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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Isaac sighed, frustrated, "you're right, you know what? It is your fault, but that's what happens to us, we hurt people we care about," he burst into flame, "I mean, look at me, I'm a walking hazard. When I was seven, I burned down a whole town, destroyed their crops and killed a lot of people, and you know the worst part? I accidentally entered my natural form indoors, I couldn't control it," he looked down at the ground, "hell, I even almost killed my own brother, he wouldn't be here right now because of me," he said his voice much quieter. After a moment of silence, he returned to his normal form, "but that's what happens, we hurt people, and we have to live with it, that's what it is to be an unstable supernatural,"


Kyle sighed sadly, "I gotta go," before he got up and walked to the edge of the forest, turning into dis wolf form as he walked, he half-hoped that Krystal would follow him, but he just needed to get away.

((@OriginalCookie @ThatsAPaddling also, don't forget about @Azure Sky))
TheGodSnake said:
Isaac sighed, frustrated, "you're right, you know what? It is your fault, but that's what happens to us, we hurt people we care about," he burst into flame, "I mean, look at me, I'm a walking hazard. When I was seven, I burned down a whole town, destroyed their crops and killed a lot of people, and you know the worst part? I accidentally entered my natural form indoors, I couldn't control it," he looked down at the ground, "hell, I even almost killed my own brother, he wouldn't be here right now because of me," he said his voice much quieter. After a moment of silence, he returned to his normal form, "but that's what happens, we hurt people, and we have to live with it, that's what it is to be an unstable supernatural,"

Kyle sighed sadly, "I gotta go," before he got up and walked to the edge of the forest, turning into dis wolf form as he walked, he half-hoped that Krystal would follow him, but he just needed to get away.

((@OriginalCookie @ThatsAPaddling also, don't forget about @Azure Sky))
Isabel sighs. "Fine." She looks past him to see a man she hasn't seen in a long time. He stared at her through his mask. Isabel didn't want to show any signs of panic. "We should go." She takes Isaacs hand and starts walking off. Not daring to look back.
Light said:
Isabel sighs. "Fine." She looks past him to see a man she hasn't seen in a long time. He stared at her through his mask. Isabel didn't want to show any signs of panic. "We should go." She takes Isaacs hand and starts walking off. Not daring to look back.
Isaac walked with her, before pulling her into an empty room, "so are you Okay?"
TheGodSnake said:
Isaac walked with her, before pulling her into an empty room, "so are you Okay?"
"Yes. I'm fine, glad you asked." Isabel looks around the empty room there in. "Why here?"
TheGodSnake said:
Isaac pulled her close, "because this is out of the way," he said as he lowered his face closer to hers
Isabel still didn't really know the guy. She didn't know if she was comfortable doing this.
Isaac could see her hesitation, and let her go, he didn't understand it, it had been two weeks and she didn't feel much for him anymore, she wasn't the same anymore, "I gotta go for a bit," he said quietly as he stepped out of the room and walked out of the school, turning to his natural form and slowly rising into the sky.
TheGodSnake said:
Isaac could see her hesitation, and let her go, he didn't understand it, it had been two weeks and she didn't feel much for him anymore, she wasn't the same anymore, "I gotta go for a bit," he said quietly as he stepped out of the room and walked out of the school, turning to his natural form and slowly rising into the sky.
Isabel shook her head. "What am I doing?!" She turns around and sees the masked man in the empty room with her. She runs for the door but he beats her to it and starts to choke her. He slams her into the wall and holds her there. His eyes just staring at her.

To anybody else this looked like she was just standing against the wall and refusing the breathe. Soon Isabel passed out.

( gtg for a couple hours. )
D'Amore woke up in the same place he fell asleep. He smiled. Not for any particular reason, he just felt like smiling. Peaceful.

"Hello," a British voice said from behind him. D'Amore jumped a bit. He turned around to see the redhead from the garden behind him, leaning on his cane.

The blond guy's eyes were sleepy, Iris noticed. "Hey," he said dozily, "you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright," Iris said, "and you?"

"I'm good," the blond boy replied, "not as good as I could be, but good."

"What's wrong?" Iris asked, sitting down.

"I dunno, I just..." The blond guy sighed, "I mean, the head's gone, I'm in a wheelchair and everything's just a bit sad at the moment."

"Yeah, I know. I barely knew her but there's just a general air of depression around, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah. I didn't catch your name, by the way."

"Oh, sorry. Probably my fault. Iris. My name's Iris Isaac Lloyd."

"Huh. It's like you greet everyone like that."

"I do," Iris frowned, "what of it?"

"Eh, nothing. My name's D'Amore Tepes."

"Tepes?" Iris asked, "as in Vladimir Tepes, the man who inspired Dracula?"

D'Amore turned around and raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"Just, just try not to impale anyone," Iris mumbled.

D'Amore was starting to fall asleep again, so he lay his head back. He pointed over to the hills, where little creatures, cats, were running around.

"See those cats?" He asked Iris.

"The black ones?" Iris replied, "with the white patches on their chests? I see them."

