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Oh gods.

I'm imagining Steampunk Torak.

Now where did I leave that Alchemicals book...?


Miashara said:
And lo, he unveiled his shield, and Torak was all like, "Ah! My eye! The goggles, they do nothing." And then Brand stabbed him through the head.
Fixed that for you.
Also, I just realised what I missed the first time round.

He's Chosen by the Fate of the Universe. And he's got a sword made out of what I'm pretty sure is described at some point as starmetal.
Oh god, Just wait till he learns Fateful Melee Excellency– Essence Auspicious

"It's not me, it's fate hitting you."
Yep! It's explicitly mentioned as starmetal in Belgarath the sorcerer. That's not even including the Orb's inherent desire to 'help.'
Definitely chosen of journeys. Belgarath's a chosen of secrets, and Polgara is probably Serenity. Zandramas is Endings.

Beldin's also secrets. Zedar's journeys, if he isn't a Day caste abyssal. Ctuchik's an abyssal eclipse, I forget what they call 'em. Urvon's just a giant tool.

Also, <3 those series. For as good as they are I'm always surprised that more people haven't read them.
So Ctuchik's a Moonshadow, yes?

And the club-footed guy from the Malloreon is a Mortal essence-wielder, I'd say.

And Durnik? I'd be inclined to say Twilight, personally.

Poledra's clearly a Lunar.
Hi, people! Newbie checking in here.

I've never actually had a chance to play Exalted, but the concept and setting look awesome. I hope to find a game here eventually.

It warms my heart that I walked into a discussion on the Belgariad/Mallorion. :)
Welcome. We only indulge in serious, important discussions here, as you have no doubt noticed. Try not to let the gravity of the place dissuade you.

And I think that makes Asharak/Chamdar a Defiler.
You know, it's possible we're misinterpreting the Orb. Maybe it's Garion with the Holy effect? When he comes into contact with CoD, it seems to go badly for them.
Yeah, but he doesn't need to be there for that to work. He's certainly got a few Holy effects, but the Orb can do it on its own- Riva just held it up and it smote the Angarak hordes, remember?

I'm new as well, just figured I'd at least dip a toe in. I'm looking for a game but I'm supposing there's a thread/forum for that. So for now; Ly just sais Hy =)
Hey all, I just got the account set up, and was told there was an NWoD Changeling game here. Let's hope it lasts longer than three posts, which I think is my current record for C:tL. . .
Greetings to all members of your nice gaming community and thank you for accepting me in your ranks :D

I am relatively new to RPGs in general and Exalted in particular, but always eager to learn and explore, trying to be as helpful and talkative as possible.

Probably i'd be up for any Exalted game, so any ST in search of replacements or new players could send me a PM at any time and i'd be glad to participate (unless there are specific circumstances like time shortage or other unforeseen factors that could prevent me).

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