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(Cue the MP gopher) NOT THE NOMMING LION!

Don't worry about the coyote thing. I come from a land of coyotes. You can hear them howling if you don't hear the trains passing through.
(Cue the MP gopher) NOT THE NOMMING LION!
Don't worry about the coyote thing. I come from a land of coyotes. You can hear them howling if you don't hear the trains passing through.
Ah, must be bliss....
Hey Guys, glad to be here!

I've been RPing for the last 4 or so years but mostly D&D or my friends' own homebrew stuff. Tabletop gaming isn't particularly popular where I come from so most of us had to resort to playing online campaigns to relieve the boredom between our infrequent meetings. So while I don't have that much experience tabletop games I have quite a lot doing PbP.

I'm a total newbie at Exalted though :( I have the core books and pretty much nothing else, seeing as no one in a thousand miles of me has even heard about the game. I THINK i get the mechanics of the system, but what I'm really excited about is the chance to roleplay kicking gods in the face. And trust me, coming from a player whose usual interactions with gods go along the lines of "you die", that's a lottt of kicking I wanta do :)
Hello, all. I'm Xearts. Er, let's see. I'm a random, intelligent player who's been RPing for a little over seven years. I only started Exalted about a month ago, so I'm still learning. I have a few ready made characters, and am making more all the time to sharpen my character creating abilities. My absolute first character is already active on another site, and that pleases me greatly. I am prepared to play in ANY type of Exalted game, though I will be slower at anything other than Solar, Lunar, and Terrestrial. I'm learning Abyssals and Sidereals at the moment, and hope to be able to play one soon.

I misplaced my 'Hi I'm a newbie' post into the wrong area. Great way to make a first impression, sorry about that.


Also, Why is Gem always doomed? I haven't found an explanation for that particular bit of fandom.
Crasical said:]Also, Why is Gem always doomed? I haven't found an explanation for that particular bit of fandom.
Simple, Autochon's army, the First and Forsaken Lion's armies, the Realm's armies and possibly two other armies that I can't recall off the top of my head all aimed right at Gem :D

Hey, I'm Benji and I hope to get some Exalted going on sooner or later here. Abyssals, Dragon-Blooded, Lunars are all fun times, and I'd like to try my hand at a Infernal sometime as well.
Hi all, I'm saganite. I like science, good brews, and making music. Oh, and Exalted's pretty cool too.
Um, hi there! ^0^ I'm an extra-and-especially new-to-this-game person who was invited by awesome people. Hoping I can find a bunch of newbie-friendly sorts? Like... REALLY newbie-friendly sorts?

Er. Right. So awesome place y'all got here. Hope I can find a niche. ^_-
I like being an Exalt too much to be a mere mortal. I guess I'm just spoiled.
Hello there! I wish to register my existence!

Backstory Dump: While having a job is great and all, being in the middle of nowhere sucks for having cultured people to play tabletop rpgs with. Hence, internet to the rescue (I hope). Look forward to getting to know people. :)

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