[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.


She sashays inside, drawing the attention of quite a few of the patrons, and sits down with Adulio at a table not too far from the bar. She takes in their surrounds reflexively, noting the regulars who were present, those who weren't, who was working the bar, and finally bringing her attention back to Adulio. She is a perfect mask of careless enjoyment; a smile is never far from her lips, and she looks relaxed.
This post is a bit disturbing. Just fair warning.

To Ourobouros

Distantly, in the depths of your mind, you can hear your progenitors clicking their tongues. Maybe its the fact that you've warped your own flesh into a myriad of shapes and forms over the past few years is why this doesn't quite bother you as you vaguely know it should. The overhead lights just make it look worse. You'll tug out what looks to be mutilated flesh from the lower nethers of ...God, maybe a female? Inner and outer. Most of it anyhow. It's wrapped with crystals and what looks like strips of heartflesh. A pumping aorta throbs in your palm. Some kind of sigils are incised on the flesh.

One of the thralls gets a good look at it and rushes away to violently hurl in the nearby alley. Musgrave swears, looking away quickly.

"What the fuck is this shit?" He almost sounds ill.
To Blake and Valentine

Cop cars are making rounds, one's coming down Main with its searchlight on. And what looks like an unmarked federal cruiser along with it. This is standard procedure anymore. Might wish to hide.
To Anna

He smiles back, nodding to some folk in the next table. The band is playing a happy tune right now, folks are dancing. No Jack currently.

"What can I get you folks?" A voice comes up from behind, little Becca striding forward, smile and skirts as usual. She can't stop from glancing at Adulio.

Valentine sees the cars coming and grimaces. "Not a good time to be stuck out in the streets when cops are looking for trouble. Especially when you're carrying as many edges as I am. Let's go somewhere a little less public."
The Ourobouros

The Ourobouros knows, on some level, that it ought to be disgusted. Horrified. But it's far too fascinated. Perhaps this is how mortal surgeons feel?

"This, Sheriff," it says, keeping its tone level, "is what remains of any one of the recent victims."

It carefully examines the... organ. How was this done? What does it mean? Can it reproduce the effect?

What I could learn from this! it thinks.

"I must cull additional samples and get them back to the Chapter House. Could you possibly have one of your men acquire transplant cartons, or even Tupperware for me?"
Garrison Blake

"Of course. Do you have a place in mind? We may want to start walking, whatever we decide..."
To Ourobouros

"Uh, sure...we got bags in the back of the SUV, why don't we just bag that and cut up the rest to bring only their torsos? Make it easy on yourself, I'm sure you Dragons own an axe somewhere." His men will still their nerves and fetch a fire axe from the SUV along with a bag for your...prize. Quickly taken out of sight, the men fall into cutting up the figures with gusto. In twenty minutes tops the SUV is packed and loaded.

"What a mess..." the Sherriff mutters again.

It is a curious thing. A voice whispers in your head. A Canvas.

Truly, could we replicate it? Another, more feminine.

Surely. Another intones solemnly.

"Becca, darling," she smiles easily, ever friendly to Jack's girls. "Would you fetch us a couple of glasses of that vintage red I love so much? You remember the one, don't you?"
To Blake and Valentine

The cars roll forward slowly, scanning the storefronts and alleys. The light shines on the both of you and the cars slow to a stop. Doors open and two LEOs in black uniform get out. "Boys, mind if we ask what you're up to so late at night?"

The Federal car stops too, only the passenger getting out. Blad gentleman with an earmike and a canvas jacket.

Valentine smiles politely. Well, his mouth curves up.

"Of course, officer. We were just on our way to my friend's home from a party. Is something the matter?"

Standing in the harsh light of the vehicles, amidst the strewn limbs of the wooden servitors, The Ourobouros feels as if it is losing it's mind.

Get out! Do you hear me? I am one, and absolute. You died to give me life and... and I'm talking to myself. I'll not be driven mad by the memory of them. I am hearing no such voices.
To Anna

She looks thoughtful. "From Jack's Low Shelf? Yeah, I know the bottles. You guys must be rolling high tonight!" She giggles and comes back still smiling with your wine glasses. "That all? If you ned anything else, please, feel free to call for me." Off she goes like a whirlwind of smiles and utter innocence to another table. Smooth, soft jazz plays then, the band rolling into something like out of a noir film.

"I love this sort of jazz, you know." Adulio admits. "Something soothing about it, but mournful. I love it." He sips down a healthy dose of plasma. "It reminds me of...I don't know, sword fighting, leaving a lover behind, watching a good friend vanish into the distance...all of that."
To Blake and Valentine

"Well, I find it obvious. Murders have been happening, isn't safe to be running around at night. God knows who is doin' it either. People just don't go out much at 2AM anymore. Not since this." He jerks his head at the rebuilding process at the old grocers. "Anyone you men can call for a ride out of here, we don't need you walking the streets. At all."

She rests her chin on her hand, smiling distantly. "It reminds me of Humphrey Bogart," she confesses after a moment, "and of dark strangers in long coats and classy trilby hats. And regrets. Like, sad memories that are beautiful because they are painful..." She laughs a little, in that way that suggests she is trying to deflect her own thoughts from those dark, painful memories, and lifts her glass to her lips. "I have the oddest reactions to music sometimes, I think."
To Ourobouros

But if you are one...then where do the voices come from? A soft, alluring whisper in your mind asks.

Sighing, Valentine concentrates for a moment, turning on the old charm. Settling his face into a friendly countenance, he says "Now, officer, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Surely you can make an exception? We're nearly home. We don't want any trouble, and we promise to be off the streets soon..."

Activating Awe. -1 penalty for attempting to Awe three people. Results for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 9 5 0 1 ] (TN: 8 ) (damage/extra)
To Anna

It seems like the world has become a noir suddenly. Cigarette smoke drifts past Adulio's face, sitting back with his arm hooked over the chair, wine glass lifted. Like a picture in a cafe. "What ails you?"
To Blake and Valentine

"Hmm." The officer sighs, looking over at his partner who shrugs his massive shoulders. The Fed nods in agreement. "All right, get the hell out of here. Have a good night and keep your asses safe." The pack up and roll on with nary a backward glance.

Madness, then. Some undiagnosed, but suddenly so predictable case of schizophrenia. I am, ultimately, somewhat artificial - breakdown of psychological stability is terribly likely. I must exercise greater willpower. At least I am still sane enough to notice I'm going mad. Hm, isn't there a term for this condition in Kindred parlance?

Disgusted, it climbs into a car in the hopes of a lift back to the Chapter House.
To Ourobouros

They'll gladly drop you off, only a fifteen minute drive. The men even bring in the torsos to the foyer for you. Musgrave takes you to the side. "What do you think all this sick shit is? You people gotta know somethin'."

"Do you ever feel... I don't know, heavy, I suppose. Under the weight of so many memories? I mean, regrets, heartbreaks, dead family... Maybe it's just because I'm young, but sometimes it feels like a dead weight on my chest, and it gets heavier and heavier with time." She looks into her glass, and continues- "And then there are the memories that I hate but can't forget. Like Marcus. And the first few months of my Embrace. It's all so dark, and I can't forget it." She frowns. "Dammit, I'm sorry. I don't normally talk about all this..." She looks uncomfortable.

Valentine grins at Blake. There's more fang than there used to be. "It's all about people skills, y'know? Anyway, let's get out of here."

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