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Fantasy Nightingale [closed]


You pause and reflexively try to seek out and correct whatever's paining you. Your arm jostles and you hear a quiet pop, accompanied by a jolt of pain that makes the prior sensation look mild in comparison. That's not good.

You can still move your fingers and there's no sign of bruising or bleeding, so that's good at least, but just the effort it takes to try and seek out the damage leaves your head spinning. The throb of your strained arm comes in waves, ebbing and flowing to the beat of your pulse. A twinge of phantom pain starts up in your prosthetic but fades blissfully quickly. One problem at a time seems to be all your body is willing to process.

Though logic and apprehension tells you to push forward, your vision is starting to go soft around the edges, prompting you to lean against a wall for support. Disjointed and disoriented, your gaze wanders back to one of the planters below you. Your state makes the smell of soil seem sharper to you, and as you try to focus, you could swear you see something sinister in the dirt. Your pain-addled brain turns gardens into graveyards, and shutting your eyes against it all suddenly seems like a very good option.

Voices. Footsteps. Shuffling bodies crowded around. They are looming figures in your eyes, which is how you know you're no longer standing. Someone cries out. Something lifts you up. Rising. Falling. Rising again. Like a wave.

You are brought, aching and unable to tell vision from dream, into a smaller room, laid out before a young woman about your age with a soft, pale face and kind eyes. She looks like an angel. No, really, that's not a metaphor, she has- well, you're probably still hallucinating or something, right? You close your eyes again.

@WaffleReaper, @Yoruko Katsumi

You run into one another in Goose's room and catch each other up on your respective situations as much as you dare. There seems to be a distance between you two. You speak and share to a degree, but where yesterday circumstances brought you together, today holds you at arms length so to speak, both parties flighty and nervous from what they've heard, what they've seen.

However you still share a common goal and a common desire to stay safe as your involvement with the Brood begins to take a dark turn. That you still sought each other out even with doubt creeping in shows character, or else desperation. On that note, you are still two-thirds of a party. You see that your alliance so recently assembled is already starting to unravel. Are you content to let this happen? Keep looking out for number one, or try to piece this ragtag trio back together?

You try to find Goose and Flycatcher for a while, but come up empty-handed. You get the feeling that there's something your partner here isn't telling you, but you're not sure if you're ready to confront her on it yet. After all, you're not exactly being totally honest either. Eventually, you part ways, perhaps feeling put off by the secrecy, or maybe you just think you'd be better off on your own right now.

Many of the other fledglings, you find, have done just the opposite, latching onto one another in close knit groups. They mostly seem satisfied- well, as much as they can be- to go about their day as normally as they can manage, trusting that someone else will work out whatever's gone wrong around here. If any others are investigating, you haven't noticed. It's unnerving how complacent some people can be, but hey, you don't know their lives, so you can't judge. After all, anyone with sense knows what sticking your neck out gets you in this city. To stand out, to make waves, to split seams is a dangerous persuasion, but you can't help but feel somewhere deep down that it has to be you to do it. The things you've seen and done are not meaningless. They indicate a greater purpose, or else at least something more than waiting around like sitting ducks. You have to believe you're not meant for that.

By evening you've lost track of your odd partner in crime, and you never do find Nightjar either. Of the three of you she's the most solitary it seems. You hold onto this thought to keep from worry. You settle in for the night, less to sleep and more to fake it until morning and whatever new news it may bring, and though while you're here you're never not surrounded by dozing fledglings, you find yourself feeling strangely alone.

- End Day 2 -
Pausing, Dysis tries to seek out and correct whatever it causing her pain. Her arm jostles and a pop is heard and the pain now at least 10 times worse than before.

She moves her fingers and there's not bleeding or bruising, one good thing at least. But the effort it takes to look for the damage leaves her head spinning. The throbbing comes in waves to the beat of her pulse. The pain must be numbing her brain because she swore she felt pain in her prosthetic but it faded as soon at it arrived. One thing at a time is all her body apparently wanted to process.

Though she told herself to keep moving forward, her vision gains a soft edge. Leaning on a wall for support, her disoriented gaze finds itself on the planters below. Her current state make the scent seem shaper, almost painful. As Dysis tries to focus, she though she saw something in the dirt. Her numbed brain turned the gardens into graveyards. Taking a stumbled step backward, she squeezed her eyes shut. Wanting to wake from this nightmare.

Then, voices. Footsteps. Bodies crowded around. They are just looming figures in Dysis' eyes which tells her that she is no longer standing. Someone cries out. Then she is lifted. Like a wave she rises and falls, rises and falls.

Unable to tell which is dream and which isn't, she is brought into a smaller room. Laid out before a young woman who appears to be her age with a soft pale face and kind eyes. 'Must have fallen of the ladder...' Dysis wearily thinks, because the women I front of her looks like an angel. And angels appear only to the dead. Right? But if she wasn't, then they must have drugged her real good because if she want mistaken...she had...uh...wat? Not wanting to strain herself and more, Dysis shuts her eyes, not knowing what to believe.

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While Kathryn and Chickadee caught up to the extent that they were willing to, Kathryn found some loose paper and a pen. I can use this to leave a note after I go on my own investigation later. She thought as she silently stuffed them in her pouch while Chickadee wasn't looking. This girl isn't telling me something. Normally, she wouldn't shut up but now she isn't saying a word. Did something happen to her while we were separated? Kathryn looked at the blonde, concerned. She hoped that she wasn't mad at her for taking so long with the guide.

Kathryn shrugged off her concerns. She probably just ran out of things to say finally. She thought as they looked for Goose and Flycatcher for a bit. Unfortunately, there efforts were useless. It seemed they had dispersed into thin air. Could they be responsible for Resplendent's disappearance? No probably not. Goose is to sick to have done that. Right? Her thoughts trailed off as they searched, but found nothing. Eventually they just headed back to the sleeping rooms the fledglings stay in.

Kathryn's thoughts shifted from the current mystery to that of their missing companion. Where did Nightjar go? She probably found a lead somewhere and followed it. Or maybe she just needed some alone time. Kathryn starred at the faces around her. The fledgling's ease and calm over the situation both unnerved and disgusted her. Their naive clinging to each other was foreign and strange to her. She sighed at the other fledglings self denial.

Kathryn looked at Chickadee who had fallen asleep. I guess now is as good of a time as any to write my note to the girls. She pulled the paper and pen out of her pouch but wasn't sure what to say. She tapped the pen against her chin reaching for the right words.

Chickadee and Nightjar, I am going to the third floor tonight at midnight. I found out that that is where Resplendent's room is. I am sorry I haven't told you. I didn't want to needlessly endanger you for knowing. But Resplendent gave me this really weird object on name day. I don't really know what it is, but I'm hoping to find at least some answers tonight. If I don't come back, something might of happened to me too. The Guide i was talking with said that because i have what I do might cause people to suspect me of being the person that took Resplendent to begin with. I didn't. I just need answers. I don't think It's safe for you to come with me though. So I am leaving you this to now where I am going. I should be back by morning and will tell you everything. But if I'm not.. I just hope I am..


That will have to do for now. Kathryn looked at Chickadee's sleeping face and thought where she should put the note. Carefully, Kathryn folded it and slide it in Chickadee's dress sleeve, making sure not to wake her. Kathryn figured that it she should be safe there and that the blonde would discover it fairly quickly upon awakening.

Kathryn pulled the mysterious cards out as she waited. She decided to see if she could find her name on one of them like she did Goose's. Something about these cards made her feel funny. Although she didn't know why. Kathryn heard footsteps in the distance and stuffed the cards away back into her pocket while the steps drew nearer.
Day 3

Your sleep, if you manage it, is dreamless and bleak. The night seems to come and go in a blink. But in fact, the night isn't over yet. Midnight comes and people stir in the night. Someone is awake who shouldn't be. Someone is getting up and going where they're not supposed to be. Where are you going, and where are you meant to be tonight?


You wake slowly, numbly. You aren't in pain anymore, and it's hard to say whether that's reassuring or unsettling given what you last remember. At the very least it's a nice break. Who can say how long it'll last.

