[North Shore Nights] Chapter Three: Deepening Night.

To Garrison

Soon enough, the elders will ask you to leave, neglecting to even tell why they had wanted you there. Heated debate continues as you walk out. Your master wishes to speak with you later. He even apologizes (quietly) about their behavior. As you leave out, one of the Castellan's house servants comes walking briskly by, nodding to you.

You'll reach the main foyer where the brilliant staircase leads upstairs, but you'll notice a man in the antechamber near the front doors. Wearing bizarrely outdated clothing, high-waist jacket, simple beige pants, the chain of a pocket watch spilling out a pocket in his vest. Clothes like your father used to wear. Hmm, perhaps one of the other local Dragons.
Garrison Blake

Blake makes his way to the staircase, taking out his phone. He nods to the gentleman in the foyer, but waits to make the call until he is at the top of the stairs. Out of the gentleman's hearing. Once at the top of the stairs, he hits Valentine's number and waits as the phone rings, leaning on the balustrade as it does so....

Valentine is coming back to himself somewhat as he oaces the floor of his apartment, trying to readjust the night in his head. Something was wrong, but he felt much better now. the phone rings, he answers it without checking.

Garrison Blake

Blake pauses for a moment. "No, Mr. Valentine. It is not Ms. Selene. Is this a bad time?"

Valentine shakes his head, as though clearing cobwebs. "No, no, I just... well, nevermind. And Mr. is unnecessary, Blake, you know me well enough by now. What can I help you with?"
Garrison Blake

Even though Valentine can't see, Blake's eyebrows draw down. "Just as using both my first and last name is unnecessary with me. You know me well enough by now. I thought we were on a more professional level. Though why that is, I didn't - or don't - know. I told you I'd call when I could talk. I repeat. Is now a good time?"

"Yes, yes of course. Sorry about earlier. I wasn't feeling.... right. It's passed." No it hasn't. Not completely

"Please, continue."
Garrison Blake

"Well. Not sure if you're in for the evening. Not sure if this should discussed over the phone. Call me paranoid, but I'm paranoid. I'll go on if you're in for the evening."

Valentine nods. "Perfect. I'll head there now. See you soon."

Hanging up, Valentine dons his coat again, arms himself to the teeth, and heads out in to the night.
To Valentine and Blake

The clock tolls 2AM by the time you reach the plaza. Quiet, windows darkened, a plastic blag blowing across the concrete. Two businesses across the street from where the blaze broke out are boarded up. The old Radioshack. City Hall looms overhead, the old gargoyles keeping watch upon the streets below. The particolored stones make up a colorful swirl of shapes in the center. Trees whispering in the wind, a stray cat slinking back in the shadows, hissing at the dead things in its presence.

Valentine strolls across the plaza, coat streaming slightly in the wind.

"Blake. You missed all the fun, I'm afraid. Tell me, what's so important it's too dangerous to speak of over the phone? Or do you want to go somewhere more private...?"

"Mm." She falls silent now, still looking up at the sky for a moment or two more. With the slightest shake of the head, she turns and smiles at Adulio. "Shall we go?" Jack's is not so far away. And it wouldn't do to let him out of her reach after all. She has an agenda to execute, one she has been slowly working on for weeks. Her process might be glacial, yes, but like the glaciers, she eroded the things before her in such a slow, subtle fashion that when they were finally gone, one might almost not notice. It was nothing entirely personal; she had shared quite a few laughs with Jack, and he amused her from time to time. But she also was not the kind of woman to be held back, and she believed she could wield a power greater than Jack's. Whether or not it was arrogance or confidence remained to be seen; it was only arrogance if she failed.

One Success

It shakes its head, stymied.

"Hm, I think this is going to take longer than anticipated, there are no obvious marks of animation."

Experimentally, it tries to open the head - when in doubt, look for the chem.
To Anna

He nods, not disinclined to deny you much. "I mislike the man, but if it please you, then let's." The stroll is pleasant enough, the scenery not in the least dour in the park. "You know, I was wondering. It is not normally the Toreador way, but...why not simply kill Jack and shove his ashen corpse in a sewer grate? I mean, really. We did the same at Salamanca after Napoleon's Hounds came baying for blood. I crossed blades with one, Jonas, he was a good fighter. We never did settle who was best."
To Ourobouros

Before moving to the head, you do note something in that gaping chest wound. Deep inside, you barely notice it at first. Something like a hole in the chest. A cavity.
Garrison Blake

Valentine is greeted with Blake's customary bow. "It sounds like it. Sorry I wasn't there. As for the danger. It may be I'm just being paranoid. There may be no danger. But. Better safe than sorry." Blake looks around the plaza and, seeing it empty, continues, but in a soft whisper. "You asked about the Thousand Young. Here is what I discovered..."

Blake relates the information he has discovered, as well as the information of the events in Buffalo. When he finishes, he pauses. "So. You tell me. Am I paranoid?"

"Of course, it's easy enough to do it that way," she agrees, "but it's a power play. The power he wields over this city is subtle. He holds a lot of sway over the Kindred here, and quite a few other types too, I'm sure. I would be undeserving of such a position if I myself could not be subtle. It's a true test of both our strengths if we fight with cats-paws and puppet strings. Besides, I'm not a fool; that snake is strong, stronger than I am. I can't match him in a fair fight-" her smile becomes almost predatory, "-so I'll match him with an unfair advantage on my side."
To Anna

"Indeed." You cross the street, no traffic. It's late. The moon hanging listless in the sky, lonely. A lone star cluster shines bright over head. The Hyades. You'll find Jack's off Philip soon enough, a few side street musicians singing in the covered patio outside the bar, with a small crowd round. Adulio holds the door for you.
The Ourbouros

It is about to reach into the chest cavity, before changing it's mind. It probes the opening with one of the construct's own disembodied fingers before risking its own digits.

Valentine closes his eyes for a moment. "I think your suspicions are justified. God, what I'd give for an enemy I can see..."

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