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Multiple Settings No Requiem for Us[CLOSED]

I have a mild case of self depreciation, so nothing I do is good enough but I’m a big enough of an asshole not to care and post it anyway. It’s quite the clash in my brain sometimes xD
That's ok, we'll be here to remind you of how awesome you are! >:3
I have a mild case of self depreciation, so nothing I do is good enough but I’m a big enough of an asshole not to care and post it anyway. It’s quite the clash in my brain sometimes xD
*throws love and affection* you may be edgy, but you're my edge lord. You can't be beaten in edge or skill. UwU
Just need to finish writing the backstory and I'm good to post it! It took longer than I expected because my friend and I had some difficulties in hammering out a coherent backstory together. xd
No problem! Can't wait to see it :3
Do we assume consecrated bread (and wine, though that has holy water in it already) has the same effects as ingesting holy water? Also is it possible for a half-demon to eventually build up a resistance?

Edit: Just posting the CS for now in case I don't have much time tomorrow. If there is an issue with the backstory due to the above questions, I'll do a rewrite as soon as I find the time. >x>7
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By any chance would this be open to one more lost soul? (nothing says otherwise, but i didn't want to assume)
Do we assume consecrated bread (and wine, though that has holy water in it already) has the same effects as ingesting holy water? Also is it possible for a half-demon to eventually build up a resistance?

Edit: Just posting the CS for now in case I don't have much time tomorrow. If there is an issue with the backstory due to the above questions, I'll do a rewrite as soon as I find the time. >x>7
yes all those things have been blessed so they wouldn't have the exact same effects but some. Holy water would be a lot more serious to ingest, it would cause a more serious illness that would fade as the water digests. Too muh would result in death, it's basically a poison to them. Not to mention it would burn their throats going down. But your past works perfectly! I love it :3 Holy communion consumables would take much more at once to cause the same reaction so your past is perfect. As for a resistance you defiantly could have some resistance, as in your case a consumption wise one. You would be more resistant to consuming holy water and the poisons. You would still be affected but not as much uwu

By any chance would this be open to one more lost soul? (nothing says otherwise, but i didn't want to assume)
Yes of course! Welcome aboard! :3

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