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Realistic or Modern Northville High School

Winnie smiled at Jade and helped her position herself so that her shoulders were stretching. "Now breathe and with every breath relax a bit more." She went back to her space and restarted. She slowly transitioned herself into a position. Her entire body weight was balanced on her forearms and her body balanced upright like a handstand. She answered Jade's question 

"I usually do it for relaxation. I like to lose myself in my thoughts and exit reality for a while. But it also helps with physical fitness" because of yoga she had a flat, toned stomach and nice shoulders. She focused on the ground in front of her for balance. 

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Jade followed Winnie's instructions, taking a deep breath through her nose and exhaling through her mouth like she usually did when running. She had to admit she was quite impressed by the pose Winnie had gotten herself into. She tried to center herself as she listened to the senior's reply, nodding her head even though she wouldn't see.

"It seems like it works wonders" Jade commented, sure that it must take a lot of strength for Winnie to do the things she could. Jade considered herself quite fit, but Winnie was by far more skilled.

Ryder rolled his eyes at Scarlett's dramatics, but a smirk crept up his lips at her mention of cats. He was a dog person himself. Scarlett was more likely to be his twin than his actual sister, which explained their friendship, but didn't exactly explain her thing for Jade.

"Shit, I guess you're right. I could go for some fresh air" He said, voice laced with innuendo. He pushed himself off the locker, groaning as his back was finally free from the lock pressing into his back, heading out the door without so much as a look behind him to see if Scar was following.

"Hey sis!" He called loudly, hoping to scare the petite brunette out of the yoga pose she was holding and succeeding.

"Dammit Ryder!" She cursed as she all but toppled over onto the grass. She turned to glare at her brother, spotting the brunette next to him as well. "Hey Scarlett" She smiled, giving a little wave as she walked over to push her brother, though it had no effect on his tall frame.

Tags: @Iskolde @SophisticatedTruffle
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Winnie smiled softly. "It's definitely a more concentration based thing. I like to find a little bit of peace in my day." she spoke softly, slowly lowering her knees to the ground and sitting up so that she was kneeling. She had lost her glasses in the process and reached down, grabbing them. She slipped them back onto her face and pushed a curl away. She looked at Jade and motioned for her to shift her position slightly. "That way you feel it more in your upper arms and shoulders rather than behind your elbow" she advised. 

Winnie heard the door to the courtyard open and she looked up to see Ryder and another girl walking in. She glanced at Jade, knowing they were related and very different. He watched as he scared her out of her pose, sending her falling to her butt. She glanced up at Ryder, give him a quick small smile before going back to what she was doing. She really had nothing of substance to say to him and she wasn't the type to open her mouth unless she had something to say. 

@queenofeverything @Iskolde
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Scar blinked at Ryder's sudden absence from in front of her and turned around to jog after him. "Well, way to nothe look over eager." She jested as she caught up with him, her hands finding their way into her jacket pockets. 

Scarlett walked with a slight slouch but the confidence in it made up for that. Her mother used to always nag at her for walking like a "thug" but it had never got her much anywhere. Scar had a habit of not listening. Besides, she got it from her dad, you can't stop genetics. Scar also had a habit of going off into to space.

This was evident in the way she almost ran straight into the door when she and Ryder approached it. 

Interacting with: Ryder @queenofeverything
(( here's my new character :D  ))

Name: Jayden "Jay" Smith 

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male 



Personality: Social, smart, awkward, usually makes wrong decisions, doesn't care what people think of him, tries to be a cool rebel guy  (but fails miserably)

Likes: Friends, relationships, GIRLS, studying, hanging out with cool people in his school

Dislikes: bad grades, PEER PRESSURE, stress, cigarette smoke

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: The "Nerds"

Sports/Clubs: Science Club, Chess Club

Relationship/Crush: TBD or PM

Other: He is Mariah's step brother, she despises him, but before Jay became an arch nemesis towards Mariah, they've had great memories together.

((also, his nickname is Jay to avoid confusion with him and Will Smith's son.  ^_^ ))

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{ @Moonellic, accepted!}

Ryder chuckled as Jade tried to push him, her small frame barely even budging his broad shoulders. "Do you want to throw a party this weekend since Dads out?" He asked, smirking down at his sister. He already knew the answer, but he figured it was best not to throw a party without her knowledge.

