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Realistic or Modern Northville High School

After failing to look for something he'd like to eat, Jayden looks around. He sees a girl pulling out Froot Loops, peanut butter, and bread. 

He approaches her, "Wow, you must be hungry." Jayden smiles, drinking his beer. "I'm a bit hungry myself." He starts to grab some bread and tries to eat it whole, but fails. In his drunken state, he takes another piece of bread and spreads the Froot Loops all over it and ate it. Jayden looks at her, "Yeah, I know, I cook like a worldwide known famous chef around the world." He mumbles drunkenly, strutting away to talk back with his sister in the living room.

Mariah sits back in the smoking circle, "Do any of you guys have anything that can take my stress away?" she sighs in distress. 

The people in the circle gave her a cigarette with an unknown substance and she takes a hit. Her eyes become red and she drinks away.


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(Im bringing in a female friend of his, if thats alright. She is not apart of this roleplay whatsoever though. Just to take this drunk mess home lol)


After a while, minutes seemed like hours. Andy woke up in a room, still with the loud blaring music. But when he turned to look the opposite direction he nearly fell off the bed. Laying next to him, fully asleep, was a naked girl curled up in the sheets. "Well darling...Im just going to leave you here. I am not about to get arrested for passing out in a strangers bed..."he mumbled to himself as he put his clothes back on. Walking, no stumbling, out of the room, he walked slowly down the stairs. His hand slid against the wall for some support so he wouldn't fall down. With a smile, he spoke up. "Here I am you crazy teens! We are going to have some fun!"he said a little loudly, but no one seemed to be paying attention. He quickly went into the kitchen and grabbed another cup full of vodka, downing the drink like nothing. "Wow thats powerful..."he mumbled to himself, feeling the deep burning sensation in his throat. He was just about to reach for some more alcohol when all of a sudden, he felt a hand grab his leather jacket and yank him away from it. "What are you doing, crazy?!?! You can't be drinking like this! Your mom is going to kill you!"she yelled, giving him a smack in the face. Once he realized who it was, he just smiled and bit his lip. "Well is it the famous Raven I hear? Or am I just drunk as fuck..."he said, chuckling. Raven rolled her eyes and started pulling him towards the door. "C'mon you gotta rest and get sober. I'll tell your mom that you decided to stay the night at my house. In the morning, ill take you home. Ya'know. When your less...stupid." she said. Andy shook his head and unclasped her hands from his jacket. "No thanks. Im  just going to stick around and have a little fun."he told her and followed a girl down to the dancing area. Once they were there, the drunk teen started dancing against him like know one was watching. Before Raven knew it, they were making out like if they knew each other forever. Raven sighed and went into the kitchen to get some water. "Only for a little bit. Then we are going home!"she yelled at him, and drank some water.
Sam laughed loudly at the funny boy. She finished her sandwich and sat back down in the smoking circle. She took a hit of the homemade cigarette and coughed, "What is this shit?" One boy said, "I'm not very sure, I found it under the seat of a bus." Sam looked worried for a second then started laughing hard and took another drink. "That's pretty funny!"

Jason wandered the party for a half an hour until he finally found Sam. "Sam... Sam... Samantha!" She turned around with a shocked expression on her face. "Come on we're going home."

Sam laid on the floor and said, "I don't wanna..."

Jason looked at her and said, "Lets go you're lucky I didn't tell Mom."

Sam dug her face into her arms and said, "She doesn't give a shit."

Jason sighed and said, "Don't make me lift you..."

Sam laid there and groaned

Jason picked her up and she started squirming. He threw her over his shoulder and grabbed her green backpack. "I'm taking you home."

Sam sounded like she was crying softly and whimpered, "Nooooooooooo...." She looked at Mariah with her big greyish-blue eyes and mascara running down her face "Mariah tell him to let me stay."

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(Yes, so sorry all. I'm far too busy to be active, but I hope you all keep the roleplay alive! I'll try to come back when I have time, but for now have fun :) @DrabberRogue you can join)
(I'll be joining shortly. I'm going to start with a girl and maybe bring a guy in later because I dont have his sheet made yet if that's okay(: )



My full name is Arabella Sonnie Adams. Close friends will call me Ara, Bella or Arie, for short. If you couldn’t tell by now, I’m female and I still identify by that. I’m also straight. Nothing out of the ordinary there. I just turned 18 not too long ago, November 17. I’m a senior and ready to get the hell out.


