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Realistic or Modern Northville High School

Sam would get ready for the party in the darkness of the night, careful not to wake anybody. She'd throw on her best party wear and grab her board. before climbing out the window she'd say, "Crap, almost forgot." and grab a green backpack from under her bed.  "Oh yeah..." She'd sneak into her brother's room, lock-pick his special drawer, and steal his car keys. She'd hop out of her window and land in the soft grass below. She'd slowly walk over to the driveway and take the cover off of her brother's car. She knew the odometer was broken so it was perfect for the taking. She'd pull up to the house and get a few looks at the car. She'd slowly step out and walk into the house and say "The entertainment is here!"
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Noah let out a mischievous chuckle, he always loved a challenge, "Prepare to lose!" he joked as he jabbed Andy in the chest, necked the rest of his beer and then gestured for him to follow him to where the tables were setup. Conveniently, an area for beer pong had already been organised and so all Noah had to do was prepare the cups and fill them with the necessary alcoholic beverage. Noah placed his empty beer bottle out of the way and then moved the plastic cups into symmetrical patterns on opposite sides of the table, he then filled them with beer and signalled to Andy that Rock, Paper, Scissors was going to decide who was going first.

@TheCandyEmo (I'm sorry this reply was a bit slow, the notification didn't popup so I didn't realise you had replied until I checked XD As a gesture of good faith, you can decide who will win R/P/S and therefore will go first)
Kaira watched the people around her while listening to her music. She wasn't even close to drunk yet and was beginning to lose interest in this party. not like she had been interested from the start "Oh geez, If mom were here... I'd be so dead"  she said as she grabbed her empty beer bottle and decided to be one of the nice guests and put it in recycling instead of leaving it out randomly somewhere where someone could knock it over and get cuts.. she was probably thinking too far into this

She sighed and walked into the slightly crowded kitchen, dropping the bottle into recycle she began making her way out of the house.  
Jayden slowly gnaws on the sandwich. He felt extremely weary as he felt the effect of alcohol. Jayden heard a girl say hello to him, it was an unrecognizable voice, but her tone seemed like she was familiar with him. "Hi," Jayden says to Jade in a raspy voice, "um- do you know me? I don't remember having any classes with you." He puts down his sandwich, pouring out another shot.

Mariah drives down her neighborhood, looking for the party. She hears blaring music come out of a small house, and parks near the sidewalk. The driveway was filled with cars. She walks into the house and sees a bunch of drunk girls dancing around. She witnesses guys doing keg stands and girls cheering for them. Although it was wrong, Mariah felt like she wanted to join in.

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Sam was already sitting crossed-legged in a smoking circle, passing around a small cigarette filled with questionable substances. She took a sip of her beer and a long drag. As she blew out the smoke she looked up at a girl standing at the door looking around nervously, "Heyyyyy... Come join us... We're having a grand ol' time!" She'd hold up the bud, offering it to the girl. "Come on, this'll calm you down real quick. Don't be shy." She'd look at the girl with the biggest smile on her face.

Mariah coughs, as she was affected by the strong cigarette smoke. "U-Uh, is this legal?" she holds in her breath, looking at the cigarette.

There was a part of her thinking, Mariah, this is your time to be wild and have the time of your life! Don't waste this opportunity yelling at your drunk step-brother! But another part of her said, Mariah, please do not do this, this could potentially ruin your life and education. 

Mariah's rebellious thought took a hold of her, and slouched as she said, "Sure, I'll take a hit." And she then proceeded to sit down in the circle, pouring a drink as she sits down.

Sam and everyone in the circle would laugh, "Everything's legal until you get caught." She'd take a drink of her beer and scoot over and sit the girl next to her. She'd hand her the bud and say "This stuff's pretty heavy so I wouldn't take too much if I were you." Sam would give her a smile and stare at her with her big blue eyes, which are now reddened from all of the smoke. "My names Samantha, everyone calls me Sam."

Andy chuckled a bit and walked over towards Noah. He put his two hands out and soon they had finished. After the best out of three, Noah had won. "Well im a man of my word..or is it hands? I don't care." he said, letting a smile appear. "You get to go first.." he added and handed Noah the paddle. "While you strike, im going to think of a dare that you will have to do after you lose.." he told him. Andy was pretty confident that he was going to win this, but he wouldn't get to excited. 

(( Sorry its a very short post. Insomnia is killing me at the moment. You can decide who wins the whole game))

Mariah looks at the bud, and then proceeds to smoke it. "I'm Mariah," she coughs a bit right after, "yeesh, that's strong." 

She feels a burning feeling in her throat, but to her it felt like a good burn.

