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Fantasy Nightingale [closed]

Amelia smiled as Kestrel gave her the food and ate it almost instantly. After that, Amelia quickly said with a smile "Thanks, Kestrel!" When Kat left Amelia thought "THAT WAS SO GOOD! I don't even remember the last time I had real meat. I can't believe Kestrel actually gave it to me though. After all, It is kinda hers. Well, I guess I should just sit here and take care of Goose. Speaking of which, why does my music seem to calm these guys? In a fairytale, it would probably be cheesy like my parents imbued their love for me in my flute, or MAGIC, or some silly nonsense like that. But in reality, it's just plain weird. I want to know why that is." Amelia looked around the room while Goose was in a deep sleep.

Amelia laid eyes on the dresser and decided "If I want answers, that's the place to look." She slowly approached the dresser, cautiously and saw Goose's items. Seeing only clothes and random objects, like dice and other assorted things. She decided to walk back and sit on the floor. She then thought with confusion "What would she need all that for? Is Goose really this weird? I have absolutely no idea what she can need all that for." Amelia let out a sigh and slumped her shoulders in defeat, not knowing what to do.

Eventually Amelia noticed how Flycatcher is trying to teach her so, she smiled and said "Thanks in advance. Let's get started!" She wondered how Flycatcher would teach her since she didn't even talk but, she didn't say anything. She felt as if time froze when she thought in nearly an instant "This is a little odd... I mean, how is she going to teach me If she can't talk. Not only that, I can probably find a book on this. But hey, it'll pass the time. Besides, I'm sure Flycatcher has a plan. I'll just mimic her." Amelia then tries to position her hands in the same way Flycatcher is, attempting to mimic her.
(Heheheheh, alright)

Noticing a small group a fledglings heading down the left hall, Dysis follows. It soon becomes obvious that they are heading to lunch, this makes her feel hopeful once more and picks up the pace in her stiff stride. Entering a room not far from where she had been sleeping, Dysis slowly halts and gives pause. A metal door with crude labeling telling that this is indeed where the food was, was ajar. Seeing that the door was propped open by a series of pipes that lead out the back and exit into whatever lies behind the building. Reaching out with her left hand, she felt the surface. Rearing back, Dysis clearly not ready for the cool feeling, and with her hand wounded just make it all that more sensitive to the temperature. Looking to the door once more, it is assumed that it follows suit with its icy cousin. Slowly opening the door, Dysis finds that it's partially obstructed by rows of coolers and refrigerators. Most of which were turned upon their sides. Following the piping, Dysis sees that it is cooling the contents of these crates. Though she wished for them to remain unknown. Sense the path isn't too blocked, she continues further into this makeshift kitchen.

To Dysis' dismay, she had missed the initial rush. And the group she had followed was already devouring the remains. Unlike its toppled brethren, there is a huge walk-in fridge installed here. Add that to the list of various restaurant grade fixings. They weren't exactly new, yet it's much more...functional than Dysis originally had thought. There was no dining room to be found so she assumed people either eat here or take it to go.

Then, a certain girl catches Dysis' eye. Older than the rest, she seems to be wearing a dirty apron and was face deep in a sandwich. Though for being covered in sauce, she was quite pretty even though Dysis wasn't much for looks. Yet just this sight plants a seed of hope in her chest. In a strange way, it's like proof that it's possible for a person, let alone a whole organization to thrive here.

The walk-in appeared to be locked with a heavy combination lock and was looking impossible to pick. But the other various fridges scattered about were well stocked. Meat. Meat everywhere. There was so much meat that Dysis had a hard time A. Comprehending the sheer amount. And B. Staying mature while looking at it all. Thank god she isn't a vegetarian.

There's a sink that wasn't remove here yet Dysis could assume that the water had been shut off. There was juice as well though, seen in the fridge was a bright red water bottle filled with cranberry juice. (Though she wouldn't be surprised to find blood) Finding a tray of pulled pork sandwiches balanced on one of the coolers, it was nearly picked clean.

As the older girl muses behind her and continues to go on about dinner, Dysis stifled a groan. She would have to apparently wait for a decent meal. Exiting the so called kitchen and heading to her bed, Dysis crumpled onto the mattress. Tangling herself in the mass of blankets she decided to get a bit of sleep, her fatigued body agreeing. Before long, she was out completely.

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@Yoruko Katsumi

The library is a fairly cluttered space for its size. There are bookshelves, but while some are packed full others are practically bare with their contents in tall stacks on the floor. It looks kind of like someone was in the process of trying to organize the mess of books and more than likely gave up partway in.

The library appears to be empty right now, but it's hard to say for certain. The few shelves and many stacks upon stacks of books make a maze out of this place. If needed, there'd be plenty of places you or anyone could hide in here.

There's no system in place to divide fiction from nonfiction, biography from biology, poetry from periodical. One section is organized alphabetically, but another adjacent to it appears to be sorted by color. Woe to those who actually want to find a single specific book.

Mess aside, it's an impressive collection, a real hoarder's paradise. You catch sight of a metallic gleam behind one of the shelves and struggle to push it aside. Behind this shelf is an old fashioned dumbwaiter. It's big enough for you to crawl into, but you're not sure it would support the weight of any person other than perhaps a child, and at any rate there's no switch or lever on this end to bring it up. Someone must operate it from the second floor.

The library provides a calm, quiet environment, as libraries often do. It distracts you albeit momentarily from your thoughts and troubles. You poke through the books and find a large quantity of mythology texts and books of fables, bookmarked and dog-eared all throughout. A copy of The Odyssey, yellowed slightly with age, daunts you with its massive size. Better to start with some lighter reading, when you've got the time.


