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Realistic or Modern Northville High School

   (( gah! So much happening right now! I'll try my best to get Mariah involved in something ! ))


Mariah slowly droops down, her eyelids falling over her eyes, she could not stop herself from passing out, but the slightest sound from her phone woke up her up. Mariah puts her hand over her forehead and shakes her head, she takes her phone out of her pocket and texts her long distance BFF. She gets up and slouches against the wall to keep herself awake. Feeling dizzy and weak, Mariah quickly takes out her water bottle and starts to chug her water. This has to be the worst morning I've ever experienced by far.

Mariah puts her phone in her backpack and walks into the bathroom. She washes her face and still feels weak. I legitimately feel like walking death... 

She walks out into the hallways and slouches lazily to her first class, Mariah sits down in her assigned seat and takes out her notebook. She reaches into her backpack for a pencil and fails to find one, so she decides to look for someone who looks like they have a lot of pencils they can share.

(( OMG, what if we had schedules for juniors and seniors? @queenofeverything ))
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Noah stepped forward from the locker and began to walk towards his class with Winnie, he ran a hand through his hair subconsciously, "To be honest, you just talking about mornings and yoga in the same sentence is making me tired", he snickered. "But seriously, I think it's awesome that you just wear what you want, whenever you want and don't really care what others think", he said with a genuine smile that slowly turned into a grin, "But you don't want to be too interesting to look at because then you would take the attention away from me, I mean look at me". Noah smiled making sure to show off his pearly white teeth and flexed a little to emphasise his point, "I'm like the best thing since sliced bread, and that would mean you would have to over exert yourself to reach my level and I don't want you to get hurt.". Noah nudged Winnie lightly, "See I'm just looking out for you!" he said jokingly.

@SophisticatedTruffle (We will see where things go haha, and sorry if my writing is bad atm, my brain has gone to mush recently) 

Keith Sellers

[SIZE= 16px]Keith walked to his first class, taking a seat. He stuffed his hand in his backpack, attempting to find his beaten up binder. He grabbed a pencil, resting his elbow on his desk and his palm on his chin. He had a stupefied expression on his face, apart from football, Keith despised school. He looked to his left, not recognizing the person sitting to the left of him. He proceeded to look to his right, and saw a friend of his, "Mariah?" Mariah and Keith had been friends ever since middle school. They were close in their freshman year, but they slowly drifted when they were both in their Junior year. "I thought you moved?" he hadn't seen her at all in his Junior year. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px](Hope you don't mind, @Moonellic[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px])  [/SIZE]
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"SCARLETT GREENE!" A shrill voice bounced around the halls of the small house and straight into a dark haired teenage girls ears. Scarlett jolted upright at the startling sound, immediately alert and awake. Dark hair fell in messy strands across her face and she brought a hand up to brush then back. The voice from before called out again, much closers this time, "Scarlett, I swear, child, you are going to be the death of me!"

The door burst open and a middle-aged brunette woman stepped into the room. One couldn't pick out any resemblance between the two woman except for their eyes. The shade of blue was exactly the same. Said woman placed her hands on her mom jean clad hips and she let out a huff," Get up. Get up. Get up. You are so late, Scarlett." 

Georgia Greene was the only person on Earth who called her Scarlett...the only living person at least. Of course, Scar had to let her, she was her mother after all.

"I know. I know. Imma goin." Scar replied sluggishly, dragging herself out of the comfortable confines of her blankets and shuffling into her attached bathroom. 

What seemed like an extremely fast time for a girl to get ready, later Scar emerged from her home clad in a simple red graphic tee depicting odd symbols here and there, her faded jeans, and last but not least, her leather jacket. Old, black Converse slapped against the cement as she made her way down the steps toward the driveway where a beat up blue, Ford pick-up sat parked. Scar adjusted her backpack to one side as she forced open the trucks door, it had a habit of getting stuck, and climbed into the drivers seat. 

