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Fantasy Nightingale [closed]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Beautiful_girl_wallpaper.jpg.74061017f22431590e535624c554ece9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Beautiful_girl_wallpaper.jpg.74061017f22431590e535624c554ece9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> SLIMM

Slimm wrinkled her brow, shocked. They choose their names? Oddly enough, it was like a second birth. It was also appropriate and severely desirable. To be someone other than Slimm would be so freeing, refreshing. For the first time since she arrived, Slimm broke into a beautiful smile, small and slightly hopeful. She made her way to the lobby, energy pulsing through her body. She found herself shaking with nerves as she took each step toward her new identity.

What would her name be? Did it matter? Would it last? Would she like it? She took the hem of her shirt in her hand and began tugging on it nervously, the only sign that she was nervous. When she walked into the lobby, people were still filing in and the heat of the other bodies was making Slimm very uncomfortable. Her smile was long gone and instead her face was empty, except for the tightness of her lovely jaw.



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Dysis soon became distracted with an odd noise coming from above. She realised that the building, or any old builds aren’t completely soundproof. The sound was as if an animal was pawing at the floor above them. Dysis pondered that someone could have a pet, or a rodent infestation. She didn’t mind them, yet didn’t like them either. Dysis decided to just push the thought from her mind.

She surveyed the others saying hello and other greetings. Yet, before Dysis could approach the nearest person, she heard the kid, goose yell “Oookay, bedtime kids!”. Dysis bit her tongue before a sharp retort could escape her grasp. The location of the rooms were pretty straight forward. No pun intended. The girl then heads off without wanting a reply. Giving a hefty sigh, Dysis began to look where she had gone. A hallway right in front, must be where they elder members rest.

Glancing around, not noticing that anyone else wanted to say hello, Dysis wandered off to find a room. She noticed that there was an abundance of windows to let daylight in. She guessed that was a plus...possibly? Entering a room, Dysis hushed her movements so not to wake others when she noticed that not all are asleep. There are residence much younger than herself asleep in a tangled knot of limbs, blankets and pillows. Though Dysis isn’t fond of younger children, she still found it cute in a young, adorable way. Dysis soon realised that other rooms were empty and most like to sleep near each other as a frightened child would to their mother after a bad dream. Yet, what was to frighten you here? This made a note of unease creep into Dysis’ mind as she continued to make her way slowly throughout the cluttered room. Entering another part of the large area, she seems to have found an unoccupied area. Though she gave it brief though that it might have been left for her, darker thoughts suppressed those. What had happened to the girl that slept here before? If she had died, was it on purpose or justification for a crime? Shaking her head as if to clear it, Dysis began to study the room she was now in. There was nothing that would make the place tolerable or for public use per say. Her mind started racing about minorities compared to what lay ahead of her. Running water? Electricity? Well there is yet how are they generating power? Are they tapped into the city’s electrical systems and pirating or are they they generating their own with some ancient machine? With all of this taking a toll on her, Dysis leans on the wall beside her for support. Every single female here is most likely under the age of 18. How would someone that young be able to get all this without someone much older and who could afford it? Well, whatever this was even. Dysis figured that there must be some sort of leader. A mother figure head, someone to watch the younger children play and oversee the elder’s work.

With a shuddering breath, Dysis climbs onto the mattress that was surprisingly clean and comfortable. Her head settling on the bare, somewhat deflated pillow behind her, Dysis began to clear her mind. Sooner than she expected, she fell into a deep sleep.


Dysis awoke with a start. Sitting up faster than she wanted, she had to clamp her jaw shut to keep from screaming. Feeling sick, she was reliving what she had every day for the past few months. The torment of seeing the car heading straight towards them, and the only thing she could do was sit and watch. Though, there was a brief moment that night when she was semi-conscious. Or so she thought anyway. Dysis faintly remembers hearing a struggling wing beat, and the eerie feeling of being watched. Making a fist with her left and and tightening the clamp on her right, she slowly calmed herself down.

As Dysis is climbing out of the tangled mess of sheets, she saw an energetic young female with dusty blond braids bounce from bed to bed. Thankfully she steered clear of Dysis, not wanting to be met with such excitement this morning. Or any to be in fact. She isn’t a morning person and would sleep to noon if she could. But, the words “name day” got her attention. Though she looked like she just had a ruff night of studying and was taking an exam the next day, excitement blossomed in her chest. We are getting our official names today? What will mine be? Will my past reflect that? This thought filled Dysis with pure dread.

Turning, she is soon blinded by the shine of a new dawn. Covering her eyes, Dysis wonders what time it is. It couldn't be that early considering that the sun was already quite high. The view wasn’t spectacular yet it wasn’t a brick wall either. This added little comfort though considering that she had no idea where she was. Exiting the room, heading to where she had been the previous night there was a sizable groups of girls of various ages mingling about. Some, like herself revealed no emotion. Other were either had paranoid or frightened expressions about them. Becoming a bit self conscious, she tucked her prosthetic hand in the pocket of her hoodie then let her gaze wander the many faces that occupied the room.
Kathryn slowly arose from the mattress into a sitting position rubbing her eyes as noise filled the hallways. No memory of what her dream was about, she heard the words name day drift through her half asleep ears. "Name day? What the hell is that?" She looked around the room taking in her unfamiliar surroundings and panicked forgetting where she was. Kathryn flung the pillow away quickly grabbing the knife she left there and hugged it close to her chest. The sight of the other girls running about jolted her memory. "Oh... Right..." She whispered as she tucked the knife back into her pouch where it was safe. She stretched and covered her mouth as she yawned. Enthusiastic about her new life, she smiled and looked at the girl running about waking everyone. I assume she knows whats going on...

Kathryn stood up off the bed curious about the others here She walked out into the main hall trying to find someone she felt would be able to tell her more.. She looked around the long corridor and spotted a dark haired girl. She will do. Kathryn though to herself as she slowly approached the girl from behind. "Excuse me" She said reaching out to touch her shoulder for her attention. Unfortunately the girl was caught off guard and jumped a bit, knocking her hand away as she spun around. She had piercing green eyes. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry if i had startled you. I was wondering if you could tell me where I am supposed to go for name day." Thoughts raced through Kathryn's head endlessly. What is my new name going to be? How are they picking something so important after such a short time? What will happen to my real name? Her thoughts made her more nervous than she thought she would be for something so simple. The girl's voice brought Kathryn plummeting back to Earth. She listened carefully to everything the older fledgling had to say and nodded when she finished. "Thank you very much" She said with a smile as she started to turn to leave. A feeling suddenly hit her stomach. Kathryn was in need of a bathroom since it had been a while.

