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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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zen decided it would be best to just ask instead of trying to figure it out himself and wasting much needed energy "you're not one i originally too for a magic user what type do you use?"
Agito held his hand up. "Telaportaion and Enhancing magic of course I can only use them on someone I've formed a contract with aka Yukari my loyal companion." He had to give Yukari credit where credit was due like a true dog she is loyal.
zen nodded "that makes more sense i on the other hand a one of the dark arts i use magic often banned in many places like mind control and self-torture spells well those are few of many of curse i still have many more to learn "

@Nenma Takashi
Although she had arrived late, Maya came right in the classroom when the teacher was explaining what to do. She slipped in, hoping to be unnoticed, and she started to think what side she should be on. I should be on the magic wielders side right? Maya thought before walking onto the right side of the room.
Evelyn slowly made her way over to the side of the room that consisted the magic wielders, as she did so she looked around at the surrounding people and smiled. In this class she seemed to have an urge to shift to her nightmare form, since after all, it delt with magic.
Umbra stood up and walked over to the left side of the room. He stood in line next to his fellow students creating a strange layout as the rest of the students appeared human. Umbra had noticed that most of his classmates had two forms, one in which they could blend in with humans, and a terrifying form with with to fight. Umbra lacked the former. Bound in his natural state he stood far above his classmates, knowing full well that his intimidating size and build would make him a prime target for any malicious spell-casters.
Surfruaa blinked as she watched all the magic users bundle onto the other side of the room, slipping her hands into her pockets. She glanced over at her side of the room and sighed, rolling her eyes. "Really? What's so bad about usin' tooth n'...nail?" She cocked her head back, glancing down at her sharp fingernails.
Ms. Dinah Lonesth

"Alrighty, students! Magic users, I am going to talk to you a little bit about your powers, and then non-magic users, I'm going to talk to you about resisting magic use! Let's get started!" Dinah shouted excitedly, visibly happy. She bounced over to the magic users, then spoke so only they could hear. "You students are going to go against the non-magic users so that you both can test your abilities. This will be a surprise for all of them!" Dinah clapped her hands together joyously. "Now, when you use your magic, I want you to imagine that you are a vessel for your magical powers. This will make controlling your magic easier and more effective. Shadows produce dark magic, the sun produces light, fire, and electricity magics, and so forth. Imagine that energy travelling through you, filling you up. Then channel it into your hands or feet, whichever you use your magic on." Dinah finished, smiling greatly.

After speaking to the magic-users, Dinah bounded across the room to the non-magic users.
"Hello! I am going to teach you how to fend for yourselves when being attacked by magics!" Dinah said, smiling in a goofy manner. "Now, magic is easily manipulated, even if you don't have any magical powers. If you envision something enough, then you could possibly generate it, because each of us have this capability. Some of us just don't embrace it." Dinah smiled, then spread her arms, outlining a bubble around her. "Now when someone tries to attack you using magic, I want you to envision a bubble around you that repels it. Normally, that bubble will appear, even if it doesn't look like it. In order to strengthen your bubble, you must feel more connected with the energy around you. Just like I told the other students, this magical energy comes from shadows, the sun, et cetera. Go ahead and practice, both groups! SAFELY!" Dinah shouted the last two sentences so both groups could hear. "Begin!"



@general ostruppen

Liliana Blackthorn

Liliana nodded when Ms. Dinah gave the students instructions on how to channel their energy, and proceeded to try. She closed her eyes, used the energy she had stored from the sun and felt it flow through her, like a beam of golden light. That light, as it passed through her, turned into electricity, and crackled on her fingertips. She then held her hands out and made them face one another, generating a bolt of electricity between them.


Gadgena was confused with the instructions they were given. Just imagine it and it's supposed to appear? A bubble?? This made no sense to Gadgena, and continued to perplex her.
Surfraa blinked and cocked a brow as she listened to the teacher, glancing around once she finished talking. Nervously, she gritted her teeth and tensed up, straining quietly. Instead of a bubble forming around her, she got a nosebleed. "Oh for piss' sake..." She hissed, wiping her nose and clearing her throat out of embarrassment.
zen sighed as he opened his hand a small amount of his shadows building up in his hand. he did not wish to use the full amount as he would most likely end up destroying the classroom if he did,he already knew how to manipulate his mana flow properly but was more accustomed to blades and guns which made it hard to completely control how much magic he used gathered what he thought to be 10% and looked around for an opponent
Umbra closed his eye and took a deep breath. A bubble from the shadows, a bubble from the shadows. He tried to focus on the shadows around him, focusing on a protective bubble. He couldn't feel anything. Then he remembered the other part of what the professor said, about being connected to the source. Is it like when I port? He wondered. He instead started to focus on that familiar feeling he would get when using the shadows to go from place to place. The familiar feeling of the embrace of the darkness surrounded him, ordinarily he would focus on where he wanted to go from where he was, but now he shifted his intent, focusing instead on the protective, repulsive bubble that his instructor had informed him of. he was briefly rewarded with a warm, comforting feeling, like when his nurturer-mother used to hold him in his youth. Suddenly the darkness in his mind was pierced and he found himself face-to-face with a great eye. Startled Umbra lost his focus, as well as his balance.
Surfruaa wiped the blood from her nose and tried again, glancing around the room as she did so. Suddenly, a clear, dark red shield formed around her and made a strange 'voomph!' noise. She grinned and hummed lightly before sitting down, crossing her legs.
Looking around bored I imagine a bubble. Not knowing if it work but hoping it will. Hopefully I'm doing this right

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Umbra stood back up and resumed his meditative stance, he put himself at the edge and repeated the process he had before. This time he was prepared for the great eye, but nothing happened. The warmth flooded his body, focusing on the bubble of protection he was struck with inspiration. Umbra crossed his arms as he crouched down, legs splayed apart in a wide-bodied stable stance. He wrapped his wings in front of himself. Taking up this defensive posture, something clicked, and the shadows seemed to coalesce around him in a vaguely bubble-like form.
(I gotchu. I mean everybody who hasn't responded since I last tagged the whole class o-o RAWR)

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