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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Autumn lays down, taking deep breaths, shakes lightly as the willow tree quickly wraps its branches around her gently as the grass grows longer to make her more comfortable, some moon flowers grow as well.
Autumn bleeding slowly because she hasn't taken the stick out, taking deep breaths as she shakes lightly, pain from the stick numbing the pain she feels right now. Her crow caws as it flies down and lands in front of her face. Autumn looks at it weakly. "..." she writes down. "...Pretty bird..."
the crow releases a burst of green fire int autumn's mouth sending a wave of healing energy into the girl. the fire hits the ash clone and it flies back into valen knocking him over.
Autumn closes her eyes tiredly, laying on her side, just wants to close her eyes and fall into the darkness but knows she can't since she can feel her body reacting to the fire. She whined softly but didn't say a word, she wanted to tell the bird how pretty it was but she couldn't make the words.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Ren sighs softly. "I don't think that's possible since everyone is already paired up... and your not horrible... it wasn't your fault... you couldn't control what happened..." she said softly while turning Isabel's face back to her.

Isabel shakes her head and frowns. Tears start to roll down her cheek. "There was this girl. I think she likes Vallen and she saw. I feel horrible about it. I'm freaking out now because when I look back in my memory. Vallen actually was going along with it."
Vallen screams as the bird breaths more fire. Just as Autumn changed the ash crow her influence change vallen granting him a new power, a painful process to say the least. As he screams he catches glimpses of Autumn bleeding as the healing fire encompasses her.
Light said:
Isabel shakes her head and frowns. Tears start to roll down her cheek. "There was this girl. I think she likes Vallen and she saw. I feel horrible about it. I'm freaking out now because when I look back in my memory. Vallen actually was going along with it."
Ren lightly rests Isabel's head on her lap. "It's not your fault... you didn't know that you'd have... a strong connection with this guy... "she muttered while stroking her hair.


StarKeeper said:
Vallen screams as the bird breaths more fire. Just as Autumn changed the ash crow her influence change vallen granting him a new power, a painful process to say the least. As he screams he catches glimpses of Autumn bleeding as the healing fire encompasses her.
Autumn closes her eyes, doesn't move as she passes out from the wound, being surrounded by a green glow, the forest leaning towards her.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Ren lightly rests Isabel's head on her lap. "It's not your fault... you didn't know that you'd have... a strong connection with this guy... "she muttered while stroking her hair.

Autumn closes her eyes, doesn't move as she passes out from the wound, being surrounded by a green glow, the forest leaning towards her.

Isabel lightly cries in her lap.
Vallen passes out and a smoke golem carries him to the infirmary as he shifts to his human form. (Going to work soon so talk later)
StarKeeper said:
Vallen passes out and a smoke golem carries him to the infirmary as he shifts to his human form. (Going to work soon so talk later)

Autumn resting as the forest takes care of her. A nymph steps out of the willow tree and sits beside her, stroking her hair lightly. "...Love is a tough thing... especially for someone so young and broken... You do have people who care about you..." she said softly as she takes out the stick carefully as she heals.


(And I will!)
"Goodnight I guess." Ryuu smiled and turned to go into his room. He twisted the knob and peeked in to see if his roommate was asleep so he wouldn't wake him up by stepping in, but he was still no where to be seen. He went inside and hopped on his bed, twisting into the blankets.
As the sun began to rise, Many students were still in their beds since they either had been up late last night or still haven't adjusted to the time schedule. But whatever it was, the headmistress made sure that they would be up on time since there were alarms in the school. She was currently making her way to her class room since she taught the older students combat while her fellow teacher, Natayla taught the younger students. She was also aware of the attractions floating around and planned to make sure some of them were separated. She walked down the hall, tall and proud, despite being younger then Layla and Grimm, she was still determined to prove she knew what she was doing and she did. She had been informed about the hunters and the students who had been involved outside the school. She planned to give them warnings for now since one of the students had been injured in the attack. She planned to tell all the students that going off grounds unless for field trips or during break was off limits since the hunters would be watching for anymore supernaturals because of their slip up.


Ren had fallen asleep sitting up since Isabel's head had been on her lap, she thought that they had something but she was wrong since she seemed to have a stronger connection with a guy she just met. She sighed and got up as she made her way to the bathroom and started to undress.... Once her bath was done, she set to work getting dressed and ready for the day, putting her headphones in as she went about her morning routine.


