

  • You're here and alive?

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  • Nay! We be fragments of your imagination

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Tikor said:
OK, I submit. Who is your avatar a picture of?
It's the Rokugan character of a friend of mine, and I really adored it back then so she'd let me use the pic for stuff like this. But I believe she semi-stole the face from some anime or manga character.

So if it's bugging you whether you've seen that before or not I can ask her.^^

Also, I'm curious how you heard of us, if you don't mind.
I used to troll the old exalted compendium and when that was gone, this page was pretty up the list of google-hits for exalted... So I've been lurking here every couple of days for some minutes for the past few months...
Hello. I am an Exalted gamer! Le gasp.

I've been playing Exalted since 2003, maybe 2004... my mind is fuzzy about the year. And STing it since 2005. I mostly play online. Did a couple IRC games, a lot of OpenRPG ones. Still do the latter sometimes.

I run a lot of PbP nowadays on RPoL. Maybe I will run a game here as well. Or maybe I will just lurk incessantly. :)
I am most certainly a fragment of your imagination. Despite that, I seem to be here. :shock: I blame Thorn for this.

....Yeeeeeeeeah. Hello folks. I'm your classic gamer girl who rolls epic fails, falls off cliffs into lava, and is leaning the ropes of Exalted. Please don't eat me?
Whee welcome to the both of you (You know I don't do this much. I should do it out of common nicey nice more often. ^^

For Dark Siren Sally, I would be Illyceria over there on the Tangled Web. Hi hi!
Welcome... do not worry, little tasty mortal morsel. We shall not devour you as long as prayers are directed at us. :twisted:
Stop drooling you're scaring the aperit.... new guys !

Welcome everyone, do not worry we don't bite... much. :twisted:
I run a lot of PbP nowadays on RPoL. Maybe I will run a game here as well. Or maybe I will just lurk incessantly. :)
Ah, that's where I've seen that username before. Hello, I'm Illeveun over on Rpol.

Welcome to Patternspider.
Welcome Lina09 and Dark Siren Sally.

Lina09 said:
...and is leaning the ropes of Exalted. Please don't eat me?
Things do vary by ST around here (as they should!) but I wouldn't mind answering some fluff or crunch questions. Throw me a PM or start a topic in the Temple Courtyard.
Howdy folks. I plan on STing a Solar circle game here at some point, just gettin my plot and characters together. Starting a Solar game has always been a pain in the butt, but this you know. I'd also very much love to join up on a game, but for the past couple of weeks there haven't been any new ones going on. I post on GitP but Exalted isn't very big there, understandably, so here I am.
Welcome to the place where you braincell dies and time is warped...

Plenty of room at the hotel caaaaliiifooorniaaaa...

... sorry :mrgreen: ...
Not really... just make yourself at home. Just remember that new games are always welcomed. :D
Ja... the way people leap on new games like hungry animals on fresh meat can be disconcerting... ^_-
Mmm, my pet peeves are the "Demons killed my parents so now I'm a super ASSASSIN" and "I walk through the center of town with my black cloak billowing and crimson eyes glowing" garbage. Of course, I'm referring to those kinds of carebear sites that accept bad writers and uncreative juveniles.

From what I've seen of this site in the past week, I'm impressed with the maturity and writing talent, so I'm definitely here to stay. Thanks again for welcoming me Haku and Cyl.

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