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Not the most unreasonable practice. I should probably try that at least some so that a) I can practice making characters b) I can join some games faster and c) it never hurts to have some char-gen characters to throw at your players because it isn't too hard to beef them up.
Yu Jie, I would be tempted to invite you to my Infernals game which is going to get off the ground at some point soon, however I would think many people here would counsel against it (due to...interesting mechanics), though most of my players are new, so most of them are in the same boat. If you can't find anything more standard like a Lunar, Solar, Abyssal or so game, feel free to send me a PM.
NoisyCricket, thank you for you offer. I'm going to spare you the trouble of having another newbie in your game. I found a couple of people willing to take me on in a Heroic Mortals game. I'm hoping they're very patient people. ;)
Noisy Cricket, you have an Infernals game? :He started to drool: Any slots open in it? :D

Hey Yu Jie, Welcome to the forum. I am one of the other Admini trouble makers like Haku and Cil. Glad to have you here. I would recommend you avoid the Infernals, Abyssals, and Fair Folk for your first game. Although it wouldn't be TOO hard to start you in an Abyssal game.
Coyotekin said:
. I would recommend you avoid the Infernals, Abyssals, and Fair Folk for your first game. Although it wouldn't be TOO hard to start you in an Abyssal game.

but Abyssals are FUN!!

Honest :twisted:


Unfortunately I am currently only in Sherwood's First Age game so no Abyssals... through there
are Deathlords...

Noisycricket - Thanks! I'm looking forward to starting the game.

Thanks for the welcome, Coyotekin. I think I'll take your advice and stay away from all of those kinds of games for now. I still have a lot to learn :) .
Hi everyone, nice place you've got here!

I'll come in with a confession right off the bat: despite having owning the core books for both editions of Exalted, I've never actually managed the find a tabletop game of Exalted. Hence, in fact, my rolling up here, cap in hand, seeking a game.
Hi Crafty Banana! Welcome!

I'm sure you'll be able to find a game. I'm still really new both to the forum and to Exalted itself, but I've already found a couple of people that were willing to take a chance on a new person. I am now happily in three different games that I enjoy very much.

I hope the same thing happens to you. Just hang around, people are really good about helping you out.

What word? Its not that joke of 'aren't you glad I didnt say banana?' is it? :D
'Word' I got: I'm down with the street talk. Fo' shizzle.

I genuinley hadn't heard that knock-knock joke before, though. Luckily, as with so many times before, Google has compensated for my ignorance.
Hello everybody, I'm Dreanyth !

I'm a friend of Midboss, I play with him in lot of french forum and I'm a sort of veteran in RPG played by post.

Yes, I'm French ... sorry ... Like all french, I speak english with some ... difficulties. So be nice if I write something incomprehensible, it's my dark... french side which get the upper hand. What can I say about me ? I'm a engineer student, I'm tall, I've got my ten fingers. If you have some questions "speak mortal" !

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