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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Naoki's tail swayed in front of the males sleeping form, unaware of his presence. He himself started to fall asleep because of the quiet, his lids getting heavy as he looked up at the sky through gaps in the limbs.
Light said:
Isabel starts to loose consciousness from the pain. "Ren." She groans.
Grimm looks at the paper and smiles. "You can't stay at this school protected forever and being alone in the human world at times like these is quite dangerous. So yes, teammates. You could be with your boyfriend or girlfriend or have an outing like most of you did previously. You all did horribly. None of you know how to take care of each other or work as a team. Most of you can barely feed yourselfs. So if you don't want to protect them and call my bluff. Go ahead, I can watch this all day." Grimm sits down and kicks his feet up on his desk.
TheGodSnake said:
Nick somehow manages to see a few coming his way, and after getting hit a few times creates a sort of blizzard, creating snow and making it spin at high speeds. He detects where it melts and makes some small droplets freeze. Allowing him to detect Haru. Once he was able to detect her, he creates a large spear using a spartan disarming attack where he thought Haru's sword hand would be, if it worked, Haru would lose her sword.
Ren looks annoyed and starts looking for the damn pieces of cheese while writing. "I'm never going to have a significant other because I'll end up killing them myself." she had written and underlined it.


Haru manages to bring her sword up to split the spear, cutting through it. She grits her teeth slightly as she quickly vanishes again and shows throwing stars at him.
Nick manages to dodge the shuriken and catch them behind him with The ice shields. Trying to focus in his Ice storm, he searches for Haru before deciding to try something new. He collects ice around him, making himself grow in size, with spikes and such sticking out of him, he makes all the snow around him melt and instantly referee, catching Haru in an Ice cocoon. "Wow, this feels awesome" he says laughing a bit, now around eight feet tall and covered in sharp ice spikes.

(Tht ok with you? It won't last long)
Niore walked into Health class, knowing he was late. That was Nana's fault. He looked around the class with a confused expression.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](Yeah.)
Haru growls as she starts to turn into her fox demon form, breaking out of the ice cocoon.

Nick smiled and chuckled lightly, "well that's no fun," suddenly there were sharp needles of ice surrounding Haru, and two large pieces of ice were frozen to her, lifting her in the air.
Naoki drifted to sleep for only a few seconds before he started to fall off of the branch. He caught himself with his arms and pulled his legs back up, wrapping them around the branch and twisting back on top. A sigh of relief escaped him and he looked down, finally noticing the presence of another person. Naoki nearly jumped up the tree, but stopped himself when he noticed the guy was sleeping. Instead, he stood and crept farther down the branch in an attempt to sneak off of it. Frankly, that was easier thought than done. Naoki ended up getting his foot caught and twisted in between two entangled limbs, and was slung so that he was hanging from them. He huffed and tried to reach up to grab the limb, but would miss every time. Dang it. The more he tried, the farther away he got from reaching the limbs.
TheGodSnake said:
Nick smiled and chuckled lightly, "well that's no fun," suddenly there were sharp needles of ice surrounding Haru, and two large pieces of ice were frozen to her, lifting her in the air.
Asphyxiated said:
Naoki drifted to sleep for only a few seconds before he started to fall off of the branch. He caught himself with his arms and pulled his legs back up, wrapping them around the branch and twisting back on top. A sigh of relief escaped him and he looked down, finally noticing the presence of another person. Naoki nearly jumped up the tree, but stopped himself when he noticed the guy was sleeping. Instead, he stood and crept farther down the branch in an attempt to sneak off of it. Frankly, that was easier thought than done. Naoki ended up getting his foot caught and twisted in between two entangled limbs, and was slung so that he was hanging from them. He huffed and tried to reach up to grab the limb, but would miss every time. Dang it. The more he tried, the farther away he got from reaching the limbs.
Haru snarls as her tails lash around and slash at him, her eyes are dark and full of anger.


Angelo slowly starts to wake and yawns, hearing something above him, he glances up and blinks at the sight before him. "..."
Naoki froze mid-reach and stared at him, his ears standing straight up. What he was thinking was unreadable as it was absent from his expression. After a moment, he continued to try and reach. Eventually, he was able to grab hold of his ankle and pull himself up. He yanked his foot from the shoe, sending himself hitting the ground. Naoki sat up, his shoe falling from the tree and smacking against his head before landing on the ground.
Haru's lashing out causes a number of the needles to pierce the skin of her tail, "you might as well give Haru, I've got you covered" he said kindly, he didn't realize that he had unintentional Enraged his friend, and thought it was still a friendly competition. @Soul OMU
Asphyxiated said:
Naoki froze mid-reach and stared at him, his ears standing straight up. What he was thinking was unreadable as it was absent from his expression. After a moment, he continued to try and reach. Eventually, he was able to grab hold of his ankle and pull himself up. He yanked his foot from the shoe, sending himself hitting the ground. Naoki sat up, his shoe falling from the tree and smacking against his head before landing on the ground.
TheGodSnake said:
Haru's lashing out causes a number of the needles to pierce the skin of her tail, "you might as well give Haru, I've got you covered" he said kindly, he didn't realize that he had unintentional Enraged his friend, and thought it was still a friendly competition. @Soul OMU
Angelo looking at him blankly and sighs a bit before shaking his head lightly, not saying word since he thought he had seen this kid before but obviously this wasn't the same kid he was thinking of that had come and bothered Sebastian.


