 'Take your pick', the guy had said. He thought about it for a moment and shrugged, grabbing the vodka. "Thanks, man." he called out and smirked a bit. He knew that when he got home, he was going to get an earful from his mom. But hey, its a party. What do you expect? Its not like he was going to mess around. Or would he? Only time would tell at this point. But he did know that he couldn't drink a lot since he came by himself. He was not about to drive drunk. "Whats your name?" he asked the guy, after he took a drink. 

Jayden sits in the kitchen with his head looking down at his drink, hearing someone talk to him. He looks up to see a girl, saying that he should 'chill' and have a sandwich. Jayden looks away from her, looking at all the dancing drunken fools behind her. He says in a raspy voice, "Yeah, a sandwich is cool, I guess. I'm just in a pretty bad time right now," Jayden sighs, looking away from her, "I'll just have a sandwich or something, or whatever..." He mumbles in a drunken state.

Mariah continues to text Jayden, with no response. Screaming at him through text bubbles, Mariah decides to sneak out, bringing her purse, and dressing into presentable clothing. With her room being on the first floor, Mariah jumps out the window and walks on the sidewalk of her neighborhood, looking for the party where Jayden was drinking his troubles away.

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Mostly all Noah could hear was the thumping of music in his ears as Andy took the vodka from one of his hands, although he did catch the odd word of what the guy opposite him had said it was not enough to be able to form a coherent sentence. Due to his time in theatre Noah had gotten pretty good at lip reading and so managed to understand what the stranger was saying, mostly. Noah just nodded in reply to the guy's thanks, and then practically shouted to be heard over the music, "The name's Noah, it's nice to meet you". He didn't think to ask for the guy's name in reply as Noah took a long swig from the beer he was holding and smiled, "This party is beginning to get wild but I think we should spice it up a bit, how about a game of beer pong?", a grin crawled onto his face as he added the last part, "The loser has to do whatever the winner says as a dare..."

Winnie's smile fell, her sweet nature coming through the party scene. She stopped trying to charm Ryder with her doe eyes and pushed herself off the counter. She walked over to Jayden and gently took the beer from him and handed it to Ryder who stood behind her. "Well, darling I don't know what's troubling you but drinking it away probably isn't good" A smile pulled on the corners of her mouth. She was pretty sure this was Mariah's brother. She had gone to elementary school with Mariah and knew she was probably mad. "

The best part of parties like this is people watching anyways. You can't be too drunk for that. Here, c'mon. Come hang out with us." She grinned and pulled him back to the counter where she had been standing with Ryder. 

@queenofeverything @Moonellic 
Scarlett smiled at the overly eager seeming Jade and shifted her feet. "Yea, I am now." She watched Jade with amusement, the girl seemed to have become an energizer bunny with the presence of alcohol in her system. Not that she didn't like it, Scar thought I was kinda cute to be perfectly honest. A lopsided grin appeared on her face as she watched Jade enthusiastically enjoy her sandwich. 

"Do I have to ask if you're having fun? Seems like you are." 

Interacting with: Jade @queenofeverything
Ryder raised an eyebrow as Winnie poked his chest, her lopsisded grin teasing. He followed Winnie into the kitchen, nodding at Scarlett and Jade as he approached the two. The kitchen was significantly less chaotic than the rest of the house, something he greatly appreciated.

"Of course." Ryder replied to Winnie's request for food, reaching behind Jade to where she had left the food out. He was in the process of spreading the peanut butter on when Winnie handed him a beer bottle. He set it down on the counter beside him, finishing the redhead's sandwich before starting a new one for the boy she was dragging over to them.

'Here" He handed them the food before putting away the peanutbutter and bread. He turned back to the group, which had grown by one, and smiled. "So, I'd say this is much better than school." He commented.

"I'm always having fun!" Jade replied as she licked the peanutbutter from her fingers. 'Hey Winnie!" She greeted the redhead as she strolled in with Ryder behind her. She was definitely intoxicated, though she felt safe with her friends surrounding her. 

"Hey Jayden!" The bubbly girl greeted, recognizing the boy because she practically knew everyone at Northville. 
Scar just offered everyone an acknowledging nod as they entered the kitchen. She snorted at Ryder's comment and nodded her head,"Yea, waaayy better. Not that I actually go to school anyways." Scar brought a hand to her face as she remembered something,"OH, by the way, I'm probably gonna be grounded forever pretty soon. I mean, depending on if my mom finds out what I did, but yea, just thoughto I'don't let y'all know that." She said, talking in particular to the twins.

Scarlett may or may not have been somewhere she wasn't supposed to be and she also may or may not have hurt somebody pretty bad while there. The only way her mom would find out is if someone switched on her, but she was pretty sure that would happen fairly soon. The kids that hang out at the alley are a bunch of preppy assholes. The only reason she was there in the first place was to teach one of those assholes a thing or two.

Interacting with: Ryder and Jade @queenofeverything


"Nice meeting you to Noah. Im Andy." he said. He knew that Noah didn't ask him for his name, but he took the liberty in telling him anyways.Andy couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. He remembered the first time he had played that. He was 15 at the time. It was a pretty vivid memory. But he decided that he wasn't going to relive that. Despite the fact that the first few minutes were pretty cool, it was also the day that he had lost one of his best friends. Andy would have died to that day, but the fact that he survived was pretty surprising to him. Snapping out of his thoughts, he smiled and nodded. "Your on. But I gotta warn you. Im an expert at Beer Pong. I practically invented that game." he told him, half-jokingly. He took another drink of his vodka.

Winnie took a bite of her sandwich and closed her eyes. "Oh my god this is amazing." She leaned against Ryder with her eyes still closed as she chewed. "You should be a chef. Open up a restaurant that only serves peanut butter sandwiches. You'll make a fortune." She opened one eye to look at Ryder before bursting into giggles at her own comment. She looked at Jayden who was slowly munching on the sandwich. "You didn't have to make him a sandwich too" She looked at Ryder, "I could've done that silly" she pushed a curl from her face.

@Moonellic @queenofeverything
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