You mimic Flycatcher's signs until you've committed a tricky sequence to memory. Flycatcher motions for you to repeat it again and again until she seems satisfied with your fluency.

As instructed, you hold your left hand flat at chest level and cup your right hand down above it, then glide your right hand across your arms length from fingertip to elbow and back again. You make a pinching motion in front of your mouth, then sweep that arm back down flat against the other like a hinge swinging shut.

It's strangely elegant, but it would be nice to know what it means. Without the translation, it feels kind of like performing some secret handshake with the larger girl. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's some kind of code.

@ all

The rest of the day passes without major incident. You all reunite at dinner, which is indeed quite good. The kitchen is as good a place as any to regroup when it's not too busy, and it gives you the chance to share what you've picked up throughout the day.

Your conferring ends up taking longer than planned. Facts give way to speculation as you all try to make sense of what you've seen. You may not share everything, for after all some thoughts are better kept secret, but you find it's agreeable to have a small group of allies to whom you can confide in.

Somewhere along the way, someone suggests making a map of the places you've discovered so far. It's a crude thing, drawn up on an old scrap of canvas with marker, but it serves your purposes.

Chickadee considers going back to Goose's room again, but the girl has slept all day and showed no time of waking any time soon when she last visited. Plus there's Flycatcher, who maybe really isn't as frightening as she originally seemed. One might even say she was kind, in her own sorta intimidating way.

You bunk together tonight, close the way the fledglings who've been here longer do. There's brief mention made of last night's strangeness, the dreams that all of you somehow seem to have shared, but you quickly change the subject. They're just dreams. They don't have any power over you that you don't give them.

Sleep still doesn't come so easy. There's a lot to think about, and your busy mind may keep you awake a moment longer. But tomorrow's a new day, and blips aside today wasn't so bad, was it? If all the initiation steps are as easy as this one, you'll have no problem.

-End day 1-

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Day 2

Your dreams are kinder to you this night, and you wake easily in a place that is at least a little more familiar to you, a little more like home.

The morning goes by with little event. A small fight breaks out when a girl sticks her hand straight into the cereal box they're passing around at breakfast, but that's it. The fledglings gather back in the lobby expectantly, but nothing happens. Neither the guides, Resplendent, or anyone else is anywhere in sight.

Just as the girls are getting restless, Grackle appears, alone and looking frazzled.

“There's been an incident,” she stutters out. She straightens and collects herself before continuing. “I won't- I don't want to keep all of you in the dark about this. There's been a... a breach, so to speak. Resplendent is gone.”

The crowd goes silent. No one here knew the little mystic too well, but the way Grackle says “gone” puts a chill in the air.

“About six months ago, there was a problem with outsiders coming and trying to pull young members out, bribing them or interrogating them for information about the Brood. It took weeks of constant searching to root all of them out, and it wasn't pretty.” Grackle bows her head and chews pensively on the inside of her cheek. “We don't know anything for sure yet, but this sure looks like... All I'm saying is be careful. It's possible we didn't get all of them the last time.”

“So what are you doing about it?” one of the girls yells out.

“Right now, all efforts or going towards finding Resplendent and-” She cuts herself off.

“And what?” shouts another.

“Everyone calm down. It's possible this is just a mistake, a misunderstanding.”

But that explanation isn't good enough for the girls. Many of them have known fear and betrayal before and they aren't willing to let this matter be. The commotion only grows and Grackle is clearly overwhelmed, but there's nothing she can do.


  • investigate Resplendent's disappearance

  • check on Goose
At the news, Dysis' heart practically stopped. She recalls the day before where the guide has magically disappeared within thin air. Could she have been taken as well? A sick feeling enters her stomach, making her want to reject her breakfast. With the crowd clearly focused upon Grackle and the current crisis, Dysis found it easy to slip away down the hall she was in yesterday. Retracing her steps the best she could, she wanted to find that room once more. She was positive that she had missed something.

She was deep into the bowls of the building, looking for the room. Dysis knew she was close. At first, she assumed that the guide had been abducted by this breach, but the way they ran... slowing to a stop, it occurred to Dysis that she could be the breach. Not knowing what to make of the possibly, she continued at a slower pace.

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After seeing Grackle overwhelmed, Amelia quickly got mad and said "Get off her case! After all, if you want something done about it do it yourself." Sick of this disgusting behavior, She walked to Kat and said with anger "I'm going to check on Goose." She then sighs and smiles as she said "These people are just to demanding of others, just make sure these guys don't kill each other over a crumb for me okay." She then went to check on Goose thinking with anger "Do these people even think about how hard these guys are working for US. They don't realize that just because they were selected to be a part of the brood... I just can't believe they act like this place exists for them to be spoiled. It's just, show some damned respect around here. Ugh."

Amelia then sighs and has a determined look thinking "I don't think anyone wants to listen to me so I guess it will fall on Kestrel, Dysis, and me to find this "breach". Speaking of Dysis, I'm glad I finally got to learn her name. I'm getting off topic, I just need to think who would best be suited for spying or breaching." Amelia sighed and thought "I don't have the time for that. Not yet at least. I'll just meet up with Goose, maybe learn a little more sign language from Flycatcher."

Continuing without distraction Amelia got to the door of Goose's room and thought "I hope she's okay, I mean, she was doing pretty bad yesterday. I just hope she's okay." She then shook as she thought about the worst thing that could've happened. Pulling herself together, Amelia thought with a smile "Flycatcher was here with Goose so it's okay right. I should stop thinking about what will happen and do something, like open the door already." She then stopped shaking and opened the door.

