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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Scheani said:
Cozme stood grabbing her remaining chicken, she followed Mai. "Quickly!" She yelled, covering her half full mouth that muffled her cry. Her hand containing the chicken raised high above her head in a Breakfast-club fashion, her eyes dramatically set on determination as she headed to the exit, and such.
Mai laughed a bit when she saw the expression on the girl's face. "Let's go!" She yelled and walked out of the cafeteria with only one goal -to get to class in one piece. People seemed to push their way through crowds of people, which always caused her to end up as the one being stomped on. Mai started running a little but still kept a rather slow pace to check if Cozme was with her.
Grimm walks infront of Vallens sisters. Sitting infront of them. They're sitting as well but not bound to the chair. Not tied up at all. "So what did you expect to gain. Entertain me." Grimm smiles.

( @StarKeeper )
"We simply wished to retrieve our brother and remind him of who he really is" Valencia says leaning back "We were oh so worried about him". Valentine looking bored mutters to herself "I miss Vallen again". Valencia looks at Grimm and yawns "Where is my brother? it would be troublesome if he dosent have us by his side" @Light
StarKeeper said:
"We simply wished to retrieve our brother and remind him of who he really is" Valencia says leaning back "We were oh so worried about him". Valentine looking bored mutters to herself "I miss Vallen again". Valencia looks at Grimm and yawns "Where is my brother? it would be troublesome if he dosent have us by his side" @Light
Grimm yawns. "I don't care if he has a hard time. Your answer bores me." He flicks his hand and Valentine and shackled by her neck and hung like that. Another pair of shackles appear at her ankles and start pulling. Grimms powers keep her from dying but she continues to endlessly suffocate and be pulled apart. She looses her powers and is now technically just at a human bodies level of mortality. Valencia is also powered down to the body strength of a human child. Her powers also gone as well. "Until you give me an exciting and real answer. I'll just have to entertain myself."

Grimm taps into Valentines brain and makes her nervous system ultra sensetive. Thus making her unable to bear the pain even worse than a human could. Grimm chuckles in amusement as dogs start to bite at her legs.
"Oh by all means continue we enjoy a good bit of pain" Valencia says yawning again dark power seeping from her mouth "And darling you rally dnt think you could take our powers did you? Vallen never told your lovely little bat of a boss that we are not simply elementals we're the dark aspect of Geto the god of the flame the embodiment of destruction and corruption" The dogs begin foaming at the mouth as their eyes dissolve in smoke.
StarKeeper said:
"Oh by all means continue we enjoy a good bit of pain" Valencia says yawning again dark power seeping from her mouth "And darling you rally dnt think you could take our powers did you? Vallen never told your lovely little bat of a boss that we are not simply elementals we're the dark aspect of Geto the god of the flame the embodiment of destruction and corruption" The dogs begin foaming at the mouth as their eyes dissolve in smoke.
( I don't see that anywhere in the CS. I also did temporarily negate your powers so I don't know why your still using them. Also it doesn't matter whether or not you like pain the body can only handle so much. Grimm did push you past that limit. I also highly doubt two sadistic girls not masochistic. Sadistic. Girls would take pleasure in that.)
Light said:
( I don't see that anywhere in the CS. I also did temporarily negate your powers so I don't know why your still using them. Also it doesn't matter whether or not you like pain the body can only handle so much. Grimm did push you past that limit. I also highly doubt two sadistic girls not masochistic. Sadistic. Girls would take pleasure in that.)
((Sorry blended Rps for a second))

Valencia notably weakened looks at Grimm with a glare as her sister squirms next to her as the dogs bite "Torture wont work on us you know; anything you can do is a pale comparison to what our father or Vallen could do in his prime" valentine begins to whine "Sister it hurts". "Quiet dear the adults are talking" Valencia says ignoring her sisters cries "If you must know Vallen is my favorite weapon and he is key to my plans back home, and when we found he's been making ash clones of several of the most powerful supernatural creatures here we just had to come and put a monkey wrench in his plans"

