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Active [Norroburry Village] High Altitude Kittens

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently open to be joined, so let me known if you have interest. I intend to keep the group small (maximum of three players, so two more slots), so it's first-come-first-serve.

What to expect out of character:
Round duration will be lenient, lasting anywhere from daily to a maximum of once a week, depending on what pace is possible to be kept by the parties involved. The total duration is intended to be between a month and two months, depending mostly on the pace of the RP.

The RP will be mostly slife-of-life with hopefully some comedic moments. The focus of the RP will be on character interactions and on creatively dealing with simple challenges. The focus of the RP will be looking around the village of Norroburry to find some missing kittens upon request by the Adventurer's Guild.

What to expect in character:
A request has come from a certain Catherin Felinus, a retired noblewoman who took a vacation to the quiet and quaint mountain village of Norroburry with her 101 cats. Sadly enough, it seems that a couple of her adorable meowing fluffs decided to venture out into the unknown and haven't returned yet. What brave heroes will come look for these missing cats? The adventurer's guild can at least confirm she's put up a fine reward for any such noble souls.

When joining, please let me know the following things in your first post:
1 ) Any specific achievements/goals your character would have within the overall goal of the RP, such as trying to increase standing with a certain faction or obtaining a certain item/asset. So long as it doesn't diverge too much, I'll see what I can do to include it.
2 ) Any point boosters the character might have. (Attentive Student, Mentor, Devour, Narrative Booster, etc.).
3 ) Any [Wanted] or criminal titles your character might have. (Note, some city or guild-related settings will make entry for criminals considerably more difficult and would need discussion pre-joining.)
4 ) Any Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills or Complex Assets your character might have.

Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats.

From: https://mobile.alphacoders.com/wallpapers/view/1012228

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

The gnome was rather nervous upon arriving at the edge of the village. The large boarding house stood out from a distance. Probably the biggest house she'd ever seen in her life. Though these were also the tallest mountains she'd seen in her life. As well as the coldest temperatures she'd felt in her life. Also the highest altitude she'd been in her life, except for when Asuka flew her places. That said, she was nervous. Very, very nervous.

“{Spirit King, to thee I pray, let those I meet be nice today.}” She mumbled. “{Spirit King, to thee I pray, let those I meet be nice today.}” She repeated her prayer/chant. “{Spirit King, to thee I pray, let those I meet be nice today.}”

It seemed odd to see such a small creature out on her own at the edge of the village. Yet she was on a very important mission. Asuka and Tahmuras had decided that she needed to grow more independent and that she couldn't let the fears from what happened in those Goblin Caves dedicate her life. So they'd sent her on a solo-mission, one to find missing kittens. It seemed harmless, but being alone in a strange place was still rather scary.

That said, she did hear that the Adventurer's Guild might bring in at least one more person, whom she was now waiting for. That latter being the reason of her current prayers. “{Spirit King, to thee I pray, let those I meet be nice today.}” She continued. After all, there were many different people out there. Some nice, some big, some scary... “{Spirit King, to thee I pray, let those I meet be nice today.}” She just hoped that whomever would appear, would be nice. That would be... nice. Yeah.
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated], [Power Potential] Color - #0E0101

Elvario Elvario

The lack of proper work in the Adventurer's Guild gnawed at the black knight, an irritation that festered beneath his darkened plate. Where was the chance to spill blood? To rend flesh from bone? To watch his foes writhe and scream as their last breath slipped from their lips? His recent venture to that ruined village had left him unsatisfied, barely tasting the thrill of battle as he delivered a swift, final strike to a ghostly apparition. Hah! What fun was there in dispatching those who were already among the dead, who lacked the warmth of blood and the fragility of flesh?

With these dark thoughts churning within him, a seething maelstrom of violence and impatience, the baronet stood tall in the guild hall, his presence casting a shadow even where there was no light. His pitch-black armor, adorned with jagged edges and dulled crimson inlays, exuded an oppressive aura, thick and suffocating. The air around him seemed to grow colder, few daring to meet his gaze for long.

He moved with a slow, deliberate gait, each step of his sabatons echoing through the room like the tolling of a bell. His abyss-like eyeholes, hidden within the depths of his helmet, scanned the notice board, prowling over each slip of paper with a barely restrained frustration. He sought a challenge, a proper outlet for the hunger that gnawed at his insides. Yet, the more he looked, the more he grumbled, a low, rumbling growl that reverberated through the small slits of his helmet like the distant roll of thunder.