"What's in this?" Mariah asks Sam. 

Jayden finishes his sandwich, takes his phone, and walks into the bathroom. In the bathroom, there were broken bottles everywhere, Jayden tried his hardest to avoid stepping on the broken glass to get to the sink. He looks in the mirror and points to the bags under his eyes, his messy hair, and his acne breakouts. Jayden takes out his glasses and tries to wash his face in the sink.

A smile curved Noah's lips as he won the deciding game of who should start, "Prepare to be amazed dude..." he said as he took his first turn. The game was as intense as Noah had hoped, he was mildly drunk at the start of the game and so his intoxication didn't effect his playing too much. As the game began Noah was off to a quick start, landing a ball in a cup on Andy's side on each of his first few turns in succession while Andy got the odd one, Noah thought the game was going to be a breeze until something just suddenly seemed to click in Andy while Noah reverted to having the aim and power of a 3 year old. Andy mounted an amazing comeback and won the game deservingly, leaving Noah quite drunk but he gave as good as he had gotten which left Andy also quite significantly more drunk than he had started.

The junior sighed, "Please don't let it be bad", he mumbled to himself in preparation for his dare but said outwardly with a snicker, "Give me the best you have got", his drunkenness boosted his already confident aura. Noah was actually willing do to almost anything, he couldn't turn down a challenge and didn't want to be a hypocrite by backing out - Noah hated when people went back on their word.

@TheCandyEmo (It's cool, it was my birthday yesterday and I didn't go to bed until past 7am so my mind is equally just a complete wreck at the moment)


Andy looked at the guy and nodded his head, looking around the room from his standing position. He was going to go easy on the guy, but Noah seemed to be up for anything at this point. His gaze lingered for a few minutes before it stopped on a particular female. She was smoking and it seemed that she was hesitant about it. A devious grin appeared on the boys face as he turned his attention back to Noah. Resting a hand on his shoulder he spoke. "You see that girl over there?" he asked, while guiding the half-drunk teens' gaze over to her. "You gotta kiss her. No conversation. Just kiss. Get it? Walk over. Kiss. Walk back." he told him, and smiled again. He wouldn't be surprised if he turned down the dare. Even Andy probably wouldn't have the guts to do that.

INTERACTING WITH: @Bowa   Mentioned: @Moonellic

((Wow, really? Well happy late birthday. ))
Noah's eyes wandered over to the girl that Andy had pointed out, and then he heard the conditions of the dare that had been selected for him. His eyes widened slightly, sure he had kissed random girls while drunk at parties but that just kind of happened; in this situation he was choosing to go over to her without knowing if she would reciprocate, slap him, smash a bottle over his head, or whatever. However, kissing her would definitely not be the bad part of this dare, her unpredictable reaction would.

Noah wasn't going to turn the dare down though, he breathed in and then laughed a bit while he exhaled, he would be nervous if he wasn't drunk but at the moment he had liquid courage to back him up. "If she attacks me after then you're responsible for saving me", he jested before strolling over to the gorgeous stranger. She was facing sideways from him so Noah just walked up to her and leaned in quickly before she could react. Although half drunk Noah was a pretty amazing kisser (or so he had been told), he the kissed the girl softly for a few seconds then bit her lip lightly as he pulled away.

With that the junior turned around and walked off calmly in the direction of Andy like nothing had happened, he stood next to the guy once again and grabbed another beer from the case beside them, opened it, and took a long swig. "Prepare to act as my human shield if she comes storming over here", he chuckled and then asked, "I've never seen you at any of the parties around her before, are you new or something?".

@TheCandyEmo (Yeah, thank you!) @Moonellic (Hope you don't mind lol)
Before Noah started walking over there, he grabbed another red cup of vodka and watched as the whole thing went down. He almost spit out the drink when he seen that Noah actually did it, having his hand below his chin and wiping off the excess vodka that had escaped from his mouth. This kid did not just-, he thought to himself. He couldn't even finish his thoughts, still in shock that he actually did the dare. When he seen him walk back, he just looked at him for a few seconds then chuckled. "Damn.."he said. "Even I wouldn't have done that...sober."he added and took a drink of the strong liquid from the plastic cup. The song had changed, so he had to speak a little louder this time. When Noah had spoke up again, he nodded. "No problem with being your human shield." he said, gaze lingering around every corner of the house. Turning his attention back to him, he spoke up again "Yeah Im new. Just barely enrolled today."he said then smiled. "Probably will be my last knowing myself. But I'll see how it goes." he told the teen.

After Mariah finished her drink, a quite muscular boy came up to her, kissing her softly. 