"Um" She said turning back to the girl one last time, shuffling oddly. "If it isn't to much to ask.. Could you point me to the direction of a bathroom?" Her thoughts went back to the bucket and sink she had slept by and cringed at the thought of using a bucket. Oh pleeeease don't let that be the toilet. The girl gave Kathryn some relief as she pointed the way. Her eyes widened from holding it in and spun on her heels, running to where the closest bathroom was. "You are an angel! Thank you again!" Kathryn called out over her shoulder as she barreled through the halls avoiding everyone the best she could. Upon reaching the door, she realized she forgot to ask the girl her name... "Oh well i guess it doesn't matter since we will be getting new names in a bit any way." She said to herself as she opened the stall doors and smiled.

After finishing her business, Kathryn washed her hands thoroughly. Other girls cycled in and out of the bathroom quickly. She let out a deep sigh looking in the mirror. She had come along way, but still had a long road ahead of her. "I guess it's time to join the horde of fledglings in the lobby then." She said smiling at herself. Kathryn was both happy and sad about loosing her name. It's the last thing she had of what her life could have been, but that was taken from her too. She was ready. It will be like a metamorphosis for her. She was changing her path from getting no where, to getting her revenge and a family as well. Kathryn walked down the hall, following the others proudly. Today is mine for the taking. She thought entering the increasingly crowded room. I will accept my new name with dignity.
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From down the center hallway you hear the sound of several sets of footsteps against the hardwood floor. Then, somehow, only one.

A girl walks out into the middle of the lobby. Her ink-black hair is cut into a neat bob, making her look almost boyish at the right angle, and she's wearing a garish windbreaker that looks at least two sizes too big for her.

The guides, Goose and a couple of others you don't recognize but for that same authoritative posture that contrasts with their youthful appearance. You are beginning to recognize this as something of a trademark among the higher-ups. Young in body and demeanor, but old in the eyes.

One of the guides, a tall girl with an angular face and set jaw who had previously stood next to Goose, pushes forward and crouches before the little mystic. She hands something to her, tucks it into one of her pockets, but your view is blocked by the growing crowd and you can't see what it is. The older of the two moves her hands in sweeps and signals, and the other responds in kind. Sign language.

Goose is distracted, gaze distant and quite possibly nodding off again. The other guide elbows her in the side and she snaps to attention.

“Alright!” She amends for her drowsiness by forcing as much enthusiasm as she can muster. “Little ones first. Straight line, straight line everyone. Resplendent here,” she nods at the bright-jacketed girl who tilts her head in acknowledgement. “Is gonna tell you your names. There's an old saying in the theater biz: there are no small roles, only small actors. That... has mostly nothing to do with this, but think of it if you get something you don't like.”

The fledglings look understandably nervous. The sharp-faced guide rolls her eyes. The third guide, the one who elbowed Goose, steps forward.

“None of you have anything to worry about. They're just names, and there's no such thing as a bad name,” she smoothly amends for Goose's mistake. Slowly the crowd relaxes and one by one they come forward for their naming.

Resplendent keeps her hands in her pockets as she receives the fledglings. All the while, the third reads quietly from a book, so soft that you can't quite catch every word. Poetry spoken like a prayer, just as much for herself as for the benefit of the fledglings, if not more so. The book looks old. You wonder where she could've gotten such a thing.

My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, or emptied-

“Trogon.” Resplendent addresses each eager fledgling in queue. She shows almost no hesitation, as if the odd names were written plainly on each of their faces. “Flicker. Chestnut.”

-light-winged Dryad of the trees in some melodious plot-

“Pitta. Bowerbird.” You think you might see a familiar someone step up, gaunt cheeks and dyed hair. “Honeyeater.”

-the blushful Hippocrene, with beaded bubbles winking at the brim, and purple-stained mouth-

“Chat. Whistler. Fig.” A blonde braided head comes into view. “Goldcrest.” Followed by one blood-red and thrumming with anticipation. “Alethe.” Green eyes. “Bluethroat.” Glasses and a busted grin. “Pipit.”

-where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, or new Love pine at them beyond tomorrow-

And now, you.


As you move forward, carried as much by the rhythm of the crowd as your own two feet, you think you hear Resplendent say something like, "don't think so hard", but you never see her lips move, not until she speaks your new name. But even then she's so calm and still, like the shiny surface of an untouched pool, and suddenly your mind is very quiet. It only lasts a second, but it makes one wonder, was what you heard words of reassurance and comfort, or an order.

"-viewless wings of poesy, though the dull brain perplexes-"


@Yoruko Katsumi

You proceed, head held high, until someone pushes you and you lose your balance for a split second. No one seems to notice, or if they do they don't care, but Resplendent smiles at you when you approach. She's tough to read, but you can't see anything malicious in the expression. In looks more like the soft "aw" of a smile one gives when they see a sleeping cat slip from its perch and wake up dazed. You're not sure which reaction would be worse.

"-through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways-"


As you're about to step out of line and let the next fledgling forward, you feel the young mystic slip something from her pocket into your hand. You force yourself not to look, knowing better than to draw attention to the gesture with all these people around. You slip out of line with easy grace, making up for your misstep before, and try to think what to do next as you feel the weight of the unknown object urging at your hand.


Resplendent hardly takes a second look at you. But for all her certainty, she seems to falter when the name forms on her tongue. Maybe she's not as sure as she originally seemed. Or maybe there's something about the yet unspoken name that strikes a bad cord with her. Nevertheless, she can't withhold it.

"-the grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild; white hawthorn and the pastoral-"

"... Nightjar."


It seems to take ages for you to get to the front of the line, senses stifled by the closeness of the crowd. Luckily you keep your cool long enough to make it to the front.

"-the fancy cannot cheat so well, as she is fam'd to do-"


That was simple enough you suppose. As you turn to go, however, a pained cry rings out through the room. The crowd seems to turn as one, nearly every eye trained to the source.

Goose, doubled over with an absolutely agonized expression, wraps her arms around her middle and hooks her fingers into the rough denim around her sides and back, clinging and clawing at the fabric. The girls move to give her some breathing room, but who knows if it does any good. The other guides put a hand on either shoulder, but she yelps and flinches away as if burned by their touch. She makes a choked sound and fleas the room. Some of the others try to help her but she pulls away, refusing any aid. She retreats out the center hallway, the one still unexplored by you or the fresh batch of fledglings.

There's a general reluctance to go after her that's shared by the masses, but your heart's not so hard that you can't feel a tug of sympathy for whatever's causing her such pain. Surely someone else will go after her, you think. But no one moves a muscle, shocked still.

("-fled is that music: Do I wake or sleep?")
She watched the females enter the room. Goose as well as others she didn’t recognize were among the 3, though appearing young, their eyes told their age. This confused and also sorta frightened Dysis. What have they been through? Are they really the age they appear? Who do the voodoo if not?

Dysis couldn’t see much due to the crowed, yet she caught them using distinct hand gestures. Sign language. Then, something seems off with Goose. She appears to be nodding off, her gaze glazed slightly, unfocused as if looking to something far off in the distance. Then, she began to speak in such a way that Dysis almost thought that the enthusiasm she heard was forced. False. She went on about saying that there was no such thing as bad name. This for some reason, as if on cue, the crowd relaxes. It was as if that metaphorical breath had been let out, and resumed in a normal pattern once more.