On the surface nothing has changed here, but a change in circumstances puts a new tint on the empty stairwell. In addition, where the room was practically silent before, now you're sure you can hear something coming from the second floor. You hear movement, scratching, and a gentler scraping noise like broom bristles being dragged across the floor. You're reminded of when you first arrived here, the way Goose startled at the noises from upstairs and hurried you all to bed. The noises had been dormant yesterday apparently, but now, and especially here where you can hear them much clearer, they're back in full force, as if they too are reacting to the drama down below.

A floorboard creaks under your feet and suddenly all goes quiet again. Someone or something up there is alive, conscious of you, and doesn't want to be spotted. But is whoever or whatever's up there friend or foe? Are they as frightened by the disappearances, or did they cause them? There has to be another way up somewhere, but what awaits you should you find it?


The door is unlocked and the room is unlit, the curtains shut. You draw them open only to find the room empty. There are signs of a struggle, though not especially violent. The dresser has been turned over, its drawers yanked out onto the floor. Goose's belongings seem to be gone too. Most of them. Some odd items remain: a travel tube of toothpaste, some dirty laundry, but not much else. It looks like whoever did this picked up her stuff in a real hurry, causing them to drop a few things on the way.

One of the couch cushions has also been pulled up and tossed across the room. Upon closer inspection you see that there are... bite marks in the upholstery. The imprints left behind in the cushion look human , but the scratches that decorate its surface and a bit of the floor as well definitely look more animal. There's no sign of Goose or Flycatcher anywhere.

Numbly you stare at the evidence. Who do you tell about this? Who can you talk to? Who can you even trust? As you search around, your hand finds something soft on the floor. Down feathers, perhaps pulled from the cushion, though you didn't notice any large holes or tears. You inspect the couch more closely and find a whole treasure trove of miscellaneous items hidden under the remaining cushions, everything from spare change to squirreled away snackfoods to... a cellphone.

The battery's dead, but this raises some questions about Goose. It's not that such devices aren't allowed, or at least they're not explicitly outlawed, but as far as you can tell no one else here has one, and anything someone feels the need to hide is automatically suspicious. You also find a book, taken from the library no doubt, duct taped to the underside of the couch. The cover reads, "Introduction to the Mystic Arts" by R. N. Founder.
The news from Grackle was almost to much to bare. Kathryn's eyes widened from the shock and felt weak. What could have happened? She didn't know anything. That pissed her off. Kathryn's shock turned quickly to anger. She clenched her fists tightly as she gritted her teeth. If only the Guide could tell them more, however, it was evident she didn't know much else. Badgering her over this wasn't going to solve anything either. The stress from the situation was clear as a bell on the room and even more so on the Grackle's face. I gotta do something. I need Resplendent. I need answers. What the hell happened? Kathryn thought trying to sort through options and what she knew.

Amelia made a display besides Kathryn. What does this girl think she is doing? All Kathryn could do was nod her head before the girl took off to tend to Goose. A sigh escaped her lips staring after the girl bounding away. She is going to get her self hurt moving like that. Shaking her head she forced herself back at the task at hand. Nobody can do anything if they are all worked up like this... Why do I keep putting myself in these situations?

Sighing, Kathryn forced her way through the crowd to get to Grackle. The girls were panicking, which made it hard to break through the endless rows. Once she finally made it to the poor guide, who was being terrorized by questions unease settled in her stomach. Gulping down any signs of stress she turned to the crowd of faces and spoke calmly, but loud enough for the girls to hear her. "Asking the same question over and over won't solve anything. If we want to find Resplendent, we need to use our heads and calm down." Kathryn forced a smile before continuing on. "It's clear that Grackle doesn't know everything that happened. That means we need to find answers. If what Grackle said is true, then it isn't safe to be alone. So it would be best to stay in groups of three or more. Just in case. Safety in numbers and all that." As the girls outbursts died down a bit, Kathryn turned to face the guide.

"Where is Resplendent's room? Perhaps we could find something, anything there." Kathryn asked Grackle, hoping to find answers of her own. Maybe i can find something about what the cards mean there too. She thought and smiled at the girl. "We need all the help we can get right now."
Once she entered the room, nothing has changed. Yet, unlike the day before, Dysis is she she can hear something. Movement and scratching could be herd coming from the second floor. Also, a gentler sound, like a broom. It reminded Dysis of she had first arrived here, the was Goode startled at the noises from upstairs and hurried us to bed...yet why? Was there something deadly, Disturbing on the floor above? Anyway, the noises had been dormant yesterday yet now they were back in full force as if they were responding to the crisis as well.

Taking a step, a floorboard creaked under her foot. Silently cussing under her breath, everything quiets. Whatever is up there now knows of her presence and doesn't want to be seen. Are they friend or foe? Are they frightened by the disappearances or are they the breach that caused them? There has to be another way up, but what awaits her if she should find it? Thinking for a moment, Dysis started to lean on the wall and walk 'round it. Seeing if there was a secret door of some sort.

When that failed to work, Dysis pulled herself from the room. Looking around she saw that there was another room down the hall. Quickly walking over to it, she tried the door. Hoping that if it opened, something of use would remain inside.

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@Yoruko Katsumi

If Grackle is impressed by your sudden show of leadership she doesn't show it. She holds to that firm but shaken modus operandi, trying to hold herself as a professional while at the same time looking to be at the very edge of her composure. The commotion dies down, but the guide doesn't look any more at ease.