(+)Let’s see here. I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but I’m a perfectionist. I’m not afraid to strike up a conversation with someone I don’t know. I can be very creative. I am very witty with jokes and puns (if I say so myself). Hard worker. I really enjoy anything arsty fartsy. Makeup, photography, music, drawing, painting, pottery, and so on and so forth.  I am a coffee addict. Lover of animals.

(-)I am probably the worlds biggest procrastinator. I’m quick to shut people out. No filter at times. Stubborn. Biggest Judge of Myself. I hate, hate, hate liars and fakers. Never rush me. Not a fan of sweets.


I’ve never been in a club or sport my entire high school life. I show up and that’s good enough for me. I’ve also really never gave a damn about ‘cliques’, if I find someone I enjoy talking to, then I’ll talk to them. I’m not defining myself as a type and talking to only those people. A lot of people see me as an art person though, so, whatever. I’m currently single and haven’t been talking to anyone much to have a crush. I’ve seen a couple cute guys though.


My parents are divorced and I don’t speak to my father. My mom and I get along fine, but we are far from best friends. I have an older sister that I see every once in a while, but aren’t on any terms ‘close’ either. They were all thinkers and thought school was necessary and I’ve never once agreed.

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((Thank you(: does anyone not mind catching me up on what's what and what everyone's up to so I can begin?)

Basically everyone is just at a party right now. If you need someone to interact with, my character is free so I can just tag you into his post.

Oh and by the way, 5sos rules!
     "I don't understand why you like this shit so much, Megan. You get wasted to have fun for three hours and then feel like shit the entire next day." I ranted to my friend sitting in the passenger seat of my car. She turned her entire body towards me with a big smile. "I'll be the mom tonight. If you're going to be a crabby pants, then you do the drinking and I'll drive home." She said this like it was her best idea yet. I scoffed in attempt to hold back a laugh, taking my eyes off the neighborhood street for a second to give her a look. "Tell me why I don't believe that." She rolled her eyes at my comment. "Oh, whatever. C'mon! You always haul me around! I'm serious! Oh- It's right here." I shook my head and said nothing to her, only pulling over onto the curb. "This is gonna be so much fun! I'm gonna get you hammered, Arie." She exclaimed, practically jumping up out of my car as soon as I took the key out of the ignition.

     I reluctantly followed her inside the door of the party house, her smile gleaming and my face straight. "Oh my god," I muttered. The loud, not very tasteful music might I add, and sloppy people dancing together. The amount of garbage. Don't get me wrong, I've partied before and everything, I just don't really understand what's so great about it. "Here." I heard Megan's voice and looked down at her hand to see her holding a red Solo cup. I moaned and took it from her. "I'm only doing this because I'm not quite sure I'd be able to stand this being sober." I tipped the cup into my mouth, feeling the warmth in my stomach immediately after I swallowed. I scrunched my eyes closed and shook my head. "This isn't good, what the fuck did you get me?" I said, disgusted. She waved her hands and turned her back to me, headed towards the kitchen. "I'll get you something else! Hold on!" I glared at the back of her head before scanning the rest of the party. Drunk, high, wasted, faking it, stoned beyond words, passed out, man whore... great. I didn't see much people I knew, either. I turned my head to see sloppy, drunken making out and cringed. "Awesome." I mumbled to myself, going after Megan in the kitchen.
(Yes, so sorry all. I'm far too busy to be active, but I hope you all keep the roleplay alive! I'll try to come back when I have time, but for now have fun :) @DrabberRogue you can join)

(Alright sweet! Now uh...Ooooooone tiiiiiiny little question I gotta ask before creating my character: If I'm detailed enough, can I describe his appearance with words? I don't really wanna dig through the internet  looking for a suitable picture to represent him...)
Name: Damon Salvatore

Age: 19

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male


Personality: Outgoing, Funny, Flirty

Likes: The sight of blood, girls, killing, Vampires

Dislikes: Werewolves, people that piss him off

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Popular

Sports/Clubs: Not decided

Relationship/Crush: N,A

Other: He is able to turn off all emotions to the point where he doesnt care about nobody or anything and he will not feel any emotion. He calls this his Humanity Switch.