Words are being spoken from an ancient leather bound book. The parchment yellow with age. The words are...odd as if a prayer to some idol, a false God. Names are being addressed, they seem strange. This make the previous nervousness reappear in Dysis. What would her name be? Would it be embarrassing? Tightening her clamp and hand, she moves along with the seemingly endless line.

Then it’s her turn. Resplendent doesn’t need to look at her, yet she falters. This makes Dysis’ heart stop. She digs her nails into her palm until blood can be felt, trying not to make herself panic, but failing miserably. Resplendent seems unsure, as if the name she is about to utter is a curse or has a awful meaning behind it. This just makes the panic rise in her chest. Heart pounding, blood as began to drip from her left hand, eyes wide with a hint of fear, face pale.

After what seemed like an endless eternity, the name is spoken.

Thinking with a bright smile, Amelia thought "Chickadee, song bird, the name fitting of a musician. Suits me well, after all, I was once loved more than most in a home. Now I have seen how the world works without that amazing love. Once loved by humans, now, the Chickadee is only loved by those who break away from the indoors and jobs. But no one comes for me, once I thought the world loved me as all kids, but that has proven to be the biggest lie in the universe." No longer smiling from her past, Amelia thought with anger "But the Chickadee will have her revenge... I will KILL the one who has ruined my life. My brother is the one that took away any hope for me. The chickadee who has been loved has been covered in oil, without her wings and feathers colorfully showing, the world doesn't care for the song. I know, this is MY destiny. I will do whatever it takes! I will walk through HELL to see him in the ground. Your time is limited brother. You have messed with the pure, now you will receive JUSTICE! Song bird... Chickadee... The thing that will call out with angelic songs, only to show those who wronged it judgement." Amelia became determined to get into the highest ranks and show what she calls justice to all enemies of the broad.

Amelia was ready to do anything, then she saw Kat. Walking to Kat Amelia smiled and waved. When she got to Kat, Amelia said "Hey Kat. Turns out my name is going to be Chickadee from now on. How about yours?" Thinking with happiness, Amelia thought "I almost forgot, Chickadees are geniuses as well, that being said they are also notable shy. Doesn't matter to me about being shy, I got Kat, she seems nice. With the probability of anyone completing tasks on their own, we will probably work together. After I find out her new name, I can't wait to work with her. We can probably show justice to our enemies with ease by ourselves. I play the flute at a door, lure the guy out, then Kat strikes. I can't wait to get training." Waiting excitedly, Amelia smiled and looked strait at Kat.

Amelia said with a smile "Kestrel! That is so cool! You got a hunter bird. That means you are a strong individual. You might be able to do things like kill anyone who attacks us. Wait, what is that in your hands? A gift from the psychic. You really are special, anyways Kestrels prey on things that are complete sitting ducks to them. That's why I can't resist you getting such a cool name. Let's see where the others are." Amelia then lead Kat to the other fledglings they came to this place with.
Kathryn watched the elder girls take the center of the floor. She listened attentively as they spoke. Goose's words unnerved Kathryn slightly reminding her of how she wavered a few moments ago. “None of you have anything to worry about. They're just names, and there's no such thing as a bad name," upon hearing those words, Kathryn sighed in relief along with the rest of the girls. I have to embrace my new identity no matter what. She thought with a fierce expression while entering the line. It felt endless as one girl after another received their names. She noticed the girl reading from the ancient tome. Is that poetry? Strange, but i suppose it's fitting. Kathryn thought trying to calm her nerves as the line drew closer to an end. Finally, It was her turn.

As she made her way someone tried to push her. What the hell?! Kathryn thought while keeping her balance. She fought her want to glare at the one who pushed her, some how managing as she reached Resplendent. The girl looked at Kathryn somehow in a way she both admired and didn't like. Resplendent said her new name with a kind smile. "Kestrel" The girl slyly planted something slightly weighted into my hand before i had the chance to leave. What is this? Did everyone get this and i just didn't notice? Kathryn thought as she made her way back to the crowd. She gripped the object firmly so she wouldn't loose it before getting to look at it.

Shortly after entering back into the crowd, one of the girls approached the newly reformed Kestrel. It was one of the girls she came here with. "Oh. Hello again, Chickadee. I guess I'm Kestrel from now on." Chickadee said that was a name of a hunting bird. How suiting. She thought as the girl noticed my clenched fist. "Oh.. It's nothing" Kestrel said quickly slipping it into the hidden pocket on her glove. I guess not everyone got this after all. I hope no one else noticed this thing. I don't think I'm supposed to show it to people. She thought to herself as Chickadee drug her to where the other girls we came with were.

Before we could say anything to them, a scream halted us. Goose, was doubled over clearly in a great amount of pain. Oh man I hope she is okay... Kestrel thought starring at the poor girl. Some of the others tried to comfort her but that seemed to make things worse. Goose ran down the far hallway she had yet to explore. Kestrel looked at the group of girls she was with then back to the hallway. It seemed no one was going to go after her. She let out a sigh, contemplating what to do. Are we not supposed to help her? Kestrel frowned at the thought of her suffering and made up her mind. She turned to Chickadee and said firmly "I'm going after her." She spun on her heels and started toward the direction Goose had fled, not particularly caring if any of the others followed. She glanced around at the motionless fledglings nervously, somewhat hoping a few would join her.

Kestrel reached the entrance to the long hallway and took a deep breath, bracing herself before breaking into a run after her. She could hear Goose's stumbling footsteps and her painful screams from up ahead.
Hearing the earsplitting screech coming from Goose brought Dysis back to the present. When someone attempted to help, she just screamed as if their touch hurt. Looking around the room, she noticed that no one cared to go after her. As she stepped forward, she saw a girl a few years younger than her take off after her. And before she could stop herself, Dysis joined her. The searing pain pulsing from her bleeding left hand was soon forgotten as the sound of her feet hitting the concert distracted her. Dysis was behind the girl who was behind Goose. Though the younger girl was an annoying little brat, she still wanted to help. As she slowly caught up with the younger female, Dysis called to her "Did you see what happened?" it was unlikely that she did but it didn't hurt to ask.

(Sorry for such a short post, didn't have much to go off of)

@Yoruko Katsumi
Chickadee ran after Kestrel immediately and thought with an annoyed expression "Aw come on! I wanted to get to know those guys but Kestrel runs off. I guess it isn't so bad since all of us are running after Goose. Oh well, I can just talk later. I got to help my fellow fledgelings. Who knows what could happen?" After catching up with Kestrel, Chickadee ran as she said with a smile "Did you doubt I was coming?"

Fixing her vision in front of herself, Chickadee thought with a smile "
Well at least I can catch up with Kestrel. I was really worried about that, But it doesn't seem to matter right now. All that matters now is getting to Goose. If it bad I don't know what I'll do." Chickadee is no longer smiling but instead worried.