A short drive later the aforementioned truck pulled into the parking lot of Northville High or as she affectionately called it, Hallsville High. Original. I know. She took her sweet time approaching the doors, waving to the janitor when she did finally reach the inside and leisurely made her way to her locker. She figured since she was already late she'd skip her first class. So, she leaned heavily against her locker and pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket. Beginning the wait for the bell.

Interacting with: N/A (Open for interaction.)
{ @TheCandyEmo I'm sorry, good luck! @Iskolde Jar? Scade?}

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Jade noticed the disheveled blonde next to her was digging around in her bag for a pen and extended her extra one towards the girl. "You can have it, I don't need it back" The brunette shrugged with a smile. She didn't have any of her teammates in this class so she figured she might as well be nice to someone. "Rough morning?" She asked with an understanding look.

{ @Moonellic there's no set schedule and since we have such few characters they could all be in the same classes for the sake of the roleplay. It seems like everyone is quite braindead tonight, myself included, so don't feel bad anyone.}
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{I edited my last post because oops, Ryder will interact with Scar because I feel like they would be friends and it would help the Jarlett train along...choo choo}

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Ryder spotted a familiar flurry of dark brown hair entering the mostly empty hallway and smiled at one of the very few people he considered a friend. "Skipping class again? Shame" He mock-scolded as he leaned up against a locker beside hers, quirking an eyebrow at her with a mischevious grin . Scar was perhaps the one female at Northville that he wasn't attracted to, not that she wasn't pretty, he just thought of her more as a "bro" than a potential fling. 
(( @Darth Gangsta I don't really mind! I think it's really nice! ))

Mariah was alarmed by the person sitting next to her, "Keith?... I forgot all about you..." she smiles at her close friend,

"Uh- I'm okay right now, but unfortunately something happened back when we were really close during freshman year... so I had to move back here with my mom.--"

Mariah sighs, looking down at her feet.

"Uhh... Do you have an extra pencil? I can't seem to find one that's not broken." Mariah asks, getting nervous about telling Keith about her past.


Scarlett looked up from the illuminated phone screen at the familiar voice and smiled. She leaned her head back against the metal, closing her eyes, as Ryder leaned against the locker next to her and hummed an affirmative. " I'm already late. Plus I really don't feel like explaining to the hag why I don't have my homework. My sister ate it,doesn't seem to be working." She shrugged, turning her head a popping open one eye at Ryder with a grin, "Don't know why. It's a perfectly good explanation."

Interacting with: Ryder @queenofeverything(Ohh, Jarlett. I like.)
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Winnie laughed and just shook her head. "How kind of you," She smirked. "Although my goal is not to be the most interesting." She stopped outside her class. She pulled out a small notebook and wrote her number on it. She handed it to him "Text me! It was nice meeting you, I can't believe we haven't met before." She turned and walked into her class. She sat down and looked around for anyone she was close enough to to consider a friend. She knew most people and most people knew her but she only had a few she considered 'friends'. She quickly decided the class was not for her that morning and got up and left. Some meditating outside might be good for her that morning. 

(Could someone interact with my characters? (:  )

{Jade will come interact with you because she's being useless currently xD Also, don't worry about being on the same timeline y'all, if class ends for one caracter you don't have to end it for yours if you're still interacting with someone}

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"I wish I could use that excuse, but they're more likely to believe I ate Jade's homework" Ryder chuckled in response, though his eyes watched the red-head from earlier as she walked out the door into the courtyard. It looked like they weren't the only ones skipping class. He turned his attention back to his companion studying her for a moment before an idea dawned on him.

"Dad's out of town again this week, we should throw a back-to-school-banger" He suggested, a wide grin enveloping his face. He knew that not even Jade would be able to resist a good party, it was the perfect way to kick off the new year, though a month in wasn't exactly new anymore.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Jade inquired the strawberry blonde doing yoga in the courtyard with a beaming smile. She had finished her project early and decided to soak up the sun while she could, the extrovert in her not being able to resist seeking out another's company. She figured since she had a tournament coming up it would be good stretching anyways.