"Trust me, fledgling, I really don't need you playing detective right now." She runs a hand through her hair and tightens the other around the spine of that book she's always carrying around. "I'll work this out. Somehow. You can't get to her room anyway. It's on the third floor, the rafters they call it."

At first it seems she'll just dismiss you after that, but something changes her mind. Maybe she is thankful after all.

"I appreciate your concern, but there's nothing you can do. Maybe if it was anyone else, but Resplendent is too much of an outlier. Even I don't really know what the hell is going on. It doesn't seem possible. Not for full-blooded Brood like her." She shakes her head. "I don't know why I'm telling you this. None of this is your problem."

But it is your problem. Resplendent may not have spoken more than a word to you, but you have the deck of cards she gave you, and that has to mean something, right? Maybe if you explained your situation to Grackle she'd understand. But on the other hand, how do you know she can be trusted? How do you know this isn't all an act? Well, if it is, she's a damn good actress. The guide looks on the verge of breaking under the pressure that she clearly was never meant to bare, especially not alone.


You try the door at a random room and wander into another fledgling living space. A small portion of the far window is broken and patched over with cardboard and duct tape . A kid's tennis set, complete with a crude net made from a suspended sheet, left abandoned on the floor is the culprit for that.

Outside, the metal ladder from the fire escape hangs loose, having lost a bolt, and rattles against the window pane in the breeze. Curious, you try the window and are surprised to find it locked from the outside. Who locks a window from the outside? What's the point? Normally this might be another roadblock, but if you remove the cardboard patch and reach through the hole, you can undo the lock. The jagged glass of the hole is too dangerous to reach through with a bare flesh and blood hand, but it seems you have a bit of an advantage in that respect.

This could be your way up to the second floor, should you be brave enough to risk whatever's up there. At the very least, it should give you a better view of the building and maybe a bit of the surrounding area without arousing any suspicion, as you might if you just walked out the door. With this supposed outsider at large, it might be best not to draw too much attention to yourself, but there's no one to witness you here, for now.
As the door opened, it seemed to be another living space. A small part of the far window must have been broken because it was sloppily patched with cardboard and duct tape. A kid's tennis set was present complete with a crude net made from a suspended sheet, left abandoned on the floor by the culprit for that.

Dysis peers outside to see a metal ladder from the fire escape hanging loose. Missing a blot it rattles against the window pane in the soft breeze. Curiosity overwhelming her, Dysis tried the window only to find it being locked from the outside. How does that make sense? This would seem like a dead end, but she quickly ripped off the duct tape and cardboard to find a jagged hole. Dysis' first thought is to reach through, but that would wound her hand even more than it already is...but wait. Glancing to her prosthetic, a grin touches her lips.

She realizes that this might be a way up to the second floor. If it wasn't at least she would gain a better view of her surroundings. But with a breach in the brood, this could cause people to point fingers at her. Hell she was gone almost all day yesterday, no alibi. But no one was around here currently... making up her mind, Dysis went and shut the door. Walking back over to the now open window, she grasps the ladder. It seeming to hold her weight, Dysis adds her left hand. Now hanging off the ladder, she pulls her right foot up to the rung just above it. But as it lands, the ladder jerks and shifts sharply downward. Stifling a scream, she grits her teeth and hangs there for a moment.

After drawing up the nerve, Dysis continues to climb. When she is nearly 1/2 of the way there, the ladder groans and creaks. Gripping tighter, she knew this was a stupid idea but couldn't turn back now. Lifting her left hand and setting on the rung above her, the ladder gives a high pitched shriek and starts to swing. Eyes widening she realized that the last bolt was becoming loose. Heart pounding Dysis looked downward to see if she could turn back... shit... the window had closed. As the ladder swayed, Dysis tried to remain calm and think of a solution. But that's kinda hard when death's knocking on your door.
Amelia smiled with a strong grip on the book. She thought "It's stupid but I've always loved anything considered magic. I'll open it after I follow the toothpaste. Ha, follow the yellow toothpaste road. That movie. I'm probably the only here who's seen it. That's a little depressing but, I'm going to have to follow this trail." She then realized that she could use help if Flycatcher or Goose turned out to be the "Breach". She then thought with half a smile and her arms crossed "Well I can read the book now but I can't find out what happened to Goose... Maybe I should just go. The trail could be cleaned by one of these guys."

She then sat down and thought as she stared at the floor "I need to get what I'm doing here. Number 1. Find Goose. Number 2. Read this book. Number 3. Charge that phone. Alright those are my Goals. I just need to think of the best way to solve these problems. I can find Goose by getting Kestrel and Dysis here for extra help. That is if these guys have a dangerous gun carrying brute. For the cell phone, I'll need help. But if I show anyone, even Kat, I could get killed for suspicion of being a spy. From what's happened this morning, I don't think they would give me a pat on the back and give me a lollipop. I just realized, everyone here hasn't had one of those either. Man, our lives suck."

Amelia then looked up and thought with a smile "Maybe the book has some clue in it for this mystery. Oh my gosh, I feel like Scobby Doo. The show is stupid, you aren't going to find a fishermen dressed up as a giant fish to sink others boats! I know I haven't seen that done but they probably have. I'm getting off track here. So the book, it could contain something, or a fake spell that should help which I'll use but won't work. Either way nothing to bad will happen. I think I'll need to hide, If I get found here I'll be taken. Maybe the closet. No, I'll just sit in the library, at least it's less suspicious." She then walked in the library, sat down, and smiled as she cracked open the book.
Kathryn clenches her fists in both disappointment and anger. The third floor?! How the hell is her room up there? She felt numb. Nothing else seemed to matter. All she could do was think of those stupid cards that got her into this mess. The Guides words stung her pride. Kathryn tried to remain calm as Grackle spoke. Doesn't concern me? Like hell it doesn't. But i can't really tell her details.. At least i don't think I'm supposed to.. Damn! What the hell am i going to do? She gritted her teeth, deep in thought and frustration. If she told her, she didn't know the repercussions that would occur. But if she doesn't say anything. The trail would go even colder than it already is.

