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Fantasy Night Caller ((group rp version))

She saw the knight's head turn, staring directly into the trees where she crouched, as if his eyes could pierce the darkness she shadowed herself in. She was tempted to shift form, being a human was less likely to get you killed than being a wolf these days. But that would leave her naked and extremely cold, and somehow she didn't feel like explaining that to the moody looking knight. Juliett sat incredibly still, considering her options. She could turn and run. But she hadn't seen human life in a while, and despite her distaste of company, she had begun to feel a little lonely the last few days. She waited, watching the three in the clearing carefully.
He let his gaze eventually be torn away, shaking his head slightly. Damn it all. With that, he pulled the reigns of his horse, advancing toward the wooded edge, with a pensive frown creasing his smooth brow. He unmounted the steed, taking a closer look, pulling the cloak tighter around his shoulders, as to not catch it on any thorns.
Katlyn woke slowly, looking up and seeing the boy from the night before. She rubbed and eye and looked around, dirt smudging her face.
under the burning sun Tania was condemned to walk to reach the shade under the trees, where the breeze dances around arousing all around it. She couldnt stand the cruel sun, and so she created an ice dome Shielding her from the motlen rays piercing her ice cold skin. She finally reaches the forest and thats where her shield was transformed into water droplets and disappeared. She felt at home for once, the forest. A Wood Elf living in the ice isnt really logical. As she walked through the forest she glimpes what is to be a group of humans or such creatures gathered not alot but few. Tania rapidly conjures her ice bow as quickly as her deformation took place, she readies her bow with two ice cold arrows ready to mark her victims' hearts.
Juliett watched the man draw closer to her hiding places amongst the bushes. She backed away as slowly as she could, the hair on her back rising in fear. What if he caught her? what would he do with her? and if he discovered what she truly was? If he found out the terrible things she had done? Juilett could not let that happen. As the knight drew closer she raised her hackles and growled a deep and terrible noise. Another smell caught her attention. Something woody and cold. Juliett desperately wished she had not come to this place.
He glared, his eyes flashing a bright gold in warning as he proceeded to advance anyway. With careful, planned steps. His demeanour seemed calm, yet had a certain dominance and power about it. That of an alpha as one may say. He tilted his head forward, meeting her gaze. "Lycan" he merely said, looking at her intently
She was so stunned, she could not move for a whole minute. The man that stood before her was no man. He was unwavering as he looked into her dark brown eyes, his whole presence was calming, strong and quiet. Like an alpha. Juliett had never met an alpha before, her other encounters with lycans had been far lesser beings. She felt the weight of his dominance over her. She dipped her head obediently.
He nodded, almost in gratitude and kneeled as to be infront of her "You shouldn't be here. There are others who may see you as an enemy. Run along now wolf, may we meet again in a more... humanoid form" he said, the ghost of a smile lifting his lips ever so slightly, before he stood up to turn away.
Feeling that the little girl was indanger Tania lets an arrow fly to seek the leg of that werewolf, the arrow pierced his flesh. It appeared blue around the wound, Frostbite was applied. She then quickly disappears into waterdroplets invunerable but still there. @XxLuluxX
He cried out in pain, falling back with surprise, clutching the wound within his leg. He saw the arrow and hissed, he'd have to push it through. With that, he snapped off the feathered end, pushing the arrow through his leg out the other side. Blood gushing like a crimson waterfall to stain the forest floor. His jaw was tightened, to stop himself from yelling, and drawing anymore attention to himself.
Tania quickly took her true form again and freezed his leg numb, to stop the pain. She then spreadt the frost up until his neck, came closer and said:" Who and what are you? Leave this little girl alone." She realised a knight like character around but gave no attention. @XxLuluxX
He glared his canines lengthening with the building anger "Who the fuck are you?!" He snarled, his eyes narrowing yet turning a bright, threatening yellow
Tania showed no fear, she didnt feel it also. She knew she can easily escape him or immobilize him. Sje came closer and said as she giggled:" Manners are needed babe, there a child here plus i told you iam Tania, you were shot due to harrassing this adolescent." @XxLuluxX
"I was never harassing! What kind of man do you take me for!" He exclaimed, his jaw clenched. "Its a Lycan thing, you wouldn't understand. I was making sure she'd be SAFE!" he shouted, the frown darkening his handsome face, throwing shadows over his features.
"No worries then just sit still." While Tania talked she came forward and thawed all the frost off him and said :" Just relax handsome stranger." As she put her feminine finger tips on his cheeks, with tenderneess she tightened her hands and a cold surge went through his body. Her hands were removed and then she stated:" Water heals everything, take a look at your wound." She actually digged his masculanity, touching him was almost magical. @XxLuluxX
He sighed, sitting up and glancing down at his leg. She was telling the truth... although it didn't help that his leg was now a lovely colour of scarlet. Her hands were soft on his skin, knowing his own hands where calloused and rough from battles and adventure. "Thankyou" he said grudgingly.
Tania stood up and said:" Sorry for acting like a bitch, atleast my nickname in school was Ice Bitch but nevermind." She gave him her hand and gently said as she looked into his eyes:" Let me help you get up." @XxLuluxX
He took her hand, his own one encasing her hand in a warm grip as he pulled himself up. He gave a thankful nod, and allowed a half smile to tug on the corners of his lips. "I think the name was pretty accurate for you in a bad mood"
Tania giggled as she slightly slapped his shoulder with her ice cold hands and said:" Well i can lose my temper sometimes, but it wont happen again with you..Iam starting to dig u." She ended her sentence as she bit her lip and turned around " we should get moving to the nearest village." @XxLuluxX

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