Looking behind herself, Chickadee thought with a little smile "The others are still here, so that's good. But still, we need to find out whats going on. If it gets to bad, we might need to call for help. Worst case scenario, Goose doesn't get any help and dies from extreme wounds. Best case, Goose was just faking it for attention." Chickadee smiled thinking "It can't be so bad, after all, Goose should be able to handle it."

(Sorry about the short post. I have the same reason as StoneWolf18 for that) (@Yoruko Katsumi)
Kathryn heard footsteps coming from behind her and smiled, knowing she wasn't alone on this literal Goose chase. The first girl to catch up to her was one of the older girls. Her face was familiar, but Kathryn couldn't quite place it. She is probably one of the girls i came to this strange as hell place with. She thought to herself quietly as the group closed in on Goose. "Did you see what happened?" The older girl called, running along side her. Kathryn just shook her head and answered solemnly. "No, I heard her scream and take off. I hope she is okay."

As they ran, the blonde from before caught up. the girl smirked as she talked "Did you doubt i was coming?" Kathryn wanted to roll her eyes at the comment, but fought the urge. She was truly glad others joined her, but she wasn't about to show it. They rounded a corner to find Goose had collapsed. The girl was curled into a protective ball. Kathryn's eyes widened when she saw her state and couldn't hold back the words on her lips. "Shit.." She muttered under her breathe as she slowly approached Goose while removing her right glove from her hand.

Kathryn knelt down next to the girl, propping her head up with her right arm. She carefully touched her forehead. "Her body is burning up." Kathryn set Goose's head on her lap and picked up Goose's right hand to check for a pulse. It was faint, but there none the less. Goose's arms had scratches all over them. Kathryn pulled her canteen out of her pouch. She shook it to see how much water was left. Not much. I am going to have to refill it after this. She thought turning back to the other girls. "Do one of you have a handkerchief, or some spare cloth? " She reached her free hand out to them hoping they did before speaking again. "We have to get her body temperature under control."

(@StoneWolf18 ) (@WaffleReaper )
Amelia immediately took out her knife with a panicked look and cut off the bottom of her dress exposing her feet. She then gave it to Kat and said with a worried expression "She needs it more than me." The Amelia checked their surroundings for anything that could help. Finding nothing Amelia sat next to Kat and said "About the only useful thing I can do is get more cloth. Tell me if you need more. It's a little embarrassing though." Amelia smiled knowing she did everything she could do in her current situation.

Thinking with a blank and unreadable face, Amelia thought "If only I knew where a sink or a bathroom was. I could get Goose some water. Maybe one of the other girls know. Wait a minute... I forgot about that OTHER girl! She hasn't come yet! Crap. Well I can ask anyways. Maybe I can search around a little more to see if I can find one. Wait a minute. I have a flute... I could play but that won't do any good but make music. Well I can assume the chances for anyone coming and or Goose calming down from my flute is very slim. If only I knew medical things, about all I do know is rap around bandages and to clean the wound. However, since there isn't any water I can't clean the wound." Amelia then sighed and stood up asking "Anyone know where a water source is?"

After no one told her yes Amelia sighed and sat back down. She then thought with her eyes fixed at the floor and a sad expression "
If we can't save Goose, who is going to tell us how things work here? Goose is really experienced and friendly, we have to save her or I don't know what could happen. I got to be honest with myself, Goose surviving when no more water could be hard. If I can't do anything I'll just have to sit here. Alright, I think It's safe to assume I can look around for water, but if Goose needs more cloth and I'm not here, Goose could die. Oh, what the hell." Amelia then took out her flute and plaid an angelic song thinking with a worried expression "I really hope someone with water comes. If it manages to calm down Goose, that could also save her. I just got to focus on playing." Amelia continued to playing the song with no errors and a smile.
@Yoruko Katsumi, @WaffleReaper

The wet cloth does little good, but the music has a surprising effect on the girl. Goose stills at the sound, and this time when you reach out to tend to her she doesn't jerk away as she had before. She's still conscious, at least partly, but she seems far from lucid. She mumbles something in a low, ragged voice, but you can't make out what. She rolls over so that she's on her stomach and struggles feverishly onto her hands and knees. You reach instinctively to stop her, to help her, to do something and...

There's a noise. A wet noise, like the tearing of a damp sheet of paper. It takes your mind a second to piece together a sound like that with the state of your young guide, and even when you do it still seems hard to believe. People don't make sounds like that, no matter how sick they are. You stare at Goose's prone figure as she lets out a strained, almost animalistic whine of distress, much softer than her cries before but no less worrisome, and you could swear you see something moving, something twitching and pressing urgently up against the denim covering her back.

The movement calms after just a moment. So, that happened. Goose resumes her weird mumbling, and this time you listen closely to hear what she says.

"Mother..." she says weakly. That's it, over and over. She squints her eyes open, searching, and then shuts them again. "Mother."

"Hey!" From down the hall behind you, the other two guides come running towards you. "Back off. You guys don't know what you're doing."

Really? After just letting Goose run off sick- injured?- now they're going to act like they care? In their defense, they do look concerned. The smaller one with the book in her hands does at least. The bigger one is kinda hard to read. To her credit however she doesn't hesitate to pick Goose up off the floor and prop her up on her back, easing her arms into place around her shoulders so that she can support her.

"None of you need to worry," says the smaller in a practiced calm voice. "Goose's been fighting something for a while. I tried to get her to take it easy but she's... determined, you know. Flycatcher," she addresses the other. "I'll get Dhalion. You take care of her. Take her-" She shoots you a nervous glance. "Take her to her room."

With that, she turns and runs down the hall and out of sight. This middle hallway is wider and more vacant than the others. It's absent of doors, rooms, or windows and is therefor much less well lit, though it hardly matters since this hall only goes one way. It connects the front lobby with... something, definitely something. You just can't see what from here. Wherever it leads, that's where the unnamed guide girl is heading, and apparently where this Dhalion is. You can only hope that they're some medic or something.

Flycatcher adjusts her grip on her human cargo and attempts to carry her off back where she came, but just then Goose surges awake with a gasp and tries to struggle free. Flycatcher grunts and tries to settle her, but it does no good. Even half-conscious she's pretty lively. That fever's probably still kicking too. Has she really been so sick for so long without anyone noticing? And what about those scratches and that... you're not even sure what to call what you saw, but you don't think you were supposed to see it.

That guide girl might have answers. She's certainly more talkative than her friend here. But is chasing her worth leaving Goose alone? You're caught between a rock and a hard place. You need to make a choice and you need to make a plan.
Dysis had stood up and stumbled backwards when the other guides showed up. After they had taken goose and what not, Dysis had a difficult choice. She could hang back and follow or be a good little girl and not care. Shaking her head and muttering, Dysis was having a hard time with this. Looking to the others, she asked "are we going after her or minding our own business?"