You find that you're lying face-down on a mattress , sprawled over a papery sheet with your injured arm propped up. There's a vague tightness to the appendage, but all feeling is so dulled it's like you're outside yourself. You turn your head with some effort and see that the arm is braced from wrist to shoulder with compression bandages. Your prosthetic also seems to be missing.

A gentle hand helps ease you up onto your side. You expect to feel some aching resistance from your muscles, but you still can't feel a thing. That's definitely erring to the side of creepy.

“Easy,” a voice says, and across the room a lantern casts a soft glow over the room. A lantern. Like you're living in a covered wagon or something. “I'm going to start weaning you off it now. You might feel a pinch.”

The voice's owner picks up the lantern and holds it aloft as she examines your injuries. It's the girl from before. Her hair is done up in tight blonde braids and she's wearing something that resembles modified hospital scrubs, the top portion torn up and patched haphazardly back together, which sort of defeats the purpose of what should be a disposable uniform. She turns to the side and for a brief, harrowing moment you see what is undeniably a set of snow-white wings fan out from the base of her exposed shoulder blades.

So, yeah, that's happening.

She touches you and you feel something like a needleprick along your upper arm. It's there for a moment, then gone, and replaced with a softer, more gradual, healing sort of pain, like an open wound beginning to scab over. In time that too fades, turning into an almost pleasant buzzing sensation.

“You tore a blood vessel in your arm right about here.” Her hand grazes your bicep. “Some inflammation, no internal bleeding, easy peasy.” Her voice has the vague tint of an accent, Russian it sounds like, though it's too light to tell for sure. “You might have a bit of a headache later too. Some of the girls got a little... over-excited bringing you here. They dropped you, is what I'm saying. No sign of concussion though, so that's good.

“You know, when they first brought you here, I thought for sure it was time for your wings. But looks like you've got a ways to go still. You're not even showing yet.” She pats your back fondly. “I don't think we've met yet. Lucky you, hm? I'm Dhalion.”

@Yoruko Katsumi

As you wait you flip through the cards, tracing the edges and reading each name even knowing you won't recognize most of them. You can't find Resplendent's name on here, but you see Goose's again and it's weirdly reassuring in a way you can't explain.

You touch the writing and again you feel a short jolt of... something. This time however it's more familiar to you, and your hand lingers. You feel... hungry, and angry- no, frustrated. Struggling, scratching, biting, big and bright, and then, an enormous calm. But these things are not yours. You take your hand away and the feeling is gone. Weird. Really really weird.

The sound of footsteps keep you from investigating further right now. Grackle moves quickly and quietly among the sleeping fledglings and beckons you with a gesturing tilt of her head. Out in the hall, free from the threat of spying eyes and ears for now, Grackle briefs you on the situation.

“You got it?” She doesn't have to explain what she means. “When we get to the stairwell, you need to hold onto me and shut your eyes. Don't open them no matter what you hear. I know how that sounds, but I've got some collateral.”

She hands you the book she's always carrying. “Poetry of the Romantic Era”, the cover reads. It doesn't look like anything special, but Grackle is clearly reluctant to part with it.

“I don't have a lot, but this book holds everything that's important to me right now. I don't like you and you don't like me, but If I can trust you with this, then you can trust me to get you to the rafters safe. Okay?”

She holds out her hand, awaiting your answer.


You wake in the middle of the night to a tap on your shoulder, which turns into a gentle shake, then an insistent shove. You open your eyes to see Goose leaning over you.

Her eyes are ringed from exhaustion, but otherwise she looks remarkably improved since the last time you saw her, no longer bearing the flush of fever, no longer in pain. She's dressed down in what looks like pajama shorts and a mismatched cotton tanktop with a heavy blanket thrown over her shoulders and wrapped around her like a cloak. Before you can react, she puts a finger to her lips, pleading your silence.

Goose gets up from where she knelt at your bedside and tiptoes around the still slumbering fledglings. She lingers at the door, waiting for you to follow. She shuffles impatiently under the blanket which trails behind her on the ground, making her look younger, a thin frame swallowed up by the fabric. You have so many questions for her, but she clearly doesn't want anyone else to know she's here, which only makes you more curious. Why you? And why all the secrecy?

As you sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes, you feel something papery inside your sleeve. There's a note inside, from Kestrel.
Dysis numbly wakes. She ain't in pain anymore, and she can't tell if that's good or bad considering the circumstances. It's a nice break but how long would it last?

She finds that she is lying face down on a mattress, splayed over a papery sheet with her injured arm propped up. There's a slight tightness to the appendage, but everything is so numb that is like she isn't even inside herself and her body is just an empty husk. Struggling a bit, Dysis turns her head and saw that the arm is braced from the wrist to the shoulder with compression bandages. Eyes widening, Dysis realizes that her prosthetic is missing.

A general hand helped ease Dysis up onto her side. She expected some sort of protest from her muscles, but Dysis can't feel a thing. She starts to get a odd feeling, this was getting a bit creepy.

"Easy" a voice says, and across the threshold a lantern casts a soft glow over the room. A...lantern. Was she in a covered wagon heading for Oregon? "I'm going to start weaning your off it now. You might feel a pinch"

The owner to this voice pickle up the lantern and holds it aloft as she examines her injuries. It's the same girl from before. Her hair in tight blond braids and wearing a crude version of hospital scrubs, the back torn and patched defeating the purpose of a disposable uniform. She turns to the side for a brief moment and Dysis catches a glimpse of what is undeniably a set of bleached wings fanning from the base of her shoulder blades.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

At a slight touch, it's hard not to shy away. Like a needleprick along her upper arm. It's there for a moment then gone and replaced with a soft pain. Nothing like the torrents of hell from before.

"You tore a blood vessel in your right arm right about here" her hand grazes Dysis' biceps and she flinches a bit. "Some inflammation, no internal bleeding, easy peasy" Her voice have a faint undertone, something like a Russian accident but it's too light to really tell. "You might have a bit of a headache later too. Some of the girls got a little...over-excited bringing you here. They dropped you, is what I'm saying. No sign of concussion though, so that's good."

"You know when they first brought you in here I'm sure it was time for your wings. But looks like you've got a ways to go still. You're not even showing yet" As she pat's Dysis back, she tenses up. Just trying to process that information. "I don't think we've met yet. Lucky you, hm? I'm Dhalion" fumbling for an answer, Dysis eyes are glued to her back. The drugs she was on and the fact that there is a...uh...thing standing in front of her with wings?! Oh, let's not forget that that Dysis would gain them as well. WHAT?!?!?

"I...uh...well...uh...erm...." Shaking her head, Dysis realizes that this is too much. But she needed answer, and also to escape this nightmare. Finally finding her voice, she asks in a small, slightly frightened tone "...am I going insane...?" She kept her eyes glued downward to keep from staring.

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Amelia knew that the note was important, but she could look at it as she followed Goose. She quickly followed Goose with a confused expression. She was thinking "What in the hell is going on here? Wait a minute. Did Goose plant the phone and book at her room? If so, maybe Goose can teach me how to use these spells. That makes sense if she knew I'd be back. It also makes sense if she wants me to have these objects. All this is odd, especially for me. That's my question right now, why me? It makes no sense why Goose would pick me over Kestrel in this situation. Wait a minute, where is Kestrel? That must be why she left the note. Ugh, none of this makes sense, nothing has made sense this whole time. Have any of these people heard about logic? Reason? Just getting to the point without secrecy? I just need to follow Goose and then she'll explain something."

Amelia quickly got to Goose's side but waited for Goose to show her where she wanted to go. She soon realized that the more she thought about it, the less sense it made. She thought baffled and confused "Even if Goose knew I would leave because of the psychic missing and Grackle getting bullied would make me leave, how did she know I would come to her room? In that case, what's with the toothpaste? She ended up not being at the end of the trail, so was that a diversion? Was it just so I would try and see if the book could help me? The more I ask these questions, the less I actually know. Speaking of what I don't know, what about Nightjar? She hasn't been back in a while now, I'm worried about her. Worst case she's dead. Best case, she's at a British tea party that is taking forever to end. Man I hate the unlikelihood of the best case scenario. I know things aren't going well, but hot damn shit is going down. Ugh, why can't I stop thinking."

