[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.

To Ourobouros

"Carving your hobby, Ourobouros?" Howard asks in that quiet, almost nasal voice of his. There's a very odd accent, local, but...just a bit off. Very succinct and educated with a bit of Boston's seedy undertone in there.

To Garrison

"Yes? Um, come in, pardon. Come in."

It glances up at him, but its expression remains neutral. It isn't certain if that is a joke.

"Oh, no. These were found ambling about wounding people - and they derive their power from a very odd source that I am intent on studying."
Garrison Blake

Blake enters, as bidden, and bows to his Master. "Forgive the intrusion, Master. I've brought a guest to the Chapter House and was wondering if there was time to present him. It's Valentine. He's downstairs. Do you have time? If so, do you want to see him in here?"
To Ourobouros

"Ah, yes. Whittling Men. I see it now." He shrugs. "You, sir." He turns to Valentine. "How goes the night?"

To Garrison

The old man is sitting in the middle of a flat strip of roughspun cotton. "Yes, bring him here. I am almost finished." He's mentally cleansing himself. "I shall be ready for Chyrsalis again soon, that pleases me. But yes, please bring Valentine here...we have much to discuss."

It almost speaks- but then... no. Better to wait. Ask for his expertise later. What is this man and what does he know? Is he even human?
Garrison Blake

Blake bows once again. "I will fetch him presently, Master." He turns and goes back downstairs. Once there, he addresses Valentine. "Okay, Valentine. We go upstairs. I know I don't need to tell you but...paranoia. Like I said. The Castellan is a man who values manners. Please. After you." The Gangrel waits for Valentine to start up the stairs, and then he follows.

Valentine shrugs. "I've had better. But nothing insurmountable. Yet, at least. Anyway, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me..."

Nodding to Blake, he heads upstairs to the Castellan's office.
Garrison Blake

Blake leads Valentine to the Castellan's door and, once again, knocks diffidently. "Castellan? I have brought Valentine. As you requested..."
To Blake and Valentine

The Castellan is still sitting on his prayer mat, legs folded up in meditation, he has an old body, worn as leather and scarred. "Come in, sit. What do you wish to speak of?"
To Gavin

"Mr. Cosgrave! Good of you to join us." Your blood would freeze in your veins if your heart still beat. How? He was at the university, wasn't he? Gone now? But there he stands. Hands clapped behind his back, no longer shuffling his bizarre cards. "Very...good of you to join us." Your fellow Dragon Ourobouros is gathering up what look like bizarre mannequin torsos not three feet from you in the foyer. What the hell is going on?

"Good evening...sir." His smile is of a-purpose fixed, his expression a simulacra of politeness mingled so deeply with indifference. A facade, of course, but he dare not attempt anything else lest he betray himself or simply run biggering into the night. "And to you too, of course, Ourobouros." He even bows, slightly.
To Gavin and Ourobouros

"I think I shall leave you gentlemen, I've got another meeting with some of the Dragons here. Please, excuse me." With that, he briskly walks off toward the left wing of the Manor, all by himself. Seems to know where he's going, maybe he just enjoys walks in the darker parts of the night.

Gavin watches the gentleman's retreating back with undisguised suspicion. "How fare you this night, Ourobouros?"

"Curious..." she says to herself, before returning her attention briefly to Jack, watching him go about his business, wondering when he might spot her and Adulio. She doesn't watch for long, and turns back to her lover, silent for a moment as she admires the shroud of acrid cigarette smoke offsetting his dark good looks. When he wasn't smiling, he looked truly foreboding, like an elegant and deadly monarch just waiting for the moment to strike... She shook her head, almost laughing at herself. I must spend way too much time with him, she thinks, I'm starting to see the world like he does. Damned toreadors... But she knows that mightn't be the only explanation. It eats at her that Marcus abandoned her so early in her Embrace; she knows nothing of her bloodline.
Garrison Blake

"Nothing urgent, Master. I have a guest here in the Chapter House. I wanted to present him. Castellan Elderton, this is Valentine. Valentine, meet Castellan Elderton. He is the head of this House."
To Valentine and Blake

The man nods in your direction. "Please, come in, sit, close the door as well, Blake. Welcome to my abode, youngling." His Beast is in a state of amazing calm. Your hairs barely rise on your neck.
To Anna

"You are still troubled. I can see it. Your pupils dilate when you're sad or nervous. Is it about Jack?"

"Mmhmm," she nods. "I am going up against someone who could easily kill me. And compared to what I think he's capable of, death would be a mercy. I suppose I'm worried that I'm going to set a foot wrong..." She nods to the other Kindred. "Or someone will beat me to the punch."

Valentine does so, wordlessly. Waiting to see what the older vampire says or does next.
To Anna

"Honestly, from what you've told me about the man, him being killed by others may mean nothing. Just tension and bloody vengeance spilling over to the obvious conclusion. Besides, there's always allowed other Harpies in domains. Maybe not this small, but there are. Think on that too."
Garrison Blake

Blake follows Valentine into the room and shuts the door. He takes the proffered seat and waits, patiently. If one cannot learn from one's mistakes, then one will quickly be dead. So Blake waits...
To Valentine and Blake

"What brings you to the Chapter House? You are not a Dragon. To whom do you swear alliegiance? If you are of the Invictus or the Sanctified, I must ask you to leave. I will know if you lie, just a fair warning. If not sworn to either of them, come and speaking your words and let us while away the rest of the night. I have spoken with an interesting man twice this evening, another is welcome."

"I know. Jack wont take kindly to it though. I just need to catch him on the back foot as it were. I needn't completely depose him. Just weaken his hold enough to build my own foundations."

Valentine smiles. "I owe no-one allegiance save the Prince of the City. No covenant claims me. As for interesting, I doubt you will find me so. We came here to get off the streets, there are police everywhere, and we would have been brought in on suspicion had I not used a discipline to make them more favourable to letting us pass."

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