(Sorry for the short post, not on a computer)

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The scene that had just unfolded replayed in Kathryn's mind as she sat on the floor shell shocked. She stared at her hands, feeling helpless to Goose. What the hell is going on here? Why is Goose so sick, and for so long?.. Her thoughts trailed off as the scene replayed over. What.. What was that moving in her overalls? Kathryn thought horrified. She pinched her still bare hand to jerk her back to reality. She slipped her glove back on and stood up gracefully from where she sat.

Kathryn stared down the hall after Goose, watching her struggle. A voice came from behind her. It belonged to the older girl "Are we going after her or minding our own business?" The girl asked to no one in particular out of the group. Kathryn sighed, collecting her thoughts carefully. That's one Hell of a question right now. I kinda wished i just minded my own business in the first place after seeing... that. What are we going to do?

After contemplating outcomes for a moment she turned to face the older girl. "I think we should split up. One of us should find the guide with that book and see if they can get any answers from her, the others should go after Goose. I can't just not help her." Kathryn said, feeling this was there best option. We can't just abandon her now. We are in too deep. She thought before speaking again to the older girl. "Do you want to find that girl? She may be able to tell us something that could help." Kathryn turned to the blonde girl as she continued to speak. "Goose responded well to your music. I think you should be one of the ones to go after her." She looked back down the Hallway, trying to analyse it. "I think this hallway might be a dead end. I will go with Amelia, or I guess It's Chickadee now, to find Goose. But if it's not what i think, I will circle back and find you." Kathryn finished, directed at the older girl.

Kathryn looked from girl to girl hoping that they liked the plan enough to go through with it. It was agonizing waiting for a response. We are starting to waste time.. Goose needs help. She thought clenching her fists to stay calm and took a deep breath. "Is that okay with you guys?"

@StoneWolf18 , @WaffleReaper
Amelia said with a smile "Nice plan Kat er, I mean Kestrel. We can find Goose no problem! After all, I can still help Goose. What about you uh... Girl with a robot arm... Let's just go with the plan." Amelia followed Kat with a smile that seemed like it would never end. With a curious expression, Amelia thought "I wonder what would happen if I told her I'm a Wanser? Ha, she'd probably just laugh and say how would a Wanser end up here. To be honest, I would say the same thing if I was in her position. But I don't have to tell anyone so nobody will end up laughing at me. Well I can try out this new life and make new friends. Like that girl with a robot hand. She seems nice. I have to focus on the matter at hand though. Well in any case, I'll probably play for Goose again. So I need to focus." Amelia had no sign of losing her smile as they looked for Goose.

Amelia sighed as she thought "Who am I kidding? I can't stop thinking to save my life. I'm always trying to think of a better solution. Oh well. At least I'm not stupid. I am after all thinking about the best and worst scenario after all. Speaking of which, worst case the people that came after I plaid my music are spies and we are killed because they have silenced pistols. Best case they're just like us and are trying to help, the odds of this is most likely slim however. That reminds me, if we end up with a team, I'll cast my vote for Kat as the leader. She can handle these things well and the fact she seems to be my only friend is why I'd vote for her any day." Smiling again Amelia looked at Kat.

She thought while smiling "Maybe we'll get to know each other if we have a team. Everyone already seems to have a good team build since we are going with Kat's plan. But what if we looked for Goose while Robot hand looked for the guide? We'd be killing to birds with uh, two stones. Since we are doing two things in different teams with me and Kat being one stone and Robot hand being the other one. Why do I explain my own jokes in my head? Let's just follow Kat and tone down my own stupidity." Amelia sighed again but soon after smiles refusing to think anything "Stupid" again.
@Yoruko Katsumi, @WaffleReaper

Flycatcher continues to carry the struggling Goose away on her back, oblivious to or just uncaring of your plans. Out in the lobby, the naming has just come to a close. Come to think of it, that's probably why the guides took their time catching up with you. The crowd is dispersing, fledglings heading this way and that, and with all the commotion it's all too easy to loose sight of your targets in the crowd. She said they were going to Goose's room. You didn't realize anyone had any sort of designated space, what with what you saw last night. You follow the chaotic flow of the crowd as best you can, careful not to lose track of one another, and end up being pointed down the right corridor.

"All of the guides bunk in the rooms at the end of the hall; Flycatcher, Goose, Grackle, and before them Screech and Shrike, before they went back upstairs for good," a passing fledgling explains. "There's a rumor about secret passageways on that part of the floor, but really they're just holes where the walls or the ceilings took too much damage that no one ever got around to fixing yet."

Sure enough, as you recall from your little bit of poking around the night before, halfway down the hallway a chunk of the ceiling has crumbled away, leaving a bridge of debris in its wake. Light comes in through the skyward gap, and you can see now that the mess is surmountable. You can climb over and pass through, though not easily. It seems like an oversight to just leave all this here. How does anyone get around it every day?

The crowds are left behind and forgotten now. You heard someone mention something about lunch, and it is about time for it, past time even. With everyone off to stuff their faces and babble about their naming, you have some measure of privacy. You still don't see either guide though. You've lost them for now, but you know where you must go to find them at least. Second to last door on the left, the fledgling had said. It's locked, unsurprisingly. Who ever said this would be easy? You knock, press your ear to the door, but there's nothing.

On this side of the rubble wall, there are two more doors to either side of you and three behind you. You mentally make note of each new place discovered, but the locations of each room does you little good if you don't know what's in them.


With the others tailing after Goose once more, that leaves you to pursue the fleeing guide. Looks like you're lone-wolfing it. You follow after her to the end of the hall, which opens out into a perfectly round room- no, not room, a stairwell. Only, contrary to its purpose, no stairs, neither are there any doors, nor windows. If there ever were, they were boarded up and wallpapered over long, long ago. Only a gaping hole in the ceiling remains, where the stairs must have once led up to. There's a light up there, high up, distant.

The poetic guide is gone without a trace, but how? It looks like your trail has gone cold, and this raises another question: Who would take out the stairs in the first place? And why? There's no sign of rubble or wreckage, so they must have been gone for a while. But then, how does anyone get up and down? You look around for a ladder, a rope, something, but again, there's nothing to be found. The hole is the center of the stairwell, not near any wall to be climbed and far too high to even think about jumping to. Maybe someone lowered down a ladder for her.

There's no hole in the ground to match the one in the ceiling, so either there's no basement or the way down isn't here. Of course that's not important right now. You need to get up, not down! This really is looking like a bust.
After the others decide to resume the literal Goose chase, Dysis now has to pursue the other guide, with a sight she realizes that she is alone in this one. Following at a brisk pace, yet keeping a bit of distance, Dysis follows her to the end of the hall. To her surprise, it opens into a perfectly rounded room...er stairwell. Well, she assumes it once was yet there are no stairs, doors, windows, or of the like to be seen. What once were windows have long sense been boarded up and wallpapered over. Edging closer to the large hole in the ceiling, a slight fear begins to blossom in her chest. Looking upward, Dysis notices that there is a light coming from somewhere in the distance, but why?