Amelia caught on that Goose wanted her to open the door. She then thought with a smile "I'm just going to take a stroll in a madhouse with a sick girl and one of my new friends missing and possibly dead. Wonderful, especially when I don't consider Kestrel leaving. This place is crazy but there are some people that can be even more mad. At least I'm not going to get insect wings that are going to try and kill me. With the odd things that happen here, that would be normal. In any case I should just take the stroll with a sick girl and one of my... I should stop that. Let's just get on with it." She then opened the door and followed Goose to their destination.
Kathryn looked at the person who entered the room. The time had finally come. grackle ushered her out of the fledgling sleeping area and down the hall. The tension between the two was thick and static. Kathryn was lead to the strangely empty stairwell. They hardly spoke to each other. But when Grackle told her she had to keep her eyes shut, her eyebrow raised skeptically. Why the hell can't i keep my eyes open? Kathryn wanted to rebel and argue about it, but figured it be useless. Time is of the essence. She couldn't risk wasting the short amount of time she had. Kathryn just gave a curt nod instead.

Kathryn took the book from the guides hands and gripped it tightly. "Poetry of the Romantic Era huh? I have never been one for poetry." She looked up from the cover to meet Grackle's eyes. "How about we also agree to not stab each other tonight. I know you are sticking your neck out over this and I really do appreciate it. So I will comply." Kathryn meant what she said for now and stretched her hand out to shake on. Although she planed on sneaking a glance while she did so.

Dhalion frowns, concerned. "Hm. Maybe I should double check that concussion situation after all. Oh!"

She turns aside for a moment. The room is small and poorly lit with only the lantern now suspended from a hook on the wall, but you see that on Dhalion's worktable, the only other furniture besides a few cots and a folding chair, she keeps a rows upon rows of jars filled with various leaves and and oils and ground substances. She empties the crushed contents of a mortar into a chipped coffee mug which reads "soccer dad" on the side for some reason. She cups a hand over the mug and swirls the contents around for a few seconds before passing it to you.

"Here, drink this. It doesn't taste as bad as it looks, I promise."

You hope not, because the mixture in the mug is about the color and consistency of overcooked oatmeal. It doesn't smell half bad though. Like cinnamon, mixed with something you can't identify.

"In the future, you really should be more careful. You're one arm short already. Speaking of which." Dhalion retrieves your prosthetic from the worktable. "This is some nice craftsmanship. Sorry to part you from it, but I thought you'd be more comfortable resting without it. By the way, let me know now if there's anything you can't eat. I think you might've had a weird reaction to something in the gardens, which is strange because even if you've only just been initiated it shouldn't have gotten you so bad. Then again, I don't know what those greenthumb girls get up to in there. They might be growing something special for, you know," She mimes taking a puff from a joint and giggles. "Oh man, that was mean, don't tell anyone I said that. No judgment, you know.

"Anyway, I never got your name. I'm going to need it if I'm gonna start a file for you here. Don't worry, it's Brood names only. Totally untraceable. We keep it airtight here."


Goose walks in silence through the halls, casting the occasional nervous glance at the closed doors as you pass. You can hear the gurgle of running water from the bathing rooms along with a few soft splashes and bubbles of laughter, but Goose passes without hesitation, only relaxing when the two of you are in the empty kitchen. As soon as the door is shut behind you, albeit still propped open by the tubes and wires, she sags in noticeable relief and suddenly seems to shift back to her normal self, all cheeky grins and playful voice as she speaks.

"Nice to see you again, fledgling," she says. "You are one of my charges, right? I didn't grab the wrong one? No, no. I remember you. I know it was just yesterday but it feels like forever. You wouldn't believe what can change in such a short time." She starts to dig through the fridge, looking for something, but never stops talking. "Yeah I definitely remember you. It's all coming back to me now. You were there, and there was music, I thought- Well, doesn't matter what I thought. I was out of my head. It does that to you. God, isn't there anything to eat in here?"

She shrugs her blanket higher onto her shoulders and slams the fridge door so hard you can hear the contents rattle together. From what you saw, there was plenty of food in there, as much as there always is at least. Goose continues to babble. She doesn't look sick anymore, but her speech sounds almost manic, a nonstop stream of nonsense as she raids the cabinets and coolers.

"I remember you," she says again. "And that's how I knew you'd help me out. See, I'm not really supposed to be down here, not supposed to be out of the infirmary until I get the a-ok from our gracious leader. But I'm so hungry, Chickadee. I didn't know a person could be this hungry. But everything here," She picks up a box of cereal, a tin of sugar cookies, a chocolate bar one by one and one by one throws them back down in disgust. "It's useless. I eat and it's good for a second but then I'm just hungry again and I-" She turns and looks right past you, at the padlocked walk-in. "Watch the door, okay? Just for a second."

@Yoruko Katsumi

Grackle takes you the center of the stairless stairwell and stands with you directly under the gaping hole above. In the dark of night the place is even more ominous than usual. You stand facing each other, closer than you might normally be comfortable with. Grackle gives you an expectant look until you oblige her and close your eyes. You hear her call out to someone, "Grackle and... guest, to the third floor." A beat. "Please."

There's a brief wait, anticipation shortening your patience. Then someone is pulling you in, hooking their arms underneath yours and heaving. You hear a sound like wind rushing past and catching against you in short, strong sweeps. The feeling of rising is unmistakeable. It's the same sort of stomach-turning sensation as when a plane starts to take off or a rollercoaster jerks and begins its steady ascension, speeding towards its ultimate descent. Your breath catches, instinctively prepared for the drop, waiting for a flash of panic that never comes.

Against all odds and common sense, you manage to crack open an eye and are greeted with the sight of the ground you once stood on getting farther and farther away. Someone is holding your from behind and you crane your head to try and get a peak. Bright green eyes flash into view, pupils dilated, and no matter how fast you may shut your eyes again, you know you are spotted.

All at once you are no longer rising. Your green-eyed captor releases you midair only to catch you by the ankle, laughing- no, cackling at your distress.

"No good spy!" the stranger shrieks. Your vision is spinning, world turned on its head. You hear Grackle. She's screaming, but not nearly as joyful.

"Don't you dare!" Grackle yells.

Another voice chimes in with, "Want me to drop you too? I'll do it. You'll make a pretty little splat on the floor." The cackling counterpart seems to take great amusement at this. Your eyes are shut again, whether it's to stave off the vertigo or avoid having to watch should the strangers make good on these promises.

"Oh relax, we're just playing," says the second voice. "But you oughta keep your pet on a tighter leash if you're going to bring her to rafters."

"Not everyone is as nice as us," agrees green eyes.

"If you leave so much as a scratch on her, I'll personally see to it that you're clipped and left to rot," Grackle snarls out. You've never heard her like this.

"I'm not afraid of any wingless," says one, but you can hear a waver in her voice.

"Oh yeah? I know one wingless you're afraid of."

The voices go silent and soon you find yourself being set down on solid ground once more. That was too close. You understand now why Grackle warned you to keep your eyes shut. Well, no, actually you don't. You really don't know why what just happened did. All you know is you're lucky to be alive right now. You don't dare look upon the two strangers as they depart, not wanting to push your luck too far. Grackle is beside you, awkwardly trying to console you.

"They're gone now, don't worry. We're here. We made it."
As she continues about the concussion Dysis would respond "Oh! No...I mean...uh...you kinda...have...uh...wings...?"

Dhalion turns and Dysis gets a look at her worktable along with the other limited furniture in the room. A few cots, a folding chair, but main focus was her table. The winged girl had rows upon rows of jars filled with various substances. She empties the crushed contents of a mortar into a chipped coffee mug with the odd words "Soccer dad" on the side. She cups a hand over the mug and swirls the contents around for a few seconds before passing it over.

