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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Taykillz said:
Tyler sighed, these people could be his only way out. "hello?" he asked in the direction he had heard someone talking. He started walking in that direction. Suddenly he tripped on a rock on the floor, hitting some undergrowth. "ouch..." he mumbled to himself, getting up.
(cough cough. @Soul OMU )
Lucy watching him. "...who are you?"
@Soul OMU

"huh? oh, i'm Tyler. you?" Tyler replied to Lucy, happy he wasn't going insane, and he might find a way out of the forest without giving his secret away.
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Duwang said:
(Sorry for the late response, I had some last minute paperwork to do)
"O-oh... um... hi" Tien turned to Cosme, waving weakly at her. "Um... you don't happen to h-have a broom would you?" he asked nervously.
(Thats fine ^^)

"Well.. In fact I do," Cozme replied holding up an old broom. "As well as some other things that could help."
She rolls her eyes, but ignores his statement on her sense of humor."We are walking the same way, if I'm right - which I usually am."
Sabrina became annoyed with the machine and pulled the cords out of her arm "I will fix this" she said to herself as she stormed out of the Infirmary not listening to the shouting of the nurse there. She didn't know where to start other then the small amount of the reawakening potion she planned on brewing but that required the DNA of the person that nullified her magic and that person vanished from the grounds. "Looks like I'm leaving for a bit" se said to herself before progressing to the forest and then ran in 'I will find you Lucy just don't be hurt when I do find you it would only b more sad' she said in her mind as she ran amongst the brush.
"Yeah says the person whom thought beating a girl with words will help her see in your point of view." Grimm keeps walking. Occasinally waving at students. "Speaking of her, where is she?"
Taykillz said:
@Soul OMU
"huh? oh, i'm Tyler. you?" Tyler replied to Lucy, happy he wasn't going insane, and he might find a way out of the forest without giving his secret away.
Lucy watching him carefully. "I'm Lucy..."
"I'm not here to keep constant watch over Isabella, Grimm," She says sternly, not a single ounce of doubt in her voice. "I'm sure she can take care of herself." On the other hand, Layla waves to no one, doesn't make any eye contact with any of the students, her red eyes bright, steely and unwelcoming.
"Aaawwww come on. Turn that frown upside down." Grimm teases.

Isabel holds her head. Feeling dizzy.
(Simi is still with Isabella, right?)

A sharp look is her only reply, her frown deepening, if anything. She runs her hands through her nearly impractically long silver hair, sighing. "Have I made a mistake? Bringing the Charonte girl here? Should I have let her rot in a prison like she should've?"

Isabel starts to stagger.

"Who knows. We'll only find out if it was a good choice or not later. All we can do now is set her in the right direction and hope for the best." Grimm turns around and gives Layla his back. "Or you could jail her.... or maybe I could have a turn. My wolves do get hungry." His voice drops from happy to sadistic.
Layla scowls, the slight bare of her sharp canines an unsaid warning. "Grimm, you should learn to hold your tongue." Her voice is empty of the teasing tone and now is cold authority, the underlying order not lost on either of them.


Simi looks in concern to Isabella, putting her hand on Isabella's shoulder. "Isabella? Are you okay?"
The moment Simi touches her shoulder. She sees a castle sitting ontop an island. All around it a volley of violent waves which seemed to be Isabels mana kept smashing into the island. The sea was purple and the skies were red. The clouds generating the rain, thunder, and lightning were blue. The island and the castle seemed to be under attack from the violent storm. (Island is her body. Castle is her mind.)

Grimm turns around and stares into Layla's eyes. As if this staring contest decided whom the victor was. His hand slowly went towards his back pocket.
Sabrina must had taken wrong turns for now she was lost in the middle of the woods this couldn't have been any better for her that's when she felt drops of rain which meant even more ran. "Great just great this is just fantastic" she said and she slumped on a long where could her objective be how big was this forest even. His was jut like being lost in the hedge maze confusing and tiring but when she got lost and tired last time the garden led her to her.
Rin was walking through the woods, not really sure where he was. Lucy had run off away from him and he now stood next to a large oak, walking around in circles trying to find his way back. This forest was colossal, anyone would get lost in here. "Wow, great. You managed to get lost twice today." He muttred and kicked the grass lightly. There was litteraly no path back, no clue on where he could find the school. So instead of continuing to walk, there was a risk for him to end up even more lost, he sighed heavily and laid down on his back in the soft grass while watching the blue sky.
@Soul OMU

"do you know a way out of this forest? i've been lost for hours..." Tyler asked, hoping she knew a way out, or he was stuck here.
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Lucy watching him closely. "Yes... Come." She said as she made her way back to Rin and nodding at him. "Come on Rin, let's fo." She said as she kept walking, but slowing down for them as she eventually found Sabrina.
Tyler let a sigh of releif and followed Lucy, happy he would find a way out. he kept up with her, not wanting to fall behind and get lost again.
Rin sat up from the ground. "There you are" He said with a little smile as he saw Lucy followed by an unknown guy. As he stood up from the ground he also noticed some other unknown girl, probably also lost like many others seemed to be.
"Strange, this place is nothing like what i pictured when they brought me here" Cecilio thought to himself as he wandered the halls of the Nigh Dale academy, Headmistress had been nice enough and kind enough to accept him in to this safe haven for the odd and supernatural even though he wasn't technically a teen; He missed his home in Tuscany so, he missed the smell of the country side an the the sounds of birds in the mid summer afternoons. This school was gloomy to put it lightly and the students here only added to this atmosphere in his mind. Still he tried to remain as friendly and warm as always, even if most though it was creepy of him to be this way. The young man wore his wings around his shoulders like he would a cloak. He shivered slightly as a cold breeze past though him, man was this place on the chilly side for him. He stopped, eyebrows twitching as another passing student caught his attention, maybe he could find out more about this school from them.
Silently walking in the school, Lana took a look at her surroundings, dragging a small suit case behind with one of her arms. The hall way was well lit, fancy chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and giving the area a welcoming glow. The floor was spotless, consisting of black and white titles that reflected everything around. On the walls hung numerous paintings of various scenes, creatures, and moments of history. One that caught her eye in particular was a detailed depiction of some warlock summoning what looked like a demon, his arms raised high as magic snaked around a blood red circle containing the creature. Another painting showed a knight (perhaps King Arthur?) ducked behind a rock in order to escape a raging dragon's flames.

How...interesting. Lana thought. I wonder where the students are. The place was quiet as a tomb.
The moment Sabrina saw Lucy she bolted towards the girl as fast as possible with precise movements she avoided trees and leaped of branches and fallen logs to reach her goal. The minute she was in reach she jumped at the girl and happily shouted "LUCY" as she knocked her to the ground in one swift movement.
"HIEEEEE" she said with extra pip in her step then remembered her vanishing act and put on the grumpiest face she could without laughing "If you ever vanish like that again will be super angry" she then got of off the girl forgetting the reason she had tracked her down in the first place but she was certainly trying to remind herself. She the saw the strange boy and go up super close only an couple inches of space was between them "I don't know you tough" she said in her usual cheery voice as she tottered from side to side in a childlike way. @Peachypants
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