The lyrical guide has vanished within thin air, though Dysis knew she had seen her enter the room. "Gah" she mutters in disgust, as in her trail has gone cold. But, then again, why would someone remove the stairs in the first place? There was no rubble or scrap laying 'round here. So they must have been removed quite a while ago, but if one needed to get up or down a ladder, rope, or hell a pretty good set of legs to make that jump. Its not like she could just fly. Chuckling at that though, maybe they have the guns from portal as well.

There was no hole to mirror the one above, so there was either no creepy ass basement or there was another way down to, said basement. Yet, Dysis needed to go up, not down. This was looking extremely bad. Stifling a groan, she looked around at the smooth walls. They were to far to be climbed. Jumping obviously wouldn't work so...what now? Though she had slept for quite a while, Dysis all of a sudden felt really drained. Pure pain was pulsing through her left hand, she felt fatigue spreading through her body like a disease. Walking to the left side of the circular room, she sat down, leaning somewhat on the wall. Dysis kept her eyes focused upon the hole, waiting for something, anything to happen.
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As the sea of Fledglings flowed through the halls, Kathryn grabbed the fabric on Amelia's shoulders. Similar to the way a mother grasps her defenseless child. The constant waves of girls threatened to tear the two apart, but they managed to somehow stay together. Kathryn kept a firm hold on the blonde girl's dress as Goose was lost from sight. Damn. She thought as she gritted her teeth and tightened her grip on the soft fabric.

The congestion died down with the girls speaking of lunch. A faint growl from Kathryn's stomach told her that it was indeed lunch time. She released her grasp on the other girl's dress, revealing a harsh wrinkle in the fabric. "Oh.. Uh. Sorry about that." She said pointing apologetically to the girl she had just drug behind her. As luck would have it, they did manage to head the right direction. Kathryn turned her gaze to the ruble and debris like bridge in front of them and sighed. This place is more like the slums than I first thought. What the hell is all that about? Her mind wandered a bit before focusing on what the best course to cross would be. "Stay close to me and don't be afraid to grab me if you feel the need to" she said moving toward the debris.

Kathryn moved slowly, and bent over to keep her balance. It was easier than she thought, but still not an easy task. I doubt she is used to crossing things like this. I need to make sure she stays safe. Kathryn thought looking back at the blonde and slowed down a bit more for her to keep up easier. She watched her struggle for a moment before reaching her hand out to help steady her. When the blonde was ready to move again, Kathryn nodded as she released the girl's hand and continued on.

After they crossed the rubble, Kathryn went straight to the door she heard was Goose's and knocked. No answer. Not sure what I expected. She stifled a laugh as she noted the other rooms. She smiled at the locked door and knelt down to it's level. Kathryn quickly removed the lock picks she keeps in her left glove brandishing them proudly. The tumblers swiftly fell into place with short, gentle movements. When the final clicks sounded out she stood up and twisted the door knob, pushing it open.

Kathryn entered the room cautiously, hoping Goose was alone inside. She scanned the room quickly for any hiding places, in case they would be needed. She studied the rooms layout. It was smaller than expected. Goose was lying in the corner, still having a pain filled fit. Kathryn turned to the blonde, saddened by the spectacle. "Play your flute. But softly. I don't know if anyone is nearby." She said peeking back out into the hallway, before closing the door behind them and locking it. That should give as a few moments of defense if any one shows up. Kathryn thought to herself listening both to the girl play and the hallway .
Amelia thought "Ha." with a smile and continued with "It seems Kat really does care for her friends, or team, or whatever. But I'm glad she helped me get up. Anyways time to get playing. Same as last time but softer." Amelia then plaid her flute softly and thought smiling "This should get Goose's attention. Maybe Goose will be able to get up. That's just a little to wishful isn't it. Oh well, worst case we alert someone who wants us dead somehow. Best case Goose manages to tell us she's in there. If she's in there. Just focus on the flute." Amelia continued her song right next to the door.

After finishing Amelia said "I finished. All we can do now is wait. So, I'll just sit down here." Amelia then sat down thinking with a smile "Well it seems I did everything I could. I just wish there was something else for me to do. But anyways I'll just check the surroundings." Amelia looked around and found nothing of use. Laughing at herself, Amelia thought "Well I'm just a big dummy who thinks she can find Something in the big pile of debris." Finishing her self-hating thought, Amelia smiled and thought. "I can't believe how patient Kat is when it comes to helping me. I was worried I would slow her down but, she doesn't seem to mind. Well I guess the family thing wasn't a lie, but man this place is crazy."

Thinking while she waited, Amelia continued smiling "Maybe we can get around this door without a key. Perhaps I can try to unhinge it with my knife. I'll try that if Kat doesn't have any tricks for this. Like lock-picking. This whole place is crazy, even the building is collapsing. I wonder what Robot hand is doing. Why do I keep changing subjects? Well I'll just play the flute again." Amelia then tried playing the flute again and waited.

You wait and watch for a few moments more. Naturally, nothing happens. Nothing was happening before and nothing's happening now and nothing is going to happen. It's disheartening, but what're you gonna do.

As you sit, fatigued and confused, you become keenly aware that a good chunk of the day's gone by and you've yet to have eaten anything. With this mission gone flat, you might as well go back to exploring and trying to get a feel for the way things work around here, and maybe snag some lunch along the way. Not a bad idea. Way better than sitting and staring at a hole all day anyway.

(@Yoruko Katsumi)

The locks are old and easy to manipulate to your will, thanks to you. Goose's quarters are neater than you might've expected, and more secluded than any of the other living spaces you've seen here. She actually has a couch and a chest of drawers, and though they're not the fanciest furnishings, it's more than what occupies the rest of the rooms. It's nice enough, but sort of impersonal. But whatever, you're not here to judge the decor.

You consider the object sitting idle in your pocket and sneak a quick peak while Chickadee plays her flute. A deck of cards. Not as spectacular as you might've imagined. You put it away for now. You ought to try and get Resplendent alone later on and ask her about this.

Goose sleeps, still tense and hovering on the edge of being woken from fitful dreams, but she sleeps. That's probably a good sign at least. She's been set down on her side and there's a coldcloth draped over her neck to help her fever. It's fresh. Flycatcher must still be nearby...

(and @WaffleReaper)

As you play, Goose relaxes unconsciously again. She falls deeper into sleep. You hear a quiet hum of approval, only it's not from the sleeping girl. You jolt in surprise to find Flycatcher sitting there, calm and content as you please. Quiet and still as she is, you didn't even notice her. Oddly enough, she doesn't seem to object to the fact that the two of you just broke in, nor does she protest against you checking on the smaller girl. Unlike her previous companion, Grackle, she's not easily riled.

The flute slips from your fingers in your surprise and rolls across the floor. Flycatcher picks it up and hands it back to you without meeting your gaze, silent as always. She's grateful to have someone here who can calm Goose's fretting, you think. It's hard to say for certain though. She looks at you both with a passive expression, more tolerant than genuinely fond, but not unfriendly. She signs something at you, but doesn't seem to expect you to understand one way or another.

