[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.


It shrugs, apologetic.

"I'm not certain yet, Sheriff. There's clearly a cult at work, and presumably their membership includes Vampires. But with the devastation at the warehouse, some entity of terrible power must be loose. Why they would use something that dangerous to collect material for these automata is beyond me. Their motive seems... alien."

It glances back to the pile of torsos.

"Between all the experts here, we may have better information in time."
To Anna

"And that's fine. It would not be called the Requiem otherwise, you know." He sips some blood and leans forward, scrunching up the white table cloth. "I slept. A long time and it wiped away most of my memories. I have some, but I'm not sure about them. I embrace them nonetheless, for they are all I have. What makes what we are is how we deal with that here," he points to his head, "and the raging animal in here." He points to his heart. "That is all we ever need worry about. And of course, your time was horrid. Dark. So was mine and a thousand others. But we must move on. Atoning in the only ways we know how. The Sanctified would claim that their bloody god would forgive you. Lies. The Invictus say that's the way it is, now lick my heels for being embraced wrongly. Never. Carthians and Acolytes too. Our Danse is our own to deal with. Always. Until the ends of time. Perserverance in the face of the horror is all we can hope for and an echo of happiness."
To Ouro

"Yeah. You think that thing that attacked you was the one who did it?" Sherriff Musgrave barks an order for them to call the Castellan down so no one gets wrecked for stepping in unannounced. "Last thing I need... who the hell is the suit?"

Standing in the doorway, holding open the door is a gentleman in wildly out of date clothing, plain looking, smiling and chatting amiably with the Prince's soldiers as they carry in the torsos. Odd, you've never met him before.

"I shouldn't be surprised, but whose body is it walking around in?"

It looks up after him, towards the stranger.

"Hm, I don't recognise him, I'm afraid. Visiting master, perhaps."
Garrison Blake

Blake blinks. "People skills. Of course. I think it's wise to get off the streets. I have no haven of my own. We can go to the Chapter House, if that does not make you uncomfortable. Or we can head to a nightclub. But that involves more travel. Your choice."

Valentine shrugs. "The Chapter House will be fine. We can talk things over there, at least."

She ponders silently. "What about those who don't repent?" she muses quietly, not really expecting an answer. "I wonder how they live with themselves..." Her eyes flick back up to his, sipping at her glass idly, before a slight smile lifts her lips again. "It's been easier lately though. With you around."
To Anna

He chuckles, "You're too kind. And those who don't repent...well, revenants exist for a reason. The madmen in Belial's Brood and general...bad eggs, so to speak. Like the fine owner here. Speaking of the devil." He nods off behind you. There he is, going off about his business, coming out from where the Oak Room lies. He looks rather satisfied.
To Ourobouros

"Ah, doesn't matter."

His men are coming back and hopping into the truck. "Okay, I gotta go check on the warehouses and then me and the boys are going to patrol 'round Clarksville. Good luck with this voodoo crap. Night, Dragon." With that, the Sherriff gets in and off they go into the night.

You turn back and the man is still standing there with his smile, holding the door for you.
The Ourobouros

"Thank you" it says, stepping inside, out of what is presumably the cold.


No reaction from the Beast?

Turning, it extends a hand.

"I don't believe we've met, sir. I'm the Ourobouros, Dedicated Scribe of Hunger."
Garrison Blake

"To the Chapter House then." Blake walks briskly down the street, eager to get indoors...
To Blake and Valentine

A leisurely walk awaits. You'll make Howard before the turn off to head north toward the warehouses where the incident played out earlier tonight. But luckily, the Chapter House is not too far off Cunningham and safety.

Annabelle takes a brief look over her shoulder, her face easily sliding from a genuine, melancholic smile to a bright, radiant smile - her showtime smile. "Speak of the devil indeed..."
To Anna

"We're not the only ones in here. A few of our...kin are down on the floor watching Jack like a hawk. Wonder why."

Anna's eyes sweep the room, looking for anyone she might recognise, from either personal acquaintance or from Elysium or the Carters' regular parties. "Jack's always had his enemies," she observes in a low voice, "but this? Looks organised..."
To Ourobouros

He stares at your hand for the longest time and then smiles wider, shaking it. "Call me Howard, friend. How goes the evening, Ourobouros?" He closes the door and walks into the Chapter House. "Such a lovely home you Dragons have built here."
Garrison Blake

Blake enters the Chapter House and immediately looks for the Castellan. "Let me find the Castellan and present you, and then we can find a place to talk. He may even have more information, thought I doubt it..."
To Anna

Teegan Ulbricht is in the party, swirling a glass of deep red blood. Kitten Snow and Tiffany Vandergraff too. Both women and Ulbricht are unaligned. Two others you don't know, well, you've seen them before but you don't know their names. Or affiliation.
To Blake and Valentine

Hmm, there's Ourobouros, speaking with that plain faced gent from earlier.

He turns on his heel. "Gentlemen! Good evening."

Valentine nods politely. "Hello. Good evening Ourobouros. I'm sorry, I don't know your name..?"

"It's been going in an interesting direction, Howard." It smiles, spiting the mayhem and the voices.

It turns, suddenly, as Blake arrives, failing to comment on Howard's observation.

"Garrison, good to see you're unhurt. Pardon me, Howard, have you met Mr. Blake? And vice-versa? Glad to see you, too, Valentine"

Politness, oh, politeness. Such a chore.
Garrison Blake

Blake gives his usual bow and is about to speak before he realizes something is missing. His Beast isn't reacting. A human? Here? That...what - or who - is this? There is silence for a few seconds before Blake does speak. "Good evening. Greetings, Ourobouros. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Howard."
To Ouro, Blake and Valentine

"Gentlemen, I was just telling Ourobouros of what a lovely home your Dragons have built. And no, no need for Mister. Howard's my first name. Yes." He backs up and motions for you, "Please, please, don't let me hold you up. I've just come from speaking with Castellan Elderton, I think he's in his chambers upstairs still."

Ourobouros begins organising the torsos in the foyer - best to remove the... hearts here, the better to dump the remains after. Keep one or two of course, but he can't get them all into a lab in any sort of timely fashion.

He tries to make it plain that he is not dismissive of Howard as he works, of course, in case the curious fellow stays to talk a while longer.
Garrison Blake

Turning to Valentine, Garrison give a small bow. "Excuse me, Valentine. Allow me to go converse with Castellan Elderton. I must see if he is willing to meet you. I will return shortly."

Blake climbs the stairs quickly and goes to the Castellan's rooms. Once at the door, he knocks, diffidently.

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