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Hello, I'm also rather new about these parts (though I've lurked as a guest for quite some time), and I am currently putting some ideas together for a campaign, so for fellow newbies, maybe check it out? Though I certainly won't turn you away if you have a bit of experience ;)
Greetings all,

Never know what to say when I'm new to a board. I'm new to the whole White Wolf system, as well as new to Exalted. A close online friend of mine told me about the system and I went to check up on the books, and... well... I was astounded by some of the rules that I took notice of.

Having been a DnD player for a long time, I always enjoyed pbp games for the quality of the writing and storytelling aspect, even if the other parts of the system might lag... But what caught my eye about this system was how scaled up everything was. It seems so well geared towards extreme settings, powerful characters, expressive builds...

I got excited, but the game my friend is running is slow to start. So I looked and found this board, so I hope everyone will be patient with my newbishness with the system until I can learn and get situated.

Thank you all for your understanding,

Hello hello one and all, after looking up one day and realizing "By God, I haven't played Exalted in somewhere in the range of 1-2 years" I was struck with a great sadness. A bit of poking around later and Patternspider seemed to be a good place to remedy that.

And so here I am. How's it goin'?
Hello all,

Never played exalted, but have read a lot of the books. Old gaming crew broke up before we got a chance to run Exalted like we planned, so I'm hoping to learn the system and have some fun.
Yo! Just checking in as the newest of the new guys.

I own all the books, both for 1st and 2nd ed., and I've run a few games. But, unfortunately, I've never had the opportunity to be a player. Hopefully I can find a game here and have some fun.
Hello, everyone. I'm Knightfall, interested as both player and ST. I've got quite a few ideas bouncing around my head, so we'll see which ones win out. Glad to be here. :D
Yo and things.

I'm a newbie. I bought the main book, Abyssals and the Black and White Treatises on Monday, and have just (like, ten minutes ago) got to the start of the section on Labyrinth Circle Necromancy.

Surprisingly enough, I like Exalted and fancy a game...
Hello, all

Glad to be here. I do like me some Exalted. Anyway, I like to both play and run, and will probably jump into a game soon. Good to meet you all.
Hello everyone! Long time gamer, first time playing Exalted and White Wolf games in general. I’m currently re-reading through the rules to try and get them down.

I got hooked into Exalted within the last year when Keychain of Creation caught my eye. Wanting to figure out what was going on behind the web comic I started buying the books. Since then I have pretty much fallen in love with the setting itself. Given that I don’t see me sitting down with a live group to play Exalted anytime soon I decided to get back into pbping again. So I’m looking to be a player, and I’m really tempted to be a STer. I’m thinking I might put up a post at some point to see what type of game people might want to play (my tendency for indecisiveness and the sheer number of great options available are not a good combination for me).
Welcome welcome... :lol:

We're all angels here...

Cue the Doom Song.

That aside, greetings Archivist. Hopefully you will enjoy yourself here in our company. ^^
I should totaly have swing by here first.

Hello everyone, Long time white wolf lover, fairly new to exalted... (In my first campaign it's been going for a while now.)

Looking forward to joining some games and meeting new people and to get some exalted love.
Haku said:
Welcome welcome... :lol:
We're all angels here...

OH Damn!

I scrolled at just the right time for that to work.

It was on one frame and when I scroll back it's the next close up. xD

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