Kathryn Sucked up her pride, as she spoke. "Please Grackle. I need to find Resplendent. She is a member of the Brood. That definitely concerns me, because i am an aspiring member too. If she is really missing, then we have to find her. She is one of us. I can't turn my back on her and just forget his happened. She was kind enough to give me a new name for my new life. I can't do nothing." Her body tightened at the response the guide might have to her words, but kept going with her little speech. Not caring at this point what would happen. She just needed to get this off her chest.

I need to tell her about the item. I fear it may be the only way. Kathryn lowered her voice so that only Grackle could here her. "She gave me a strange object when i got that name too. I need to know why. I need to know what this.. Thing is. We hadn't even shared more than a handful of words but she gave me this." Kathryn touched the pocket on her glove. She flattened the fabric to reveal its bulky shape, showing the guide where the item was before continuing. "Please. We have to find her. Do you know where she was last seen?" Her eyes widened, hoping that Grackle could tell her something, anything. Kathryn's fists tightened involuntarily from anticipation and fear for what Grackle would say.

It's a close call. Nearly too close. But with great speed and a whole lot of luck you manage to clamber up to the second floor fire escape just before the ladder gives out. Free from its bearings, the ladder falls to the ground and strikes the asphalt with a heavy thump. Your hands are curled tight around the rails as you heave yourself up onto the platform, utilizing that do-or-die strength that comes straight from the knowledge that if you can't power through this you'll never have the chance again.

Your flesh hand burns with the effort, even after you've climbed to relative safety, and if you move it too quickly a sharp spark of pain shoots all the way up to your shoulder. You probably pulled something but you can't be sure. It'll be fine as long as you don't aggravate it. No more hanging off falling ladders for you, young lady. Not for a good while at least. Despite the pain, you have to acknowledge that that was a pretty impressive feat just now. You should be proud of yourself.

The window on this level is locked from the outside too, which is actually convenient this time around given your position, but before you open the window you hear voices on the other side and it occurs to you that whoever's there might be a little put off by a stranger climbing in the window. You're gonna need a pretty damn good explanation for this.

From here you've got a decent view of your surroundings. You're still facing the adjacent alley, so it's not as ideal as if you were overlooking the street side, but you can just see through the window at the apartment across the street. You can see people in the windows, hear cars on the street, and see graffiti painted on the sides of dumpsters far down below. The real world, so to speak, is within sight, but you're not quite back in it.


Hunkered down in one of the little hideaways between the shelves, you flip through the book. You can hear fledglings come and go, older girls reading to the youngers and all manner of people whispering gossip under tables or behind book piles. Most everyone is still understandably rattled, but what can they do but stay close to one another in anticipation of the worst and try to take their minds off things. The voices are muffled from where you sit. You have no idea how much time passes as you read.

The book is surprisingly jargon-heavy. Half of it reads like a computer manual and the other half is like pure fantasy. You can't tell if this is supposed to be a textbook or a novel or something in between. A lot of the book actually makes reference to separate books and articles, none of which you've heard of and all of which are apparently written by the same author, this Founder person. What you gather from the first few chapters, between the obscurities and paragraphs that just seem to be the author musing poetic for a while, is that while these "mystic arts" can be learned with practice and diligent study, there are some who are more naturally predisposed to some abilities than others.

Each chapter archives examples of mystic abilities. Your eye is drawn to a passage that describes the ability to "speak" from one mind to another without actually speaking with words. It takes years to harness, never mind master, but at the highest level a person who's mastered this art may send images and memories as well as words even at a considerable distance. You remember Resplendent, how she spoke to you at name day. But she's just a kid. How could she know how to do something like that, something which logically shouldn't even work in real life?

Your interest captured, you read until your head's swimming with it, mentally cataloging any supposed abilities that might be of interest.

@Yoruko Katsumi

Grackle's eyes widen at the sight of the deck. Her expression shifts, unreadable, intense. For a brief terrifying moment her brow creases and you think you see anger flash in her lowered eyes.

"This is..." She takes you by the arm suddenly and pulls you away into an empty room. After what feels like an eternity, she looks at you, and her stern face crumbles in relief. "I can't believe it. You just saved my ass!" She laughs, hands on her head. "You said she gave you that? Of course, of course. What a little smartass. O-oh not you. I mean..."

She chews her lip and then takes a deep, steadying breath.

"Okay, full disclosure: I have not been a guide that long and it is way more intense than I thought it'd be. I thought-" She shakes her head. "Never mind. This fixes one problem at least. I'll get this," She plucks up the deck right out of your hand. "Back to the rafters where it belongs and they'll find someone else to take care of initiation. I'm off the hook!"
Ripping the rails of the second story fire escape platform, the ladder finally gives out, striking the asphalt with a thick thump. Dysis grips the rails tightly as she hauls herself up onto the platform.

Flesh burning with the effort it took and though somewhat safe, if Dysis were to move to quickly a sharp pain would flare along her back and up to her shoulder. Pulling something is a possibility but Dysis wasn't sure. She was sure i'll be fine as long as it isn't aggravate, but one this is for certain. Dysis would never set foot on another latter in her life. Despite the pain she was in, the state of shock and returning fatigue. Dysis was quite proud of herself, it was quite an impressive feet to climb up a falling latter.