Lucy hadn't slept much last night, which resulted in dark circles around her regular light red eyes. She sighed as she got ready, changing her clothes before heading out of her dorm room before her roommate woke up and made her way to the cafeteria to have some breakfast before everyone else woke.


Sebastian and Alezander were currently talking and on their way to their classrooms to set up their stuff before classes started. Since they had both passed out and fallen asleep the second they fell in their beds. Sebastian was a bit more chipper then usual, but who wouldn't when a cute, attractive young man liked you? Alezander was still tired and a bit grumpy since he hadn't had his smoke and morning coffee yet.


Azula yawns as she wakes and blows out smoke as she gets up, standing in the nude since that is usually how she sleeps, she stretches her arms above her head as her tail and wings stretch out as well as she goes to the bathroom to bathe... Once she was done with that, she got dressed and made her way out of her room to go for a walk.


Autumn slowly woke and found herself still in the forest, stomach healed and feeling warm and even a bit happy... She didn't know why but she felt lighter some how... As she got up and made her way back to the school, she didn't see the pair of eyes watching her from the willow and the small gentle smile. Once Autumn got to her room she quickly showered and changed, being mindful of her antlers and started walking to the library to find a book on her kind, because she was confused about something.


Haru slowly woke and yawned as she stretched, her tail and ears flicker as she blinks the sleep out of her eyes to spy Nick sleeping on the bed across from hers and she smiled a tiny bit. She was grateful for him staying with her and was grateful for him saving her life. She quietly got up and kissed his forehead before vanishing off to her room to change out of her blood soaked clothes.

(@ChubbyPenguin, @TheGodSnake, @CelticSol, @Aroura, @Scheani )
((What happened while I was gone? O.o These damn alerts tho D:< ))

Rin's eyes shot open as a beam of light struck his face. It came from the tiny whole in the curtain. He groaned and pulled the cover over his head. If lack of sleep could kill, he would be dead a long while ago. His head was pounding as he sat up from the one he considered his soulmate, the pillow. Rin figured that it would be better to be productive, so he stepped around in the room before he took a quick shower. Once done, he put some clothes on and ran a hand through his now wet hair before he actually left the room. "Bye then" He said before shutting the door after him.


Mai blinked a few times, not really aware of the time. She wasn't even aware of where she was. Her eyes darted back and forth until she realised that she was still in the same school as the day before. A bright smile appeared on her face as she got up from the bed and pulled up the curtains. Then she noticed the person in the bed on the other side. "Hey, Cozme! Get up! It's sunny outside!" She giggled as she skipped around the room.



Natalya was already sitting in the same classroom that she would be teaching in. This was a habit of her past in the army, she always woke up at least an hour before the sun would rise. She was currently sitting in her chair in the front of the classroom with her feet on her desk. While turning towards the window, she took a sip of the black coffee she held in her hand. On the desk laid the rest of her breakfast, a sandwich and a red apple. Her thoughts was wandering every here and there, wether the students would be boring or a pain in the neck. Well, that was only for her to see later.
Ryuu woke, his face pressed against his pillow. After a second of laying there, he noticed something was in his mouth and pulled a feather from his lips. Slender fingers felt around the pillow for a sign of holes, and were met by two sets of tears in the fabric. You've gotta be kidding me..

Ryuu pulled a feather from the stuffing and sighed,"I must've had a nightmare..." It was likely, but why couldn't he remember it? He shrugged it off and untangled himself from the sheets before grabbing clothes from his dresser to shower.

Once he got out of the shower and clothed, he glanced in the mirror only to be met by red eyes. A huff escaped him and he flicked the reflection.

With another sigh, Ryuu started off to the cafeteria to eat
(danm notifications. X_X dont ever work)

Tyler woke up, opening his eyes to somthing that wasn't a pillow. he sighed, noticing he was laying face down (or up, depending on the way you look at it) on the roof, his stomach grumbled, he hadn't eaten for a while. he sighed, floating down from the ceiling and walking in the direction of the cafeteria, hoping to find somthing to eat.
Light said:
( Another day and Alezander is still a creeper.)
Isabel's hand reaches out for a girl that isn't there. She grabs a pillow instead and snuggles it. "Ren...." she mumbles in her sleep.
Peachypants said:
((What happened while I was gone? O.o These damn alerts tho D:< ))
Rin's eyes shot open as a beam of light struck his face. It came from the tiny whole in the curtain. He groaned and pulled the cover over his head. If lack of sleep could kill, he would be dead a long while ago. His head was pounding as he sat up from the one he considered his soulmate, the pillow. Rin figured that it would be better to be productive, so he stepped around in the room before he took a quick shower. Once done, he put some clothes on and ran a hand through his now wet hair before he actually left the room. "Bye then" He said before shutting the door after him.


