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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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I looked over at liliana and felt bad. Then I look at the teacher but didn't keep. Eye contact. I hope im last chosen on the list. I swallowed my spit and looked back up.

Blake gathered his thoughts while Mika's fight was ending. He would be going next, and was making sure his plan was good. He would try his hardest not to freak out, he would be stern with the people who appeared before him, and avoid looking at any blood. Blake thought it was as simple as that. He stood up from his chair and walked slowly to the front, breathing deeply. He looked over at Mika, who was walking back to his seat. "That was cool. Good job." Blake said to the older male before taking his place at the front of the room. He held his breath as the blue smoke swirled around him, before disappearing and turning into the full bodied people he had seen earlier.

Blake stood up straight, as to make himself look more confident, though he couldn't look at any of the people, and kept his eyes angled down as the people had started strolling closer towards him. The girl that he had conversed with earlier when he had walked into the room. The little girl he had watched get shot, the one he didn't save when he had the chance. The girl tilted her head, bent down, and tried to look at Blake, who took a look at the girl and instantly regretting it, shutting his eyes tightly and trying his best to breath. She looked exactly as she had after she was killed. The gun she had been shot with blew almost half of her face off (Oh god why did I have to say that now I'm thinking of Marco), leaving her in a horrifying state. She hadn't looked like that earlier, so why now? Blake hadn't wanted to look at the others surrounding him. They probably looked the same way, though some had stab wounds, limbs missing, all that stuff.

The girl noticed Blake's hesitation at looking at her. Her tone of voice changed from earlier, becoming something you would hear in a nightmare. "You aren't looking at us, Blake." She said. "Why? I thought you liked seeing us obtain these wounds." The girl starting becoming more rough, tugging on his clothing and his hair. "You let us become like this. Why? Why can't you look as us now, but you were able to watch us die then?" The girl as well as the others had starting asking those same questions repeatedly. Blake had put his hands over his ears, though it wasn't helping. He still couldn't bear to look at anybody. He tried to slow his breathing and calm down. He couldn't take all the voices. "Shut it, all of you!" Blake shouted at the people, though he really couldn't call them that. "Just shut up. I know I watched you die. I'm sorry. I know better now. I'm sorry, I should have helped you. I just didn't know how to at the time. I was mindless." Blake said to the illusions (yea, that's the right word I guess) . The girl stepped back a step. "Look at me. I'm not beautiful anymore." The girl said. "I know I'm not, because of you." The little girl looked like tears were going to start spilling from the eye on her face. 'C'mon.. You just have to look at her once' Blake sighed and looked at the girl. He looked at her hair, her skin, her remaining eye. He realized just how young the girl was at her death. She was still beautiful, though. "Why would you say that about yourself. You are beautiful." Blake said with sincerity in his voice. The girl wiped her eye and looked at him. All the others did too.

Blake decided to take this chance, while the people's attention was on him. "Alright. Look, I won't let you control me anymore. I'm not going to let your souls haunt me for the rest of my life. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting everything in my past. I know it's my fault that you can't see your families anymore. But I've always been able to see your spirits, so maybe You can talk to me now. I'll always be willing to." By now, Blake had again stopped looking at the blood,since he felt like he was about to pass out. He wasn't sure about his words either. He wasn't exactly sure how to talk with and reassure spirits, but he assumed he was making them happy by telling them that he was sorry, and that he could pretty much be their family now. After all, everybody, even the dead, long for a family and people to talk to... Though Blake wasn't terribly sure how a family worked still.

Update- God I didn't inted for it to be THAT long. It was hard to tell how big it was going to be since my page was minimized while I watched The Walking Dead. But woah.
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(Liliana isn't in the classroom, she exited to give Surfruaa blood)

Liliana Blackthorn

Liliana held onto Surfruaa tightly, her brown skin having become a pale brown color. She tried to tell the girl it was okay, but she felt so exhausted, so drained. She patted the girl's arm in an attempt to tell her it was ok. She smiled lightly and closed her eyes, wanting to sleep.