Deep underneath the school in the furnace massive plumes of black smoke spew outward towards every vent and the flames burn golden as a scream pierces the concrete and reverberates around the campus.
StarKeeper said:
((Sorry blended Rps for a second))
Valencia notably weakened looks at Grimm with a glare as her sister squirms next to her as the dogs bite "Torture wont work on us you know; anything you can do is a pale comparison to what our father or Vallen could do in his prime" valentine begins to whine "Sister it hurts". "Quiet dear the adults are talking" Valencia says ignoring her sisters cries "If you must know Vallen is my favorite weapon and he is key to my plans back home, and when we found he's been making ash clones of several of the most powerful supernatural creatures here we just had to come and put a monkey wrench in his plans"

Deep underneath the school in the furnace massive plumes of black smoke spew outward towards every vent and the flames burn golden as a scream pierces the concrete and reverberates around the campus.
"Yeah yeah whatever. You're into incest but you're brother isn't I get it." He sighs and rolls his eyes. "You're really a horrible care taker." The dogs start to eat each other. The last standing dog stares at Grimm and then starts to upchuck a zombified body. The zombie raises up Valentines shirt to show her belly and then takes a tac to hold the clothes up. Nailing it through her clothes and chest. The zombie takes out a knife and starts to lick her stomach with its acidic tongue. The skin it licked starts to burn and grow hard.

The zombie summons a flame and holds the rusty knife in it. After a while it starrs to cut into the hardened skin of her stomach with a heated rusty knife. Cutting slowly until it can access her insides. Centipedes start to come up its throat and into its hands. The zombie gets ready to stuff them inside her and stitch her up. Waiting on Grimms command.

Grimm makes sure she doesn't die and looks at Valencia. "May I, dear sister?"
"Valentine quit down I find your screams quite distracting" Valencia says staring Grimm down. The girl does as ordered clenching her mouth closed as the torture continues while tears stream down her face. Valencia not even fazed sits up and looks at Grimm "Kill the girl if you want all I need is Vallen".
Grimm nods at the zombie. "Do what you will with her. Eat her, kill her, or torture her some more. I have to talk business." The zombie grunts and nods. It stuffs the centipedes inside of her and stitches her up. The shackles let her go and a group of zombies grab and drag her off. All you can really hear in the distance is a closing cell. "Looks like they decided on locking her up. So what is your proposal?"
Soot blasts out of every vent coating the entire campus in a black thick coating of soot.

Valencia cocks an eye brow and says "He's a valuable piece on the board no matter what disposition he possesses; you like entertainment well you could let me continue my little plan and stop that bat of a headmistress out of our way and I promise to offer a very entertaining show"

The furnace warps and twists and the grate is blown off as golden flame bursts out. A lone figure steps out and seems to vibrate in place for a moment before disapeering in a flash of smoke and red flame.
"Your plans don't seem all that great or well put together. It would be least favorable to me. Let me guess. You would need me to take care of the bat women you cannot?" Grimm kicks his feet up on a table that had just appeared. He starts to play video games on a random xbox and tv that suddenly appeared as well.
"No Vallen will do that" Valencia says standing "He's stronger than any being he's ever fought and if the Right buttons are pressed he'll fight to the death. Tell me have you ever heard of the Mass Transfer, when someone transfers the power of many people to themselves?". Valencia turns to Grimm only to have a glowing red fist latch around her throat; Vallen stands before her naked and glowing red as hsi body shifts between his wooden elemental form and his human form "Hello sister". He tightens his grip and thrusts his arm into her chest wrapping his hand around her spine and twists breaking it.