Then, his gaze settled on something that made him pause. A request—trivial, laughable even—but curious enough to hold his attention: to find a missing cat. A task that, under any other circumstances, would have been ignored, dismissed as menial and unworthy. Yet now, it was as if the absurdity of it had caught him in a rare moment of dark amusement. A gauntleted hand darted out, the fingers, sharpened like talons, scraping against the board as he tore the slip free with a swift, almost predatory swipe. The paper crumpled slightly under the force of his grip, as if it were a fragile thing in danger of being crushed.

As he read it, he learned that another had already undertaken the same request. Another fool in search of the feline. His lips, hidden behind the cold, unyielding steel of his helm, curled into a grin that no one could see. "Interesting…" he murmured, his words slipping out in a whispering hiss, like the slow leak of steam from a broken pipe. Without another word, he strode out of the guild, the crowd parting around him like water around a jagged rock.

Outside, his warhorse awaited, a beast as dark and imposing as its master. Its black coat gleamed like polished onyx, and its eyes, red and unfathomable, glowed faintly beneath the shadow of its mane. With a swift, fluid motion, Edwin mounted the steed, his crimson cape billowing for a moment like the unfurling of a bird's wing before settling around him. He urged the beast forward, and with a sharp jab of his sabatons, the destrier broke into a full gallop, its hooves striking the ground like the beat of a war drum.

The village of Norroburry lay some distance away, nestled among rolling fields and scattered woods. As Edwin approached, the world around him seemed to blur, the rushing wind howling past his helmet, a cold, biting gale that stung even through the gaps in his armor. The pounding of hooves echoed around him, merging with the sound of distant, unseen crows cawing somewhere in the fields, as if heralding his approach.

The dark knight drove the animal hard, his body leaning forward as if urging it to move faster, faster still, until Norroburry emerged on the horizon. The village seemed like a quaint place, untouched by the turmoil that Edwin usually sought. It looked peaceful, serene—almost mocking in its tranquility.

As he neared the village, Edwin finally slowed the destrier, bringing the beast to a steady trot. He noticed a small figure standing at the edge of the settlement, barely two feet tall. She was a tiny, humanoid-looking girl, her form slight and delicate, with skin that gleamed pale in the light and hair that flowed like long, azure threads.

Edwin guided his warhorse toward her, the creature’s hooves crunching softly against the gravel. There was an eerie grace in the way the beast moved, its black mane flowing like a dark tide, its head held high, almost regal. The knight’s armor gleamed under the sunlight, obsidian and foreboding.

“You…” Edwin began, his voice a low, rumbling growl that seemed to echo within the hollow depths of his armor. The void-like eyeholes of his helmet fixed on her, a gaze that felt cold and piercing, as if it could see straight through her. A gauntleted, pointy index finger extended toward her, the sharp tip hovering in the air like a poised blade. “... Are you here for the missing cat as well?”

He leaned forward, his dark silhouette looming over her, his presence swallowing the space around them, as if he were a storm cloud blotting out the sun. His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper, each word laced with a subtle, mocking tone. “Tell me, do you find it amusing? This little game of hide and seek?”

Edwin's grip tightened on the reins, his eyes narrowing behind his helm. The thought of sharing this task with another was irksome, yet the thought of seeing how she would fare, how she might squirm or stumble under his watchful eye, was enticing. The dark knight straightened, his imposing frame casting a long, dark shadow over the tiny figure below, a shadow that seemed to stretch and twist with the last light of day.
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Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats.

From: https://mobile.alphacoders.com/wallpapers/view/1012228

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“{Spirit King, to thee I pray, let those I meet be...}” She'd almost finished her chant when she noticed something in the distance. Some person came riding in on a horse, but even form a distance, he looked rather odd.

As he would closer, her legs started to tremble a little. Was this really a person she was meant to work with? Probably not. It couldn't be. He'd just move past her. Trying to be brave, she stood her ground, hoping he'd just move along. Yet he didn't.

“M-me?” She asked, terrified when such a scary person suddenly addressed her. The horse being big enough to stomp her to death with one hoof didn't help her nerves calm down either. “The cats.. ye.. yes.. sir..” She stammered. Really? Was such a scary person going to help her find the cats? Now way? Right?

However, his next words made her panic. He sounded waaaay to scary. That was the type of stuff that... that goblin said... just before he'd took her finger and toe. She grabbed her hand, where the finger had been healed back. Her legs stopped trembling, as now they were sprinting. She was running for dear life in the direction of the village. “Heeelp!” She called out at the top of her lungs. Clearly terrified by that last remark. Perhaps thinking he was a monster or criminal. “Heeeelp! It's a monster! Heeelp!”

