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Fantasy No Mortals - An over-the-top, sci-fi/fantasy RP

Oh! I'm glad haha, I was thinking it might be difficult to decide exactly how much damage you're going to take with the 100/100 system though
That might be where the Dice come in. If we roll two dice, that is a possible twelve damage.

Also, I noticed that Azara's Armoured Form progress went down from before.
Maybe for defense each point = a 10% damage reduction equaling 50% maximum, damage. Also maybe all characters have a base damage and one point =10 additional damage points hit per-that way it all divides evenly into 100 hit points?
Oh sorry I just decided to reset that all and be a little more intelligent about it haha, i'm trying to decide whether or not to start everyone at the same point or give a boost to characters like you @Seraph Darkfire and @Lana Valentine seeing as you've spent a lot of time getting used to your powers.
Also, my character totally just murdered a village and ate their souls... What should I set my demon stuff at?
@Splat Oh was it a whole village? Sorry I thought it was just the kids, would you mind? Because I was hoping you'd give somebody the chance to stop you before eating too many mortals, I've given you about 6 points for the kids
Yeah, I never really said I went in and ate the whole village. I did kill the two children, and I ended my post as I went on a frenzy in the village. I'm waiting for someone to stop me, as well. That works.
@Seraph Darkfire Yeah I was getting too excited sorry, I'll give you both about 10 points, the main way to gain experience would be pushing your abilities to their limits, because naturally the reason you'll need the new form is to increase your limitations when you need it most

@Splat Oh okay, also I kinda forgot about the fact you're supposed to awaken on an empty planet, but you can just edit in a -transition- (find some pants?) between your awakening and the murders whenever you feel like it. Maybe @Whale could do a -transition- as well, and end up on the same planet as you? Just an idea. (:
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Splat said:
So, not sure what I should do. Can you give an example?
I kind of just had her planet merge with his, because her lonelyness attracted her to the inhabited planet witbout her knowing. Is thAt okay?
@Whale Well i'm not sure I really understand it, could you use a travel timeskip instead? Just to avoid any planet-merging abilities, haha

@Splat Oh it's alright, I edited it a little, so don't worry
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Well Whale made a post for you @Splat but get some sleep if you need it haha

Also @Whale you might want to extend your post a little bit if you get the time, or else he'll be able to go to town eating everyone he wants, you should bridge the gap between the two of you, because Alvis will most likely be able to see the fire.

About the combat system, I was just having a look at the dice, and maybe you could roll for attacking vs evading, so if someone has an agility stat of 5, they could roll a die with 5 faces, and if someone has an accuracy stat of 3, they'd roll with 3 faces, and whoever rolls higher succeeds, then you could also use your combat style as modifier, so for example if it's a melee attack, reduce the accuracy by 2, if it's ranged, reduce by 1 etc. I would say something similar for rolling damage, but I feel like it wouldn't make much sense if someone rolled a low number when they've already succeeded in hitting the opponent, any ideas? @Seraph Darkfire @Lana Valentine @Embeyz
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Another thing, sneak attacks. Personally, I think sneak attacks should be x2 DMG, and there should have to be two rolls. An agility roll to roll for the success of it being sneaky, and a second accuracy roll. Damage should be a base 10 +10 for every strength point. Also whatever that dmg is x2 for sneak attacks. Sneak attacks cannot be defended, as well.

As far as normal attacks go, the attacker should only be rolling for accuracy. Also, those with an agility stat of 4+ Should be allowed a counter attack roll option when defending, but it'll replace their dodge roll. Should either of those rolls fail, then they roll for defense which (imo) base 8+8 per defense stat. (Unless the defender uses a shield, which should give them extra defensive stats.)
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Rurnur said:
@Lana Valentine Well it is a pretty cool one haha, but I would like to avoid characters with the same alignments at least this early in the story. Sorry about that, though your character is very unique. (:
@TheGodSnake Nice, just wondering would you mind switching to Chaotic Evil? Because he seems just a little dangerous, and we already have one Chaotic Neutral character. Also I'll ask you not to use ice just yet, I'd like to leave it open for a little while for anyone who'd like a crystal-based power, and those two would be too similar. But after those things you'll be accepted. (:

Oh and your image isn't showing up for me, does it work for you?
Odd, I didn't get the tag for this, but I'll make those edits. And yes the image works for me
I'm just trying to fill all the alignments with these first characters, currently we need Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Good, Lawful Evil and True Neutral, do any of those sound like you?

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