"Yeah, those ones," D'Amore said, "Aes Sidhe, they're called. 'People of the Mounds'. Cute, aren't they? Very affectionate. They're a great pick-me-up. Wanna see one up close?"

"Why not?" Iris said, getting up and walking to the edge of the roof. "Krystal!" He called, "we're going to the hills! Come with us if you want! You too, Kyle - oh, bollocks, he's gone." They went down the elevator and over towards the hills.
Krystal felt conflicted. Both Kyle and Iris left but Iris invited her to tag along. She deeply sighed. She didnt know what to do.

She turned to see the other guy. She wasn't so sure that she meet him before, but then again, maybe her memory was failing her. She had three options.

One; she could talk with the guy she may, or may not, know. Two; go after Kyle or three; accept Iris's invitation. She deeply sighed. Was there a book she was suppose to read or maybe even a pamphlet of some sort? A how-to perhaps? Or was she suppose to act on what she thought was right?

Krystal ran her hand through her bangs. She turned to the guy and smiled,"Hey. You wouldn't mind helping me with something would you?"

Sure, she might know him and maybe not, she just wants someone to talk to. She couldn't ask Iris or Kyle for that would mean that she made her choice and went after one of them. She slightly growled as kneeled down onto the ground.

(@Azure Sky)
~no clue what's going on so uh..~

Nikita sat outside on a bench not caring really what she missed or what was going on. This girl was simply not interested, bringing her knees to her chest Nikita looked around at the people with a bored look.

Erik looked at Krystal, he was a bit confused, they did meet before, in fact he used his powers to absorb Iris's damage when he was in pain, but the girl seemed to not remember him. ''Sure, I'd be my pleasure to help you, if it's in my power to do so'' he said giving out a smile and taking off his hood revealing his blonde,messy hair and blue eyes.
Krystal stared at his eyes for bit before she kneeled down on the floor. "Thanks." She didn't know why but eyes, that weren't brown, always intrigued her.

Can his eyes change color, too? She removed the question from her head and looked back at the guy,"I don't think that I ever got your name." He looked familiar but, she couldn't quite remember where she had seen him before.

@Azure Sky

'' My name is Erik Schwarz, I'm German. Pleased to meet you'' said Erik, smiling. He sat there waiting for Krystal to introduce herself and talk about what she needed help with.
"Likewise. Name's Krystal. I know a bit of German. I like your eyes," Krystal chirped with a smile. She turned to look up at sky and sighed. "I never had friends;I was always an outcast until I came here, really. I guess, that's what making this seem hard to me. Iris left with someone, I forgot to ask for their name, and Kyle left, too. I was invited to tag along with Iris, but Kyle didn't seem to be the best of spirits. At any rate, they should be quite far by now."

Krystal put her head in her hands and side-glanced at Erik,"I'm not bothering you, am I?"
'' No, you're absolutely not bothering me. I understand the feeling of being alone. While my family didn't want to show it , they were afraid of me and were rather distant therefore I was surrounded by people but alone at the same time. It was very wierd and uncomfortable. Most of my so-called friends also became extremely distant and fearful when they found out of my powers.But what they feared more was my constant need to improve my control over my powers and get stronger.I came to this academy in hope that I'd find people who won't ever fear me and people I can be in competition with. I guess I am pretty wierd'' said Erik. ''So you have a dilema regarding your friends?'' he asked.

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"GANGWAAAAAY!" D'Amore yelled as he raced towards Erik and Krystal in his wheelchair at an unnatural speed, Iris sitting backwards on his shoulders, waving his cane at the many Aes Sidhe chasing them, while a bloodied tissue was wrapped around his finger. They swerved 180° so that they were next to Erik and Krystal.

D'Amore leaned over to the side of the wheelchair (Iris yelped) and pulled out a Kalashnikov rifle.

"What the fuck?!" Iris shouted upon seeing it, "what is that? You want me to SHOOT them?!"

D'Amore breathed in, and began to rapidly recite, "high-density pellet-firing BB gun, modelled after the AK-47 designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1948, requires a genuine gun license to fire. Not as effective as a real one, but is goddamn painful if you get hit. Catch." He threw it to Iris, who stared at it for a minute, then, working on guesswork alone, aimed and fired it at the ground just in front of the cats.

The Aes Sidhe screeched and hissed, before running away. One of the pellets hit a cat in the rear.

"I had a girlfriend when I was thirteen who was an Aes Sidhe," D'Amore said, "part of me hopes that was her."

"You dated a cat?" Iris said disgustedly.

"Nooo, I dated a girl who could turn into a cat. God, do you learn nothing?"

Iris said nothing, but instead stared at the two other students sitting next to them, who had probably just witnessed him shoot a fairy cat in the arse. He laughed at the thought in spite of himself.
"Well anyway even so you shan't deny a ladies request" she attenpted to look refined as she did so brushing her hair back even though her voice was currently not appealing or lady like at the moment. Due to his stopping moment she grabbed his arm "now take me to the place of these tacos"
Running through the forest, Lilith manages to narrowly avoid the projectiles the hunters were shooting at her. She ducks behind a tree as an arrow embedded into the trunk of where her head had been seconds ago. Astaroth is hidden within her shadow, unconscious and thus useless to her, and Lilith breaks into a run when the sound of shouted orders begin to sound too close.