Two things of note? She was neither fast, nor loud. It'd probably take her a while to reach the village proper and alert anyone in it. That said, she was absolutely terrified. Running as fast as her little legs could carry her away from this overwhelmingly terrifying presence of the dark Edgelord on his warhorse.
Ul Dyril

Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Ul had been busy for quite a while planning out her goals and researching what she could with the public resources she could in order to better strategize her course of action within this world. Though, after a while, her studies would end up subconsciously pointing her to a quaint little location by the name of Norroburry. Whilst she was also interested in scouting out locational prospects to better her reputation or even look for potential construction locations for her own land, it had come to her attention that the town held some significance within the mining industry and the exporting of said resources. It would make it an interesting location in order to look some time into, alongside the fact that Ul considered it as a possible location to find a given source of Earth magic. If she could find a natural mana source befitting, or a magic object with the affinity, it would help in harnessing all of the magic types she could although any new magic would do.

The elf had sent communication out to Viole, in hopes that her newfound servant would manage to answer the summons and meet her on her trip, quietly humming to herself as she took peace in riding her offroad-prepared bike on the countryside's beautiful offroad where she could be away from eyes and ears during her way there.

"Well I wouldn't have minded it taking longer to get here, but I'm here now. This looks at least way more inviting than everywhere else I've been so far. Wonder if Viole's gonna get here just fine, whatever they've been up to that is... " the elf mumbled to herself once she'd notice the sight of the town in view, supposing she should head to the nearest road for the last bit of her trip to actually arrive like a normal individual.

Up until when she was drawing closer, she heard a sound of... well, it sounded like a distant kitten more than anything, she could barely hear it over the sound of her bike. Approaching the road however from the offroad, she'd soon enough notice the sight of one edgy horseman and a little girl.

"That's a dodgy one, and something I'd have a ton of questions for. Didn't know child-kidnapping was a thing around here... " Ul mumbled, supposing someone should probably step in. She didn't entirely want to bother with such distractions, but it was probably immoral to just leave the scene. Eventually reaching the road with her bike and hitting to a stop, she'd look between the two.
"Okay, not really sure what it is that I'm interrupting exactly, but it doesn't entirely look like the most... normal situation, so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the little girl alone... it probably won't look good on your portfolio to be an experienced alone-kid chaser... " she answered, eyeing the edgelord's armour for a moment.

"How do you even go to the bathroom like that? Are you wearing a diaper in there or something?".

(Image for her bike in CS, cant add rn)
1. Ride [Ul's Dirtbike](Fast F, Intimidation F, Offroading Tires Feature) with Helming (Bikes)(F) (Energized F)
2. Dissuade situation with
Ask Nicely - Ul uses the power of social convincing, compliments and being nice to persuade someone - Persuasion(F), Seduction(F), Leadership(F), Energized (F) - Grade Fe - 0 Post Cooldown
[Human - Mundane], [Noble Ryke Baronet] C, [Apprentice Lancer], Knight [Educated], [Power Potential] Color - #0E0101
Attentive Student F

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Edwin's mirth grew as he watched the tiny girl scamper away, her stuttering words barely formed before she fled in a flurry of tiny, hurried steps. Her fear was a palpable, intoxicating presence, and it amused him greatly. The way she trembled, the way her voice quivered — all of it fed his sadistic delight. It was almost a pity that she would take an eternity to reach the village at her pace.

He allowed her a head start, savoring the moment, before nudging his warhorse forward with a lazy prod of his sabatons. The massive beast caught up to the tiny girl effortlessly, its hooves thudding softly against the earth, a stark contrast to the dread looming over her. Leaning down from his imposing height, Edwin's helmeted visage tilted toward her, the dark, hollow eye slits absorbing every flicker of her terror. "Well now, calling someone a monster isn't too polite, tiny one. If I were one, we wouldn't be talking still," he chided, his voice a low rumble, dripping with dark amusement. “Now… to search for the cats…”

But then, his attention was diverted by the arrival of an interloper — a woman riding a strange, metal contraption that he had never seen before, a machine that mimicked the gait of a horse but moved with an unnatural, mechanical whirr. As she approached, Edwin’s posture stiffened, his grip around his three-pronged lance tightening until the gauntlet's metal creaked, echoing his irritation. He turned, letting his gaze fall upon her, the shadows within his helmet's eyeholes deepening as he spoke.

"You admit being ignorant of what is happening, yet choose to make assumptions and meddle in a stranger’s business?" His tone was cutting, each word dragged out with a venomous patience. "Were we in my domain, I would either have your back flogged until no skin remained or pluck off your tongue for your insolent remarks of calling me a 'kid chaser.'" His words slithered through the slits of his helmet, harsh and heavy, like the clang of a dungeon’s iron door closing.