The window on this level was also locked on the outside. What's up with that? Unlocking the portal, Dysis was about to enter then voices. She didn't know what their reaction to a stranger climbing in through the window would be, not like she had that decent to an explanation anyway.

After a few moments, Dysis decided to crouch down and shut the window a bit. But leave it open just enough so she could still catch the voices. With any luck, she hopped to listen in and possibly figure out what the hell is going on around here.
"Now wait just a second!" Kathryn yelled in anger before tearing the cards out of the other girls hands. The fierceness behind the swift movement was similar to that of a hungry animal attacking it's scared prey. She gripped them tightly to prevent that happening again. "Resplendent entrusted these to me. I'm not just going to give them away like that." She gave the guide a venomous look as she spoke. "Especially before i know what they are and what they are for." Kathryn stuffed the cards back into her pocket to prevent Grackle from getting them again.

Kathryn's usual cold and calculating brain gave way to her emotions. She bore her teeth protectively and furrowed her brow in rage. What the hell does she think she is doing?! I did NOT say to take them. This was a mistake. I should have just left and searched elsewhere. Kathryn was a little shocked by the rage she just let loose. This is why I hate emotions. They make you do stupid things. Emotions are for prey. I am a hunter. She closed her eyes briefly as she inhaled deeply. After opening them again she met Grackle's gaze.

Trying to regain her composer from both the guide's and her own abruptness, Kathryn glared deep into Grackle's eyes and made sure she heard her. "If you are going to the rafters, I'm coming with you." She covered the pocket containing the precious cargo with her right hand to ensure It's safety. "This doesn't leave my side until I have answers. And maybe not even then. Do i make myself clear?" This could be my leverage. Kathryn thought as she smirked, trying to unnerve the girl to hopefully get her way. "Unless you want to still get in trouble after all. I guess my search would better be elsewhere for answers then." Kathryn turned to leave, betting everything on her little gamble with Grackle's emotions.
Amelia cracked a smile as she thought "Hell yeah! If that psychic was right, I should be able to use this no problem. Eventually at least. Hmm... I think I could use this to communicate with Goose. Then I should tell Kat. Maybe I can read minds with this. Heh, I always thought that would be the best super power. However, I am not experienced with this, and I did hear from dull the brain grows or something. So, this will probably be quicker then usual, but this will still take some time. Well, I should probably try this. It'll take out all three problems at once. I'll talk to Goose, that psychic and search for the spy. Just by using this ability. It will also be perfect for silent communication. I'll try it."

Amelia realized half an hour must of passed as she shoved her face in the book. She then thought with her arms on her head and an extremely angry expression "DAMN! I need to get this to work! If I don't, none of my plans will work either! DAMN DAMN DAMN!" She then cooled down and looked up at the roof with a blank expression and thought "Well you always taught me things take time, isn't that right mom. I just got to be patient. If this works, everything will be easier, and if it doesn't... Let's just hope it does." Amelia then looked back at the booked and tried again.

She thought with curiosity "Maybe if I try using one of those hand signs Flycatcher taught me..." Amelia then tried one of the hand signs. After if didn't work she sighed and went back to what the book was telling her. "Well, there goes that theory. I guess I'll just try again, and again." She then tried doing the "Speak" ability with her head on the book and her fingers in front of her. While doing this she was thinking "and again" until she got it right.

Voices waft through the gap in the window, muffled by the glass. Feet shuffle around behind the curtains. People flow in and out, chattering and brushing elbows as they go about their business.

"-until a supply run, two more until the next hunting trip. If it happens at all now."

"Why wouldn't it?"

"Well someone's got her panties in a bunch about-"

"Guys, c'mon."

Something heavy clatters to the floor and you hear water splash out.

"Shit, Budgie!"

"Red did it!"

A groan. "Someone clean this up."

There are a few half-hearted whines in protest but they peter out as the girls leave the room in search of something to mop up the spill. Soon the room is silent. This is your chance!

You open the window the rest of the way and push aside the curtain. You put one foot inside and find the floor soft and malleable under your wait. You look down and realize that you've just stepped into a potted plant. There's a steadily spreading pool of spilled water coming from an upended watering can- or at least that's what you think it is- made from a sieve duct taped to a bucket. All along the perimeter there are pots, bowls, and troughs of soil lined up against the wall. Their contents grow wild, poking through cracks in the wall and climbing like creeping vines up to the ceiling. The whole room, much larger than the one you left from, smells of earth and rotting compost.

The vines are for the most part bare, but the taller ones you can see are starting to bloom as they stretch towards the sunlight that pours through the cracks in the ceiling. There's quite a variety, some soft and leafy and other sharp with thorns and red along their roots that warns curious hands away. Some smaller pots contain more domestic sprouts and saplings, herbs and simple blossoms. The floor is filthy with spilled soil and something sticky that clings at your shoes as you walk like the tacky residue of dry glue.

@Yoruko Katsumi

Grackle looks taken aback by your outburst, more surprised than genuinely threatened. Whether she finds your display as intimidating as you intended or not, both of you that she's not in much of a position to argue. You can practically see her mentally weighing her options.

"I'm not supposed to... aw, screw it. But not now. Tonight. Midnight. You have no idea how much trouble I'd be in just for agreeing to this. I'm not risking getting caught." She eyes the deck like she wants to make another go for it, but thinks better of it. "Don't trick yourself into thinking this means you're special somehow. Resplendent does this thing, prophecy they call it, where she can see when something bad might be coming. I don't know the details of it but I bet she saw that something was going to happen to her and just foisted her stuff off on you so no one would be able to get to it. You're not chosen or anything, just inconspicuous, forgettable.