It's pretty clear that you're not going to get any answers out of her, or anything on the vocal side of things, but she at least doesn't object to your presence. You begin to play again and this time Flycatcher nods along to the rhythm from her quiet corner. Goose's condition stabilizes some. She'll sleep for a while yet, but she's not in any immediate danger. Curious, you try to get a look at her back again, thinking of that strange movement you saw before, but Flycatcher makes a low warning noise at you from the back of her throat. Best not to push your luck right now. This girl could toss you over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Flycatcher might tolerate your presence to a point, but you shouldn't overstay your welcome. Now at least you know Goose is being looked after, and she's sleeping sound enough now that there's no need to keep playing. You'd do well to remember the effect it has on her though, and on the other girl for that matter. However it doesn't seem to phase Kestrel, nor had it any power over Nightjar. Does it only calm guides? What kind of sense does that make?

It's afternoon now and between the three of you you've explored the lobby, hallways, stairwell, and you're vaguely aware of the location of the bathing rooms and guides' quarters. There's still a couple places you haven't seen, but if your internal stomach-clock is any indication, now might be the time to seek out the kitchen which, judging by where most of the other fledglings were heading, is somewhere at the end of the left hallway.

You've also heard through the grapevine that there's something like a library around this hall here, which is where Grackle would've gotten that book she had. If anyplace were going to have information, it'd be a library. Libraries have all the answers, as long as the question is something like "where can I find this book?" or "where can I take things without paying and no one getting mad at me?" Good old libraries.
(Hmmm, I sensed a bit of anger in that first paragraph)

As nothing happens, Dysis grows restless. Waiting a bit longer, nothing happens still. As this continues for quite a bit of time, she begins to loose faith in finding the guide. It's not like she could do anything about it anyway.

As Dysis sits, fatigue eating away at a bit more than a lifeless corpses, she is certain that time has gone by. Yet how much? She was hungry and in a tad bit of pain, all making her numb mind shut down even more or so. Slowly, standing with the support of the curved wall, a voice is telling her to go back. Get something to eat, rest, just forget this ever happened. Glaring at the unseen and giving a frown, Dysis silence her conscious, or what was anyway. She wouldn't back down from a challenge no matter the difficulty. Though determined, Dysis needed food, rest, and something to clean the wound on her hand. Slowly making her way out of the room and to the door, she pauses. Dysis thought a she herd something, quickly turning, maybe a bit too fast, she caught the wall to support her now dizzy self. Yet as the world was spinning as a top, she could have swore some sort of movement was seen in the room.

Righting herself, Dysis quickly went though it once more. Nothing. Whatever it was, was toying with her now. Playing as would a cat with a mouse. Now, Dysis wanted out. Making her way out the door and down the hall, the previous fear now growing.

As she turned down another unfamiliar hall, she stifled a groan. Dysis had no idea how vast the place really was. Well she learned the hard way. Getting lost in a building where...strange things were afoot isn't that pleasant. Wanting to find someone, anyone really, Dysis wearily picked up the pace.

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Amelia looked at the library and thought with a smile "After Goose is okay I'll take a look. Who knows, Maybe I'll find a book on knife use, or maybe a new song for my flute. I'll stick with Goose for now. In fact I should probably tell Kat that. After all, we are a good team." Amelia looked at Kat and said "Hey Kestrel, I'm going to stay here for a while. Maybe you should go and take a look at the library."

Amelia thought while she was smiling "I can't wait to work with these guys. There might not be many of us, but we seem to work well with each other. We don't know who that robot handed girl is but, she seems to be nice. After all, she came here with us, and followed us to find Goose. I'm going to do what ever it takes to keep up with these guys. After all, I don't exactly have the best skill set."

Amelia then saw Goose fidgeting so she started playing the flute. Amelia then thought "I need to stop beating myself up. Besides, their my friends. Well, sort of. But still, I enjoy the things we've done so far. So I don't have to worry. I'll just stay here for a while. Everyone else can go do their own thing for a while. So I can just stay here. That means the others can go eat or something." Amelia decided to stay with Goose.
As Kathryn laid eyes on Flycatcher, her whole body tensed. Is this guide going to stop us too? No. It appeared she was merely looking after Goose. Chickadee's music played out and echoed in the room. It was pretty that's for sure. But wasn't exactly Kathryn's style. Perhaps she just grew accustomed to the loud music of the slums is all. Whatever her excuse was, she still liked the sweet melody. But when the guides listen, they seem to just stop and freeze. What the hell is that about? She thought starring at Flycatcher. She was bigger than Kathryn, and most likely stronger too. Gulping back her unease, she assessed the situation. Everyone was occupied. Now is my chance to see what Resplendent gave me... Kathryn angled her body slightly so she could retrieve the item without notice. What?! She thought stifling both a yell and a laugh. A deck of cards? Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? She quickly stuffed the cards back into her glove's pocket with a quite sigh of disappointment.

Out of the blue, Chickadee volunteered to stay with the guides for a while. Well she does seem to have this under control here. How the hell does simple music have that effect on them? It just doesn't make sense. Liking music is one thing but this is.. Like a trance? Kathryn thought to herself clenching her fists then relaxing them slightly. A trance? IS that what was happening? Who knows at this point. "Okay I think i will go do some exploring on my own then. Be careful Chick." She said turning to leave as a pang hit her stomach. She realized she still hadn't eaten and turned back to the blonde girl. "You must be hungry too. Hang on a sec." Kathryn said pulling out her pouch. She dug through it quickly to pull out a few strips of her dried beef. Sighing she reached her hand to Chickadee, bearing the gift before speaking. "If you are staying for a while, you are going to need something to hold you over. Be careful. okay?" I don't think this girl knows what she is getting into.. But.. I guess I don't either. She sighed at the realization. "I will meet up with you later then." Kathryn said as a final farewell before speedily turning and exiting the room.

Ignoring the library for now, Kathryn had more important things on her mind. I better find that other girl. What was her name? I must have forgotten to ask. Oh well. I need to find Resplendent too. What the hell is up with the cards? She gritted her teeth as she climbed back across the debris she had passed before, still deep in her own thoughts. Not sure who to go after first, Kathryn sighed and sat on the last bit of debris. After confirming she was alone, she pulled the cards out one last time to have a bit of a closer look. Just a deck of cards huh? Oh well. Kathryn laughed as she put them away. "What the hell is up with this place?" She asked the air around her rhetorically.

After contemplating a bit, Kathryn stood back up. "I suppose that I should find the girl who tried to help us and see if she is okay." She cleared the last of the debris while talking to herself. Recalling where to go, her stomach growled again. Why did i give her some of my rations? I have never done that before. She thought smacking the back of her hand against the hall's wall. Only look out for number one. That's my rule. My only rule and i just broke it! Twice even! Now I am going to break it again by finding whats-her-face.. Kathryn sighed deep in thought, rubbing the back of her hand. Am.. Am I going... Soft? This new thought terrified her. Was it true? Was this place changing her, even from the short time she spent here? Kathryn shook her head vigorously to clear her mind. She vowed on her mother's corpse that bastard would pay and she fully intended on delivering. But right now she had to focus on finding that girl.