((Good night I'm about to hit the hay))
StarKeeper said:
"No Vallen will do that" Valencia says standing "He's stronger than any being he's ever fought and if the Right buttons are pressed he'll fight to the death. Tell me have you ever heard of the Mass Transfer, when someone transfers the power of many people to themselves?". Valencia turns to Grimm only to have a glowing red fist latch around her throat; Vallen stands before her naked and glowing red as hsi body shifts between his wooden elemental form and his human form "Hello sister". He tightens his grip and thrusts his arm into her chest wrapping his hand around her spine and twists breaking it.
((Good night I'm about to hit the hay))
( This is Grimms deity realm. If anyone were to even try to enter without his consent. They would be torn apart while going through the portal.)
Asphyxiated said:
"I-It's ok.." Ryuu's face was completely red, and he hid it behind his knees. His tail swayed slowly behind him as he tried to keep from getting hungry, holding his knees.
Naoki finally made it to the courtyard, taking rest beneath a tree to continue reading. He pulled his knees up and placed the book on them, locking his gaze down on the pages.
Peachypants said:
Natalya nodded a little. "Care to explain?" She asked shortly and folded her arms over her chest as she stood there gazing at Elizabeth.

Rin's eyes widened ever so slightly when he heard what she said. "Oh, Lucy" Was the only words that he managed to get out. But he did wear a slight frown on his face as he gently pulled her closer in a kind of hug. "He'll be allright."
(Also I honestly don't think Vallen could beat deities, older and experienced teachers such as Layla and Elizabeth, @StarKeeper)

Elizabeth starts to explain what happened, knows everything about everyone in her school, even the little details or things they hide.

Lucy let's him hug her and closes her eyes as tears start to fall gently down her cheeks.


Sebastian looking at him. "..I'm guessing your hungry now too?" He said while watching him.


Haru starts walking away towards the forest, lightly tugs Nick along. "Come on..."


Autumn currently tending to the garden and forest which all seemed quite down when Sebastian was out for awhile.
@Soul OMU

Axel saw Haru and Nick trying to enter the forest so he appeared before them. 'Hello students, are you trying to skip classes by chance?' asked Axel with a smile on his face, but there was a sadistic aura around him.
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Elizabeth starts to explain what happened, knows everything about everyone in her school, even the little details or things they hide.

Lucy let's him hug her and closes her eyes as tears start to fall gently down her cheeks.


Sebastian looking at him. "..I'm guessing your hungry now too?" He said while watching him.


Haru starts walking away towards the forest, lightly tugs Nick along. "Come on..."


Autumn currently tending to the garden and forest which all seemed quite down when Sebastian was out for awhile.
Ryuu shook his head his expression a slight pout, "I-I'll be fine."
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]@Soul OMU
Axel saw Haru and Nick trying to enter the forest so he appeared before them. 'Hello gentlemen, are you trying to skip classes by chance?' asked Axel with a smile on his face, but there was a sadistic aura around him.

(Haru is as girl..)


Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu shook his head his expression a slight pout, "I-I'll be fine."
Sebastian looking at him. "...really now?"
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](Haru is as girl..)

Sebastian looking at him. "...really now?"

Ryuu nodded slowly, the blush getting brighter the more he stared at him. Admitting defeat to hunger wasn't something he wanted to do considering he just ate human food, but is inevitably there.
Elizabeth starts to explain what happened, knows everything about everyone in her school, even the little details or things they hide.

Lucy let's him hug her and closes her eyes as tears start to fall gently down her cheeks.


Sebastian looking at him. "..I'm guessing your hungry now too?" He said while watching him.


Haru starts walking away towards the forest, lightly tugs Nick along. "Come on..."


Autumn currently tending to the garden and forest which all seemed quite down when Sebastian was out for awhile.
((Would you mind explaining what happened, I kinda missed it c: ))

Natalya nodded every now and then while Elizabeth explained in detail. But her eyes wandered off outside the window, towards the blue sky. After a little while she was completely lost in her thoughts. She snapped back to reality with a shrug. "Excuse me, could you take that last part again?"


Rin hugged her a little tighter, not bothering to ask about what happened to her brother since it might've upsetted her even more. "It's allright, he'll be fine" He whispered as he stroke her back gently with his hand.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]@Soul OMU
Axel saw Haru and Nick trying to enter the forest so he appeared before them. 'Hello students, are you trying to skip classes by chance?' asked Axel with a smile on his face, but there was a sadistic aura around him.

Haru narrows her eyes. "Considering I was nearly killed last class and the fact that there was almost a fight in the other class, yeah. I have a feeling the headmistress will be okay with that. Since she cares about the safety of her students."


Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu nodded slowly, the blush getting brighter the more he stared at him. Admitting defeat to hunger wasn't something he wanted to do considering he just ate human food, but is inevitably there.
Sebastian looking at him, has feelings such as desire, contentness, fullness.


Peachypants said:
((Would you mind explaining what happened, I kinda missed it c: ))
Natalya nodded every now and then while Elizabeth explained in detail. But her eyes wandered off outside the window, towards the blue sky. After a little while she was completely lost in her thoughts. She snapped back to reality with a shrug. "Excuse me, could you take that last part again?"


Rin hugged her a little tighter, not bothering to ask about what happened to her brother since it might've upsetted her even more. "It's allright, he'll be fine" He whispered as he stroke her back gently with his hand.

Elizabeth narrows her eyes. "So we were attacked, well they were planning to attack, they tried to seem innocent but not very good seeing as they attacked one of the other teachers. Who was defending a student."

Lucy shaking lightly as she leans against him lightly, crying.


[QUOTE="Azure Sky]@Soul OMU
Axel saw Haru and Nick trying to enter the forest so he appeared before them. 'Hello students, are you trying to skip classes by chance?' asked Axel with a smile on his face, but there was a sadistic aura around him.

Haru narrows her eyes. "Considering I was nearly killed last class and the fact that there was almost a fight in the other class, yeah. I have a feeling the headmistress will be okay with that. Since she cares about the safety of her students."


Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu nodded slowly, the blush getting brighter the more he stared at him. Admitting defeat to hunger wasn't something he wanted to do considering he just ate human food, but is inevitably there.
Sebastian looking at him, has feelings such as desire, contentness, fullness.


Peachypants said:
((Would you mind explaining what happened, I kinda missed it c: ))
Natalya nodded every now and then while Elizabeth explained in detail. But her eyes wandered off outside the window, towards the blue sky. After a little while she was completely lost in her thoughts. She snapped back to reality with a shrug. "Excuse me, could you take that last part again?"


Rin hugged her a little tighter, not bothering to ask about what happened to her brother since it might've upsetted her even more. "It's allright, he'll be fine" He whispered as he stroke her back gently with his hand.

Elizabeth narrows her eyes. "So we were attacked, well they were planning to attack, they tried to seem innocent but not very good seeing as they attacked one of the other teachers. Who was defending a student."

Lucy shaking lightly as she leans against him lightly, crying.


[QUOTE="Azure Sky]@Soul OMU
Axel saw Haru and Nick trying to enter the forest so he appeared before them. 'Hello students, are you trying to skip classes by chance?' asked Axel with a smile on his face, but there was a sadistic aura around him.

Haru narrows her eyes. "Considering I was nearly killed last class and the fact that there was almost a fight in the other class, yeah. I have a feeling the headmistress will be okay with that. Since she cares about the safety of her students."


Asphyxiated said:
Ryuu nodded slowly, the blush getting brighter the more he stared at him. Admitting defeat to hunger wasn't something he wanted to do considering he just ate human food, but is inevitably there.
Sebastian looking at him, has feelings such as desire, contentness, fullness.


Peachypants said:
((Would you mind explaining what happened, I kinda missed it c: ))
Natalya nodded every now and then while Elizabeth explained in detail. But her eyes wandered off outside the window, towards the blue sky. After a little while she was completely lost in her thoughts. She snapped back to reality with a shrug. "Excuse me, could you take that last part again?"


Rin hugged her a little tighter, not bothering to ask about what happened to her brother since it might've upsetted her even more. "It's allright, he'll be fine" He whispered as he stroke her back gently with his hand.

Elizabeth narrows her eyes. "So we were attacked, well they were planning to attack, they tried to seem innocent but not very good seeing as they attacked one of the other teachers. Who was defending a student."

Lucy shaking lightly as she leans against him lightly, crying.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Sebastian looking at him, has feelings such as desire, contentness, fullness.

Ryuu dropped his legs from the seat, and let out an extended breath of air that he had been holding in. His tail patted the seat as he thought.

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