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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

(( Would anyone mind filling me in on what has happened? Also if there is some kid around the school for any of my characters to socialize with? ^•^ ))
((Ooh sounds nice c: ))

The soles of his shoes scraped against the cold floor as Rin walked through the halls of the school building. In his arms he carried a pile of different books. Everything from poetry to biology could be found in the stack that covered most of his vision. He was headed towards a libary he had heard about but he was often the one to end up lost somewhere. Therefore he kept a map of the school in the pockets of his black jeans, just in case. But then out of nowhere he caught a glimpse of a sign that read 'Libary'. He wasn't sure about the facts but even so he pushed the door open and stumbled inside the room. Even though the books he held covered his eyes he was still able to tell that the room was the one he was searching for. Rin sighed as he began his search for the shelves where he had found the books.

@Soul OMU


Meanwhile somwhere in the school building, a girl named Mai was strolling. She had nowhere to be at the moment, she didn't even have a destination for her walk. But she strolled around the school in hopes to be able to find her way back to the main entrance. It was a large school indeed, large enough for anyone to get lost. Mai clutched her bag and glanced around the hallways. The door to a seemingly open room stood wide open. The girl had always been the curious one and therefore headed inside. The first thing she saw was an ordinary classroom, but at second glance she saw a figure sitting there. A man that seemed to be drawing or painting. With the thought of him not noticing her she headed towards the hallway again because of the shyness she felt. But a few steps from the door she slipped on a pair of paintbrushes. A loud shriek could be heard as she closed her eyes and fell onto the floor.

He had sighed and folded his knees infront of him, seeing the figure paint. He then saw a girl, falling, his eyes faintly glew red, ''Are you okay?'' he shouted from across the room, already getting slowly up.
(( ^¤^ ))

Mai's eyes widened as she heard a voice from behind. She stared into the floor below her while her cheeks heated up. "I-I'm fine!" She yelled in a nervous voice while making her way up on her feet. However, she only managed to get on her knees before her hip shot a spark of pain through her body. She sqeeked silently and sat down again, still with her face turned down towards the floor.
( I know. Just a side comment. Next time do what I do. Instead of asking them if they're okay. You say watch out, there's gravity right there. Then walk away. Just kidding.)
(( Ohh I just got it. Sorry, didn't catch the little sarcasm ^^. Believe me or not once I got my finger crushed in a car door and everybody asked ''Are you okay? '' ))
( If that happened to me and they asked me that. I would just freeze and tell them. Don't go to sleep tonight.)
As he had his feet in the ground he ran to the girl, sliding and grabbed her by the forearm ''Are you sure? You look pretty bruised to me. Can you get up?'' he asked, while lightly pulling her up.
Peachypants said:
((Ooh sounds nice c: ))
The soles of his shoes scraped against the cold floor as Rin walked through the halls of the school building. In his arms he carried a pile of different books. Everything from poetry to biology could be found in the stack that covered most of his vision. He was headed towards a libary he had heard about but he was often the one to end up lost somewhere. Therefore he kept a map of the school in the pockets of his black jeans, just in case. But then out of nowhere he caught a glimpse of a sign that read 'Libary'. He wasn't sure about the facts but even so he pushed the door open and stumbled inside the room. Even though the books he held covered his eyes he was still able to tell that the room was the one he was searching for. Rin sighed as he began his search for the shelves where he had found the books.

@Soul OMU


Meanwhile somwhere in the school building, a girl named Mai was strolling. She had nowhere to be at the moment, she didn't even have a destination for her walk. But she strolled around the school in hopes to be able to find her way back to the main entrance. It was a large school indeed, large enough for anyone to get lost. Mai clutched her bag and glanced around the hallways. The door to a seemingly open room stood wide open. The girl had always been the curious one and therefore headed inside. The first thing she saw was an ordinary classroom, but at second glance she saw a figure sitting there. A man that seemed to be drawing or painting. With the thought of him not noticing her she headed towards the hallway again because of the shyness she felt. But a few steps from the door she slipped on a pair of paintbrushes. A loud shriek could be heard as she closed her eyes and fell onto the floor.

Lucy currently curled up in the darkest corner, trying to calm down since she isn't used to dealing with so many people at once. She took a deep breath and calmed down slowly as she started to draw in her sketch book once again.


Light said:
"Well I was wondering if there were were battle classes and dorms. I don't much about this school.... or town. Maybe not even about the continent. Foreigner."
Elizabeth watching her. "Of course. I was merely waiting for all of the students to arrive before splitting you off to your dorms..."
Rin searched through the shelves, placing a book here and there. By the time he had left every book except one he caught the sight of a girl sitting in the corner. Somehow he had the feeling that she was either terrified or simply shy. But even so he slowly headed towards the girl. "Hey.. you allrgiht?" He said in a low voice while clutching the book he held in his hand.