Tags: @Iskolde @SophisticatedTruffle
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Scar's eyes widened at the mentionext of a party and her grin stretched into a full on smile. She wasn't much of a social butterfly, but parties were still something she enjoyed immensely. Even if only because of the abundance of drunk girls. "Fuck, yeah, man." She offered him a fist bump before narrowing her eyes at him,"Got a thing for red, huh?" She turned her head just in time to see Jade, Ryder'so sister, walk into the courtyard after the redhead. "Damn." She turned back to Ryder, "I don't know if I'm breaking any kinda bro code or anything, but your sister is..." She stopped herself short of saying something abrasive like "totally banging" and coughed into the crook of her elbow,"Uh..very attractive."

Interacting with: Ryder @queenofeverything
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Winnie looked up to see a girl asking to join. Jade she thought. She smiled "Of course! Always happy to have a yoga buddy." She stretched her arms up above her head, looking her eyes up to the sky before bending backwards and placing her palms in the grass. She lifted one foot off the ground and pointed it straight upwards "You're Jade right?" she spoke as if she was standing normally. "You play....volleyball? Right?" She lifted herself back up to a standing position after about 30 seconds and picked curls from her face. 

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"What? No, I mean I don't know." Ryder admitted, running a hand through his messy hair and turning to look at the small girl beside him. "She keeps staring at me which is weird because I am so not someone she seems like she'd be interested in" He shrugged with a frown. He wasn't sure himself what was going on with Winnie, but he wouldn't mind if she was into him.

Ryder was taken aback by Scar's statement, too in shock to respond properly for a minute. He had known she was into girls, it wasn't exactly a secret, but his sister? He was used to guys hitting on Jade, but Scar?

"Really? I mean I don't care, but really? You're into preppy chicks now?" Ryder turned to look down at her with a questioning stare. He figured it wasn't that weird, but it still caught him off-guard that his only female friend would have the hots for his twin sister.

"Yeah, Winnie, right? You were in my art class last year" Jade pointed out as she tried to replicate the complex pose the senior was doing, only to fail miserably. She readjusted into something more simple and breathed deep before addressing her again.

"I've got a game tonight so I figured a little stretch would help loosen up the muscles" She added with a bright smile. She wondered why she hadn't talked to the redhead before, she was quite mellow and balanced out Jade's nervous energy.

Tags: @Iskolde and @SophisticatedTruffle
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(( @queenofeverything , could I add in a new character? I think that having just one character for myself is kind of bland because I'm just having her do lazy things, so could I add in a new one? I'm thinking of adding in Mariah's step brother or something. If not, then that's okay! I'll get Mariah involved as much as possible! ))
Noah smiled in reply to Winnie before she left and then he typed her number into his phone, adding her to his contacts. He was pretty happy about being able to turn a situation that seemed dire into one that ended nicely. Noah walked into his class and scanned the room, he wandered to the back of the classroom as he desired to sit alone and get through the lesson without wanting to vaporise out of existence. He placed his backpack underneath his desk with a thud after collecting the essential equipment out if it and looked the part of captivated student. Noah then propped his elbows onto the desk, leaning his head on his hands as he acted engaged with what was going on in the class. In reality, he was pondering over how excited he was for drama club, he needed to do something he enjoyed to balance out all his negative thoughts.


Scar snorted and shook her head at Ryder's question. She was definitely not into preppy girls, most of them got on her nerves, you be honest she didn't know why she thought Jade was attractive.  Maybe it was the name? "No, no, never. Ever. They get on my nerves." She looked back to the door and her eyebrows scrunched together,"This is gonna sound extremely cheesy, like it's from one of those sappy romance chick-flies, but...there's something different about her. I don't know." She turned back to Ryder,"She'd never even talk to me though, I'm too bad for Miss Goody-Two-Shoes." She smirked,"Where did you go wrong, Ryder?" Scar joked.

Interacting with: Ryder @queenofeverything
Winnie smiled "Yup, that's me," She watched as Jade tried to replicate the pose then try something simpler. "Oh, hey that's a great idea. It's great for the nerves too" She repositioned herself into another pose and they had about 30 seconds of silence. 

