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Multiple Settings No Requiem for Us[CLOSED]

Replying here, so I don't clutter ;;;
I love him lol, just mind adding more to his likes, hobbies, ect. lol I love the section because it has personality but I need to know these things lol. You could send me this in pm if you prefer to keep it like this, or you can add like a spoiler, something lol. Hope it's not too much trouble ;=;
I'm fine with just adding all that in no prob. It was done mainly as a joke haha.

yes all those things have been blessed so they wouldn't have the exact same effects but some. Holy water would be a lot more serious to ingest, it would cause a more serious illness that would fade as the water digests. Too muh would result in death, it's basically a poison to them. Not to mention it would burn their throats going down. But your past works perfectly! I love it :3 Holy communion consumables would take much more at once to cause the same reaction so your past is perfect. As for a resistance you defiantly could have some resistance, as in your case a consumption wise one. You would be more resistant to consuming holy water and the poisons. You would still be affected but not as much uwu
Ayeee gotcha. That's perf bc I just needed it to be enough to explain his body getting better later from around middle school age without resorting to some reason like...dropping going to church altogether for whatever reason. < w <;
Replying here, so I don't clutter ;;;

I'm fine with just adding all that in no prob. It was done mainly as a joke haha.

Ayeee gotcha. That's perf bc I just needed it to be enough to explain his body getting better later from around middle school age without resorting to some reason like...dropping going to church altogether for whatever reason. < w <;
it was funny, I was like I wish I could keep it like this lol. Also, I like the past a lot. :3

Before I begin character building I would like some opinions. I intend to build my character around their power but I don't want to be accidentally OP nor do I want to ignore party composition. My three initial ideas are:

-A character whose power is to inflict hexes, or temporary curses, on individuals he can see. A hex may have a mental or a biological effect on the target, depending on the situation. Hexes can only be applied to people, the character must be able to see the target at the moment the hex is applied, and only one hex may be active at any given time. If a new hex is applied, the old one dissipates. Individuals with strong connection to either divine or demonic forces may be able to resist the hex's effect (at the GM's discretion). Other restrictions up for discussion.

-Or, a character who dosen't have much of a power themselves, but can apply demonic influence to objects, effectively making them supernatural in nature. Restrictions are up for discussion.

-Or, simply, a technokinetic. Very ghost in the machine. Again, restrictions are up for discussion.

I would like as many opinions as possible. If you believe these are all insultingly terrible ideas, please say so.

Before I begin character building I would like some opinions. I intend to build my character around their power but I don't want to be accidentally OP nor do I want to ignore party composition. My three initial ideas are:

-A character whose power is to inflict hexes, or temporary curses, on individuals he can see. A hex may have a mental or a biological effect on the target, depending on the situation. Hexes can only be applied to people, the character must be able to see the target at the moment the hex is applied, and only one hex may be active at any given time. If a new hex is applied, the old one dissipates. Individuals with strong connection to either divine or demonic forces may be able to resist the hex's effect (at the GM's discretion). Other restrictions up for discussion.

-Or, a character who dosen't have much of a power themselves, but can apply demonic influence to objects, effectively making them supernatural in nature. Restrictions are up for discussion.

-Or, simply, a technokinetic. Very ghost in the machine. Again, restrictions are up for discussion.

I would like as many opinions as possible. If you believe these are all insultingly terrible ideas, please say so.
I like the first one, but the second one is also good. The first one reminds me of demonic ghosts. The third one can work but I like the first two since we are going for a more demonic thing, but its honestly fine whatever :3.
seasonedcat seasonedcat done with the likes/dislikes/etc o7
Ok I'll read it now! :D

Please forgive any liberties I may have taken. If anything dosen't work for the setting, please tell me so I may find a way to change it.

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