Rounding the corner that lead back to the lobby from earlier her heart raced a bit. Not sure why, Kathryn pressed on, Looking for the older girl.
@StoneWolf18 ((no no just teasing i swear!))

As you go along, you notice a small group of fledglings heading down the left hallway, heading to lunch. You follow them to a door not far from the room you and the others were bunking in. A certain sight gives you pause. The metal door crudely labeled "kitchen" is ajar, propped open by a series of tubes that lead out the back exit and into the lot behind the building. They are ice cold to the touch, as is the door. You open the door to find it partially obstructed by rows of coolers and turned over refrigerators, to which the tubes are connected. They don't block your path much.

You've missed most of the rush, for better or for worse. The group you saw earlier is raiding what's left of the lunch provisions, and a few others are idling in the corner. Other than the toppled ones, there is a huge walk-in fridge installed here, plus a whole slew of other restaurant grade fixings. They're not exactly new, but they're a lot nicer than you might've expected of this place. There's no proper dining room or anything like that, so people either here or take their food with them.

There's a girl, older than the rest of the rabble, wearing a dirty apron and digging into a sandwich. She's very pretty, even with sauce on her face and fingers. It's a hopeful thing, in a strange way, like proof that it's possible for a person to thrive here.

The walk-in is locked with a heavy combination lock, too sturdy to be picked. But the other fridges, once you get past the eerie chemical cool of the pipes that keep their contents fresh, are well stocked. They have to be, presuming this one kitchen feeds the whole Nest. It looks to be mostly coldcuts wrapped in wax paper. Like, seriously ninety percent assorted meats. Tough luck for vegetarians. There are some fruits and veggies too of course, plus some bread, cereal, and canned goods in the cabinets above the oven.

The sink, unlike the in the bathrooms, has not be uprooted, but it's also not running. The water's been shut off for now. There's juice in the fridge though. An empty water bottle refilled with cranberry juice stands out, bright red against the pastel icebox. There's a tray of pulled pork sandwiches balanced on one of the coolers. It's nearly picked clean.

"Early bird gets the worm," the aproned girl muses aloud. She smiles like she just told an inside joke. "You'll like dinner better, trust me. I swap chores with-" She snaps her fingers, trying to get the name. "Sugarbird. She cooks good. Better than me. For now, you take what you get."


Now it's just you, Flycatcher, and Goose. Not the best company by any estimate, but you take what you can get. Goose sleeps soundly, knees pulled up and chin tucked in tight. Kestrel's rations will hold you for now.

Time stretches on. You busy yourself with your flute or poking around Goose's few belongings. It's not as interesting as you hoped. Somewhere along the line, Flycatcher takes pity on you, or maybe she's just as bored as you are. Not likely though. She's doing that thing again where she goes still and even more silent than before, if that's even possible, blending in with the background in some meditative state. This is mildly surprising. Flycatcher gives off more of a softball or field hockey vibe than a meditation and yoga vibe. Not that you, or anyone here for that matter, has any room to judge about deceiving appearances.

She signals you with a tap on the shoulder and starts to sign at you. She must know you can't understand her, but that doesn't stop her. She repeats the same sequence a few times, slowly and carefully. She never meets your eyes, but you get it. She's trying to teach you.

@Yoruko Katsumi

You take this opportunity to check out those cards. At first glance it does look like an ordinary deck. At second glance too. But as you flip through it you start to notice something. First of all, not all of these cards are playing cards. There are the normal numbers and suits that might show up at someone's poker night, but some are missing and have been replaced with other cards, stranger cards.

Some have drawings of people, not dissimilar to the kings and queens on the playing cards. Some have animals, moons, swords, stars, all kinds of things. There's no pattern or set mold. There are even some old expired coupons and scrap construction paper jammed in here. The only trend you can see is that each card is covered, front and back, with names. Names in the Nest sense at least. Otherwise nonsensical words scrawled up and down with sharpie pen. You recognize some of them from the naming, though not your own. It'd take you forever to look through them, never mind try to work out whatever bizarre sorting system is in place here.

You pick a card at random and it's one of those weirder ones. It has a renaissance looking drawing on it of a young man holding up a star in his open palms. His face and most of his body is obscured by the writing. By chance, Goose's name is one of the ones on here. You brush a thumb over the writing and you feel something jolt through you, like a tiny pulse of electricity, just short of a shock. You quickly put the deck away.

You put that little... event, out of your mind while you search for the third to the bizarre, newly-acquired trio that you're apparently a part of. She's not down the middle hallway where you left her, though you do get to check out the stairwell for a quick moment. You can now either go looking for her in the left hallway, all of which is known to you but the kitchen at the end of the hall, or back to the right hallway to look around the other rooms and the library.
As Kathryn shuffled through the cards, they just seemed weirder and weirder. What is this? Scribbles? Coupons? Construction paper? Whats with all this random crap in here? She sighed taking a break from her thoughts, and decided to sit down in the lobby. Kathryn crouched and made herself as comfortable as she could be in this situation. Hesitating slightly, she picked the cards back up, looking closer at the scribbles randomly on all the cards. What the? Wait. Are these... Names? Thumbing through the cards, her suspicions confirmed.

Kathryn paused on the card holding Goose's name. Why do I have these? She thought, growing even more unsure of the situation. Kathryn touched the name slowly. Her thumb stung as if she was just stung and shivers ran down her spine. A gasp escaped her lips as she forced the cards away into the pocket. "What the hell was that?" Kathryn said shocked and admittedly shaky. She stared at her hand, trying to make sense of what just happened. Kathryn looked around the empty room forcing herself to focus on something, anything else.

After sitting for a while, a sound echoed in the room. Kathryn's stomach was at it again. Giving in she fished out one of the few remaining beef strips and gnawed on it. The taste of food brought her back to Earth. She let out a groan, not wanting to move, but forced herself off the ground. She felt a bit heavier than usual. Was it from the cards? She refused to think about that. Gulping the rest of the snack down, Kathryn looked around the room one last time. I don't see that girl anywhere. Maybe she got held up with the other guide? I'm sure she's fine. I need answers of my own now. I have to find this Resplendent girl. Kathryn gulped down her frustrations and nerves before turning back towards the hall she just was down. "Maybe she is in the library?" The words fell on empty air, yet comforted her somehow.

Braving the ruble bridge once more, Kathryn climbed steadily to conserve energy. Once across, she silently crept passed Goose's, and the other rooms so as not to disturb the poor guide. I should probably check on Chickadee after i have a quick peek in the library. Hope she is okay... She thought silently as she approached the door. Kathryn braced herself with a deep breath for whatever may lay on the other side.

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