Haru shifts back before narrowing her eyes and vanishing away, tuffs of fur and blood sticking to the needles.
Naoki rubbed his head before remembering the guy was there. He stared at him as he grabbed the shoe and put it on his foot. Quietly, he stood and backed away, still staring at the stranger before attempting to slip away. Only a few feet away from the tree, he started to turn to run, but ended up face-planting into the dirt when he tripped over his own tail. Naoki stood back up and continued to walk as if nothing happened, patting the dirt from his clothes.
Naoki rubs the shoe print from his tail as he walked, ignoring the pain coming from it. However, he could only take so much at once. He sat on the paved cement near the buildings and held his ankle. A large bruise had formed beneath the pale skin around his foot and he sighed. "Geez.." He rubbed around the area lightly, easing the pain a bit before folding his pants leg down over it. Where is he? He questioned mentally and rolled his foot around in the air. It probably wouldn't help the injury itself, but it helped with the stinging. Naoki stood back up and slightly limped whilst he walked into the building in search of his brother again.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Haru shifts back before narrowing her eyes and vanishing away, tuffs of fur and blood sticking to the needles.

Nick returned to his norml side and the Ice formations all disappeared as Haru disappeared, at first he wasnt sure if another attack was imminent, but realized that she was hurt and angry. "I hope I did well," He said to Alez before running off to look for Haru.
Stopping just in front of the entrance to the academy, a young woman was looking up at the building with both curiosity and apprehension, the blue eyes usually hidden beneath her coat matching the hue of the cloudless sky above, visible. So this is the school I'm supposed to stay at huh? The young woman, Cordelia, wondered, looking back in her at what exactly led her here. She had been living in a group home for troubled mundane youths, thought to be suffering from mental delusions and possibly insane, all because of her ability to see and communicate ghosts had become a problem with her foster parents.

For as long as she could remember, the young woman had been able to see ghosts, but it wasn't until a little past her 16th birthday that her gift had truly become a issue. It had seemed to be a normal day as ever, until she had found a dead bird outside and, well, accidentally raised it, in turn causing her to temporarily lose her wits. She then spent months in that group home, but as more powers revealed themselves against her will and things got worse, at the last second Cordelia was saved by a man claiming to work for a woman named Elizabeth, the principal of a school for supernaturals. As anyone would be, the blue haired youth was at first skeptical, but after listening to the man's words, she couldn't help but be a bit hopeful, and eventually caved in.

Now that she had arrived at the school she had heard so much about, Cordelia was a little nervous. Would people look at her with eyes filled with scorn and disgust once they realized what she could do? Would she even be accepted? Thoughts such as these raced through her mind. After a few minutes however, she walked into the school, placing the hood over her eyes.

Now all she had to do with find this woman named Elizabeth...
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Ren looks annoyed and starts looking for the damn pieces of cheese while writing. "I'm never going to have a significant other because I'll end up killing them myself." she had written and underlined it.

Haru manages to bring her sword up to split the spear, cutting through it. She grits her teeth slightly as she quickly vanishes again and shows throwing stars at him.

"There in the bowls." He says as if this were a game show. He taps into her mind and starts to speak to her telepathically. "All right then. You'll get what you wished for."

Isabel stops breathing a goes limp. Her eyes not moving and her skin growing cold. The ice around her body stops glowing and seems like normal ice now. Her heart has stopped beating.

"Am I santa or what?" Grimm smirks. "Oh don't worry I think I'm the only one who caught on to your little fancy for her."
Niore, who had stepped into health class earlier, turned on his heel and walked back out without a second glance. "Nope."
ChubbyPenguin said:
Niore, who had stepped into health class earlier, turned on his heel and walked back out without a second glance. "Nope."
Grimm smiles. "Yup." Niore is floated over to his seat and chained down to it. The doorway turns into a portal. "If anyone else wants to leave be my guest but you'll be sent to some random place in the universe."
With a sigh, Cordelia started wandering the hallways, hoping that she would be able to run into someone who could show her where the principal's office was. Oh how she hated talking to people.
Niore sat still beneath the chains, letting only a huff out. His expression was the same serious mold as it always was, even as he looked around at the events in the room. A silver spike ran between his lips from a tongue piercing he was playing with boredly.

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