"I can help you if you want! I mean with more complex poses. There are a ton to stretch out the shoulders and stuff" Winnie figured that was an important muscle to be stretched out before a volleyball game. It was also a muscle that held a ton of tension. 

Interacting with: Jade @queenofeverything


N A M E 

Pheonix Ann Franta

A G E 




P E R S O N A L I T Y 

Pheonix is a stubborn and a rebellious weirdo. It's important for her that people hear her opinions and thoughts.

She doesn't really get anyone close to her because of the fear of getting hurt that appeared because of some events in her life (will be mentioned later on).

She is extremely caring and supportive to the ones she cares about but can be very rude towards people she dislikes. 









Metal music

Stereotypical mean girls

Disrespectful and disgraceful people




The rebels






is Bisexual and clinically depressed

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{So sorry all, the holiday season has turned my brain to mush. @Moonellic yes go ahead! @Bookie you're accepted, dear :)}


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"Really? That would be great!" Jade beamed, switching her hold so that she was stretching her calves. She was always a bundle of nervous energy before games and could barely focus on stretching long enough for it to be effective. The brunette was always bouncing from place to place, never settling for long whether it be homework, sports, or parties.

"Do you play any sports or is yoga just for relaxing?" She inquired as she watched the redhead pose with a precision that could only come from experience.

'Trust me, she gets on my nerves too" Ryder joked, nudging Scar in the ribs lightly. He loved his twin, she was the one person he told everything, no matter how bad it made him look, but God did she like to push his buttons sometimes. "I swear there's no way we're related, it's all a lie" He chuckled at Scarlett's teasing words. The twins were definitely two complete opposites when it came to their social interactions.

"She'll be at the party this weekend, though considering she lives with me that's pretty obvious" He teased the small brunette beside him. He knew he was probably setting his friend up for failure, but it was practically a rule that you had to help your friend get the girl, even if it was your straight sister.

Tags: @SophisticatedTruffle @Iskolde
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Scarlett grinned and pushed herself off her locker, placing her hands on Ryder's shoulders and pulling the most serious expression she could manage. "Listen, you gotta be my wingman, okay? She's you sister, you're the most valuable asset I have in this situation." Scar forced herself not to smile at her next words, succeeding for the most part.

"I know she'said straight, but you know what?" Her lips twitched slightly,"So is spaghetti.....until it gets wet." Scar swallowed a laugh and held her breath to keep another one from forming. It was a ridiculous sight, her mouth kept switching and air escaped from her nose in short, laugh-like bursts. She wasn't very good at this serious face thing. 

Interacting witg: Ryder @queenofeverything

(It's alright. Completely understandable. Sorry to be pushy, my patience level is not the highest and combined with boredom it's even worse. :) )
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Ryder had much less self-restraint that Scarlett did, bursting out into a fit of laughter at her spaghetti analogy. He couldn't possibly be upset that his friend was crushing on his sister if he was going to help her out, if anyone was going to help turn his sister it was him. 

"You're the first person to ever call me an asset" He responded with a hearty laugh. "Yeah, yeah, I'll see what I can do. Make sure you wear something nice, you own any pink dresses?" He joked, taking in the mostly dark-colored outfit the brunette was currently wearing with a grin.

{I'm sorry my responses is so short, Benadryl doesn't make for good writing xD}


Scarlett's laughing dies in her throat and she narrowed her eyes at Ryder, taking herror hands off his shoulders and poking a finger into his chest. "Don't ever repeat that word. Pink is the worst thing ever created in the history of the world. Besides cats." She stuck her finger in her mouth and made a gagging sound,"I hate pink."

She looked over Ryder's shoulder at the clock on the wall and frowned,"I didn't think we'd been out her that long. The bells gonna ring in like ten minutes." She grinned and looked back at the door to the courtyard that they'd watched the red head and Jade exit earlier. 

"Yout feel like having some fresh air?"

Interacting with:Ryder @queenofeverything

(It's cool. I feel ya.)
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