Mr. Ysgrath

"Good job." Ysgrath nodded as the people smiled at Blake and disappeared, leaving Blake alone in the center of the room. Ysgrath looked around, wondering who to pick next. "Hmm...how about...Umbra?" He smiled, morning for the tall student to come to the front of the room.

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Blake quickly walked back to his seat, sat down, and rested his head on the desk. That was completely insane... He would have to keep his promise about talking to the spirits that haunted him, and maybe get over that part of his fear. If he gets used to looking at blood, Blake was afraid he would turn back to his old, heartless self if he ever got used to seeing blood again. But he really would try to be nice to the spirits and become like family, though Blake had almost no clue on what a family was and what they did.
"Need to sleep?" Surfruaa asked quietly, brushing some hair from her eyes as she cocked a brow. She needed an excuse to get away from the psycho next door and more importantly go out for a smoke.


Surfruaa said:
"Need to sleep?" Surfruaa asked quietly, brushing some hair from her eyes as she cocked a brow. She needed an excuse to get away from the psycho next door and more importantly go out for a smoke.
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Liliana Blackthorn

Liliana nodded slowly, feeling light-headed. She smiled at Surfruaa and croaked out, "Feeling better?" She asked, chuckling to herself. She now had a two puncture wounds on her neck, so she'd have to wear a scarf to conceal it.

"I'm fine, yeh. S-Sorry if I took too much..." The young woman sighed and rubbed her neck, taking her hand. "You're gonna 'ave to show me where your room is." She mumbled, glancing over at her every now and then.

Umbra stood and stepped up to the front of the room. He nodded at the professor and steeled himself. He was prepared when the mist began to Coalesce into the form of his father, still at least a head-larger than Umbra, but not nearly the massive-larger-than life figure he had encountered before. He was ready for the accusations, for his father to tell him about his duty, to call him a disappointment, yadda-yadda-yadda. But there was a faint nagging voice at the back of his head, a voice that asked him if his father's disappointment was his greatest fear. His father opened his mouth to speak, and there was a sickening sound as a faintly glowing metal point burst out of his chest. AFHALANAX!* Umbra shouted, as thick, blue ichor poured from his wound, the blade retracting. The Rhisthirane Hunter/Warrior collapsed to the ground, and there behind him stood his father's killer. A tall warrior, just as tall as Umbra, Wearing glowing plate mail, a radiant light shining from within it's helm. It held a whip-like blade that coiled and moved seemingly of its own volition. The creature snapped it's head towards Umbra, pointing at him, and saying something in another language, with a voice that sounded like a glass ball being rolled around a metal bowl. Siang Riall! Eria Furine shallang-shallang! Rooh hang guir shui weang ga'ar ar'ar'ariniang!** The creature snapped it's whip into a standard blade and dropped into a battle stance. Arturian, Umbra whispered, backing away slowly, but keeping his gaze locked on this creature. Suox histhal na'alk sontak Rhisthirane vhiris. Sondravone? Sondravone Afhalanax ohshquishnat?*** He stepped more firmly, finding some kind of resolve. With a roaring cry he leaped at the warrior claws spread, the Arturian stepped and brought it's blade to strike at Umbra, but he quickly stopped and pivoted, slamming the warrior's hand down on the ground, and quickly jamming his claws into the eye-slit of the warrior's visor. There was an audible hissing and Umbra screamed in pain as a luminescent white liquid poured out of the helmet. Pulling his claw back Umbra held his wrist, as steam and smoke rose from his now mangled and dissolving stump of a hand witha popping and sizzling noise. The illusion mist pooled back around and dissipated leaving Umbra kneeling on the floor, clutching his hand. He stared at his hand for a moment in shock, before remembering that it had all been a test about facing his fears. Taking a moment to compose himself, he turned and bowed to the instructor, before returning to his seat.