"Of curse!" Jade's face lit up at the mention of a party, nodding her head excitedly before turning to Scarlett. "Are you coming?" She asked, her smile still bright as she addressed her brother's friend. She had always been fond of Scar, the girl was a bad-ass and the only person her brother listened to.

"Hey, Winnie, right? Do you wanna come over to our place Friday night?" Ryder addressed the redhead, having walked over to her as Jade turned her attention to the brunette beside him. 

Tags: @SophisticatedTruffle @Iskolde
Winnie looked up at Ryder. She stood up, nearly standing eye to eye to him. She was exceptionally tall, standing at 5'10. It sometimes made her feel huge, but her slender frame was also mostly legs. She refused to hear any of the fuss about how short girls were more desirable. She listened to the conversation about the party and her heart practically skipped a beat when Ryder asked her to the party. "Yeah I'd love to!" She wondered when he decided to notice her. As far as she was concerned, he had never paid her any kind of attention even before her crush developed. She looked up at completely blue sky and took a deep breath in. "I don't think i'm gonna go to school today." She declared lazily. 

"Join the club," Ryder laughed, gesturing to the two girls behind him who were also ditching class. Hhadn't noticed the long legs that Winnie had, definitely something he would pay attention to when she walked away. "Here, give me your number and I'll shoot you a text with the address" He offered, fishing his phone out of his pocket and handing it to her with a smile. He considered any girl who accepted his offer to a party a win, but for some reason Winnie agreeing to come over felt more satisfying. She didn't seem like the partying type, which made him feel even more smug.
Winnie picked up on his smug attitude and decided that maybe she shouldn't give in to him like every other girl in this school. Yeah, he was drop dead gorgeous, but he needed a chase. She held his phone delicately in her fingers and glanced down at it for a split second. She smirked, looking like he was silly for wanting her number in the first place. "I think i'll text your sister. I already have her number." That was a lie, but she knew someone who did who could pass it along. She handed the phone backed to Ryder with it lacking any sort of number. A guy with dreads appeared in the doorway of the courtyard, signaling Winnie. She looked over and he made a smoking motion. Winnie wasn't dubbed a hippie for no reason. She looked back to Ryder with a sweet smile. "I guess that's my cue!" She looked back to Jade "Hey good luck at your game tonight! You'll be great." She turned and walked off with the guy. 


(We should totes skip to the party? Standing around talking could get boring).
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Scarlett smiled at Jade and scratched at her arm awkwardly, nodding her head in an affirmative. "Of course, I can't miss out on a party. Especially not one my best friend is throwing." She ran a hand through her hair and kicked at a pebble on the ground, glancing over at Ryder and Winnie as they talked before looking back to Jade. "I'm beginning to think the teachers just don't care that we don't come to class." She laughed, running her tongue across her teeth.

Scar always seemed to be kinda distant around people socially, always able to keep her cool and act unaffected by everything. But the twins were a whole different story, Ryder was like the only person in the world she'd ever listen to and Jade......well she just liked Jade. Winnie's mention of a game had Scarlett's awkward smile turning into a grin.

"Game, huh?" She looked to Jade, "You mind if I come be a cheerleader?"

Interacting with: Jade @queenofeverything

(Sorry for the late reply. Was at the movies with the fam.)
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Name: Justin Tanner

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Personality: Justin is a very relaxed and calm person, but when put in intense situations, he is known to break(by break I mean he'll lose concentration and act a little goofy). He is also very wise. He helps whomever with whatever inner conflict they face and gives them substantial advice. Lastly, Justin is a very light-hearted person who just wants to enjoy life and the people around him. In summary, Justin is a light hearted, relaxed, wise person who wants to be happy and enjoy every moment.

Height: 5 feet 10 inches

Weight: 159 pounds




~Being relaxed

~Spending time with friends and/or brother



~People who pick on his brother



~People who act "tough"

~His father

Clique: Athlete

Sports: Lacrosse

Relationships: N/A

Crush: N/A

Extra Details: Has a younger half brother named Jacob, he's 13. He is gay and only Justin knows.