"You'd probably be better off giving her cards to me, you know. Someone might get the wrong idea if they see you with those. They might think you were the one to disappear her. All that growling and nipping at heels isn't gonna save you forever. You're still just a fledgling, and there's so much that you don't know."

It's an obvious gambit. She really wants you to hand over those cards. However every great lie is built on a grain of truth. All in all, how much of what Grackle says can be believed, and how much can she be trusted?


You concentrate for a while but feel no change. And how would you know for sure if it worked anyway without another person to receive? The book is very descriptive when it comes to the nature and speculative origins of these abilities, but it doesn't exactly give you step by step instructions on how to use them. It describes these practices as being passed down from generation to generation, so maybe what you need is a teacher. However it also heavily implies that the seeds of these abilities need to already be inside of you, something your born with. Without even a touch of natural talent, a skill can be learned, but perhaps never mastered. It's all speculation anyway for now.

There's so much to consider, so much to imagine about these so-called mystic arts. Knowledge such as this can be a burden as well as a gift, and as your head grows heavy with it, you lean back and catch a glint of metal shining behind a bookcase.

Here you find an old dumbwaiter. You might've dismissed it as a leftover architectural feature from when the place was first built, but it seems it's been recently used. The dumbwaiter itself is gone and the shaft left empty. You poke your head in and whether you look up or down all you see is void. The only difference is that when you cast your eyes up the vertical pathway, you see a pale window of light shining from far away on the floor above you. Someone on that upper floor has activated the dumbwaiter, but for what purpose? Unless someone upstairs really wanted some books you can't see a reason, and even then someone down here would have had to put the books or whatever in the slot while someone else turned the lift on.

Seems like kind of a complicated system just to transport books, but just sneaky enough for outsiders exchanging contraband, like that phone you have. But even if the phone was sent down via lift from above, what went up?
Amelia's attention was grabbed by this contraption until she realized "I can't really do anything with it. I can tell the guides about it but that will only increase suspicion, man. Well aside from tell anyone I could give these guys the cellphone... But that won't do any good." She then decided it was best to go back to studying the book. She was thinking with a curious expression "Maybe there is something for my flute. That would be a little silly but I'll check it out. After all, that speak thing is probably the hardest thing to learn with my luck."

After getting back Amelia quickly found a spell called Siren Song. At first she just stared with her jaw dropped but she eventually read the rest of it. Finishing the page she stared at the wall thinking completely surprised "My flute can actually cast a spell! So magic really was the reason I managed to calm down Goose. Well the rest of this tells me I can change thoughts emotions and behavior with it. That means I really do have talent for this. I can't believe I managed to cast a spell every time I played for my mom and she said "That music is simply divine." This whole time, I was basically a witch! I need to look at the other things that look pretty easy. Maybe I can master those in a snap." She then studied the book.

After finding the spells Healing, Prophecy, Bloodrite, Frenzy, and Leeching, Amelia just starred at the book. She thought with her mouth open and her face nearly shoved in the book "There are so many spells! I'm going to start with Healing, but that might not work since I'm not in pain. I'll try Prophecy instead. Maybe it'll shed some light on my Goose problem. Then I'll attempt bloodrite. Then I'll see if one of my ancestors is a good detective. Ha, unlikely since my whole family works in our company. Well let's try prophecy right now and get to that later." Amelia attempted to use the prophecy spell.
Kathryn nods her head in agreement with Grackle's deal. "Fair enough." She said passively knowing the guide probably would get in trouble for bringing a lowly fledgling with her. She didn't trust her though. Grackle probably doesn't trust her either. Has she bitten off more than she can chew? Perhaps. But Kathryn had to know what was going on. For Resplendent's sake at the very least. Special? Please. My mother and father were special. I'm just a shit stain on the human race.

Kathryn smiled at Grackle before continuing on. "I know I'm nothing special. I am just a girl, no, not even that. I am just a lowly parasite that fed off of anything i could prey on in the streets. I know I'm forgettable. Hell I made my whole life around that fact. I would slip into someone's house and leave without a trace. All they would notice was a lack of funds and a bit less bread in the morning. That is if they noticed anything at all." Kathryn smiled at the found memories and placed a hand over her heart. "But for reasons I can't explain, coming here i guess started to change me a bit. It's only been two days and I have broken my personal code more than a handful of times. I keep trying to help people left and right. But for what? Family like Goose said? That never mattered to me before." She laughed at herself and the mere thought of it. "Alone is all I have ever know, and I know it isn't best for my skin either that I have these but.." Kathryn trailed of and chewed her bottom lip for a moment.

"There is something about these cards though. When I touch them, something strange fills me. I know it would probably be better if I did give them to you. Hell, everything in my lizard like brain is telling me to. But I just can't." Kathryn looked deeply into Grackles eyes. "I need to know why. Does that make sense?" She asked trying to justify her own actions just as much to herself.

Kathryn began to feel that this little meeting was starting to get drawn out and wasn't going anywhere. I should probably check on Chickadee and see if she needs help or found anything new. See? there i go again. Worrying about others. What is happening to me? Biting her tongue so she wouldn't say anything more, Kathryn turned to leave the back room. Focusing on her next move.

You try to tap into a few of the abilities with no success. Honestly if it were that simple everyone would be doing it. You can't expect something so new to you to come as easily as flicking a switch. What you really need is a teacher or a mentor or something. Lacking that, for now you see what else the library can offer you. With any luck this book isn't the only one of it's kind.