Mai stared at the guy with wide eyes. Her cheeks were pretty much glowing red because of the sudden grip around her arm. The shyness made her glance back on the floor again. "I-I said I'm fine" She whispered and stood up on her feet. Her hip was still aching, causing the frown on her face and her hand covering the spot where it hurt the most. "T-Thank you" She said, still with that tone of nervousity in her voice.
He let go off her arm and nodded at her. ''I'm sorry then.'' he then left to roam around the school, wanting to know more about it.
Peachypants said:
Rin searched through the shelves, placing a book here and there. By the time he had left every book except one he caught the sight of a girl sitting in the corner. Somehow he had the feeling that she was either terrified or simply shy. But even so he slowly headed towards the girl. "Hey.. you allrgiht?" He said in a low voice while clutching the book he held in his hand.

Mai stared at the guy with wide eyes. Her cheeks were pretty much glowing red because of the sudden grip around her arm. The shyness made her glance back on the floor again. "I-I said I'm fine" She whispered and stood up on her feet. Her hip was still aching, causing the frown on her face and her hand covering the spot where it hurt the most. "T-Thank you" She said, still with that tone of nervousity in her voice.
Lucy's eyes were blazing red as she looked up at him before they stopped flowing. "Huh...? Oh im fine..." She mumbled while looking down at her sketchbook and closing it.

Light said:
"Alright." Isabel walked up to Elizabeth. "You look..... exactly like her."
Elizabeth sitting at her desk while watching her with analyzing eyes. "Well I'm not her. Anyways if that's all you came here for you may go Miss Fenrir."
Isabel just looks at her. She turns and walks out the room. "You sure act like her though." Isabel walked down the hall. Trying to kill time.
Mai sighed heavily as the guy left the room. "Great way to start the day, you moron. Slip on a paintbrush and ruin one possible friendship. Urgh" She muttred to herself in a surprisingly loud voice while she sunk down on one of the chairs in the room. Despite the aching hip of hers she leaned back on the wooden chair and stared up in the ceiling. She pulled up a pair of headphones from her bag and placed them over her ears. The sweet tones of good old Coldplay music was the one thing that could make her soul disappear from earthland for even a little while.


Rin gave her half a smile which she probably didn't even recognize. "Whatcha' drawing?" He then said while taking another step towards the corner, not letting his eyes off her. The air in this specific area felt quite dusty, probably from the shelves that seemed to have stood untouched for quite a while. Rin coughed ever so slightly and glanced back at the girl.
Peachypants said:
Mai sighed heavily as the guy left the room. "Great way to start the day, you moron. Slip on a paintbrush and ruin one possible friendship. Urgh" She muttred to herself in a surprisingly loud voice while she sunk down on one of the chairs in the room. Despite the aching hip of hers she leaned back on the wooden chair and stared up in the ceiling. She pulled up a pair of headphones from her bag and placed them over her ears. The sweet tones of good old Coldplay music was the one thing that could make her soul disappear from earthland for even a little while.

Rin gave her half a smile which she probably didn't even recognize. "Whatcha' drawing?" He then said while taking another step towards the corner, not letting his eyes off her. The air in this specific area felt quite dusty, probably from the shelves that seemed to have stood untouched for quite a while. Rin coughed ever so slightly and glanced back at the girl.
Lucy drawing. "Just some stuff..." She said while glancing at him. "...why are you here?" She asked softly while watching him.
Isabel turned away after inspecting the room and the girl. There's literally nobody to talk to here. She didn't get how people acted here or got along. Next thing she knew, she was already outside again. She stomps her foot in rage and the sound coming from her stomping obliterates the trees around her. "Stupid sound magic!" She balls her hands into fists and giant roots from the ground spring up and flail about. Only to lay dead on the ground after. "Uuugh!" Isabel stomps off away from the school to cool down.
Elizabeth watching from her window. "Alezander, Sebastian." She called as the two appeared. "Keep an eye on the students... Now." She said as they nodded and vanished.
Mai stared up at the girl who stood in front of her. A girl with an unusual haircolor. Not that she complained, it was a beautiful haircolor. But since Mai realised it so late, the girl was already gone. The last thing she saw of the girl was her hair flowing out through the door and then leaving. "Argh you did it again! Moron" She said and ran a hand through her pale hair. The only time she was able to talk this loud was when no one was able to hear her.


Rin took another step closer and held up the book. "I simply came to return this one" He then said. "It's such a shame, isn't it? To return something you love so dearly?" Rin looked back down on the book, 'The year of magical thinking' as it was called, had always been one of his favourites. Rin sighed once before turning back towards the girl. "May I?" He asked but didn't bother to wait for an answer until he sat down next to her. His black hair hung down to cover some parts of his face.

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