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I respectfully inform the moderatii that I probably got addicted a long time before I came to this site. So I do not fear that fate. :D
Coyotekin said:
Welcome to the site and this mutual madness we do so enjoy dancing within.
Thank you. What I find most maddening is that there seem to be practically no open games of Exalted (read: ST-run, I'm not up for the Brawl or Volleyball ones at the moment) save one. At least I got my concept in. ;)
I've gotten into ones I want to play, but they just faded away. It sucks because I made characters I really enjoyed.

Otherwise I am in the same predicament as you.
Blackadder said:
Thank you. What I find most maddening is that there seem to be practically no open games of Exalted (read: ST-run, I'm not up for the Brawl or Volleyball ones at the moment) save one. At least I got my concept in. ;)
Be patient.

Within two months you will have more games than you can handle.
Hello! My name is Cliff, and I've been running Exalted for several years now. I lurk tend to lurk on the WW forums under this same name, but I've been thinking of using an online game to play out other story aspects running in parallel to my two table top games, and to bring in some more perspectives besides the ones I see each week. I should have something going up soon, once I finish the write up, and will be look for players in a DB game.

Thanks, and have a great day!

My name is Selks and I'm an addict.

Now that the AA bit is over with I'll mention a few things about myself. I've been RPing for a whole lot of years and been a Play-by-Post addict for the past 4 years, originally starting as something to pass the time during IRC games. I'm almost always actively hunting for games, so don't be afraid to let me know if one is running.
Re: Newcomers...Greyman

Hello! How would i make a character sheet? I am new to this online exalted thing and am so used to playing table top. Any advice would be awesome. :D
Hello! I'm both new to the forum and Exalted myself but happy to be here and looking forward to playing. For now I just want to be a player but after I've played a few Exalted games I might try and run one myself. I'm a big fan of Keychain of Creation which is how I learned about Exalted and this site. I'm currently filling out my Exalted collection with a new book every two weeks or so unless I get lucky and find one at Half-Price Books.
Hello, everyone. Recently got into Exalted, and signing up here since A) I figured watching a few games in progress would help me wrap my head around it, and B) I might even be able to join in a game when I feel ready for it. Tried running a game before and that ended badly enough that I kinda wanna play first before I take another stab at it. I'll try not to lurk too much :P
Hello all, I've been on the ECR site for a month or two, and just lost the ability to run my home game of Exalted over Ventrillo, so I am here to see how the play by post style goes, and maybe get a few more people in on the game. And if I some how find the time, I might hop into one as well.

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