Kaira Groaned inside her head at the site around her, She couldn't believe that she had even come here in the first place

She pushed open the door of the house and walked outside to be greeted with an icy blast of air. Pushing aside the silver hair that had swung in her face, she walked to her car that she had parked three blocks away from the house.   
Name: Jace Rose

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Appearance: Jace sports a lithe frame that is both tall and thin, a testament to his high metabolism and low interest in exercise. Lack of outdoor activity has led to the boy’s skin turning a pale white, almost vampiric hue, made all the more apparent by his generally dark clothing. Yet for all that neglect of his physical form, Jace actually isn’t all that unattractive. In fact one could even go so far as to call him handsome. Bright blue eyes peek out from a strikingly sharp face, seeming to glow with an intense curiosity. Finally, sitting atop all that skin and bones is a head of golden blonde hair, perpetually messy as its owner rarely bothers to comb it.

Personality: An intelligent young man with a childish desire to be entertained, Jace is the sort to chew through interests much in the same way a caterpillar chews through leaves. In other words he gets bored really, really quickly. This has resulted in him always looking for ways to keep that boredom at bay. Schoolwork, gaming, socializing, learning, and his primary interest of programming. Really anything that keeps his mind active will do, at least until it gets monotonous. Of course this also points to things he takes issue with. Jace simply doesn’t have the patience for things he views as pointless. In his eyes if it isn’t productive, fun, or educational then it has no business existing. He also has difficulty remaining dedicated to things in the long term, gradually losing interest as they become stale. This of course includes other people. Not that such an inconvenience ever stopped him of course. Jace is a boy of childish taste, and children demand to be entertained.

Likes: Games, Learning, Interesting People, Adventure!, Math, Computers

Dislikes: Boredom, Negative Emotions, Monotony, Restrictions, Sleep

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Nerds

Sports/Clubs: He tried to dedicate time to a club, he really did. But he got bored.

Relationship/Crush: Jace probably had a crush last week, and he’ll probably have a new one within a couple days. He doesn’t at the moment though.

Other: There’s one exception to Jace’s temperamental interests, that being programming. When all else fails, he’ll pull his computer out of his bag and return to working on his latest project.

/tag @queenofeverything

ty judge










Ty's the laid back fun kid. He loves to have a good time and screw around but he also understands when work is needed and doesn't slack at working on anything, weather that be in the workout room, on the field, at his job, or on the field 


being liked by people 

playing sports

having fun


people who slack off to much

guys who think they deserve everything

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?:

preps/ jocks


football- quarterback

lacross- midi

ufc style fighting


none yet


his family is very wealthy
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Name: Alex King

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male




Alex is the type of person who can be completely sweet but the minute something happens that he does not like he will flip like a switch.

With a quick wit and a sharp tongue, he rarely gets into a physical fight because he tends to verbally beat down anyone who gets into it with him.

Alex was the quiet and shy type in middle school but found that as he found his hobbies and interests that he became more comfortable with who

he was. 

Alex's outgoing and witty personality found him in the company of the popular girls in school. He never got involved in bullying as that was not his thing,

but fitting the gay stereotype that the girls loved secure him a position in the popular crowd in school. Despite being completely open regarding his sexual

orientation, he still has his secrets.



Alex is heavily into fashion, it started a few years before high school, but gaining entry to the popular girls made this come out more.

Vogue, Elle if its a fashion mag he had his hands on it and followed the trends religiously.


Alex has been spotted as a local talent for modelling and he has done some light work, nothing too heavy as his parents were strict on how much modelling he would do.

Once he had a college degree to fall back on Alex could model to his hearts content.


For 2 years Alex has been performing in a Drag bar as a Drag queen. None of his friends know it but he found that drag had everything he loved to do in the form of modelling, fashion and performing. He got in with sheer talent for his age and has been performing for 2 years now as a Drag queen






Alex hates anyone who bullies others, he has been a victim of it in middle school.

He has even turned on his friends when the joking veers into bullying territory.

Pretentious People:

Alex grew up in a large family and naturally everyone knew not to think too highly of themselves.

He hates people who walk around like they are better than everyone else.

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: The Popular girls

Sports/Clubs: Drama Club

Relationship/Crush: PM me for ideas when I get accepted


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