The disorganized state of the library doesn't make for easy browsing, but there are several books centered around the theme of the fantastical and supernatural. Granted some of them are probably fiction. There's no guarantee that this one isn't as well. Still you have to have some faith. You wouldn't have come this far if you couldn't put your faith in the strange and unnatural. With prophecy still in mind, you pick up a book on divination. "Cartomancy", the cover reads. It's a thick book, but surprisingly light. Upon opening , you discover why.

Only a few pages in, you find that someone has carved and hollowed out the book in the shape of a rectangle. What a gross misuse of literature. Something like this could be used to hide items inside, very small items certainly but still. Right now it's empty. You wonder if you should tip someone off about all this. Between the state of Goose's room, the used dumbwaiter, and the hollowed out book, you have more than enough to prove that there's something seriously shifty going on around here. But who do you trust with this information? Anyone could be the culprit or an accomplice to these crimes.

Your ragtag group of recent allies come to mind, but whether or not you choose to entrust them with your discoveries, you have no idea where the other two are right now.

@Yoruko Katsumi

You leave before you can see Grackle's reaction to your introspection, but as you go you do hear her say, more to herself than you it seems, "Everyone thinks the answers will make them happier, until they get them." Nothing more.

You've made plans to brave the third floor with Grackle at midnight tonight, and with that you bring yourself one step closer to Resplendent, and to the truth, but until then you've got quite a bit of time. It would probably be wise to practice what you preach and stick with your crowd, though it's not likely anyone would try something in broad daylight. Where are the other girls you've been palling around with?

You might not want the softness that comes with surrounding yourself with people, allies, friends even if you dare to call them that, but when your assets are limited and your future uncertain, you may find you need people around that you can rely on. And can you rely on them? Can you trust them with your new mission, or would it be better to keep it to yourself? You get a brief, fearful picture of going missing like Resplendent, with no one knowing where you might have gone. According to Grackle, Resplendent gave you something of hers as a safety measure, so that someone would have some idea what happened to her. It might be wise to do the same if you really plan on sneaking off with a near stranger who doesn't seem to hold you in such high esteem.

For now, best regroup and try to keep your cool to the best of your abilities until the time comes for you to take action.
As Dysis steps onto the filthy floor, she looks at the room surrounding her. It was just as disgusting as the floor and the scent of rotting compost to finish the whole thing. Wrinkling her nose, Dysis silently sets both feet onto the floor. Yet, as she pulled herself through the window, the pain in her shoulder flared once more. Biting her tongue once more so not to scream, Dysis held her left shoulder. She was positive she hadn't pulled something and it wasn't dislocated. As she neared the closed door, oddly her right shoulder started to follow suit. Yeah hanging of a ladder caused stress on the body, but could the pain spread?

(Sorry for the length being so short. My phone is about to die, I'm fatigued, and eating dinner)

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Amelia finally gave up on trying the spells as she thought with her head against the book "I'm gonna stick with siren song. After all, that shit is basic compared to this shit." She then sighed and sat up again with a smile. While doing this she thought "I'm sure the psychic can teach me. However, I got to tell the other two about this. Maybe they have a special ability for one of these spells. Besides, if I don't trust Kat and Dysis, why should they have to trust me? I should head off to the beds and bunks and crap. Maybe I'll get lucky and the other two will be there. So far, it's my best bet. So I'll just go." Amelia then began walking to the beds with the book concealed under her dress. Finding that neither of the two were there, Amelia decided to wait. She thought as she sat down with a bored expression "The only thing I have left to do is wait so, I'll wait."
Kathryn smiled as she left the room and the guide behind. Finally, she was going to get somewhere. At least she hoped. Kathryn didn't trust Grackle one bit, but she wasn't to keen on telling the others what her personal plans were either. She sighed as she struggled with her own personal issues. Kathryn recalled that Chickadee was going to heck on Goose. I might as well go check on her. She seems a bit to trusting. That girl annoys me.

Kathryn made her way through the hallways leading to Goose's room. If I can find something in Resplendent's room, I might be able to get answers. But I can't afford to go missing too.. What the hell am i supposed to do now? It doesn't help any that these cards are raising more freaking questions than answers. Kathryn pushed her thoughts out of her mind as she approached Goose's room.

Kathryn knocked on the door but there was no answer. Concern grew in her mind as she pushed the door open. She quickly discovered that Chickadee wasn't here, not to mention the current state the place was in. "What the?" Kathryn let out with a gasp. Her eyes widened at the disarray of the objects. She closed the door behind her to make sure no own else was around as she investigated.
Amelia decided to walk back to the library thinking "Oh what the hell am I waiting for? The other two are busy, I need to get to Goose. So why am I still standing here." She then discovered the door closed and thought with extreme anger "That better be unlocked! I am sick of being the obvious weakling! And I can't help Goose on this side of that door." She then ran into the room and said as she ran past Kat "Not now, I'm looking for Goose."

Amelia then continued following the toothpaste until she realized she past up Kat. She walked balk thinking with a worried expression and her thumb at her mouth "Uh oh, I might've rushed myself to much... I hope this doesn't get awkward... I am such an idiot. Well it doesn't really matter since I now know I can calm anyone for any reason with this siren song. I'll just tell her what happened."

After she got back, Amelia quickly explained what happened but didn't speak about the book, the phone, or the complicated contraband machine. She quickly felt how awkward things had gotten and couldn't help but stall as she slowly walked away. She didn't even notice what she was saying but she remembered herself saying "I have a thing I need to do... I'll just go do it, so have fun as I take care of this." She then got out and followed the toothpaste trail.

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