**Shadow beast! I came hunting Killers! But I will slay any of your kind that come before my purging light!

*** Arturian, the only creatures the mighty Rhistirane fear. Why? Why the ones who slaughtered my father?

Mr. Ysgrath

"Interesting...alright, any volunteers?" Ysgrath smirked when Umbra returned to his seat and as he waited for any of the students to raise a hand. "Come on...no one? Are you telling me you're all afraid of facing your fears? If you are, how could you scare other people if you can't face your own fears?" Ysgrath taunted the students, hoping to get a reaction out of them.





@general ostruppen

Liliana Blackthorn

"On...second thought. I'll just sit down somewhere." Liliana said to Surfruaa slowly, since she didn't know which dorm was hers still. She stood shakily and tried walking, unsuccessfully.


(tagging everyone so I can see who's still active, and more than one person can volunteer to go...if you aren't scared ;) moohaha)
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Surfruaa nodded lightly as she help the young woman to a nearby seat, gently setting her down and patting her shoulder. "Give's a shout if you need anythin', 'kay?" She smiled, grunting softly as she stretched her legs out and rolled her shoulder. "Nice to meet you as well...I'm Surfruaa."

Zero raised her hand slowly, figuring the sooner someone volunteered the sooner it would be over. She wasn't too worried. Being the way she was didn't leave that much room for terror or fear. Maybe she'd spare someone else from having to do it. Though Zero was never much of the noble type. "I volunteer," She murmured.

Evelyn winced slightly at the thought of facing her fears before slightly raising her hand "Do you want us to fight our fears or.. what is it exactly?" she cocked her head as the thought wandered through her mind.

Mr. Ysgrath

"Good. Come up to the front of the room, Miss Zero." Ysgrath grabbed another vial of blue smoke and threw it on the ground in front of the student known as Zero, once she reached the front of the class. The blue smoke whirled around her and hovered over her head momentarily, as it had done with the other students, and then shot to the ground, bubbling up into the form of her worst fear.

As she prepared for her fear, Ysgrath beckoned for Adam to approach. "No guns, mister. No weapons of any sort." He tsked Adam, and pulled out another vial of blue gas, then threw it in front of Adam once he came to the front of the class, beside Zero.

Ysgrath then turned to the student who spoke, Evelyn. "You will face your fear and figure out a way to dissipate it. Now come up." He grabbed a third blue vial, waiting for Evelyn to approach.


@general ostruppen


Liliana Blackthorn

Liliana nodded at Surfruaa and smiled. "You should head back to class. I'll be there soon." She said slowly before closing her eyes and relaxing.

Evelyn blinked confused for a moment, her eyes turning into deadly slits as he told Evelyn to come up. I wasn't volunteering.. She sighed softly and slid from her seat, putting her poker face back on as she rubbed the back of her neck. As she approached the others she leaned on one leg, the other one propped slightly as she waited for the blue gas to be thrown, staring Mr. Ysgreth down for calling her up.

Mr. Ysgrath

Ysgrath smirked as the student approached, obviously annoyed. "Sorry, little miss." Ysgrath looked her up and down, licking his disfigured lips. "You asked a question, so you volunteered in my book." He threw the next vial at her feet and cackled as he waited for the three students to begin facing their fears.

"Will do, cheers..." Surfruaa smiled, nodding to the girl before making her way back to the classroom, carefully opening the door and creeping back to her seat, clearing her throat. "S-Sorry about that, sir..." She stammered, sitting up and crossing her legs as she watched the group at the front.

Zero opened her eyes, unsure of what she would see since she couldnt really think of anything she was afraid of. What she saw was a surprise and somehow exactly what she suspected. Zero came face to face with herself.

"Why am I afraid of you?"

"You should know. What would happen if you couldn't take on other peoples personalities and figures, when you don't have an excuse for being so boring and pathetic?"

Zero ducked her head, for once appearing visibly perturbed and upset.

"That won't happen. And I wouldn't care either way. I haven't yet."

The other Zero circled her with a smug smile.

"But you do. I'll always be here. But don't call me Zero. Call me One. Because at least I have the guts to admit the truth. Unlike you, I mean something."

