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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

One of the crows lands beside autumn and begins to peck at her face gently. the others circle the school each finding a different targets and begin watching them.
Autumn gives a soft whine and curls her head in her arms, her antlers point towards it lightly.

Haru currently on the roof tops, deep in thought before getting out her flute and playing it.
A crow lands beside Haru and caws while the one by Autumn jumps on one of her antlers and looks around hooping to find something worth fighting for Vallen. Vallen meanwhile eats a piece of blackend jerky on a bench.
Haru playing the flute, has a katana on her back, her ears flicker as she hears the crow.

Autumn flows faintly as some tree vines come down and lash at the crow on her antlers.
The crow dodges and flies up cawing at the tree relaying a message of peace. The crow by Haru caws and pecks at haru's leg.
Autumn slowly starts to wake, still quite tired. "Hm... W-Wha...?" she said softly while looking confused as she rubs her eye, her deer ears flicker gently as she looks up at the crow.

Haru playing her flute, ignoring the crow at the moment since she had started playing her flute before it had come.
Vallen finishes his jerky and coils smoke around his feet beofre jumping high into the air onto the school roof and hears the flute music and sees Haru palying
Haru playing her flute, her ear flickers and she stops, looking towards Vallen, her eyes narrow before she vanishes in a blur, wind chimes sound softly as she vanishes.
"Interesting" Vallen says the coils of smoke keeping him aloft. He lets out a low whistle that can be heard throughout the campus and the Crows split into multitudes before flying off. The crow by Autumn remains perched on her antlers cawing softly hoping the girl would wake up soon.
Autumn slowly starts to wake, she yawns softly and covers her mouth with her small fist as she stretches out. Her deer ears flicker slightly as she blinks away her sleepiness before noticing the crow.
The crow caws and drops to the ground before a letter materializes from its back and it scoots toward Autumn to take it.
StarKeeper said:
The crow caws and drops to the ground before a letter materializes from its back and it scoots toward Autumn to take it.
Autumn blinks and tilts her head as she slowly reaches forward to pick up the letter as she also strokes the crow's feathers lightly.
The letter made of ashy paper reads "Hello if you're reading this a crow has sensed some form of power within you. I am Vallen Knight a new student at this academy if you are interested in showing your power in a fight or if you wish to have a new friend write your name on this paper and hand it back to the crow" a pen pops out of the crows back with a caw.
Autumn blinks in surprise, tilts her head as she reads over the paper and seems to be thinking for a moment, twirling the pen with a vine, still leaning forward to stroke the crow.
[QUOTE="Aura Of Twilight]Lana blinked, only managing to catch a bit of what the young man (Cecilio, her mind told her) said.
"Why would I be attacking you?" He asked, brow arched. His posture had changed slightly, not quite as friendly (?) as before. What had she said wrong to cause him to behave differently? She tried to remember why with no success.

She smiled that fake smile of hers, running a hand through her light brown hair. "Weeeelll, according to some of the books I've read in the past and what I've been told growing up, most beings of darkness are believed to be mindless monsters who feast on chaos and human flesh. You don't seem to be like that however. How particular." Lana replied. "I'm glad we will not have to fight here."

The young woman looked around. "Speaking of school, are you a student here?" She found herself biting her tongue before she almost added, "Or a servant?"

"Well i'm not mindless nor am i a ravenous creature of burden or sin" He smiled, his two sharps fangs showing through his pearly white teeth as he combed his hair out of his face. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave a look of curiosity to the girl, her behavior was odd, charming almost but still not sticking to the norm with how blunt ad straight to it she was.

"I'm glad we'll not be fighting, i'm not one to partake in violence or acts of physicality with people im not close with" He offered a friendly giggle and gave himself a once over before he cocked his head to the side " You could say i'm a student i guess. headmistress was kind enough to let me stay here under those terms" He brought his hand to the back of his neck and gave himself a soft scratch, the sound that followed was the sound of stone rubbing against stone. His expressionn changing to a very embarrassed one indeed.
Autumn smiles a tiny bit as she notices the crow likes the touch and frown as she looks at the pen before picking it up, writing in the dirt with a vine. "I'm not much of a fighter..." she wrote since she's mute.
In response the letters glow red softly displaying "or need a friend" the crow nods spouting in a shrill voice "FRRIIENND"
Dark Isabel is rejected the moment she ends up in the infirmary. She ends up back in the shadows of the courtyard. "She's too powerful.... my power and hers feel like magnets repeling each other. I need to expell some power before I approach her... but how?" Dark Isabel was talking to herself. Her red eyes glowed in the shadows as she twirled her white hair. Thinking about the girl trapped in ice in the infirmary. "A host... I can find someone worthy of my power to take. To host me in them long enough for me to expell enough power to get near that girl."

Witch Isabella feels something in the shadows and the infirmary. She whispers to herself. "Is that what I'm looking for?"
Autumn winces and covers her ears, shrinking away from the shrill sound, looks a bit in pain before writing. "Okay, I get it.. but... I don't even know what he looks like..."

Lucy teleports back with Dark Isabel. "W-What happened?"
"I was rejected." Dark Isabel sighs. "I do have my memories back now since I came close to it. The only person I know whom can fix this in one spell would be Witch Isabella but she's stuck in the forest."
Vallen continues to float aimlessly above the campus and sneezes. reading a book allowing his human form to slip slightly revealing ashy wood lightly burning where his flesh used to be.
Lucy bites her lip. "If Sebby was okay he could go find her... But he's hurt pretty bad from the fire that burned his forest and from trying to help you guys..."


Autumn slightly jumps back from the crow/smaller version of Vallen as she sees the smoke and ash, looking a bit scared.

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