"Here, drink this. It doesn't taste as bad as it looks, I promise"

Dysis glances downward and gags a bit. Taking a sniff, it smelled...okay. Not entirely pleasant but...meh. Pouring a bit into her mouth, she had to chew the odd mixture. It had one initial burst of cinnamon but then it was a new flavor all together. The human tongue can only detect 5 flavors. Bitter, sweet, sour, salty, and Unami. But this was something new all together, and those were human flavors. It now occurred to Dysis that she might not even be human anymore. Shuttering at the thought, she finishes the odd substance. Yet as she swallowed the last mouthful, Dysis began to feel...odd? It wasn't pleasant...but it want horrid either. The feeling spread from her throat and stomach, to the stump on her right arm, then it rooted itself in her mid back and ever so slowly started to spread.

"In the future you should be more careful. You're already an arm short already. Speaking of which" that stung a bit and almost resurfaced vile memories. As the woman retrieved Dysis' prosthetic from the worktable, she says "This is some nice craftsmanship. Sorry to part you from it, but I thought you'd be more comfortable resting without it. By the way, let me know now if there's anything you can't eat. I think you might've had a weird reaction to something in the gardens, which is strange because even you've only been initiated it shouldn't have gotten you so bad. The again, I don't know what those greenthumb girls get up in there. They might be growing something special go, you know" She mines taking a puff from a joint and giggles. Really mature. "Oh man, that was mean, don't tell anyone I said that. No judgement you know"

"Anyway, I never got your name. I'm going to need it if I'm gonna start a file for you here. Don't worry it's Brood names only. Totally untraceable. We keep it airtight here"

Dysis then replied slowly "Nightjar...and about the garden..." Closing her eyes, the memory vivid. "It.. I thought I saw...is it..." Opening her eyes, Dysis stared back at Dhalion "A graveyard..." Falling silent, she waited for an answer.

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Kathryn was slightly annoyed by the silent demands to close her eyes. She fought the urge to roll them at Grackle and ask why it was so important, but closed her eyes none the less. Kathryn heard Grackle call out to someone, or something, "Grackle and guest to the third floor." This is Ridiculous. Kathryn thought silently before being grabbed. She gripped the book in her hand tightly. The arms, locking with her own, pulled her swiftly off the ground. There was a strange, heavy sound. She could tell she was rising, but the ascension was jerky and reminded her vaguely of Roller-coasters. A very old memory floated to her mind. It was one of the last things she got to do with her parents before... An all consuming fire swiftly removed the sweet innocence of her mind.

Kathryn wanted to see what was happening. But her brain was firing all sorts of warnings and sirens. She knew it was a bad idea but Kathryn just couldn't resist. If Grackle didn't want me to see anything, She shoulda blindfolded me. How bad can whatever be moving me be... Right? Against better judgment, Kathryn slightly opened her left eye. Squinting to try and avoid being discovered, she looked down. The floor was moving away from her. Fast. Kathryn took a deep breathe, trying to settle her now uneasy stomach. She should have just shut her eyes again but the temptation was too great. Kathryn had to see what was carrying her.

Kathryn twisted her neck like an owl trying to get just the smallest peek at the thing. A pair of piercing green eyes met her meddling gaze. She stifled a gasp before quickly shutting her left eye again. It was no use though. She knew she was caught. Shit. Was all Kathryn could think. She wasn't moving up anymore. Her body went limp as she began to plummet back down again. Kathryn wanted to scream, but no sound would escape her lips. Suddenly, She stopped moving as she felt a tight grasp on her ankle. Kathryn's body resembled that of a rag-doll's in the unfortunate position. Blood rushed to her head and a metallic taste filled her mouth. The pouch she carries collided with her head as it swung. The sound of laughter filled her ears.

The green eyed capture let out with a shriek. "No good spy!" Grackle's screams shortly followed, although they weren't gleeful like the others. "Don't you dare!" Kathryn heard Grackle yell out. A third voice chimed out as she dangled like a pendulum. "Want me to drop you too? I'll do it. You'll make a pretty splat on the floor." Kathryn's head spun as they exchanged words. The room began to tilt on its axis. Her head felt hot and strained. Kathryn was by no means religious, but all she could think was I'm going to die. Forgive me lord for I have sinned. She fought her stomach's violent urge to remove her dinner as she swung.

"Oh relax, we're just playing," chimes the unknown voice again. "But you oughta keep your pet on a tighter leash if you're going to bring her to rafters." Kathryn's head spun to much to care about the blatant insult."Not everyone is as nice as us," agrees green eyes. Kathryn tried to gulp down her fear at those words. But only saliva became lodged in her throat due to her unsavory perch.

"If you leave so much as a scratch on her, I'll personally see to it that you're clipped and left to rot," Grackle snarls out. Kathryn never heard her like that and would have been startled by it, however was, occupied with fear already. "I'm not afraid of any wingless," says one no longer sure who is who, but you can hear a waver in her voice."Oh yeah? I know one wingless you're afraid of."

The voices go silent and soon Kathryn found herself being set down on solid ground once more. That was too close. The solid structure under her feet gave her immense comfort as she collapsed to her knees gasping. She understand now why Grackle warned her to keep your eyes shut. Well, no, actually she didn't. Kathryn had no idea why what just happened, did. All she knew was that she was lucky to be alive right now. Kathryn furiously dug through her pouch to make sure nothing fell out, and to find her canteen. She had to settle her stomach and get the metallic taste out of her mouth with something. Kathryn kept her head down as she sipped slowly for she didn't dare look upon the two strangers as they depart, not wanting to push luck too far. Grackle got next to her, awkwardly trying to console The still clearly shaken Kathryn.

"They're gone now, don't worry. We're here. We made it." Grackle called out and Brought Kathryn back to Earth with her words. She looked into the guide's eyes and words began to flow from her startled mouth slightly jumbled. "I'm sorry Grackle. I-I couldn't help it.. Force of habit to always know my surroundings. I will follow better. But... Next time remind me to bring a blind fold.. To prevent all this.

Kathryn managed to calm herself. She wasn't injured but her body ached.Kathryn stretched the book out to Grackle. "Here is your book back." She forced her self to stand, unfortunately, she wasn't quite stable yet and wobbled slightly. "We should keep going. We don't have much time."
Amelia was confused at the sight of Goose throwing cookies and food back in the fridge. She asked Goose "What's with the blanket? Could you explain to me what it is that your doing? I think I can help." She then attempted to use siren song on Goose. She slowly took out her flute, she then plaid it hoping it could change Goose's feelings of hunger. As she plaid, Amelia thought "What if it doesn't work? I need to get Goose to stop. Then I can ask questions about what's going on. After that I'll get Goose to her room and I'm going back to sleep. Still though, this is all crazier then I thought it would be. That doesn't matter though, I'm getting answers after this song."

Amelia smiled as she said "did that make you feel a little better?" She then asked with a smile "I have a couple of questions for you. Could you tell me why you have a blanket on you? I would also like to know more about this book." Amelia then held up the book on mystic arts. She then said "Is there anything you can tell me about this? It's kinda weird."

Amelia then thought with a curious face "Maybe it didn't work... if so, Goose will probably get mad about this. She'll call out shenanigans and we'll both get in trouble. Good thing I didn't show her the phone. Then I'd be accused of being a spy. Oh who am I kidding! I fit practically all the check marks! This is set me off as a spy for sure! If I don't get answers, I got to leave. I can't risk this. I'm glad I thought out this system, it's going to save me in situations like these. I can't do this without any answers. I know this is bad but, I can't leave just yet. I need the answers I so deeply want! AHHH! All this is crazy. wait is Goose looking in the fridge? I can see what's under the blanket." She then tried to look under the blanket to see what Goose is hiding.

Dhalion's wings twitch as if in response to the attention. "Well, yeah. Is there something wrong with them?"

She... really doesn't seem fazed by this at all. She looks at you, more curious than suspicious, trying deftly to follow your train of thought. Luckily she gets distracted again before she can find anything amiss with your behavior.