"But let me correct your ignorance: my presence here pertains to finding out the missing cat. It can't fall on me if my visage was just too much for the little one to handle. Power does have that effect on some..." And, as she prattled on, the absurdity of her question made him pause, and then his lips curled into a cruel, unseen smirk. "Do you want to know how I go to the bathroom in my armor?" He repeated, his voice laced with mockery, before continuing with a cruel, lewd jest. "Well, I remove the codpiece and then call for your mother. She always seems rather eager to have my girthy endowment clasped in her hands, while I go about my business."

The words slipped out with a dark, twisted glee, a chuckle following soon after, resonating like a low growl. Beneath the helmet, a sinister grin spread across his lips, unseen but possibly felt. If the request to find a missing cat had been dull, then at least these encounters promised some form of grim entertainment, even if not the bloodshed he truly craved.

Languages: Common | %Analog%
Mention: Femboy Femboy , Maxxob Maxxob , Elvario Elvario

Upon receiving the message from his ladyship, Viole turned on his heel and began to walk in the requested direction. If all went well, he should arrive just after Ul. He was aware that he faced a rather uneven road ahead and a considerable walking distance, but being a construct, he felt no discomfort or leg pain from long travels. His mechanical form allowed him a unique advantage, and he embraced it as he traversed the path.

Eventually, after what felt like a journey through both time and space, Viole arrived at the designated area. In the not-so-distant view, he spotted his ladyship Ul Dyril, accompanied by two unfamiliar figures. With a gracious demeanor, he approached them. As he neared, he bowed slightly to the two unknown faces, a gesture of respect and courtesy, and greeted them warmly.
"Hello to you two, my name is Viole. Am I safe to assume you don't mind me being here with you?" he inquired, his voice calm yet curious.

After introducing himself, he straightened up and turned his attention to Lady Ul Dyril. Not wanting to cause a commotion with the age-old tradition of kissing the back of her hand, he opted for a more modern approach. He nodded with a small, welcoming smile, addressing her gently, “And welcome to you, Lady Ul. It has been quite some time since we’ve seen each other face to face, even though we often exchange messages. Is this company alright with you?”
Viole’s words carried a hint of concern. He could not read the atmosphere fully since there was no room to analyze, and yet, he could feel that something was amiss within this group. The air was thick with unspoken tension, and although he was just a construct, he was aware of the subtleties that often eluded others. His instincts urged him to tread carefully as he awaited Lady Ul's response, hoping to unravel the mystery surrounding this gathering.
Tag and character goal:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Find the missing cats.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Edwin Stormcrest? – Find the missing cats.
Femboy Femboy Ul Dyrl - Find the missing cats.
Megilagor Megilagor Viole – Find the missing cats.

From: https://mobile.alphacoders.com/wallpapers/view/1012228

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

The gnome's heartbeat increased exponentially when the massive horse caught up to her with ease. “{Asuka!!!}” She called. “{Tahmuras!}” She called again. “Someone!” She tried. But alas, there was nobody around to hear her.

She had to stop to avoid being trampled upon by the warhorse. “You're... really... really not a monster?” She asked, still scared and highly sceptical. “Then... then... then why are you so super scary?” She asked, not managing to make a connection. She didn't even want to know why he'd want to find the cats. Would he eat them? Probably.

That's when someone came to her rescue. She was very quick to hide behind Ul and grasp onto her for dear life, still worried the horseman might just be lying and would take her away. “I was here to look for cats... but I think... I think the mister might be bad...” She tried explain herself.

The dirt bike was kind-off intimidating. “Why... what's this... metal thing?” She'd ask, wondering if it'd be dangerous. That said, between the woman in green and the edgelord, she'd made a quick decision whom she'd grasp onto for aid. Some things said confused her. Weren't diapers for babies? That said, she was too scared to speak up on it.

The words Edgewin said made her even more scared. Back flogging. Tongue plucking... that sounded like the things the goblin had done to her. Cutting off her finger and toe. Her eyes teared up a little. “I-I-I... just wanted to be more brave and go on a mission alone and... and... find cats.. and..” She'd stammer.

Something confused her. “Does... he know your family?” If Edgwin knew Ul's mother, did that mean the lady in green and scary knight might know each-other? That was weird, as they were rather different.

The next arrival seemed a bit off. Something unnatural, perhaps. He sounded nice, however, she thought. “I'm Amice.. Amice Bellamy.” She stated, recalling to introduce herself. “Is... is your face alright? Does.. doesn't it hurt like that?” She asked, a bit concerned, as it seemed like it was frozen or something.

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