Mr. Ysgrath

Ysgrath cocked an eyebrow at Zero's fear and her reaction, intrigued. He noticed Surfruaa enter and glared at her, visibly displeased. He mouthed the words 'You're next' to her with an evil grin.

@Stamper @Surfruaa
Adam was confused as the vials substance was splashed on him. At first he blinked and looked at the teacher and then shrugged thinking the potion didn't work. But then he heard a tapping sound and turned around. His face suddenly turned white as he saw a huge ass spider had appeared right in front of him. His thought was blank and before he knew it he blacked out.
The young vampiress' eyes widened slightly when she saw this, gulping loudly and wriggling about in her seat nervously. She tugged at her hair shakily and her mouth went dry as she peered around, already pretty fuckin' spooked. "Sh-Shit..." She hissed.
Mr. Ysgrath

Ysgrath sighed and shook his head, then snapped his fingers, causing the giant spider to dissipate and disappear. He was disappointed with Adam's behaviour and shook his head again. He went over to a buzzer that was in each of the classrooms and pushed one of the buttons, leading to the clinic. "Hey, Ekaterina, I've got a blacked out student. Need ya to come here." He finished saying into it and not too long after, Ekaterina appeared, annoyed. "I'm only going to be the nurse for a week or so, you ass." She told him, not holding back any vulgar language. She used her blood control to lift the student and bring him with her as she departed from the class.

Ysgrath chuckled and shook his head, then waited for Zero and Evalyn to finish up with their fears.

@Stamper @JadeWuvsCookies
One kept circling her, laughing. Zero had dropped to her knees, her hands clasped over her ears and her eyes squeezed shut yet she still saw the other her, still heard her.

"I would stop since it looks like you couldn't take much more but the world wouldn't miss you. Even I would be a better replacement," She said slyly.

Suddenly Zero leapt up, drawing her knife and stabbed it into the girl's chest.

"No, you aren't One. You're less than me: Negative. You only take and I hate it! Away with you!"

One began to fade away but her smile did not.

"You're naive. I can't be rid of that easily. I'll always be here."

Zero watched as everything faded away and she was left panting in middle of class, the knife slipping from her hand and clatterinf against the floor.
Mr. Ysgrath

Ysgrath glared at Zero and pointed to the back of the class. "Go to your seat. I will confiscate your weapon. I specifically said no weapons. Go." He demanded and grabbed her blade from the floor, then slammed it on his desk, feeling no sympathy for the student.

Returned to his seat, Mika watched Blake's fight on the edge of his seat. His face had turned a tad bit red from the boy's previous statement. 'I hope he'll be okay,' he though hesitantly. The smoke swirled around the student like it had to him. Humanoid figures appeared and surrounded him. From the back of the room, he couldn't get a clear image of what was going on, but suddenly he became worried about the boy. He wanted to get a closer look. Sighing, he gripped his arm tightly to relieve some of his nerves. Soon the fears disappeared and Blake made his way back to his seat. Mika relaxed his arms and sat back in his seat, 'Thank goodness...' His cheeks burned as he realized how invested he must have looked. Another student, much larger and scarier than himself, had replaced Blake at the front of the room and was covered in mist. Mika laid his head on his desk and buried his face in his arms. Hopefully the rest of the fights would go quickly.

After the third fear test, a few volunteers asked to go. Mika sifted in his seat and peered over at Zero, the girl sitting beside him. "Really," he mouthed as he looked her over. He was surprised that the girl offered to volunteer because she seemed so quiet and reserved. She got up from her seat and went to the front of the class, followed by two others. He lifted his head from the desk and observed carefully, "Hmm...Okay i'm slightly interested." He watched as the girl spoke back-and-forth with herself. His hands stiffened and his body flinched as she eventually stabbed her mirror image and the fear dissipated. "Oh shi-" he whispered, his eyes widened. To be honest, he felt pretty bad that she got scolded. His eyes followed her back to the seat beside him. "Uh, sorry that you got in trouble. That was pretty badass though... I was surprised," he stammered.

@Oliverfan @Stamper

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