"I know it seems a little grim," she says in response to your question. "But it's for the best. Better not to waste any nutrients if you can help it. And they'd just end up in the dirt somewhere else anyway." Despite her nonchalant posturing, she seems put off by the topic, paling and swallowing uneasily. "It's bad luck to talk about death in an infirmary," she offers as explanation, and promptly changes the subject.

"Nightjar. That's a good name, a strong name." She jots it down on the lip of a manilla folder and slides the file into a large bin stowed beneath her worktable. "Working here is sort of a complicated thing, because I want to say I hope I'll see you again, but considering the circumstances I guess I ought to hope I won't have to. Lets just say whatever happens happens then. For now, you're free to go."

She unwraps your bandages with careful hands. There's evidence of a sickly bruise from where the blood vessel burst, but as you finish the contents of the mug, you see it fade completely. In seconds you couldn't tell that it was there at all. Your arm moves easily without so much of a hint of soreness. That medicine- potion?- is powerful stuff.

"Remember to come in for a check up when you start to feel your wings come in. Depending on who blooded you, it could take months for them to be ready to pop, but it's better safe than sorry and I never mind a visit. There was a girl in here earlier who waited until the last minute and almost really messed herself up. That's not just scare-tactics, that's a true story."

@Yoruko Katsumi

Grackle looks like she's trying her damndest to be mad about you disobeying her, but she's obviously shaken by what just happened too. She takes her book back, opens it quickly as if checking to make sure it's how she left it, and shuts it again. She doesn't say so outright, but the way she looks at you, you think maybe she expected you to turn on her, to toss her collateral off the ledge just to spite her for not warning you properly.

Instead, all she says is, "Blindfold. Right. I should've thought of that." She shakes her head. "Goose or Flycatcher would've done better. Of all of us to be left behind to clean up this mess, it never should've been me."

You don't really know the extent of Grackle's relationship with the other two guides. She doesn't come across as an overly friendly person, but if she did care about them at all, this can't be easy for her either.

The two of you are standing in the third floor stairwell. There's a door to your right and when you open it you feel the cool night air on your skin. Moonlight pours uninhibited through the ceiling, if you can even call it that. The rafters are a wreckage, reduced to the bare bones of it's structure like some half-finished demolition site. There are more holes than not, and the stairwell stands as one of the only closed off spaces in sight. Rather than individual rooms or hallways as it was down below, the world of the rafters is exposed, like an open wound against the skyline. Draped sheets, tarps, and colorful tents ripple in the breeze, lit up by lantern light and strings of bulbs like christmas lights that guide the way.

As you step out of the safety of the covered stairwell, bodies whip past you, inhuman girls with wings flying past and landing with ceremonious sweeps on exposed beams or flitting into the nooks and crannies of the building's remaining scant structure, completely unafraid of being seen. Late as it is, few are still up and about, though you don't see anyone sleeping anywhere you go. Grackle stays close to you, struggling to keep her eyes forward and not stare at the creatures, though they stare unabashed at her, at you too. Their eyes are like stars, tiny pinpricks of light against the darkness.

"Keep your head down. Watch your step," Grackle urges. Her voice wavers. She's afraid. "People who fly don't need to walk, and people who don't need to walk don't need to fix holes in the floor."

That's a good point, but not really your top concern at the moment. Because the last time you checked people don't have wings and they don't fly. That means one of three things: either you're wrong, you're going crazy, or these people aren't people at all.

There's music on the air, voices pitched loud and high. You hear more voices than you see creatures. Your eyes are doing you no favors here. You don't know how much of what you see can be believed, especially when every new sight and sound seems to combat with anything that would make sense.


You try using your flute. Goose slows in response to the sound of the tune. Her head lolls and she braces a hand against the door of the walk-in fridge. When you break to speak, she tries to answer you, or to say something at least, but her speech is slurred and her eyes heavy, like she's having trouble staying awake. Your reminded of the way she was with the fever, mumbling to herself, distant. Like then, she's here in body but her mind is somewhere else. She's calm. Too calm, and if you didn't think that was possible before, you've been proven wrong.

You give her a moment, questioning her on the blanket and book every so often as you try to bring her attention back to you. She's still mostly unresponsive, leaned heavily against the cool door, one pawing absently at the lock. You use the opportunity to make a grab for her blanket. Goose is gripping loosely at it, but her hands are clumsy and weak right now and it slides easily from her grasp, falling to the floor and pooling around her ankles.

Wings. Goose has wings. The fabric of her shirt is bunched against them but you can clearly see where the long, brown-feathered wings taper into her shoulder blades. The feathers are soft with newness, clumped together and still not fully grown in in some places. They trail lazily on the ground. At their full length you think they would be longer than Goose is tall. Your hand moves without your realizing, reaching out like a child trying to confirm what you see. You find contact with the tender joint nearest to her back. It's warm and slightly damp to the touch.

Like flipping a switch, Goose jerks out of her stupor, wings flaring to either side of her, hands clenched into fists.

"Don't do that!" she snarls, truly animal now. Her eyes are dilated, gleaming like stars in the dark of the kitchen. Her shriek of protest- to either the touching or the music's sway over her, or more likely, both- seems to echo, slicing through the silence. She bares her teeth at you but instead of lashing out, she whirls and puts the padlock to the fridge in the cradle of her jaw and bites down hard. There's a loud crunching noise, and the broken lock clatters to the ground. Goose is breathing heavy. She doesn't even look at you as she walks away into the cold.
Dysis was clearly past her initial shock, now she was just annoyed. "If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure humans don't have wings" she gave the winged woman a look to match her tone.

Now, what fueled her annoyance was the she didn't seem fazed by this at all. Then she looked at her with a curious gaze, trying to deftly to follow her train of thought. But she gets distracted before she finds anything amiss with her behavior.

"I know it seems a little grim." She responds to her question "but it's for the best. Better not waste any nutrients if you can help it. And they'd just end up in the dirt somewhere else." She seems a little uneasy on the topic despite her nonchalant tone and posturing. "They why are you trying to hide it?" Dysis asked. "When I first entered the room, it looked like anyone else's garden. Then when I just about passed out, I realized what it was" but she then changed the subject.

"Nightjar. That's a good name, a strong name." She jots it down on the lip of a mania folder and slides the file into a larger bin stowed beneath her worktable. "working here is sort of a complicated thing, Bruce j wasn't to say I hope I'll see you again, but considering the circumstances I guess I ought to hope I won't have to. Let's just say whatever happens happens the . For now, you're free to go"

She unwraps Dysis' bandages with careful hands. There's evidence of a sickly bruise from where the blood vessel burst, but as she finished the contents of the mug, Dysis watches it fade completely. In seconds you couldn't tell that it was there at all. Her arm moves easily without so much of a hit of soreness. That medicine- potion? had to be some insane stuff.

"Remember to come in for a checkup when you start to feel your wings come in. Depending on who blooded you, it could take months for them to be ready to pop, but it's better to be save than sorry and I never mind a visit. There was a girl in here earlier who waited u too the last minute and almost really messed herself up. That's not just scare-tactics, that's a true story"

Dysis sat up, but she want done. She had a question "Is it possible to find out who...blooded me?" Then, waiting for an answer, she started to put two n two together. "And would that girl be Goose by any chance?"

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Amelia thought with confusion and fear "W-wings? Am I going insane? This doesn't make any sense! I really need answers now. I have to follow Goose and see what's going the heck on. After all this, I am not taking no for an answer. I have to find out how it's possible to grow wings like Goose! Maybe it had something to do with her sickness... That explains a sh*t ton of flycatchers behavior. I now know why she said we're messing in manners we don't understand. But does that mean, all guides go through this? Are we just here to make people think this is like a girl colony? This place is messed up. I am going to have to stop Goose from eating though. It's obviously a symptom to the wing exhaustion. From what I gather I need to stop her from eating and get her back to bed! Then she can recover and thank me later."