Name: Jason Grey

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male


Personality: Jason is serious but can be fun at times. He hates wasting time and is never late to anything. He is very trustworthy and smart and can talk his way out of any situation. He is constantly being pressured by everyone around him to be the best, and not a burnout like his sister.

Likes: Playing Football, Working out, His Car, Pretty Girls

Dislikes: Burnouts, His Sister When She's High, Ignorance

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Jocks

Sports/Clubs: Football (Tight End)

Relationship/Crush: N/A

Other: His Baby

Name: Samantha "Sam" Grey

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Female


Personality: Samantha is a laidback, fun girl who knows how to have a good time. She is the life of any party and is the type of person that you can vent to and she'll listen to every one of your problems or thoughts.

Likes: Smoking The Devil's Lettuce, The Night Sky, Partying, "Borrowing"  Her Brother's Car, Making Jokes

Dislikes: Bad Trips, Her Brother(Sometimes), Skating, Playing Video Games

Which "Clique" Would They Be In?: Stoner/Skaters

Sports/Clubs: N/A

Relationship/Crush: N/A

Other: Her Skateboard

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((   I hope it's not too late to join in, I have not RPed for some time but have been missing it )) (Oh I edited this to add a picture. I couldn't find any RL people that had the hair and eyes that I wanted for Kairi so I used an anime one just to show the basic.)


Name:  Kairi Jay Rain.     

Age:  16 (turning 17 this year)

Grade: Senior. 

Gender: Female

Appearance: Olive skin, Long Silver hair (Genetics from parents and grandparents) Amber colored eyes. (Light brown with some orange and dark brown). she is around 5 7" and always has on a necklace with a small shell attached to it. 

Personality: Quite, While not exactly shy, if you ask her something that she can use hand motions or her eyes to get you to understand she would use those. (for example you ask what book she is reading or where the bathroom is. she holds up the book silently for you to look at, or simply points you in the direction of the bathroom) She has a crazy side to those who are close to her, conservative. Book smart and computer smart. not street smart. 

Likes: Doughnuts, Any songs on the radio, Doing clay or glass art, baking, video games (mostly shooting) Crazy fun people. Snakes and Dogs, Soccer and movies.

Dislikes: Snotty people, Spicy food, the color yellow, Moths, Hockey (just ice skating in particular, she can't seem to stay up on the ice)

Which "Clique" Would They be In?: Probably Geek?  not really a nerd. 

Sports/Clubs: Art club, Film club, Soccer

Relationship/Crush:  None. she doesn't really understand any of that.

Other: She joined the high school from being in Homeschool for her whole life. therefore she doesn't really get everything. She will sometimes read a book while walking home from school and look up to see herself in front of her house with no recollection of how she got there. Books and Art are her life. she loves movies and soccer as well and takes what she loves doing very seriously. 
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"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy." Pheonix muttered nervously as she entered, she gently pushed the big entrance door with her left hand while also trying to keep her heavy black-leathered backpack on her back. Just... don't attract too much attention. She thought, even though it wasn't really a problem for her. The pale girl quickly blended in the huge crowd of students in the corridor, hoping that her body wouldn't meet another person's shoulder. This year is going to be great. she mentioned sarcastically and continued walking.

[Open for interaction] 
{All are accepted!}

Ryder gaped as Winnie handed his phone back to him, the slot where her name and number should be completely empty. He glared over at his sister who was completely oblivious, before turning to watch Winnie leave. No one rejected Ryder Lockwood, and yet here they were. "Well...alright. I'll see you then!" He called out as she wandered off with the senior with dreads. He gave an annoyed huff, turning to walk back over to his sister and his best friend as they talked.

"I'm sure by now they've given up on trying to keep us in class' Jade laughed, glancing over to Winnie as she called a goodbye. "Thank you!" She called to the redhead, giving a little wave as she walked away. She quite liked the senior, she was much more relaxed and drama-free than the rest of her friends, It was refreshing.

"No! That would be cool!" Jade grinned back at Scarlett, turning as her brother nudged her with an elbow. "What are we talking about?" He asked, looking between the two girls curiously. "Scar's gonna come to my game tonight. You should tag along, just try not to distract my team" She sighed, rolling blue eyes as she knew her brother wouldn't listen to her either way.
Winnie got Jade's number from a friend and sent her a text as she sat in the passenger seat of dread's car. 