Her eyebrows lifted up, looking shocked. When the boy walked away, she looked at Sam and giggled.

She calls the boy, "Hey, do I know you?" Mariah asks, getting up from the smoking circle.

Jayden gets out of the bathroom and sits lazily back on the counter, pouring himself another drink, feeling nauseous and dizzy. 

He looks around and sees his sister holding a cigarette and a shot glass. Jayden panicked, sitting himself down behind the kitchen counter while downing his drink. What is she doing here? Why is she smoking and drinking? How did she know I was here?

His head filled with questions.

Noah just laughed in reply while he slapped Andy's back, "All in a day's work Y'know", he would have contemplated over doing the dare more if he were sober; not entirely sure if he would have done it as well. Noah sipped some more of his beer as Andy answered his question, "Ah, so you're a bit on the 'I don't give a fuck' side of life huh?", he chuckled as he raised his voice to speak over the booming music. "Why did you you leave your last school?", he asked while curiously raising an eyebrow.

Then unexpectedly, the girl he just gave a surprise kissing session called out to him Noah was startled ever so slightly, he didn't expect her to be cordial after the fact but he assumed it was partly because she was somewhat drunk and high. Noah looked in her direction and smirked, "No. You don't know me but now you sure do. The name's Noah. It was a pleasure to meet you", he looked her up and down drunkly admiring the view before he drank a bit more from his beer bottle.

@TheCandyEmo @Moonellic
Mariah takes a long sip of her drink, listening to Noah. She coughs right after gulping her drink, "I'm Mariah," she introduces herself, "I haven't seen you around, do you go to Northville?" Mariah asks, finishing her drink. She felt extremely weary and could potentially fall in love drunkly with anyone in the party. 

Jayden walks into the living room, being offered a red cup with an unknown liquid. Being in the drunken state he was, he accepts it, taking a huge gulp of it. He tries to hide from Mariah and sits on the couch with a couple making out and a girl passed out next to him. Jayden pushed up his dirty glasses, looking like a mess. 


(( I found the best party song for this called "The Greatest" by Raleigh Ritchie !! Idk, I just really enjoy it but give it a listen or two!!
Noah couldn't help but laugh a little at how Mariah coughed after drinking but the music mostly drowned it out. Noah could not help but bop along to the music after he realised he hadn't danced at all so far that night and dancing was one of the things he enjoyed doing the most at parties. The constant flow of alcohol down Noah's throat was making him increasingly wild and making him lose his inhibitions. He nodded as he replied in a half-shout to Mariah, "Yeah, I go to Northville, I'm surprised I hadn't noticed such a beauty before". Noah smiled at Mariah, shamelessly flirting in his drunken state, "I have to admit, I'm glad I lost that game of beer pong now...that dare was more of a reward than a punishment".

Normally, Noah would not flirt so obviously and would certainly use better compliments but he was drunk. Nobody should expect too much from a drunk Noah.



Before he responded, Andy took a drink from his cup and the tossed it aside. It was empty anyways. "Mostly fights. Other than that its because I rarely went. I usually went to school once a month. I guess the principle got tired of it." he said with a shrug. He wouldn't be surprised if he did the same thing at Northville. It was just a routine he had going at every school that he was expelled from. "From one to ten, how good is that school? Is it entertaining or just like every other hellhole." he said, chuckling a little at his own comment. When he looked around, his gaze stopped at someone sitting on the couch. It wasn't that that was intriguing, but the way he got there. Kinda like he was...hiding from someone? Oh well, it wasn't his business.

Jayden moved away from the couch and got closer to Mariah and Noah, leaning in from the other side of the wall, listening in on their conversation. You could still see him, but his drunken state thinks that he is hidden out of plain sight. Who is she talking to? He looks familiar. I think he's in one of my classes...

Mariah smiles. Feeling dizzy and delusional, she looks at him and giggles. Like the drunken fool she is, she says "You're too hot to be a high schooler, you kind of look like a college boy." 

Jayden snickered, listening to her drunk statement. He chugs down his drink and puts his red cup on the floor, continuing to listen to the conversation.

A look of amusement appeared on Noah's face as he turned back to face Andy, although he now had a beautiful girl next to him he wasn't about to be rude. "Well remind me not to ever piss you off...", he joked in slightly slurred speech and once again he placed down an empty beer bottle. Noah decided to take a short hiatus from drinking to allow himself to recuperate, if he wanted to last the whole night he needed to space his drinking out a bit. Noah mockingly brought a finger up to his chin like he had to think deeply about Andy's question, "Hmm. I would give it a solid 0.5 out of ten. Maybe. On a good day.", he grinned before adding "No but seriously, it's a pretty good school. I couldn't really rate it because it depends on what type of person you are for you to like it but as a rough, general rating...I would say seven out of ten". He smiled as he added another comment while making a gesture where he pinched his index finger and thumb together, leaving a small gap. "Only sometimes a hellhole to be at".