She then followed Goose but attempted to remain unseen by Goose. Amelia had started to think about the wings and thought with continued confusion "Could Kestrel and Nightjar have left to get wings? Am I going to be left out? After that I would just be useless, since someone with wings is way more useful then someone with just two feet. I've got to get to Goose and stop her. Who knows, maybe this is a sham so I would help her get to the bird house and join her winged sisters. Some creepy sh*t like that. I can't even been nice about this anymore. I should've just said to her, what, the, actual, F*CK. This mind F*CKING has gone on for long enough! I'm sick of being in the dark! I want answers! Let's find that mother Goose."

She saw Goose but didn't see what she was doing, Amelia slowly came closer hoping to find something. However, she saw and heard herself step on, and crush some ice. She then thought "Oh f*ck! What the hell do I do now? WHAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW! Uh, uh, behind this hanged meat!" Amelia then dived behind the meat realizing she panicked. She heard one footstep, another, and another. She was sure Goose was mad and willing to knock her out cold now. Amelia thought she was done for until she stood up and slowly grabbed her knife for self-defense. She started thinking "This is bad, this is bad, this is REALLY bad! If I have to use my knife, sh*t will go down. If I don't, I'm either very dead, or very alive. I don't know what else to do. I can try siren song but Goose might be getting a resistance to it. If it's possible to. I need to see what Goose was standing behind." Amelia then tried to slowly get to see what it was, she eventually got close enough to see a little of it as she thought "What is that?"

Dhalion blinks, processing your words. "Humans don't... You don't know who..." Her eyes go wide and her wings bunch and ruffle up in alarm. "You- Who the hell are you? Where did you come from? Who sent you?"

She staggers a few steps back until her back is against the worktable. She fumbles around blindly, presumably for some sort of weapon. She looks terrified. Terrified of you.

"You're not family," she stammers out, trying to fit you with a cold glare that comes out weaker than she probably intended. "You don't belong here."


The walk-in fridge is practically a butcher shop, not terribly surprising considering the stash in the rest of the kitchen. Rather than coldcuts, chops, and burgers, however, the rations stored in here are practically as big as you are, deep red and thick with fat. You try not to think about what you're hiding behind as you peer around to get a better look at the other girl, or whatever she is now.

Goose is completely oblivious to you, already poised over a thick cut of meat longer than her arm. The stuff in the kitchen wasn't good enough for her it seems, but this stuff must be premium because she's practically drooling over it. She sinks her teeth in and they slice through like a hot knife through butter. Her teeth don't actually look any sharper, but they sure are stronger. She's too eager though, going too fast to even stop and swallow. The meat just falls out of her mouth as she digs in again and again and again. Is this stuff even cooked? Doesn't look like it.

The horror of this situation aside, Goose doesn't make a move to harm you, so there's that at least. All she cares about is eating, and as poorly as that's going she'll probably be at it for a while. You could probably sneak out if you're careful, but should you really leave Goose alone when she's in this state? For better or for worse, she put her trust in you tonight. You have to hope that means something. You have to hope she's together enough that she still knows friend from food.

There has to be a way to stop her without harming her. And failing that, well, you've always got that knife.
Frowning Dysis replied "Sent me here? What are you talking about! I've only been here for 3 days!" As she back up, she appears to be fumbling for some sort of weapon. She's terrified of Dysis, and she doesn't even know why. "You're not family" she stammers out, trying to caste her a cold glare that turns out weaker than most likely intended. "You don't belong here" now that stung. After trying to escape a family who had pounded these words into her skull day after day, Dysis stopped immediately. Her eyes becoming unfocused, glazed as if looking at something far into the distance. Those words that Dhalion spoke had just made those memories that she had hidden due to possible new start resurface. God it was brutal. Dysis wasn't one to get attention, use her life as a way to gain pity. Moments later, Dysis somehow ripped herself from the shock she was in and nearly cussed as she noticed that her face was wet. As she had been replaying the day of the accident and those to follow in her mind, she must have started crying. 'Bloody lovely' Dysis thought. Looking to the terrified girl. Moving would make her stress even more, and she didn't know how to get out of this place. But would she call for others? Would she be blamed for the Mystic's disappearance? And if they made people grow wings, what would they do to her? Looking up, Dysis mirrored her terrified gaze.

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Grackle looks like she's trying her damndest to be mad about Kathryn disobeying, but she's obviously shaken by what just happened too. She takes her book back, opens it quickly as if checking to make sure it's how she left it, and shuts it again. She doesn't say so outright, but the way she looks at Kathryn made her think she expected her to turn on the Guide, to toss her collateral off the ledge just to spite her for not warning her properly.

Instead, all she says is, "Blindfold. Right. I should've thought of that." She shakes her head. "Goose or Flycatcher would've done better. Of all of us to be left behind to clean up this mess, it never should've been me." Kathryn tried to smile, but couldn't exactly manage one. "You saved my life. Don't beat yourself up too much about it." She said trying to brighten the mood a bit.

Kathryn didn't know the extent of Grackle's relationship with the other two guides. She doesn't come across as an overly friendly person, but if she did care about them at all, this can't be easy for her either. Kathryn couldn't help but feel if they were under different circumstances, the two of them would get along.

Kathryn and Grackle stood in the third floor stairwell. There's a door to our right and when Grackle opened it, Kathryn felt the cool night air on your skin. Moonlight pours uninhibited through the shambled ceiling, or what was left of one. The rafters are a wreckage, reduced to the bare bones of it's structure like some half-finished demolition site. There are more holes than not, and the stairwell stands as one of the only closed off spaces in sight. Rather than individual rooms or hallways as it was down below, the world of the rafters is exposed, like an open wound against the skyline. Draped sheets, tarps, and colorful tents ripple in the breeze, lit up by lantern light and strings of bulbs like christmas lights that guide the way. Lovely. This place reminds me more and more of the slums every day. Kathryn let out a sigh with the thought before noticing bodies around them. Birds? No they were to big to be birds.

As Kathryn stepped out of the safety of the covered stairwell, bodies whip by her, inhuman girls with wings flying past and landing with ceremonious sweeps on exposed beams or flitting into the nooks and crannies of the building's remaining scant structure, completely unafraid of being seen. Late as it is, few are still up and about, though you don't see anyone sleeping anywhere you go. Grackle stays close to you, struggling to keep her eyes forward and not stare at the creatures, though they stare unabashed at her, at you too. Their eyes are like stars, tiny pinpricks of light against the darkness.

Kathryn's eyes widened at the sight from both awe and horror. A distant voice called to her. "Keep your head down. Watch your step," Grackle urged. Her voice wavers. She's afraid too. Kathryn gave a quick nod in response and glued her eyes to the floor, or at least what parts of it were left. She didn't want a repeat of earlier. "People who fly don't need to walk, and people who don't need to walk don't need to fix holes in the floor." That's a good point, but not really high on Kathryn's priority list. Because the last time you checked people don't have wings and they don't fly. That means one of three things: either Kathryn is wrong, going crazy, or these people aren't people at all. What is going on? Kathryn's body shuddered slightly, both from the breeze and the situation.

There's music on the air, voices pitched loud and high. Kathryn could hear more voices than seeing actual... creatures. Her eyes are not much use either. She didn't know how much of what she saw can be believed, especially when every new sight and sound seems to combat with anything that would makes even a shred of sense. Kathryn moved slowly and carefully across what remained of the floor. She tested each board carefully before applying her full weight on it.

Never raising her gaze, Kathryn had to ask. "Why do they have wings? HOW do they have wings? What is going on?" She quietly pleaded to Grackle. Kathryn needed something, anything that resembled a shred of reality. Her mind spun trying to process everything around her. She could feel her sanity being leached along with the flow of the breeze.
Amelia thought with fear in her eyes "I can't stop Goose with force, unless I bring my knife into it. The safest way to stop her without blood is siren song. I need to play it and make her fall asleep. Supposing siren song works that way, AND I'm skilled enough to do this. Worst case is if I piss her off to much. Best case is me getting her back to the infirmary while she sleeps. None the less it's my best bet. I got to do this and find out what Goose knows. All that matters after I get her back to her room is that I make sure she stays there. In the morning I'll ask her again. Alright, let's do this."