Hey Jade, it's Winnie. Got your number from a friend. Figured I would text you about the party Friday!....think I might be the only girl in the world to reject your brother's number...LOL 

Winnie shoved her phone into her pocket and laid her head against the headrest of the car. Her heart pounded from just that encounter. But, she had a newfound confidence in herself. She didn't want to be an easy catch for Ryder like every other girl was. She wanted him to remember her and get to know her. She took a deep breath and let it out. 

( @queenofeverything ) (Also, should we skip to the party or to something after school? @Iskolde
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Scarlett nodded, satisfied with her new plans for the night. "Awesome. I'll be there." She shoved her hands in her jacket pockets and looked up at the sky above them and sighed. "Well, I'll see ya. I've got some stuff to take care of before school's over." She began walking and waves at the twins over her shoulder,"I'll call ya later, Ry. Bye, Jade." And with that, she disappeared into the parking lot.


(I'm cool with skipping to the party if ya'll are. @SophisticatedTruffle)
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@queenofeverything Hope this is okay, but i decided that I want to rejoin this. But I can only do one male character of thats alright. If you let me join again, I will edit this and I will have it up in a few hours or tomorrow. If not than I will just delete this. Maybe my male character can be a late enrolled student that has the girls swoon! (add some drama to)
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{We can skip to the party, that way new characters can jump in as well, @TheCandyEmo that's fine!}

"I'll meet you at the car after class, sis" Ryder said, ruffling his smaller sister's hair before heading back into the building.

"Okay." Jade stuck her tongue out at him but followed his tall frame into the school as the bell rang, heading into her History class. She felt her phone buzz, pulling it out to see a text from an unknown number.

Hey Winnie! I'm not sure what time yet, but my address is 18 California Street. Lol, Ryder could use a little rejection. She typed, hitting send before tucking her phone back into her pocket. She was glad that there was at least one girl who could resist her idiot of a brother, though she had seen the slight blush on her friend's cheek when her brother had approached,

{Time Skip  8) }

Ryder nodded his head along with the music blaring through the sound system, pushing his way through the crowd that has amassed inside his home. The party had only started about thirty minutes ago but the house was packed, and plenty of people must have pregame because the smell of alcohol was strong. He grabbed a beer bottle out of one of the many coolers, cracking the lid and taking a sip before scanning the crowd for a certain hard-to-get redhead.

"Jade! Jade! Jade! Jade!" The small brunette was thankful for her upper body strength as she stood upside down for the keg stand, chugging as much as she could handle before hopping down. Tonight she was going to let loose as much as possible, and if that meant getting smashed then so be it. Jade giggled as she wiped the leftover liquid from her lips, wandering over to the porch to take a seat and watch the party unfold.

Ryder outfit.jpgjade outfit.jpg

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Andy Jackson













-Bad boy





Having fun




Being bored

being told what to do




Which "Clique" Would They Be In?:

Bad Boy







@queenofeverything All done!
Winnie had gotten the time for the party from Jade the day before. She showed up fashionably late. WInnie's red hair had been curled even more and it bounced around her head with every move she made. She smiled at Jade who was sitting on the front porch. Her eyes were bloodshot and she looked loose and even more chill than she normally was. "Hiya girly" she gently pat Jade's head and turned to wait for her friends. The same guy with dreads and a blonde girl with braids walked up. Together, they walked into the crowded house. Winnie told them she would meet them in the basement as she wandered the house. She didn't want to admit it, but she was looking for a particular person. 


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Scarlett had a hard time actually getting out of her house due to her mother questioning the hell out of her about where she was going. When she finally yelled that she was just going to Ryder's house her mother finally let her loose. It wasn't that she trusted Ryder, far from that, she just liked Jade. But, oh God, did she wish her mother could see the sight she was seeing right now as she made her way through the extremely large crowd that had packed into the twins house. 

The woman would kneel over and die.

With one last shove, Scar managed to catch a glimpse of Ryder and started making her way over to him. People cursing at her as she pushed them put of her way. "Yo, Ryder, your sister's crazy!" She yelled when she finally was able to get to him, a Cheshire cat grin plastered on her face.



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