She trips, partially due to her hurry and partially to her exhaustion, when the forest gives way to a well-taken care of garden, but no hunters descend on her. Instead, the sounds of dying cries ring in her ears, and she looks up in time to see a silver haired woman slice a man's head off with enough force that it flies off his body. Lilith watches with morbid fascination as the woman slaughters the human hunters with movements quick enough that Lilith's eyes can barely track the motions. Once every hunter is either dead or dying, the woman turns to her, and at view of her face, Lilith freezes.

"Layla?" She asks, not believing that the woman is even here, much less saving her life.

The dragon says nothing, cleaning the blade in her hand of blood on the edge of the sheath before placing it inside. Then she walks off, leaving Lilith sitting in the dirt without another word. Lilith sighs, picking herself off the ground and brushing off the dirt on her jeans. She walks into the school doors, trying to find the headmaster's office.


Layla walks back into the school and goes straight to her room, shutting out the lights by closing the curtains in her room. She lays down in her bed, curled up and evidently in pain.


Simi sits down in the library, struggling to understand the English written in the book she's reading.
Aroura said:
"Well anyway even so you shan't deny a ladies request" she attenpted to look refined as she did so brushing her hair back even though her voice was currently not appealing or lady like at the moment. Due to his stopping moment she grabbed his arm "now take me to the place of these tacos"
Grimm rolls his eyes. "Then I shall take you." Grimm starts to take her to the taco stand.

CelticSol said:
Running through the forest, Lilith manages to narrowly avoid the projectiles the hunters were shooting at her. She ducks behind a tree as an arrow embedded into the trunk of where her head had been seconds ago. Astaroth is hidden within her shadow, unconscious and thus useless to her, and Lilith breaks into a run when the sound of shouted orders begin to sound too close.
She trips, partially due to her hurry and partially to her exhaustion, when the forest gives way to a well-taken care of garden, but no hunters descend on her. Instead, the sounds of dying cries ring in her ears, and she looks up in time to see a silver haired woman slice a man's head off with enough force that it flies off his body. Lilith watches with morbid fascination as the woman slaughters the human hunters with movements quick enough that Lilith's eyes can barely track the motions. Once every hunter is either dead or dying, the woman turns to her, and at view of her face, Lilith freezes.

"Layla?" She asks, not believing that the woman is even here, much less saving her life.

The dragon says nothing, cleaning the blade in her hand of blood on the edge of the sheath before placing it inside. Then she walks off, leaving Lilith sitting in the dirt without another word. Lilith sighs, picking herself off the ground and brushing off the dirt on her jeans. She walks into the school doors, trying to find the headmaster's office.


Layla walks back into the school and goes straight to her room, shutting out the lights by closing the curtains in her room. She lays down in her bed, curled up and evidently in pain.


Simi sits down in the library, struggling to understand the English written in the book she's reading.
Isabel wakes up and hurries out the room. Heading towards the school doors.
Light said:
Isabel wakes up and hurries out the room. Heading towards the school doors.
Lilith keeps looking around at the door numbers, then to the map in her hands, then back to the door numbers, and doesn't even notice the girl charging at her until she slams into her. "Ow! Shit, that hurt- Wait, Izzy?" She looks at Isabella another second, then grins wide enough to show her sharper canines. "Holy shit, Isabella Van fucking Fenrir, it's been ages!" She throws her arms around Isabella, then leans back. "How have you been? I haven't heard anything from you!"
CelticSol said:
Lilith keeps looking around at the door numbers, then to the map in her hands, then back to the door numbers, and doesn't even notice the girl charging at her until she slams into her. "Ow! Shit, that hurt- Wait, Izzy?" She looks at Isabella another second, then grins wide enough to show her sharper canines. "Holy shit, Isabella Van fucking Fenrir, it's been ages!" She throws her arms around Isabella, then leans back. "How have you been? I haven't heard anything from you!"
Isabel smiles and hugs her back. "Sorry it's been really hectic. I didn't sense you coming though."

Julie phases into Layla's room. "May I be of assistance grandmother?"
Light said:
Isabel smiles and hugs her back. "Sorry it's been really hectic. I didn't sense you coming though."
Lilith grins. "Got the whole concealing thing down pretty well. But that doesn't matter right now." Lilith's brow furrows in concern. "Are you okay? You were running like the devil was at your heels. What's up?"

Light said:
Julie phases into Layla's room. "May I be of assistance grandmother?"
Layla rolls over a bit more. "Leave me be. I'm fine. Just a bit tired."
@OriginalCookie / @ThatsAPaddling

Even if Krystal would have probably wanted to say something , Iris and D'Amore surely interrupted her from doing so (note: just an assumption, not god modding). ''You sure have interesting friends'' said Erik a bit confused.

Unfortunately for Iris and D'Amore , Avalon, the head of students and discipline enforcer wasn't the forgiving type.

He suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started lecturing the two. ''You two...harming supernatural creatures for no reason is forbidden so I'm going to have to confiscate that little toy gun you have there...give it to me...now!'' he said on a deep tone.

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