Mai blinked a few times, not really aware of the time. She wasn't even aware of where she was. Her eyes darted back and forth until she realised that she was still in the same school as the day before. A bright smile appeared on her face as she got up from the bed and pulled up the curtains. Then she noticed the person in the bed on the other side. "Hey, Cozme! Get up! It's sunny outside!" She giggled as she skipped around the room.



Natalya was already sitting in the same classroom that she would be teaching in. This was a habit of her past in the army, she always woke up at least an hour before the sun would rise. She was currently sitting in her chair in the front of the classroom with her feet on her desk. While turning towards the window, she took a sip of the black coffee she held in her hand. On the desk laid the rest of her breakfast, a sandwich and a red apple. Her thoughts was wandering every here and there, wether the students would be boring or a pain in the neck. Well, that was only for her to see later.
Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu woke, his face pressed against his pillow. After a second of laying there, he noticed something was in his mouth and pulled a feather from his lips. Slender fingers felt around the pillow for a sign of holes, and were met by two sets of tears in the fabric. You've gotta be kidding me..
Ryuu pulled a feather from the stuffing and sighed,"I must've had a nightmare..." It was likely, but why couldn't he remember it? He shrugged it off and untangled himself from the sheets before grabbing clothes from his dresser to shower.

Once he got out of the shower and clothed, he glanced in the mirror only to be met by red eyes. A huff escaped him and he flicked the reflection.

With another sigh, Ryuu started off to the cafeteria to eat
Ren glances back at the sleeping girl and shakes her head, but wearing a small smile as she goes over and strokes her hair.


Elizabeth walking to her classroom and passes by Natayla's and pauses as she makes the door open. "Natayla." she said calmly while strolling in. "We had quite a few incidents yesterday and I do not wish to repeat them." she muttered while walking to the desk.


Lucy, Sebastian and Alezander currently all in the cafeteria eating at the same table. Alezander and Lucy on one side, while Sebastian is on the other, reading while eating an apple.


Light said:
( Another day and Alezander is still a creeper.)
Isabel's hand reaches out for a girl that isn't there. She grabs a pillow instead and snuggles it. "Ren...." she mumbles in her sleep.
(How is Alez a creeper?)
Isaac woke up from a nightmare of him burning Down the school and almost everyone getting out except for Isabel due to her cryostasis. He had slept in the clothes from the day before and decided it was time for a change. Suddenly he burst into flames, and when he reverted back, he was wearing a purple V-neck and black jeans, along with the same jacket as the day before. He chuckled a bit as he thought of humans and othe supernaturals and how they actually had to keep clothes around to change, in fact, he hadn't bought clothes in a while, he just incinerated the clothes that he liked while he was still in the store, basically absorbing the item. Deciding he was at least a little bit exhausted, he left his room and headed for the cafeteria. Most food didn't fuel his fire for very long, he just ate it for the flavor.

Nick awoke just st a few minutes after Haru left and shook his head trying to wake himself up before heading to his room to get clothes, unlike his brother, he couldn't just absorb clothes and change them at will. After changing, he sat in the commons room near the dorms, reading a book about various supernatural species that his mother had given him.
TheGodSnake said:
Isaac woke up from a nightmare of him burning Down the school and almost everyone getting out except for Isabel due to her cryostasis. He had slept in the clothes from the day before and decided it was time for a change. Suddenly he burst into flames, and when he reverted back, he was wearing a purple V-neck and black jeans, along with the same jacket as the day before. He chuckled a bit as he thought of humans and othe supernaturals and how they actually had to keep clothes around to change, in fact, he hadn't bought clothes in a while, he just incinerated the clothes that he liked while he was still in the store, basically absorbing the item. Deciding he was at least a little bit exhausted, he left his room and headed for the cafeteria. Most food didn't fuel his fire for very long, he just ate it for the flavor.
Nick awoke just st a few minutes after Haru left and shook his head trying to wake himself up before heading to his room to get clothes, unlike his brother, he couldn't just absorb clothes and change them at will. After changing, he sat in the commons room near the dorms, reading a book about various supernatural species that his mother had given him.
Haru currently taking an apple from the cafeteria before swiftly leaving, doesn't stay in one place long.

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