She then grabbed her flute and began to play siren song. Amelia was worried and scared about her situation and this was visible by her shaking alongside her twichy hands. Despite this she managed to play the song with minimal errors. At this time there were many thoughts going through Amelia's head. "What if It doesn't work? What if I can't manage the skill level. What if I piss off Goose? What if she decides to kill me? What if I need to pull out my knife?"

Amelia finished the song only thinking about the future. She was still scared knowing the danger she was in. Possibly staring death in the face, Amelia began to think of how she could escape. However the main point of escape was the vents and that could end up going nowhere. Other than that she could just run. Amelia put her hand at her knife as a last resort. Other than that, Amelia just waited for it to work.

Dhalion freezes, stricken. "Uh, wait, no, don't cry." She stammers lamely for moment and then begins to cry herself. Sympathy crier. What a mess.

"I didn't mean that," she sniffles out once you've both pulled yourselves together a bit. "I really didn't. I was just- I'm scared. People are going missing. More every day. I- I lost a patient tonight. N-not lost that way! I mean, I let myself get distracted and now she's missing. But I have to put on a happy face for the patients. Can't let anyone know something's wrong. Great job I did at that. You're not an outsider at all, are you. Just a fledgling that I probably scared half to death. How'd you even get up here?"

She buries her face in her hands, wings drooping. "Ugh, I'm no good at this. I deserve whatever happens to me."

@Yoruko Katsumi

"If things were different, I would've had time to break it to you slowly. Well, Goose would've. She's your guide. But things aren't different, so I thought it would be easier to just show you. I mean, would you have believed me if I hadn't?"

Grackle leads you on, but you can see that she's uncertain, squinting at the dimly light surroundings and pausing to look this way and that. Your arm brushes against some sort of bristly plant and you find the creaky wooden floorboards grown over with sprouts and stems in patches of green.

"The Brood aren't human. Not really. Not anymore. But the wings are the least of it." She pauses. "Okay, nah, the wings are actually pretty amazing, but that's still just what's on the surface. It starts on the last day of initiation, but it doesn't end there. That's when you choose. I chose yes. I chose the Brood. The blooding ritual doesn't work if you don't choose. No ritual, no wings.

"It didn't use to be so secretive around here. That's what I heard at least. I haven't been around too long. Somewhere along the way things changed though, and now we've got the initiation period. It's a lot of drama but it gives us- the guides- a chance to tell you- the newbies- what's going on without blowing your minds, and more importantly without risking anyone blabbing about it. I mean, I'm sure there've been leaks before, but who's gonna believe a couple random runaways?"

You come upon a tented off area, lit from within by the soft glow of lantern light. It smells heavily of wax and flowers, even from the outside. Grackle goes to enter, then draws back. She steels herself, reaches out again, and again falls short.

"Look, when we go in there, don't... don't say anything. Anything that might give you away I mean. We can pretend you're just another wingless halfer, like me. Fledglings aren't supposed to know anything that might influence their decision. I don't know what she might do to me- to you."


Once again you put your faith into your trusty flute. This time however Goose is prepared. The moment you begin she jerks up, eyes wide, and clamps her hands down hard over her ears. Her wings flare protectively over her, shielding her crouched form. It's not quite enough. Her head is growing heavy again.

"Hello? Is someone in here?" Someone else is in the kitchen.

"Well if someone is in here then now they heard you and they're hiding." Two someones.

At the sound of the newcomers approaching, Goose seems to come to her senses for a moment, though who knows how long this will last. She lowers her hands hesitantly and wipes her mouth clean, or clean-er at least, with the back of her wrist.

"I'm telling you I heard something."

"Who cares? C'mon, let's go before we wake up some fledglings."

"They'll find out sooner or later. I wanna make sure no one found my candy stash."

"You are literally five. Why can't- Hold up. What's that?"

Footsteps. Coming towards you.
Dhalion freezes, stricken "Uh, wait,no, don't cry" she stammers for a moment the begins to cry herself. Ugh.

"I didn't mean it like that" she sniffles out once they both pulled yourselves together a bit. As she goes on about being scared Dysis responded "Well...why don't you let others know your afraid. To show that people can actually show emotion without harm? And I wasn't crying because of you...it was...just a memory..."

As she then asks about how she got up here, Dysis paused. She was going to get in trouble, quite a bit. Knowing there was virtually no way out of this, she sighed and began to explain. "I...a few days ago...our-my guide Goose has been in a lot of pain and ran off. Now I can assume it was the girl you were talking about, the one who waited too long to get help with her...wings" the word still felt odd on her tongue. "Me and a few others decided to go and see what was wrong, unfortunately when we arrived, shortly after..." And continued to explain the strange tale.

"I had climbed out the fire escape and onto the latter, it being loose I just barely made my way up." Dysis continued. "Then, when I made my way into the garden after those occupying it had left, it started. The pain and when the plant life looked more like rotting corpses" she shuttered at the memory. "Then I was brought over...woke up here and you know the rest..." Avoiding her gaze, Dysis went on In a defeated tone "I'm most likely going to get in trouble now. Aren't I?" Best case scenario she got locked up in a cell somewhere. Worst...let's not conjure and other ideas.

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Amelia now knew it was virtually impossible to stop Goose, but she also knew she need to stop the fledgelings from seeing Goose's wings. She quickly sprung into action and attempted sneaking past the two girls. She then grabbed the blanket and rushed back to Goose quietly. After getting back to her, Amelia threw the blanket over Goose and attempted to pull Goose past the girls behind the meat. Goose was obviously still mad so this would be a challenge. If she couldn't get Goose to go, her attempts would be meaningless. At first Amelia tried to pull Goose but this ultimately failed. She then whispered to her with an angry tone "If you don't follow me, you won't be able to eat anymore. Not here at least. Now come on before you get us both killed."

Amelia was thinking about the worst cases and best cases as she usually does. And as usual, she knew the best case was unlikely. What did bring her hope was the possibility of Goose telling the truth if they get caught. It was also unlikely given the situation but it was hope and Amelia stuck to it. She knew she should expect the worst but that would only bring it. Knowing her optimism was all she had right now, she thought she could use the trusty flute again. This time to make the fledgelings change their mind and leave. She grabbed her flute, and began playing.

Knowing it was her best shot(again) Amelia put her faith in this working. However she now knew if you covered your ears, and had another form of sound protection you could avoid the siren song. When she finished the song, Amelia realized how much she has to depend on the siren song. It has been her only form of peaceful protection this entire time. So far, everything has been a gamble with this spell, it can work, and it can not. Everything rides on the ability to use this song. Amelia got her head back in gear and told Goose "If this works, we should be able to walk right out of here." Despite being cheerful, Amelia noticed Goose is still angry. She then realized her life was in Goose's hands. This was quite the predicament Amelia was in, and she knew it. She then decided to leave Goose and sneak past the two girls again. Afterwards she attempted to run back to her bed.
"If things were different, I would've had time to break it to you slowly. Well, Goose would've. She's your guide. But things aren't different, so I thought it would be easier to just show you. I mean, would you have believed me if I hadn't?" Grackle told Kathryn matter of factually. She wasn't wrong though, Kathryn was seeing it with her own eyes, but still couldn't believe it.

Grackle lead on, but Kathryn could see the guide's uncertainty, squinting at the dimly light surroundings and pausing to look this way and that. Kathryn's arm brushes against some sort of bristly plant and found the creaky wooden floorboards grown over with sprouts and stems in patches of green. A shiver ran down her spin with the plant's touch. The site of the overgrowth didn't help much either.