When Mariah spoke to him again, Noah gives Andy a slight nod with a smirk, he was sure the guy would understand if he spoke to Mariah for a little bit and wasn't completely ditching him. He turns his attention back to Mariah, his smirk widened at her comment, "Oh how nice of the stunning woman in front of me to give me a compliment". Noah took a step closer to Mariah and gently tucked a lone strand of hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear before he asked, "Do you want to dance? I've been told that I'm a great dancer so you wouldn't want to miss out". He smiled as he feigned narcissism and looked into Mariah's eyes.

@TheCandyEmo @Moonellic

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Andy nodded a bit and smiled. "Who knows? May actually like it." he said and then he noticed that smirk. He would always have that smirk each time he talked to a girl. He practically invented it. He chuckled a bit, shaking his head. Patting his shoulder, he spoke up. "See you around Noah." he told the teen before, leaving the two alone. Before Noah turned away, Andy made a fake crying motion, mouthing 'They grow up so fast' to him and then he laughed. On his way to the other side of the room, he grabbed another cup of vodka. Before putting it to his lips, he thought for a moment. Now Andy. You came by yourself in a car. You have literally know one to take you home if you get dead drunk. Do you really think thats a good idea. He shrugged. "You only live once.."he said to himself and downed the drink. Plus he knew a special person that could take him home.

Mariah's smile fades, "I would dance, but I'm feeling a little sick." She tells Noah. Her complexion looked a little pale, she felt like she was going to vomit. 

She looks at him, "I'm sorry, I have to go to the bathroom." Mariah ran away, passing her brother, she looks to her right and sees a quick glimpse of him and runs back a bit to confront him. "I knew you were here! Mom is going to be really angry at you." She grabs him by the shoulder, glaring at him straight in the eye. Jayden rolls his eyes and snickers, "Mom's going to be equally as mad towards you, judging from your choices tonight. Hell, she probably knows we're here by now." he takes a sip of his 4th beer and laughs. Mariah grasps his shoulder harder, "Well, maybe we should go by now! You're going to wake up with a ridiculous hangover." her dizziness starts to fade as her vision seeps back into reality. Jayden looks away from her and sighs, "It's a party, Mar, have some fun, be wild, do some fun things for once, make this the time of your life-or something or whatever." he drunkenly mumbles as he puts his beer bottle in the air and starts to cheer for someone he doesn't know do a keg stand. 

Mariah grunts and starts to yell at him, "Let's leave!" she screams, her eyes were red from the cigarette smoke. Jayden shakes his head and walks away, only to turn back to say, "Oh, and by the way, I heard your conversation with Mr. Seductive." he says, pointing to Noah. Jayden then walks to the kitchen and digs into the fridge. 

Noah sighed as Mariah ran away, "Of course that would be my luck...", he looked disappointed for a second but him being drunk and all, that feeling past as quickly as it came; a sober Noah would have made sure she was okay but this version of Noah just wanted to have a good time. Noah glanced around at the strangers around him and then manoeuvred between countless sweaty and alcohol-smelling bodies until he reached where the majority of people were dancing. He came here to have fun and that was exactly what he was going to do. The dark-haired boy spent most of his younger years dancing in musicals and various other theatre related events so the action came naturally to him as he began to dance confidently with anybody who was willing to just let loose.
Sam and everyone in the group would begin to laugh, "Mostly some of that devil's lettuce. There might be a little oregano in there though, I accidentally left my backpack in the kitchen once and my mom had brought home some oregano and put it in the little jar that I keep my stuff in." Sam took another hit and passed it on. She cringed a bit and said, "Oh yeah, that's like 30% oregano." She stood up and said, "I need another drink." She grabbed her backpack walked over to the kitchen. She poured herself a drink and she began looking through the cabinets she grabbed bread, peanut butter and Frootloops. She spread the peanut butter on the bread and put the Frootloops on the bread with peanut butter and squished it together. She proceeded to eat the sandwich.

Meanwhile, Jason woke up and felt as if something wasn't right. He quickly looked outside and saw his car was gone. He went into Samantha's room and saw that she wasn't there. "Jesus fuck, not again." He quickly got dressed and walked to the party. Being on the football team meant that he always knew where the partys were at. When he arrived, he saw his car. "Bingo!" He walked into the house and looked around. Where is she? He thought. 


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