"The Brood aren't human. Not really. Not anymore. But the wings are the least of it." The guide pauses. "Okay, nah, the wings are actually pretty amazing, but that's still just what's on the surface. It starts on the last day of initiation, but it doesn't end there. That's when you choose. I chose yes. I chose the Brood. The blooding ritual doesn't work if you don't choose. No ritual, no wings." Grackle told the increasingly confused Kathryn. Rituals? How do normal people turn into... THAT?? What kind of fucked up, satanic cult is this?! Although the wings do look like a lot of fun... But is it worth turning into something that isn't even human for them? The bird themed names make sense now too.. Kathryn's mind raced as it jumped from thought to thought. Her heart pounded at the ever increasing danger. She didn't dare to speak with so many of them around.

"It didn't use to be so secretive around here. That's what I heard at least. I haven't been around too long. Somewhere along the way things changed though, and now we've got the initiation period. It's a lot of drama but it gives us- the guides- a chance to tell you- the newbies- what's going on without blowing your minds, and more importantly without risking anyone blabbing about it. I mean, I'm sure there've been leaks before, but who's gonna believe a couple random runaways?" The Guide continued on although Kathryn wasn't sure if it was to keep herself calm by talking or just to inform her. She was making good points at least. If anything the girls would be put on a funny farm.

Kathryn and Grackle came upon a tented off area, lit from within by the soft glow of lantern light. It smells heavily of wax and flowers, even from the outside. Grackle goes to enter, then draws back. She steels herself, reaches out again, and again falls short. Kathryn wasn't sure what the guide was doing. What could possibly be behind there that is making her act like this? Her mind quickly retrieved the memories of moments ago of her dangling predicament. Never mind. I don't want to know. Her body shuddered against her will at the laughter from the two... creatures that her mind lovingly replayed.

"Look, when we go in there, don't... don't say anything. Anything that might give you away I mean. We can pretend you're just another wingless halfer, like me. Fledglings aren't supposed to know anything that might influence their decision. I don't know what she might do to me- to you." Grackle told Kathryn. The guide's stare was pleading for her to agree. Kathryn hated the idea, but knew it was for the best. She choked down her pride and nodded. But before they entered she had to know. "I need to know. Is Resplendent like the rest of these girls? Does she have... Wings too?" The words escaped her lips before Kathryn even knew what she was saying.

Dhalion listens attentively to your story, brow knit in cautious uncertainty.

"It's not my job to show weakness. No one wants to visit a medic who looks scared, you know. And I'm not good for much else." She shrugs. "If what you're telling me is true... well, it's understandable why you'd be up here, and I guess it's not anyone's fault. I get it. Maybe she'll get it too." She bites her lip. "On the other hand, maybe it'd be better to keep this between us, yes? No one else saw you but me and a few of the garden girls. Just gotta find a way to get you back downstairs without anyone noticing."

She's missing the point, intent on keeping you in the dark. Perhaps she doesn't mean to leave you at a disadvantage, but she's clearly as afraid of the potential consequences as you are, determined to do anything to stave them off. As long as you're here, you're both in danger, but can you really just go back to being in the dark about all this? Dhalion seems to understand. She sighs.

"I guess you have questions. A lot of them I bet. I don't know how much I'll be able to answer in good conscience. There are rules about this kind of thing. I know it doesn't seem fair. I know, because I was a fledgling once too. I know what's it like to want answers more than anything, but things aren't the same as when I joined up. I guess somewhere deep down I knew we'd only be able to take things so far before someone pushed back."


Goose wants to say something, but thankfully she at least has enough sense to know not to do anything that would alert the newcomers. In place of speaking, she pouts in frustration and looks at you expectantly, waiting to follow your lead.

It's a close call. You slip out and duck out of sight just as the two approach the walk-in. One of them bends down and picks up the crunched lock, clucking her tongue in disappointment. The other finds the fallen blanket. Both are damp from the bathing rooms. Both are affixed with a pair of sizable wings folded in at their backs. Neither set is quite alike to Goose's. Even in the dark, catching glances from where you stay hidden, you can see that each is unique to the owner.

As you raise your flute to your lips, you think of Goose still trapped in the walk-in. If you play now, the other winged girls will likely be distracted, allowing Goose to escape, but it also raises the chance that you will be spotted yourself. You can't keep playing forever after all. And Goose, well, isn't herself right now.

The door to the walk-in creaks open, and you make a run for it. It's a narrow escape and you don't dare slow down or look back for a second. You arrive back at your room unspotted. The sleeping girls twitch slightly in their sleep but do not wake. You are back, you are safe. That's something at least. But for how long? Have you made the right choice?

@Yoruko Katsumi

"Resplendent is... Yes. She's got her wings. She's not a flier though. Not everyone is. And she's... I don't know, but I don't think she's anything like the rest. She looks young, but I've heard she's been here longer than almost anyone. It's a long story, and I don't know all of it, but a long time ago, when the Brood was first coming together, something happened and Resplendent and a few others after her started taking this vow of silence. Flycatcher got sucked into the craze too, but I never got it."

She shrugs. "Mystics got their own thing going on," she says, gesturing at the tent. "They're in their own world. Resplendent's the best of them, by far."

Wasting no more time, she heads inside. For a brief instance, the presence of the Brood watching from high hidden places seems to intensify, as if they're just waiting for you to be caught alone. You better not give them the chance.

The mystics' tent resembles something like an expansive blanket fort. The now faraway sound of the singing voices is muffled from in here, but the winged girls who reside here hum the tune to themselves as they light their lanterns and promptly snuff them out in some unfathomable rhythmic sequence. There are four of them in all, all different ages and wholly distinct from one another, yet they all mirror the same look as your approach. All but one, who doesn't even bother turning around.

The apparent eldest, a sharp-eyed blonde with a necklace made of clay beads and the bones of a small bird around her neck, smiles up at Grackle.

"Well look who it is," she says, rolling her beads between her fingers. "Have you come to give grief his due?"

Grackle frowns, confused.

"Ignore her," says another, dark and sprawled out on her front so that her wings are free to move about. "She's been spending all her time telling stories since Resplendent went away from us."

Went away. Well, that's one way to put it.

The blonde sticks her tongue out at her companion, and then looks at you.

"Aren't you up past you bedtime?" she asks.
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Amelia began to pant as she thought "Thank goodness, I'm safe. I'm safe. I'm safe, but what about Goose? Oh dang it. I'm questioning my methods right now. Mostly what I do is keep my head down and sneak through the danger but... I don't feel like it was the best tactic right now. It doesn't matter though. It was a good decision. Goose can't hurt me, I didn't get caught, and I won't get in trouble. That last one leads to suspicion of being a spy as well. I made the smart choice, but not the right choice. Dammit, I always make it my code to do the SMART thing. Without that, I would be dead. But right now, it's bothering the hell out of me."

She then caught her breath from the quiet panting and climbed into the same bunk she was in before. She stared at the roof with unease thinking "What if Goose gets caught? Then she'll croak about me for sure. Depending on her state of mind... She'll blame me and even say I attacked her with magic. Damn, that means even away from her, my life could still be in her hands. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN! Why can't I get my mind off this? Goose was willing to kill, in fact, she might be attacking those girls right now! Damn, I can stay here and guarantee my safety, or go and guarantee others safety. Why can't I be a heartless bastard right now? Fine willing to do the right thing, you win."

She got out of bed and set course to the kitchen. She just hoped nothing dangerous was happening to those girls. As she was sneaking back to the kitchen she thought "Why why why why why why? If I do this, I could stare at death again, if I don't, others will. DAMN. I'm risking my very life to save two girls I don't even know! It's for the best though, there's two of them and one of me. This is a suicide mission, but I have to do it. I can't help but do it. Even if I try to stop, I can't bring myself to do it. I just need to go." Amelia managed to get back to the freezer. She then tried looking in to see what was happening.
"Wait...who is she?" Dysis ask. Half curious, half a bit frightened. When she mentioned keeping it between them, she nodded. "Yet...I'm guessing that's next to impossible, no?" But, there was something she wasn't telling her. Well there was quite a bit she was holding back, and Dysis wasn't very fond of it.

"Well...first off, I don't mean to come off as rude but, what the hell are you. Second, is there anything else besides wings that you guys have? Third, I'm guessing the girl you missing is Goose, correct?" She had many other questions but this was enough for now.

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